
时间:2022-06-22 13:26:49 | 来源:语文通



Whose "fluff" sounds behind me?


Recently, the weather is cold, and my mother has been reminding me to dress more. "You hurry up the wool and wear it, don't freeze it." "You hurry up on your necks and don't freeze it.". "I put on the wool, put on the scarf, put on the cotton socks, and stood in front of her eyes well. She still had to say a word to me:" Are you cold? "


When is my mother's more and more like that?


In the case of my swaying, my mother surrounded the bright red hood, and she was busy looking for me while busy.After a while, I persuaded me to climb the table and chairs, and then called me under the table again.She always said, "Don't do this, it's too dangerous." Mom is like my exclusive female police officer, constantly "saving me" in risks.


It was when I ran out of the kindergarten quietly, and my mother said with anxiety: "What if you lost it?" At that time, I didn't understand what they meant.But since then, my back will always sound, "You can run slowly, don't fall." Or "Wait for a while, let's go together." I can fly high on that day.In the ground, my mother held the kite line firmly firmly, fearing that I would fly away.


In the case of doing homework sitting in front of the writing table, "head pulls high, her back is straight, and wrote with her heart." My mother told like that day and day, and I will help me put on the practice book and regulate my posture.I gradually feel bored, and sometimes I want to be on my own.But when we put on myopia glasses, I thought: "If I did listen to these things at the beginning."


It was when I picked the lamps at night because of the increasingly complicated schoolwork. There was only one table lamp with me in the small house."Drink some cow." "When did you fall asleep?" "Have you finished writing?" ... Every night, it seemed like a night, and I would always sleep with my mother's "fluff".


It was when I was discouraged by my unsuccessful exam. My mother did not understand my test questions, but she always said, "It's okay, this time, no test, everyone is diligent in the next time."Words, but this sentence does not seem to be repeated in mechanical equipment, but I drove the driving force.


My mother's "fluff" sounded behind me again, that is, the sound of love, that is, that is, the sound of urging me hard, that is, the sound of my growth, in a loud "fluff", I continued to move forward.



Life is a kaleidoscope, and it will always encounter difficulties and setbacks.Whenever this time, someone will extend "help" to you, which affects your life.


During the elementary school, when it was about to be promoted at the beginning of the elementary school, everyone was the most nervous when everyone had their own goals and had their own middle school.And what about me? It is like a glass of boiled water, colorless, tasteless, and bland, as long as you can read.


At a time, the teacher asked us to talk about our ideals or recent goals.


Many classmates raised their hands actively and answered: "When I grow up, I want to be a designer." "I am a chef when I grow up."Self -mockery: These are all out of reach, don't think about it.


The teacher seemed to notice my "alternative", and the name made me get up to answer the question.I couldn't help but think about it."I want to be admitted to S High School." How many students are the dream of this middle school! The teacher added another sentence for me: "Be sure to be admitted to the top class!" She also gave me a thumbs up.I had a sweet feeling in my heart, and my mouth couldn't help rising.


Later, this middle school enrolled students, and the teacher recommended me and several other students to take the exam.


Several students who went to the exam played very well, but I was named Sun Shan.


My heart is inevitably lost: what you can't pass, what can you do.


It was also a Chinese class. The teacher praised the students. The applause of the classmates was very warm. Unfortunately, this applause did not belong to me. It would only make me more and more cowardly.


Later, the teacher told me to go to the office. I thought she was distressed to her wrong person. I did not expect her to say to me, "Failure is the mother of success. If you failThe soul is like a withered flower, and it is suddenly bloomed by the moisturizing of the sun and rain.


I went to the test for the second time and successfully entered the class test.


On the day of the exam, in my mind, I remembered the teacher's words and the erected thumb again, and I secretly cheered myself: Come on, I could no longer disappoint the teacher.


Finally, the kung fu is worthy of the people. I entered the top class.At this moment, what I want to be most wants to be grateful is my Chinese teacher.


In the process of growing up, there will be many people passing you throughout the world. They may be trivial, but in a word, one action, or even a look, can make you "full blood resurrection".I will never forget the person who affects me.



1、一个:一个读音为yí gè,是指1.表数量。单个。用于人和各种事物。 2.整个。 3.用在动词和补语之间,表示程度。 4.跟名词﹑动词结合,用在谓语动词前,表示快速或突然。一个 yī gè词典解释:1.表数量。单个。用于人和各种事物。 2.整个。 3.用在动词和补语之间,表示程度。 4.跟名词﹑动词结合,用在谓语动词前,表示快速或突然。分词解释:各种:1.指诸多物类。 2.犹言各式各样。名词:表示人或事物以及时间、方位等的词。多数汉语名词有同数词、量词组合的功能,而一般不同副词组合,在句子中主要充当主语、宾语、定语。程度:1.法度;标准。 2.程限;进度。 3.文化﹑教育﹑知识﹑能力等方面的水平。 4.事物发展达到的状况。谓语:对主语加以陈述,表示主语怎么样或者是什么的部分。汉语中,谓语一般在主语之后。如在“天气炎热”中,“炎热”即是谓语。动词:表示人或事物的动作、存在、变化的词,如‘走、笑、有、在、看、写、飞、落、保护、开始、起来、上去’。...一个怎么造句,用一个造句»

2、影响:影响读音为yǐng xiǎng,是指①干扰、吸引而发生效应:玩归玩,别影响学习|受环境的影响|以你的言行去影响他。②没有根据的:影响附会之谈|言之凿凿,无一字依傍影响。③踪影;消息:茫然不得影响。影响 yǐng xiǎng词语解释:①干扰、吸引而发生效应:玩归玩,别影响学习|受环境的影响|以你的言行去影响他。②没有根据的:影响附会之谈|言之凿凿,无一字依傍影响。③踪影;消息:茫然不得影响。分词解释:环境:①周围的地方:环境优美 ㄧ环境卫生 。②周围的情况和条件:客观环境ㄧ工作环境。言之凿凿:凿凿:确实。形容说得非常确实。依傍:①依靠:依傍长兄长嫂过日子|无所依傍。②参照;模仿:依傍前人,改成新法,非其善也|依傍大篆,或加省约,谓之小篆。不得:1.不能得到;得不到。 2.不能;不可。附会:把没有关系的事物说成有关系;把没有某种意义的事物说成有某种意义:牵强附会ㄧ穿凿附会。也作傅会。...影响怎么造句,用影响造句»