
时间:2022-08-02 13:24:44 | 来源:语文通



"Come on, jump!" It turned out that on the morning of December 29, 2013, the cross jumping link in the three jump competitions was in full swing. The players were in a nervous. "BI ---" with a sharp whistle, the game began. The players jumped up like a spring. See, although the player is short, he has a full bouncing force and lives like a chaotic carp. He gasped, and his face gradually showed a proud look. After a while, the audience on the side exclaimed: "Wow, seven and a half!" And the one next to him is not tight or slow, "elegant" is anxious. He is calm, really like jumping "Little Swan". The competition has entered the fierce stage. Although the players in each class are a little tired, they jump faster. Although the classmate of my class, although not very flexible, he still jumped hard. After jumping a few, his forehead exuded a thin sweat, and the white face was red. He exhaled a lot, and his movement gradually slowed down, but he gritted his teeth and stood up. "Come on, Lu Chen!" "Lu Chen, stand up!" The classmates on the side shouted, and some were excited to jump three feet high. After hearing the encouragement, he jumped more vigorously. After a while, the results came out. This big carp was only six and a half lines because of stepping on the line twice. "Well ---" Hearing the news, his class regretted. And Mr. Elegant jumped five.


A classmate said: Cross jump can make us more flexible and make us good exercise. I like cross jumps! "


Another parent lamented after watching the video: "In the blue sky, Baiyun's backdrop, the Crown Cross -Low jumping competition is a beautiful landscape."



1、跳出:跳出读音为tiào chū,是指1.超越;突出。 2.古代写章表时另起行头,叫“跳出”。跳出 tiào chū词语意思:1.超越;突出。 2.古代写章表时另起行头,叫“跳出”。分词解释:突出:1.窜出;冲出。 2.突然出现。 3.隆起;凸出。 4.谓出众地显露出来。行头:①戏曲服装的一种称谓。通常专指古装,如蟒、帔、褶子、盔、帽、靴、鞋等。现也泛指一般人的服饰:名角有很多行头|行头毕挺。②(háng-)古指军队队长:行头前驱。也指某种行业的为首者:酒业行头。超越:①越过;轻快地跨过:超越重重阻碍|飞似地超越过去。②超过;胜过:超越优胜者|超越前辈。章表:1.奏章﹐奏表。 2.标记;象征。 3.犹表彰。...跳出怎么造句,用跳出造句»

2、身姿:身姿读音为shēn zī,是指姿态,姿势。 指身体的外部形态优雅的身姿令人难忘牧女们骑着骏马,健美的身姿映衬在蓝天、雪山和绿草之间。——《天山景物记》身姿 shēn zī词语意思:姿态,姿势。[posture] 指身体的外部形态优雅的身姿令人难忘牧女们骑着骏马,健美的身姿映衬在蓝天、雪山和绿草之间。——《天山景物记》分词解释:姿势:1.身体呈现的样子。 2.状态和形势。姿态:①体态;姿势:姿态美丽。②态度:高姿态地让步。● 身 shēn ㄕㄣˉ◎ 人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:身躯。人身。身材。身段。船身。树身。◎ 指人的生命或一生:身世。献身。◎ 亲自,本人:自身。亲身。身教。身体力行。◎ 统指人的地位、品德:出身。身分(fèn )。身败名裂。◎ 孕,娠:身孕。◎ 量词,指整套衣服:做了一身儿新衣服。● 姿 zī ㄗˉ◎ 面貌,容貌:姿容。丰姿。姿色。天姿。◎ 形态,样子:姿态。姿势。舞姿。风姿。英姿。...身姿怎么造句,用身姿造句»