
时间:2022-11-07 13:09:14 | 来源:语文通


爸爸妈妈,请给我一个幸福的家 篇1父亲给我的幸福作文500字 篇2老爸的幸福生活作文 篇3父亲给我的幸福作文500字 篇4父亲给我的幸福作文600字 篇5父亲给我的幸福作文500字 篇6老爸的'幸福生活作文 篇7父亲给我的幸福作文400字 篇8

爸爸妈妈,请给我一个幸福的家 篇1


From time to time in the living room, there are quarrels coming from time to time. I hide in the room and cover myself with a quilt, so that I can neither hear your argument nor see your sad face.


Mom and Dad, at this time, the round moon has already been quietly hanging on the treetops, but I still can not and do not want to sleep. How your daughter wants the moon to send you a word from my heart: "Mom and Dad, please give me a happy home!"


Dear Mom and Dad, I don't want a lot of pocket money and beautiful new clothes. I just want a family full of happiness, love and happiness, even if it is poor.

亲爱的爸爸妈妈,还记得那是我小时候,我们的生活是多么艰苦,我们穷得连青菜都买不起,我们苦得连花生油都经常吃不上,我们寒酸地靠捡废品筹学费。可是爸爸妈妈,我从来不记得你们像今天这样吵过。我只记得那时的生活是醉人的甜蜜,那时的家里充满着快乐,那时的中秋月 https://m.d8qu.com/ 好圆,夜好美,那半块儿月饼好香,那又青又小的苹果好甜。慢慢地我们家富裕起来了,可为什么家里渐渐没有了欢声笑语,没有了作文甜蜜?为什么每个角落都弥漫着硝烟的气息?难道富裕了就注定要失去幸福,失去快乐,失去爱吗?难道得到金钱就注定要失去天伦之乐了吗?爸爸妈妈,为什么今年中秋的圆月让我感觉那么凄惨?为什么盘子里又大又红的苹果,让我觉得又涩又酸。

Dear Mom and Dad, I still remember how hard our life was when I was a child. We were too poor to buy green vegetables. We were too poor to eat peanut oil. We collected waste products to raise tuition. But Mom and Dad, I never remember you quarreling like today. I only remember that life at that time was intoxicating and sweet. At that time, the family was full of happiness. At that time, the Mid Autumn Moon HTTPS://M.D8QU.COM/was so round, the night was so beautiful, the half moon cake was so fragrant, and the green and small apples were so sweet. Gradually our family became rich, but why did the family gradually have no laughter, no composition sweet? Why is there smoke in every corner? Is rich doomed to lose happiness, happiness and love? Is getting money doomed to lose the happiness of family? Mom and Dad, why did the full moon on the Mid Autumn Festival make me feel so miserable this year? Why do the big red apples on the plate make me feel astringent and sour.


Dad, have you forgotten? When you forget about your work, who bears the burden of this family for you? Who shed tears for you when you were in pain? When you need money, who saves for you and borrows money from your neighbors? When you come back from hard work, who brings you hot tea and rice?


Mom, have you forgotten? When your joints are painful, who has been applying hot compress to relieve the pain? When you are too tired to get up in bed, who has been with you all the time? When you come back late, who is afraid of you?


I remember all your love for each other, but I just remember that I can't stop your quarrel and make you reconciled. Mom and Dad, I want the moon to tell you on my behalf: "Give each other tolerance and sweetness, and give your daughter a happy and complete home!"

父亲给我的幸福作文500字 篇2


In hot summer, the heat is unbearable. The main road was white with the sun, and there were few pedestrians. Occasionally, several cars drove by, while the "table tennis hall" was boiling. "Good shot!" The words of praise made Dad energetic.


Yes, my father's happiest thing is playing table tennis. Even in the hot summer, Dad would not watch TV in the air-conditioned room lazily. Although there is no air-conditioning in the gymnasium, Dad would be happy even if he was sweating heavily. He said that he played to keep fit. Outside, he plays with his friends fiercely. At home, he often competes with me.


I still remember that one day in the summer vacation, it was raining outside, my father was just resting at home, and my father's hands were "itchy" again. We had a discussion, so we could just "fight" at home. My father and I laughed at the exaggerated expression of eating. My father's mouth was askew, his eyes were askew, and with a strong wrist, he served me a spinning ball. Of course, I didn't receive it, and the ball did not float to the ends of the earth. After I got the ball, I was not reconciled to it. I also drew a ladle according to the gourd. With my wrist movements, I felt like my father had dealt with it. But my father was very skillful. He didn't let the ball fly away, and he was still adding strength on the original basis. It was more difficult to receive the ball served. Later, I could also imagine that the ball floated again. My father encouraged me to say, "Come again!" After playing a few more games, I still didn't make any progress. My father served another ball, and I decided to put all my eggs in one basket and return a spike. In that millisecond, the glass table made a crisp sound, "Pa!" With a sound, the ball ran out of the table. Dad didn't make any action, but he immediately showed his exaggerated surprise. Take him to his senses and say, "Good shot!" He gave me a thumbs up.


I played basketball with my father. Although I didn't play hard with his friends, I was sure that my father would be the happiest moment when I played basketball with him.

老爸的幸福生活作文 篇3


All along, I think Dad is the happiest person. He can sleep and play if he wants.


When I went out to school, my father was still sleeping, and I didn't know what time he slept. If it happened last Saturday, I would be hungry, because my father didn't get up until ten o'clock at the earliest, and my mother had gone to work very early. My father often "educated" me: "Never mind! If you don't eat in the morning, you won't starve to death." In fact, he was too lazy to cook breakfast.


My father almost puts his feet on the corner of the tea table in the living room and leans on the sofa every time he watches the news. He looks very comfortable. Every time I see his feet sticking up, I am careful that the food on the table is smelled by my father's foot odor.


The first thing Dad usually does when he gets up is to brush his teeth and wash his face. The second thing is not to listen to music on the Internet and play computer games. He just puts his feet on the desk and leans on the swivel chair to read. But every time I read, I don't get such good treatment. I can only sit in front of my desk in my room, and I can never read with my feet up. Sometimes I don't pay attention to my father, and I occasionally sneak to my father's study to experience it.


The big TV in the living room is usually for me to watch, but if Dad doesn't want to play with the computer, he will ask me to go back to my room to watch the small TV, and the big TV is for him to watch again. My father objected that I would invite my friends to visit my house when my mother was not at home. Maybe it was too troublesome to entertain guests. But yesterday I went to my friend's house to play until three or four in the morning.


My father is so happy. He can sleep late and play computer every day. I really hope I can grow up quickly and live a happy life like my father.

父亲给我的幸福作文500字 篇4


There are many kinds of love. Don't get me wrong. I'm not talking about love, but the greatest, selfless and warmest feeling in the world.


Touch under big hands


At the age of seven, I was not very sensible. That day, somehow, I offended my mother. A big palm hit me, but I didn't feel anything at that time. Later, I found a very discordant palm imprint on my back. I cried bitterly. It was the first time she hit me. Dad saw it and didn't criticize me. He touched the mark and asked me if it hurt. I didn't answer. I just cried, but my voice was much lower. While comforting me, my father stroked me and told me not to offend my mother, but to respect every elder


At that time, I was too young to understand; Now, I understand everything.


Home under Cocoon


Gradually grew up, but my father was not at home. My father is away all the year round. It's very hard, but every time I call him back, he always says he's doing well. My mother told me: "As a man, he must be responsible and responsible." When I came back from the Spring Festival, I took my parents' hands to play, and found my father's hands were full of calluses. My heart is sour


Go home to see girls


Two months before the high school entrance examination, that is, a few days ago. It rained continuously and it was muddy everywhere. Because we had to make up lessons, we came early on Sunday. In the afternoon, when we were studying how to prepare for the exam, I was called down. The figure downstairs is so familiar, ah, Dad! My father was very dusty, carrying many bags on his shoulders. His dark face smiled innocently. I need not say too many words. My happy tears have poured out


Although father's love is like a mountain, it is tall and magnificent. But I want to say that love is in the deep concern. Like the two ends of a kite, even if I fly far in the future, I will continue this love and gratitude!

父亲给我的幸福作文600字 篇5


Happiness is a ray of sunshine in cold days, which warms our hearts; Happiness is a symphony in the rain, moistening our hearts; Happiness is a spring in the desert, which encourages us to face difficulties and move forward.


It was drizzling outside the window, mixed with the smell of newly turned soil; The north wind howled, sweeping everything on the ground. The branches and leaves on the tree dance in the wind and rain. "Ringing bell..." The examination time is over, and students with different moods emerge in the examination room. I walked to the gate excitedly, looked at the crowd, and did not see my father; So he ran to the dormitory with great strides. Just entering the door, a figure wearing a coat and a pair of water shoes under his loose trousers is now in front of me. Yes, that's my father. He is carefully carrying the luggage on the bed. "Father, you are here." I said happily. My father looked happy. After carrying the luggage, we walked to the school gate. My father did not let me carry heavy things. He carried a suitcase with many books in it, which was very heavy, and he also took a quilt. I was allowed to follow him with a mat and a bucket.


After putting the luggage on the motorcycle, my father pushed the car with me through the crowd. This is like a crowding. There are too many students. Walking through the crowd, it suddenly began to rain. I got on the bus, put on my raincoat and drove to the Binhai Road. On the Binhai Highway, the road surface is much smoother. At this time, the sky was dark and there were few people on the road. The north wind roared, and the 'rain needle' pierced the lower part of the knee along the direction of the wind. The middle of the raincoat swelled, and a chill permeated the whole body and mind. I saw my father through the rearview mirror. The hat he was wearing kept dripping rain, and it fell to his face. His father looked firm and serious. I leaned my head behind my father, and tears moistened my eyes


After half an hour of wind and rain, I finally got home, and my father and I were half wet. My father hurriedly asked me to change my clothes to avoid catching cold


Father, your hard work day and night supports the burden of the family. Your hard work has brought harmony, happiness and happiness to the family; Your careful cultivation has forged our healthy and positive character and strong will. Happiness is a great father's love, which protects our healthy growth.

父亲给我的幸福作文500字 篇6


In the corner of the Loess Plateau, there is a small village called XX. There are more than ten families in the village. Every Spring Festival, when the men and young men who go out to work come back, the village will have some strong popularity. Everywhere, people in bright clothes can be seen giving out a pack of cigarettes. People who accept cigarettes often smile at each other with happy expression:


"You are rich!"


"I'm rich! That's blind!"


Everyone laughed and broke up, or went to other homes to chat.


By the way, in my small mountain village, people call chatting "one idle story", just like what Chongqing people in Sichuan call "setting up a dragon gate array". The chatting person can sit on a small stool under the eaves and talk all day until the woman sends a child to call:


"Big, my mother asked you to eat!"


"Then I'll go!"


The chatting people showed reluctance and said polite words to each other.


Of course, the above scenes should have appeared before and after the Spring Festival. Only in those days when the village was at its leisure, the crops in the fields had been harvested long ago, and the weather was cold. There was no agricultural work to do, so we had to chat.


At that time, my father went to collect wild manure. You see, he is wearing a dog skin hat, wrapped in a sheep skin short coat, holding his hands together, carrying a dung basket, and holding a dung shovel. He looks carefully at every intersection and every corner of the ditch, like a money lover looking for gold. In fact, my father is looking for things that can be solved on the spot by people who can't bring their urine and urine to the toilet at home in a hurry. The cold air in winter should not freeze those excrements hard for a long time, without any peculiar smell. Father found such things and carried half of them. At this time, my father was happy and hummed the flowing adagio in Qin Opera.


"I'm so sleepy, I just feel like the sky is dark and the earth is dark"


At this time, my father's eyebrows and beard are white.

老爸的'幸福生活作文 篇7


Today, I was a little reporter to investigate what my family's happiness is.


I asked my grandfather, "Grandpa, what is happiness?"


Grandfather said: "Happiness is my grandson's good study, good health, bouncing, so I am the happiest!"


I asked Grandma, "Grandma, what is happiness?"


Grandma said, "There are five people in our family. They are harmonious and happy!"


I asked my father, "Dad, what is happiness?"


My father said, "I will be happy with you every day and fight with you!"


I asked my mother, "Mom, what is happiness?"


Mom said: "Happiness is that you are wronged and will hold me and cry; when you are tired, you will lie in my arms; when you are happy, you will be the first to share with me; when you are in trouble, you will ask me for help; when I go to work, you will miss me; when I go home, you will wait for me; when I cry, you will help me wipe my tears; when I fall asleep, you will not disturb me!"


I asked myself, "Forgiveness, what is your happiness?"


I said, "My happiness is to let me go out and play now!

父亲给我的幸福作文400字 篇8


It's raining, my shoes are wet, and my socks are also wet. Because I can't go home at any time for accommodation, should I call my father to send them? "No, it's a long way. It's cold and rainy, and it will cold Dad.". "But this week has just started, and I was asked how to live. It was a bad experience," "fight", "don't fight"... After hesitation, I went to the phone booth and dialed the heavy number


"What are you doing?" I was stunned. Looking back, it was my uncle. "I asked my father to come and get me something." He spoke like a mosquito. "No, it's so cold. If there's nothing important, don't come so far..." Hearing what Uncle said, I didn't answer. My heart was even more uncertain and heavy. My only feeling is that I regret... Yes, my father is so hard and tired. I should rest at home at this time. I should not be tired of working against the wind and rain on this stormy night for my unfilial daughter. I hope Dad won't come! Don't come!


About twenty minutes later, I saw a man with a stooped waist wearing a raincoat and water shoes standing at the gate of the school. He walked up to me step by step with water, getting closer and closer... That was my beloved father!


"Dad," I cried, "it's so cold, you can't come here. I look at my father, who is wet all over, and my tears are rolling in my eyes. I don't say anything. I listen to my father's words and feel his deep love for me. I enjoy it, and my heart is warm! So warm!


If there is nothing to do, I will go first and wear more clothes! "