
时间:2022-11-17 12:49:10 | 来源:语文通



精选作文开头的优美句子 篇1精选作文开头的优美句子 篇2精选作文开头的优美句子 篇3

精选作文开头的优美句子 篇1


1. "Chang'an is filled with red armor." Lobster is my favorite food. Some people may be afraid to see this "warrior" wearing armor alone, but I will be fascinated by its delicacy.


2. The taste that makes people aftertaste is endless, the food that makes people salivate, and the color that makes people extremely intoxicated -- these are the characteristics of Sichuan hot pot.


3. I have eaten innumerable flavor snacks: hot and spicy hot and spicy hot and sour noodles, New Year cakes... but my favorite is the bean curd brain that can make the taste buds "burn".


4. Chestnut, everyone must have eaten it! He is commonly known as the "king of thousands of fruits" and is a famous specialty of my hometown. Today, I will introduce my hometown's chestnut to you!


5. Golden eggs, crisp and raw dry fried vegetables, fat ham sausages, then spread the bright red spicy sauce, and use a bag of white leather -- ah, what a delicious pancake! I'm hungry if I don't eat for a few days.


6. As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for people. Each place has its own unique local specialties. In my hometown Xi'an, there are many famous flavor snacks, such as cold skin, rice noodles, mutton steamed buns, etc. Among them, the best to eat and the most famous is the specialty of Xi'an - Roujiamo.


7. "Seven or eight brothers sat around the pillar. When they parted, their clothes were torn." If you want to guess this riddle, I can guarantee that in our hometown, from adults to children, you can guess it accurately. Because garlic has its unique position here, and it is the "pet" of hometown people. I also have a different feeling towards the specialties of my hometown.


8. My hometown is Mianyang, Sichuan Province, where the scenery is pleasant and the people are simple. The delicious snacks in my hometown are also unique, such as steamed buns, ramen noodles, hot pots, handmade dishes, and fragrant strings. Let me introduce it to you.

精选作文开头的优美句子 篇2


1. When I was at home, I often heard elders talk about the scenes when they played in the river when they were young. At that time, the green water was as clear as a belt. When you were thirsty, you could easily take a sip of it. Trees are lush and luxuriant, wild flowers and tender grass, mountains, valleys and hills are full of vitality. The sky is clear and blue, and the fresh and light air is swaying and rolling like waves.


2. I, a green messenger, came to my hometown to protect the environment and love my home.


3. The earth is a beautiful planet and our common home. She has nurtured people with her own milk, while we are constantly destroying the earth for immediate interests.


4. Every time I see the garbage next to the trash can, I think of something.


5. The earth is our home, and we humans should protect the earth. But today, many people still break the ecological balance, and we have been constantly punished by nature.


6. The environment is a necessary condition for human survival, and our study and work can only achieve good results in a good environment. Therefore, we should protect the environment.


7. Nowadays, factories, cars and sewer pipes all over the world are polluting the earth, sky and sea every day.


8. Now, people don't pay attention to hygiene, which makes the earth very dirty.


9. In recent years, extreme weather conditions have occurred all over the world, including floods in some countries, droughts in some countries that are not seen in a century, mud rock flows and landslides in other countries. This is all caused by human destruction of the environment. So now people pay more attention to environmental protection. As for me, I also start from the little things around me and become a small environmental citizen.


10. Green, vibrant color, pure and lovely. I love tall trees, I love grass that can't be burned by wildfires, and I love the vast African prairie.


11. When the first golden ray of sunlight spread over the earth, everything in the world would wake up from a deep sleep. The birds began to sing loudly, and the butterflies began to show their beautiful dance. Morning is always so harmonious and beautiful.


12. The earth is the cradle of life, and human beings are the pride of the earth. She gives us everything we need to survive, and we can't survive without her. However, with the progress of science and technology and the rapid development of society, human beings are unconsciously stepping into the misunderstanding of predatory resource utilization and destructive production in order to meet the growing demand for material life.


13. The earth is a world with many resources. With the progress of human science and technology, we have used a lot of resources, but if we do not know how to save resources, it will reduce the resources of the earth


14. The earth is our home and mother. We rely on it and explore it. How beautiful this blue planet is, but we should know that there is only one earth!

精选作文开头的优美句子 篇3


1. Hearing is false, seeing is true. Readers, if you are not satisfied, please come to visit us. Our cat will come to the scene!


2. It's a pity that Thief Cat is a "beautiful man" and can't add several "little Thief cats" to our family. What a pity!


3. Xiaobai is such a naughty and lovely cat. It adds a lot of fun to my life. I love Xiaobai.


4. Although Grandma's kitten is so powerful, I still like this cute kitten!

5、你别以为“黑将军”是哪一位叱咤风云的将军,它呀,其实是我们家的一只猫,因为它捉老鼠时表现得非常勇猛,而且浑身又长着黑得发亮的毛,所以我才亲 .c .cn n昵的称它为“黑将军”。

5. Don't think that "Black General" is a powerful general. It is actually a cat in our family. Because it is very brave when catching mice and has shiny black hair all over its body, I call it "Black General".


6. This is my considerate and "talking" puppy. In my heart, it is my little partner and my close friend.


7. How about my dog, Bean? Is it cute?


8. Wearing the "big yellow robe", wearing the "golden crown", and wearing the "small sunglasses", he is the "king" of my family - the big yellow dog.


9. Innocent, naughty, active, stubborn and lazy, this is the dog -- a glorious member of my family. Now, I make no secret that my family has a new dog.


10. The little golden bear, with so many clever ideas, is really a smart ghost. Golden Bear, I really like you.


11. How about my hamster? Is it interesting? It is not only a lively and lovely elf, but also a "pistachio" in my life. I love hamsters!


12. I love my little turtle. How about you?


13. I like the Brazilian turtle not only because it is cute, but also because it is very clever and cute. These days, it has become my best friend at home.


14. Two hamsters have become an indispensable part of my life. When I woke up in the morning by the alarm bell, I saw that they caught thumbs big spiders from the grass, dug out chopsticks thick earthworms from the soil and ate them with relish. There was no sign of fatigue in the morning; When I was sleepy at night, I watched them do all kinds of lovely actions under my command, and the tiredness of the day immediately disappeared. They have become my "best friends" and always spread joy in my heart.