
时间:2022-09-08 13:10:43 | 来源:语文通



美丽的衡水湖的作文 篇1美丽的衡水湖的作文 篇2美丽的衡水湖作文 篇3美丽的衡水湖的作文 篇4美丽的衡水湖的作文 篇5

美丽的衡水湖的作文 篇1


The dusk in the southern winter often makes people feel like walking in dreams. Therefore, when the car is flying on a vast water, in addition to marveling at the tranquility and serene of the lake, the vastness of the twilight in the water and the sky, and the lake by the lake by the lakeThe charm of the weeping willow meridian is still my charm, and it is the fun of walking in the lake by the wind and the sky and the sky and the sky and the sky and the sky and the sky, or the taste of fishing on the river when the mountains are withered.When Tao Ran forgotten his love, the amazing beauty has quietly quoted, and love scenery is like me, and he forgot to ask the name of the lake!


When the destination is reached, the night is low.After a hurry to finish official duties, I found the most worthwhile place in this place, and wanted to visit it at night.The team leader told me that there was a peach blossom source outside the city, and there was a Liuye Lake in the city.My eyes are bright, Liuye Lake, how beautiful the name!It seems that the breath of the fireworks on the world is clearly standing in the high altitude, and the smell of dust is not dyed, and it must be a hook.So I decided to go alone.As soon as the team leader heard, the positive road, now it is winter, the cold wind and the occasional snowflakes that make the pedestrians by the lake, and one person can not help but danger. Moreover, the lake in winter is less beautiful in spring and autumn.Moonlight, you ca n’t take a look aloud, it ’s not worth looking at it. It’ s better to go empty tomorrow.


I smiled indifferently.In terms of my shallow experience, it is naturally rich in nature. Mountains, lakes, tides, and sunrise are as rich as people who are really internal.Or it is completely unknown, such as the Liuye Lake in the night of the winter, although it is cold, it is the sedimentation of the four seasons, stretching in the tranquility, even if I can't see all its beauty, what is it?Doing a trail around it is also better than this vulgar and boring gathering!


It was stubborn. It was more than nine o'clock in the evening when I went. The city shrinks in the cold wind in winter. There are few pedestrians on the road. Although the lights on the high -rise building are still bright, it looks a little lonely under the lonely lining of the orange street lights.Seeing a big billboard from a distance, saying that Liuye Lake is a national 4A -level scenic spot. I can't help laughing at humans' qualitativeness of nature -how ridiculous, 4A is a high honor?Or is it low?Will they care?Or is their speechless irony?


Near, near! Sure enough, there was no pedestrian, and it seemed to hear the whisper of the willow in the quiet. Walking down the steps of the avenue, a lake rushed to the surface. Looking at it, except for the lake or the lake, the clearness near the distance becomes light gray in the distance. No matter how far, there is only the color of the sky! The lake in the night is gentle and deserted, telling all kinds of stories in the annual wheel. Wind, blowing on the face, the coldness is also mixed in the cold; snowflakes, one by one, and occasionally flying to kiss the cheek; lake water, patting the lake shore gently, like a hypnotic song humming ... … I walked forward, I didn't want to do anything, and did nothing. At this time, I just felt that I was in the arms of Liuye Lake, enjoying the calmness of its thousands of turbulent emotions and gorgeous bloom. Yes, except for the lakes, the islands in the distance in the thick green, and the yang of the lake, I can see anything, but I see everything! I saw the vitality of Liuye Lake in spring and the warmth of spring water. I saw the lively and fullness of Liuye Lake in the summer, and the shade of summer willow is cool and comfortable. … Everything is beautiful, and it is in front of my eyes.


The lake surface is not wide to endless end, but the road is long and long.When I finally walked back to the road to see the road, I found that the lake was really like a long and soft willow leaf, lying in Changde City!Why is the people of Changde? Is nature give them such a beautiful lake because of the beauty in their spirit?Or this lake has the legend of the fairy?Shocking love?Fortunately and firm motherly love?Or is the simple and quiet Changde people's daily joy and sorrow?


Unconsciously, the less the trains around them. At first glance, it was more than eleven o'clock. The four wilds were silent.It ’s time to go back. Looking back at Liuye Lake, although I do n’t see it in the night, I feel that I see it closer than seeing it during the day. Then I think of the lake passing in the evening.The heart is fascinating, it is this Liuye Lake!I just never thought of it again, there was a good time!


Yes, something in life is unexpected.However, it is precisely because of this unexpectedly. At that time, it was surprising that it would be so full of surprise.In the years after the end of the time, it makes life full of unlimited longing, looking forward to countless possibilities, sometimes a confidant friendship, sometimes a touching love, sometimes the accident of career, sometimes it is again againBreak through the conventional choice ...


Isn't life because of these unknown possibilities that people have the power to fly forward?Behind the endless road is the endless life. It has both infinite repetition that is frustrated and infinitely possible.In this way, the most ordinary days can also make an extraordinary taste?

美丽的衡水湖的作文 篇2


I love the vast sea; love the lively and lovely stream; love the endless Yangtze River; love the turbulent Yellow River; but love the beautiful and gentle lake.


I told my mother that our teacher asked us to write a spring tour composition. My mother agreed to take me to the lake, and I was excited to jump three feet high.


As soon as I arrived at the lake, I was attracted by the scene in front of me. On the lake, the waves rose along the wind, accompanied by the jumping sunshine, chasing and playing.


The lake is quiet, like a mirror, clearly reflects the blue sky, white clouds, fiery maple trees, and bright flowers; the lake is hard, as if it is a light blue gem, flashed with beautiful luster;Breeze, sparkling, like a silk dancing.


In the early morning, in the distance, there was a layer of light yarn around the lake, looming, like a fairy mirror, and the birds were singing.


At noon, the Sun Gong was like a spirit, and the strong golden light was shot, dyed the lake water into golden, and the lake was microwave Yang Yang, and the golden light sparkled.


At dusk, the Sun Gong said to the lake; ‘Goodbye.’Slowly fell down the hillside, the lake calmed down, and it seemed very silent.


The sky gradually turned black, and I was intoxicated, and I was completely intoxicated in this 'painting'. It wasn't until my mother called me several times before I reluctantly left. In my eyes, the lake is always the most beautiful.

美丽的衡水湖作文 篇3


Hengshui Lake is located in the south of Hengshui City, Hebei Province. The scenery is beautiful and the four seasons are picturesque.


In the spring, the water of Hengshui Lake melted, and a wave of ripples surged on the water surface, slowly spreading towards the distance, and the sun shone on the lake, shining with golden light.Little fish swim through the clouds freely in the water, sometimes naughty vomiting small blisters.


In summer, Hengshui Lake is like a beautiful picture.The green lake water and the endless lake surface, a small boat in the distance seemed like a piece of leaves drifted on the water.The lotus in the lotus pond is so attractive, and pink lotus looks more delicate under the lining of green oil.If you are sitting on the boat on the Hengshui Lake, you can not help but make people intoxicated!


In autumn, Hengshui Lake flower catfish, carp, grass carp ...There are a lot of shrimp and small river crabs. They are delicious and very popular!Here you can taste pure Hengshui Lake fish feast.


In winter, the lake was frozen.If it is snowing, snow is covered on the ice, and there is a white vast, beautiful silver light, and a snowy world!


What a beautiful Hengshui Lake!

美丽的衡水湖的作文 篇4


Tang Wanghu is located in the south of Zoucheng City, a museum in the north, and the Tangwang Lake Community in the south. In the east, there are beautiful landscapes.


Tangwang Lake is pleasant in the year and four seasons.In spring, the willow tree draws new branches, grows tender green leaves, and the ice and snow on the river melt.A breeze blew through, and layers of ripples appeared on the lake.


In the summer, the willow tree is lush, and the dense layers of branches and leaves cover the sun.Adults talk about the sky under the tree, and the children do games under the tree.The sun shines on the lake, sparkling, and the fish jumps to the lake from time to time, as if it is the highest than anyone, and the water is light.


In autumn, the leaves of the willow began to yellow, and then slowly fell down. The wind blowing, as if the butterfly was dancing, the sunset shown on the water, and the water reflected on the water on the water.


In winter, snowflakes fluttered in the air, and the trees were covered with white snow, loose and soft.The northwest wind scraped the treetops.There are layers of thick ice on the lake, and sometimes a few bold children stand on skating.


Tang Wanghu's scenery shows the scenery all year round, it is really beautiful!

美丽的衡水湖的作文 篇5


I heard that Xianyang was going to build Xianyang Lake, and I was very excited.


One day, I learned from the TV that Xianyang Lake had stored water, and curiosity drove me to see what happened, and I was gossiping about my father and mother to go to the lake together.We had to have dinner and drove towards Xianyang Lake by car. For about 5 minutes, we arrived at the bridge head of Xianyang Bridge.Looking at it, the huge Xianyang Lake was rippling, making people feel refreshed.In the aftermath of the sunset, sparkling waves.The cool and humid breeze blew slowly, and brought a little coolness to people in the summer heat.


The lake was full of people who came to watch the lake like me, and their excitement overflowed.Some look forward to the distance; some are pointing pointers; some are talking about the vision of Xianyang Lake ...


"Xianyang has bid farewell to the history of water shortage." An old man said with a smile.


"The completion of Xianyang Lake purifies the urban air, reduces dust pollution, and has a good mediation effect on the atmosphere." A young uncle said happily.


"Xianyang Lake is only part of Weibin Park. Many platform pavilions will be built on both sides of the Weihe River. In the future, there will be entertainment facilities for motorboats, assault boats, etc.The park is much larger, "a sister said excitedly.


Listening to their talks and conversations, they can see that they are extremely proud of the completion of Xianyang Lake, and they also love Xianyang, a beautiful city!


I have been to the beautiful sand lake of Yinchuan many times, and the Xianyang Lake in front of me has its charming style. The three Weihe bridges span north and south. Various cars on the bridge shuttle travel.The high -rise buildings on both sides of the strait are really a beautiful city.


I think that after a few years, the hard -working, brave, and simple Xianyang people use their wisdom and sweat to build Wehu Park every day more and more beautiful.Reeds, the boat shuttles in the reeds; reeds and wild crows are playing in the reeds; the elderly fishing by the lake, young people drove motorboats, punched boats playing on the lake, and piano on the grass by the lakeSound and singing are flying.


Thinking about it, the sun went down, and the colorful lights were reflected on the lake.


The beauty of Xianyang Lake will definitely attract many birds, which will become their inhabiting harbor.Xianyang Lake built a beautiful landscape for Xianyang, which is always the pride of Xianyang people.