
时间:2022-08-09 14:42:48 | 来源:语文通



From the beginning of knowing this title, I was eager to read her well. Lazy and lack of time are always good excuses. It makes people unable to conquer.


The entire book uses a magical story throughout, rich in geographical knowledge, marine knowledge, biological classification knowledge, and the wonderful use of various climate, physics, chemistry and paleontology.The submarine -style boat led us to sneak all the way to see those unknown Antarctic glaciers, and to involve those islands and underwater worlds that have never been traces of human beings.


The vastness of the ocean is heard, and Vernes use its rich knowledge and experience to take us to the most exciting underwater world ever.The rich knowledge pave the way to make the knowledgeable knowledge and be ashamed, and the wonderful narrative and arrangement make the whole story exquisite and exquisite, as if the rich marine species involved in the book are in front of the eyes.The sense of immersive, the sense of substitution is very strong! This kind of writing skills and story match requires literary strength. Vernes let people see the strange charm of another literary organization!


After reading it, I also have many doubts. Why did such a boat not discovered by the world? Later, I discovered that this book is a science fiction novel, which explains many doubts in my heart.Science fiction is the world history that happened in advance. It doesn't matter if we don't understand or understand. After a few years, we will understand and enjoy it.Many wonderful discoveries in "20,000 Miles under the Sea" give people a bright feeling, and judging in turn but people's thinking is an extremely conscious thing.The reveries of the sea wide sky, the borderless play, and the end of the story with rich knowledge. After reading this book, I suddenly discovered that this world is so exciting, are you still waiting for it alone?


The story is wonderful and the writing is smooth. The most important thing is that Tianma and aimless play have stimulated the writing of some common sense. It is very happy! Many of the mathematics and physical knowledge in the book are "I" and "Nemo" Captain's mental arithmetic.The explanation of high -profile geography, marine, physics, and chemical knowledge, especially the high -profile geography, marine, physics, and chemical knowledge. Although it sounds vague, it is still possible.The most exciting thing is the supply of the ship. Without rice, bread and wine, the captain and his deputy fulfill the wisdom of human beings to find food that is contented and nutritious.The power system of the ship is also cleverly shooting. Captain Nimo, who has many physics, architecture, chemistry, and marine knowledge, can all the strengths that make all theoretically feasible knowledge use his magical brain and hand to changeIt is a boat full of legendary colors in reality.


Too many elements in the book are worth writing, the most important thing is the enlightenment of life and future.These stories can start us to discover that fantasy or experience can be so exciting, and we can also try to combine the knowledge and thinking to construct our own wonderful world!



1、天马行空:天马行空读音为tiān mǎ xíng kōng,是指天马:神马。天马奔腾神速,象是腾起在空中飞行一样。比喻诗文气势豪放。也比喻人浮躁,不踏实。 天神之马来往疾行于空中。比喻思想行为无拘无束。亦形容文笔超逸流畅 天马行空,独往独来天马行空 tiān mǎ xíng kōng词语解释:天马:神马。天马奔腾神速,象是腾起在空中飞行一样。比喻诗文气势豪放。也比喻人浮躁,不踏实。[be powerful and unstrained like a heavenly steed soaring across the skies] 天神之马来往疾行于空中。比喻思想行为无拘无束。亦形容文笔超逸流畅 天马行空,独往独来分词解释:空中:①天空中。②指通过无线电信号传播而形成的:空中信箱ㄧ空中书场。飞行:(飞机、火箭等)在空中航行:飞行员ㄧ低空飞行。踏实:1.亦作“蹋实”。 2.切实;不浮躁:工作踏实|踏实肯干。 3.安定;放心:心里不踏实。 4.行步稳健。 5.落实。气势:1.指军队的士气和威势。 2.指声势。 3.气概﹐勇力。 4.气焰﹐权势。 5.气象﹐气派。 6.指诗文的气韵或格调。 7.指品质﹐功效。...天马行空怎么造句,用天马行空造句»

2、海阔天空:海阔天空读音为hǎi kuò tiān kōng,是指象大海一样辽阔,象天空一样无边无际。形容大自然的广阔。比喻言谈议论等漫无边际,没有中心。海阔天空 hǎi kuò tiān kōng分词解释:象大海一样辽阔,象天空一样无边无际。形容大自然的广阔。比喻言谈议论等漫无边际,没有中心。(1) [as boundless as the sea and sky;unrestrained ard far-ranging] 像大海那样广阔,如蓝天那样空旷。形容开阔,无拘无束天下那里有但辨方向,不论远近,向海阔天空的地方,乱开炮的道理?——《官场现形记》(2) 亦比喻言淡漫无边际发了些海阔天空的议论。——《文明小史》分词解释:广阔:广大宽阔:视野广阔丨广阔天地丨广阔的国土。漫无边际:形容非常广阔,一眼望不到边。也指谈话或写文章没有中心,离题很远。大海:1.广阔的海洋。 2.指大的容器。如大酒杯﹑大碗等。无边无际:际:边缘处。形容范围极为广阔。...海阔天空怎么造句,用海阔天空造句»