
时间:2022-11-21 13:03:26 | 来源:语文通



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的假期作文 篇1


I'm looking forward to the May Day holiday.


My family came to Wal Mart to shop and play, but unexpectedly, we were caught in the May Day storm.


We crowded into KFC with the crowd. Look inside. Wow, it's so crowded! One by one, you will not let me, I will not let you, the crowd has become a regiment. Alas, who told everyone to shop on May 1st!


Even if you are crowded in "KFC", there are still a lot of people on the Walmart elevator! People who are not tall will suffer. If they are blocked by tall people, you can't even see yourself. This is too dangerous. It will be terrible if you don't step out when you get there


"Crazy squeeze" did not come down, and a crowd of people poured out of the elevator exit, all crowded in the elevator entrance and could not move. Once you get off the elevator, you have to move slowly with the flow of people, and you can't breathe.


I didn't eat breakfast, KFC didn't eat it, and everyone was a little hungry. My mother said: I was very happy to go to the Maidanglou to have breakfast, but when I arrived there, it was needless to say that there were no empty seats and people were full. From time to time, the waiter who served the dishes had to say, "Please make way, please make way.". A question came out of my mind: Are we coming out to play or to compete?


It was not easy to squeeze out of KFC and look into the street. We squeezed left and right, and finally squeezed out of the Weixiao Hall when we reached Prince Road Street. When we looked into the street, it was no better than inside. We squeezed to the "KFC" of Zhengyang Pedestrian Street. It seems that I didn't guess wrong. I can immediately use one word to describe it - crowded. I can't think of another word to accurately describe it except this one. I really felt that "how huge 1.3 billion yuan is. Since everyone is so crowded, I will accompany you to squeeze to see who can squeeze! It was not easy to squeeze into the store, and I" stared "at a vacant seat with hot eyes!, We rushed over and sat down quickly. Wow, we finally had a comfortable meal.

的假期作文 篇2


Today is the annual International Labor Day. I thought my parents would take me to play, but unexpectedly, my parents asked me to do farm work.


That afternoon, I came to the river with my father, mother, grandmother, second aunt, second uncle and sisters. First, take out the tools for beating rapeseed, and then unfold the oilcloth. My sisters and I have the task of pulling vegetables. The second uncle said, "You are the most numerous. You should be the captain." After saying that, they all went to work.


My sisters and I also started to work. At first, we were all confident. My sister, who is lazy at ordinary times, also works very hard. One moment, she will "pull a kilo", and one moment, she will "pull the weeping willow upside down". However, the good times didn't last long. Soon, one by one, his hands and feet became weak and his head was sweating. I don't know where the previous excitement went. When Dad saw it, he smiled and said, "Come on! After we finish our work, we will buy ice cream." After listening to this sentence, we all worked hard. Half an hour later, we finally completed the task. In order to eat delicious ice cream earlier, we helped our parents finish cooking rapeseed. After returning home, my mother bought us ice cream with money. When I eat this delicious and delicious ice cream, I feel very happy.


Although this May Day is harder than in previous years, it has benefited me a lot. I deeply appreciate the hardships of labor, but what is more difficult is the happiness of that labor.


Unforgettable, my May Day! Today, I went to the basketball court with some friends. My hands were cold that day, and the wind was howling outside. I can't help shooting. This is a ragged old man with crutches on his hands, a beard on his face, and a limp. He said, "Come here." I want a rag picker to do what he wants with me. He wants the city to be a pop can. Forget it. I look down on such people and ask them to leave quickly. My eyes stared and my lips pursed. Hands akimbo, said: "Old man, you are sick! Go! Don't make a fool of yourself here!" I put on a great airs. "Hey, kid, I'm not looking for something. Your money has been lost. I've been looking for you for a long time and finally caught up with you. Do you think so?" I looked carefully and touched my pocket. It's really true. "Alas! The money is lost! There are more than one hundred dollars in it," I stamped my foot in anxiety. "Then you can see if this is your money?" I quickly grabbed it and checked it. It's really mine. I shouted, "Great! Great!" He jumped with joy.


I was just about to say thank you to him when he thought of disappearing like the wind. I gave myself a fist in frustration, "I really shouldn't have! If I had known she was coming to return my wallet, I wouldn't have been rude to him. I'm such a stupid fool." I bowed my head in shame. As a poor man, he was able to pick up money without missing it. For him, this wallet can also let him live for a long time. He didn't take it for himself. It really touched me. I will never underestimate the poor again. This matter will be deeply branded in my heart and can never be erased.

的假期作文 篇3


During the May Day holiday, I finally got what I wanted: my mother took me to visit the heroic relics in Chiwan, Shekou. This hero is Lin Zexu, who is the smoke of gunpowder in Humen and the enemy. This "Left Fortress" was an important military fortress built by Lin Zexu on the Great South Mountain.


We moved towards the left fort at the foot of the winding Da Nanshan Mountain. Along the way, there are trees and beautiful scenery, making people relaxed and happy. At the entrance, we walked up the stone stairs. There was an inscription written by Chairman Mao for Lin Zexu beside the road.


Once under the fort, several banyan trees immediately attracted my attention: I have seen many banyan trees, but this is unique. Their roots hang down from the stone wall and penetrate deeply into the mixture of rock and cement. These roots have simply formed a wall, supporting the towering trees with incredible strength, which makes people can't help but marvel. What a tenacious life!


On the left side of the "root wall", a solemn slate platform stands high. I saw a five meter tall general standing with his head raised, wearing an official hat and holding an old monocular telescope, looking at Shekou Port. What impressed me most was his slightly worried but stubborn and confident eyes, which seemed to burst out from the eyes made of iron. What a great general of China who is worried about the country and the people, but also self reliant! He is Lin Zexu, a national hero who has been eulogizing for thousands of years.


Walking down the stone platform, passing through a short "city gate" and a short stone ladder, we came to the real "left fort". Gun! What a magnificent cannon! The big iron cannon still displayed the same heroic fighting posture in those years - its head was high, its eyes were wide open, and its tail seemed to emit smoke. It's hard to be a two meter long gun barrel with a weight of over a ton


How did the warriors in those days invite it to this dangerous fort. Through the speckled rust, I seemed to see that it fired thousands of bullets in unison, and the flames flew into the sky, killing the invaders on the sea.