
时间:2022-07-22 13:25:20 | 来源:语文通



Remember that day, the wind swept the wind, and you sent me the courage to me with warmth.Since then, with your waiting, I will no longer be alone.The one who lives in his heart is the one who is not arrogant and impatient, challenges your fate.


The severe cold in front of the window was shaved, and the snow in yesterday has gradually disappeared, and the sky is dark, as if it is about to collapse.In winter, the final test scores of the exam came out. Some people cried and some people laughed, but I had no thoughts about the final exams of this frequent period.The classroom is afraid to go home to respond to the appearance of the parents and mother.Yes, the wind is also making fun of the weak and incompetent me.Losses and lose.


I looked at the blackboard of the classroom, and asked myself why I was diligent, but I have not been in good exams. I have been restrained by the test results?When we are at a loss, you have inadvertently broke into my field of vision. A book called "If I help me for three days", you lie quietly at the table in the front seat, maybe the students go home and hurriedly and will take you too hurriedly and take you to youLet's fall.I know you with curiosity and psychological state, and I know you.


There is a little girl named Helen Keller in the book. She may suffer more than thousands of times more than I want slot cake.She had a disease in the case of only one and a half years old, and she had a high fever and snatched her beautiful childhood.Both eyes, ears, and lips have lost their effects. Perhaps for most people, the little story of life may be completed from this, but she is not, her love has just begun ...Courage to challenge fate.In order to better pronounce the phonetic symbols, she tied a small rope on a metal pole, biting it in her mouth, holding her hands on the other end, training my hands to the heart, and writing a word.In order to better write the words, she would not crooked it, and she also made a frame and installed a moving wheel to practice writing.As a result, I can see the book she wrote today and master her extraordinary life.


Take a look at the name of the novel and understand Helen Keller's expectations for Guangming. She said that in three days here, she had to do a lot of things.Such a person has never been willing to abandon, or never thought about it, with courage and wish, and diligently compete for what he wants to think, even if you can't do it completely ...


But me?But in order to better lose a test, hiding here is afraid of going home, afraid of recognizing your test scores. How sad is this?I caught the wrinkled test papers, and I was in contemplation.


From that day, Helen Keller was the source of my courage. She told me: Even if the pace stumbled, I had to come down.


A good book, a life.



1、命运:命运读音为mìng yùn,是指1.天命运数。 2.比喻发展变化的趋向。 事情的预先注定的进程,指生死、贫富和一切遭遇避开命运命运 mìng yùn词语解释:1.天命运数。 2.比喻发展变化的趋向。[destiny;fate;lot] 事情的预先注定的进程,指生死、贫富和一切遭遇避开命运分词解释:趋向:1.前往;前行。 2.归向;趋附。 3.向往;崇尚。 4.途径;方向。 5.趋势。 6.倾向。运数:命运;气数。天命:①上天的意志,泛指命运:天命难违|任凭天命。②指自然界的一种必然规律:制天命而用之。...命运怎么造句,用命运造句»

2、手上:手上读音为shǒu shàng,是指指某人统治﹑管理或当家的时期。手上 shǒu shàng词语意思:指某人统治﹑管理或当家的时期。分词解释:统治:依靠权势控制、支配和管理;也指统治的权势:推翻黑暗势力的统治。某人:1.表示不知道的那个人。 2.指确定的﹑无须说出姓名或说不出姓名的人。当家的:1.旧时受人雇用的人称他的主人。 2.作为对官吏及有权势的人的称呼。 3.指丈夫。 4.指妻子。 5.家主。 6.指主持寺院的和尚。管理:①负责某项工作使顺利进行:管理财务丨管理国家大事。②保管和料理:管理图书丨公园管理处。③照管并约束(人或事物):管理罪犯丨管理牲口。时期:发展过程中的一段时间。...手上怎么造句,用手上造句»

3、自身:自身读音为zì shēn,是指亲自;自己。自身 zì shēn词语解释:亲自;自己。(1) [self;oneself]∶自己泥菩萨过江,自身难保(2) [personally;in person]∶亲自分词解释:自己:1.代词。自身﹐本身。 2.自己人。 3.知己亲近;关系密切。亲自:自己亲身。● 身 shēn ㄕㄣˉ◎ 人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:身躯。人身。身材。身段。船身。树身。◎ 指人的生命或一生:身世。献身。◎ 亲自,本人:自身。亲身。身教。身体力行。◎ 统指人的地位、品德:出身。身分(fèn )。身败名裂。◎ 孕,娠:身孕。◎ 量词,指整套衣服:做了一身儿新衣服。● 自 zì ㄗˋ◎ 本人,己身:自己。自家。自身。自白。自满。自诩。自馁。自重(zhòng )。自尊。自谦。自觉(jué )。自疚。自学。自圆其说。自惭形秽。自强不息。◎ 从,由:自从。自古以来。◎ 当然:自然。自不待言。自生自灭。放任自流。◎ 假如:自非圣人,外宁必有内忧。...自身怎么造句,用自身造句»