
时间:2022-09-02 13:19:42 | 来源:语文通



"Hahahahahaha ..." The classmates made various strange laughter. Why did the classmates laugh?


The reason for the story should start with our teacher Zhou!The first thing that came into view was a small head with joy, walking up and shaking, just like the fallen leaves in the wind, like a strong body that could not support his small head.His hair is as prominent as his surname, around the first week, commonly known as "Teacher Zhou", and people send the nickname "King Zhou" and "Zhou Tiger". Of course, this is circulated among classmates.


Teacher Zhou is a math teacher. Don't look at Teacher Zhou's head, but there are many things in his mind. As long as he is willing, you can write down what he wants to write down!


Teacher Zhou is an interesting teacher.On the shape of a small head with a strong body, people can't help but look at it. Teacher Zhou is also different from other teachers. Teacher Zhou is very humorous. For exampleThe idea is as handsome as me! "


Teacher Zhou is an interesting teacher.Don't look at Teacher Zhou's head, not small!As long as there is a particularly simple question of students who can't answer, and the class is not serious, he may have to cause a day of fire."Wait for the nickname.


Teacher Zhou is an interesting teacher. Why do you say that he is interesting many times?Because he can always bring us laughter.He likes to brag in front of his classmates, he likes to brag about his basketball technology. Once we asked him to perform one. He brought us to the playground. As soon as he played, he kept bragging about playing himself like Jordan.For the sake of hearing, start your performance quickly! "Then Teacher Zhou began his dazzling journey, only seeing a small head, a strong body, and a large buttocks, shakingPick away the ball and rush away, just listen to the sound of "咚", hit the ball on the railing, and then listen to the sound of "咚". The ball was returned to Mr. Zhou's face.Teacher Zhou fell to the sky!The classmates shouted, "Teacher Zhou bragged!"


Teacher Zhou's interesting directly affects the degree of love for mathematics in the class. The students like Teacher Zhou’s lesson. If Teacher Zhou has one more section, everyone will be excited and cheer loudly, but Teacher Zhou's class is by other teachers.If you occupy it, you will protest collectively, saying that you have to take mathematics lessons!Teacher Zhou is accustomed to the dance of the classes and the virginity of the class, making us more love for his class!


Teacher Zhou is an interesting teacher. It is the most memorable teacher in my life. It is that he makes us feel that mathematics is an interesting course that can bring us happiness.