
时间:2022-09-15 13:28:36 | 来源:语文通



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除夕作文300字 篇1


The 30th year is the day of resigning and welcoming the new, and it is full of lively atmosphere.


In the evening, looking for the dumplings in a hurry, and came outside the house with my mother, I saw the colorful sky, and the colorful sparks were sprinkled with the sky.The world of flowers.


Later, my mother and I watched a lot of fireworks, there were peacocks on the screen, and there were corals under the sea ... all of them were colorful and dazzling.


It's almost eight o'clock, and I reluctantly returned to my house, turned on the TV, and watched the "Gala" while watching the seeds of melon.The shows are very exciting, such as sketches: speaking, water delivery ... pleasing to the eye.


Two seconds are twelve in two seconds!Tick ticking, crackling, crackling.The electric light sounded, and the deafening cannon ushered in a new year!The fireworks of thousands of households rose staggered, like night pearls, the sky was like daylight.The whole city is boiling, it heralds the prosperity and prosperity of the coming year!

除夕作文300字 篇2


Today is New Year's Eve. I want to eat dumplings on New Year's Eve. I really want to eat dumplings.


Six people in our family are constantly making dumplings, and dumplings are hidden in money. Whoever eats money is good luck this year.After all the afternoon, we can finally eat dumplings, and we are so happy that we have eaten dumplings.I ca n’t eat a dime. When I was angry, a five cents were eaten, and then I was eaten a few dime. I did n’t eat so much. This would not be a mine!


We washed immediately after dinner. We saw only seven:30 and we played the card, but I lost. Is it that my luck is too bad?


It was more than eight o'clock, and the Spring Festival Gala began. We sat together to watch the Spring Festival Gala.This year is the year of the tiger. There is a tiger singing on TV, and we have watched many sketches.At 11:55, I picked up the red envelope and sent a blessing.The host on TV said: "The bell of the new year is about to ring, let's count the counts together: 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! New Year!"


I'm so happy, I can't sleep happily!

写除夕的作文300字 篇3


My New Year's Eve life is like this.


On this morning, the firecrackers sounded and woke me up.Every family has a new year song.I went to a friend's house to play, and he said, "I want to write homework and write the Spring Festival composition!" I said, "Okay!"


At noon, go to Daoshan to worship ancestors.Our family came to Daoshan by car.There are burned paper everywhere.I was very boring, so I had to sit in the car and watch those cigarettes.


Back home, it was four o'clock, and began to have a reunion meal.There are many delicious foods on the table: ribs, coconut juice and other delicious meals.Everyone, you can eat and eat, and eat very full.Reunion Meal -the whole family is happy!


At eleven o'clock in the evening, Er Ai called me and my cousin at home and said, "We are going to worship the ancestors." I think: at home, boring!Just hear the sound of firecrackers.Under the request of the cousin, I finally went.In Daoshan, the dark night, my cousin, my second uncle, and my uncle came to a temple.I took two incense and knelt down to worship my ancestors.I went to another temple to worship ancestors.


I think: The Spring Festival is coming!There are fireworks in the sky!Fireworks are very beautiful!Crazy overnight!In this way, after 20xx New Year's Eve.

除夕作文300字 篇4


Today is New Year's Eve. Early in the morning, my father, mother, and grandfather were busy. The sound of washing vegetables, the sound of dishes, and moving the table and chairs woke me in my sleep.


I opened my eyes confused and looked at the calendar on the bedside. It turned out to be New Year's Eve today, oh!Today is the New Year's Eve, Dabo, Er Bo, Aunt, Brother, and Sisters will come back to reunite the New Year's Eve dinner. I can also eat beautifully.This time I came with my spirit, quickly put on my clothes, and rushed into the bathroom to wash my face and brushing my teeth.After having breakfast, I helped my mother wipe the table and move dishes.


In the evening, the family gathered together to start eating New Year's Eve dinner.The first one was in front of the table, wow!There are fried chicken legs, rice cakes, fried white, sausages, and plates.And the Coca -Cola I love to drink. Looking at the delicious food at the table, my saliva is almost flowing.As soon as I opened the table, I grabbed a fried chicken leg and poured it up, and then a bowl of nasal bottom, a piece of rice cake, and pouring a cup of cola.After a while, I couldn't support it, I got full, and looked at the fish balls, braised pork ribs, and osmanthus fish that were brought up one after another. I only sighed.

写除夕的作文300字 篇5


This year's Spring Festival is here. The Spring Festival is the traditional festival of the Chinese people, and New Year's Eve is the day when the Chinese people are reunited.


In the thirty night of the New Year, our family walked towards Grandma's house with a gift. I saw the grandma's house renewed, and the red couplets were posted on both sides of the door.Grandma is cooking in the kitchen, making a rich table for me, including chickens, ducks, fish, meat, and stewed ribs I love to eat.Adults raised their wines and talked about it.After dinner, our children went out to put flowers and artillery.I stomped into the fragrance, and then slowly ordered the artillery, and I quickly took a few steps back.After a while, "一" only saw the colorful flowers flying into the sky, it was so beautiful!At eight o'clock, I quickly turned on the TV to watch the "Spring Festival Gala". In the party, there were cross talks, sketches, song and dancing, acrobatics ... The reputation of 12 o'clock sounded, the new year came, and in the sound of firecrackers, we sent it awayThe Year of the Rooster ushered in the Year of the Dog.


With laughter and laughter, I entered the sweet dream hometown ...