
时间:2022-08-10 13:15:26 | 来源:语文通


今天的我格外开心,因为这是我的学生生涯中头一次与同学组成团出行。今天一大早,我就接到了电话,于是“飞”了出来。   这时因为是凌晨,所以天空蒙蒙亮,一阵阵未苏醒的风抚摸着我的脸庞,像是微凉的海风,召唤着那涌起的千层波浪,并且呼唤着大海奔涌而来。我像踩在金黄的沙滩上,走向蓝宝石制成的宫殿,迎接生命的到来。我又看了一下天空,那束并不耀眼的光仿佛在等着冲破那一层尘雾,放出自己耀眼的震撼人心的光芒,将快乐与幸福撒向大地。走出了院子,外面宽广的马路上,只有几个人、几辆车,两旁的商店都神气地关着大门,我在微风的吹拂之中——听到了手机铃声。   这是召唤我的信号,在兴奋的等待之中,大家伴随着凉爽踏上了旅程。大家经过商议选择了山清水秀的荒郊野岭,那时,时时有比较脏乱的瓶、罐、鞋,还有将领队吓跑的狗叫声,可都不能阻止我们前进的脚步,反到欲挫欲勇、迎难而上。走了足足“十万八千”里,到了一条分界线:一条树林穿行、一条大道北上。当然,坚强的大家选择了树林,可领队的因为太胖,气喘吁吁地跟在队伍后面,女生因为身体小很快跑在了我们前面。半路上有数以千计的蚂蚁洞,有个人跟蚂蚁有深仇大恨的似的,已经毁了千百窝鲜活的生命。   下山时,我们兴致勃勃,谈论着可笑的情节,因为走的是大马路,所以到处有拿衣服挡阳光的人,还有替别人拿衣服的人,我们这支队伍仿佛是一支规模庞大、装备整齐的军队。   这次旅行是一个增进友谊的旅行,在微微的风中我学会了享受。远离城市的喧嚣,在荫凉的草丛上踏青是一种无与伦比的感受,顽强的毅力伴随着大家走了极高的峰顶,那里鲜花铺满,有“一览众山小”的豪情壮志。

I am particularly happy today, because this is the first time in my student career to make a group travel with my classmates. Early in the morning, I received the phone, so I "flew". At this time, because it was early in the morning, the sky was bright, and the unwanted wind stroked my face, like a slightly cool sea breeze, summoned the thousand -layer waves, and called the sea. I am like stepping on the golden sandy beach, walking towards the palace made of sapphire to welcome the arrival of life. I looked at the sky again, and the not dazzling light seemed to be waiting to break through that layer of dust, let go of my dazzling shocking light, and sprinkled happiness and happiness to the earth. After walking out of the yard, there were only a few people, several cars, and shops on both sides of the wide road outside, and the shops on both sides closed the door angrily. I was in the breeze -hearing the ringtone of the mobile phone. This is the signal that summons me. In the excited waiting, everyone embarked on the journey with coolness. After discussion, everyone chose the mountains and rivers with beautiful mountains and rivers. At that time, there were always messy bottles, cans, shoes, and the dog screaming that the generals scared away. Desire to be brave and upper. After walking "100,000 thousand thousand", it reached a dividing line: a forest runs through, and one avenue went north. Of course, the strong everyone chose the woods, but because of the fat, the team leader followed behind the team. The girl quickly ran in front of us because of her small body. There are thousands of ant caves on the road, and some people have deep hatred as ants, and have destroyed thousands of lives. When we went down the mountain, we were interested and talked about the ridiculous plot. Because we walked the big road, there were people who took clothes to block the sun everywhere, as well as those who took clothes for others. Requted army. This trip is a trip to enhance friendship. I learned to enjoy in the slight wind. Far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, walking on the cool grass is an unparalleled feeling. The tenacious perseverance accompanies everyone to the top of the peak, where the flowers are covered, and there is a pride of "seeing the mountains".



There is a beautiful place in Hangzhou called Gem Mountain.At about five o'clock this morning, we went to the Gem Mountain to play.


We enter from the entrance of Baoshu Road.As soon as he entered his mouth, a fresh air came, and a person was a lot soberly.I picked up the steps along the steps and looked at the forests from time to time.Nowadays, it has not yet lit, and it is quietly around, and even the little flowers on the roadside have not woke up, and they didn't move.Continue to go forward, listen carefully, there are screaming sounds, the sound of birds fluttering the wings, and the sound of wind blowing the leaves.Gradually, there were more people going up the mountain, and everyone walked towards the direction of Bao Shita in three or three places.


Going forward, you will see the Polyga Tower. Many people are trained in the morning around the Pauli Tower. Some grandparents are playing Tai Chi, and some people are running ...Seeing many big rocks, many people sit on the big rocks to watch the scenery.I was also here to be interested and flexibly climbed up the stones.Looking down, you can only see the top of the tree, and the leaves seal the road when we come; look backwards, in the distance, a high -rise building stands in the clouds; looking forward, you can see the West Lake broken bridge.A layer of light yarn was covered, looming in the clouds.The whole city is still asleep.It's a pity that we didn't see the beautiful scenery of the sunrise today.


The sky gradually became bright, the mountains began to lively, there were more cars, there were more people, and the hustle and bustle of the city was restored in the city.



1、清晨:清晨读音为qīng chén,是指早晨。指日出前后的一段时间。 天亮的最初时辰清晨 qīng chén词语解释:早晨。指日出前后的一段时间。[morning] 天亮的最初时辰分词解释:日出:①话剧剧本。曹禺作于1935年。交际花陈白露受银行家潘月亭供养,整日与一群游手好闲的寄生虫相周旋,虽厌恶和鄙视周围的一切,但只能抱玩世不恭的生活态度。昔日的恋人方达生希图拯救她,但她无力自拔。潘月亭投机股票失败,陈白露债台高筑,深感前途渺茫,终于服毒自杀。②散文。刘白羽作。1959年发表。描写作者在飞机上看到的雄伟瑰丽的日出奇景,赞美社会主义新时代的美好生活。作品饱含诗情画意,又颇多哲理性的警语佳句,极具艺术感染力。早晨:1.指从天将亮到八﹑九点钟的一段时间。 2.指上午。前后:1.用于空间﹐指事物的前边和后边。 2.指一前一后。 3.下边与上边。 4.表示时间的先后。即从开始到结束的一段时间。 5.指从某一时间或事件稍前到稍后的一段时间。 6.指自前到后的经过﹑过程。 7.向前与向后﹐俯仰。 8.指大小便。 9.犹轻重﹐尊卑。...清晨怎么造句,用清晨造句»

2、游记:游记读音为yóu jì,是指文学体裁名。记述游览经历的文章。 对游历进行记录的文体游记 yóu jì词语解释:文学体裁名。记述游览经历的文章。[travel notes] 对游历进行记录的文体分词解释:记述:用文字叙述;记载:记述往事ㄧ那篇文章对此事有翔实的记述。经历:①亲身见过、做过或遭受过:他一生经历过两次世界大战。②亲身见过、做过或遭受过的事:生活经历。游览:漫步观赏:游览故宫|游览黄山。...游记怎么造句,用游记造句»