
时间:2022-11-28 12:44:43 | 来源:语文通







  1. 交代清楚人物、时间、地点、事由。2. 按故事或事件发生的时间先后依次叙述。

1. Make clear who, when, where and why. 2. Describe the story or event in sequence.

  3. 主题鲜明,内容清楚。文章中的故事应有头有尾,要写出事情的发生、发展、变化及结束的过程。 确切地说,在记叙时要把与一件事物有关的时间、地点、人物、原因等因素交代清楚,才能给人一种完整的认识和印象。4. 层次分明,有条有理。 记叙时,要有开头,正文及结尾。有时涉及几个人或几件事,一件事往往牵涉到相关的次要事情;有时一件大事中还包括小事,这就要对记叙的事情做出分析,分清主线和副线,围绕主线安排副线。5. 详略得当,主次适宜。记叙事情时,要注意主题鲜明突出,清楚具体,内容感人深刻。写人时,要抓住典型事例、典型行动和表现。对中心事件和最能表现中心思想的地方,要详细叙述;次要的东西,就少写或不写。

3. The theme is clear and the content is clear. The story in the article should have a beginning and an end, and the process of occurrence, development, change and end of things should be written. To be exact, it is necessary to explain clearly the time, place, person, reason and other factors related to a thing in narration, so as to give a complete understanding and impression. 4. Clear hierarchy and order. When narrating, there should be a beginning, a body and an end. Sometimes several people or events are involved, and one event often involves related secondary events; Sometimes a major event also includes minor events, so it is necessary to analyze the events recorded, distinguish the main line from the secondary line, and arrange the secondary line around the main line. 5. The details are appropriate and the priorities are appropriate. When recording events, we should pay attention to the distinctive theme, clear and specific, and moving and profound content. When writing people, we should grasp typical examples, typical actions and performances. The central event and the place where the central idea can best be expressed should be described in detail; Write less or nothing about the secondary things.



Description of appearance, language, manner, action and psychology.



1。 time


2。 place


3。 character


4。 Event and Event Background


5。 Truth reflected (theme)


6。 My epiphany, experience and feeling in this event.


These are all equally important. Without one of them, it would not be a narrative.



Sequential narration, flashback, interlude, supplementary narration, and sub narration.



Description of natural environment and social environment.


  1. 仔细审题,确定主题。文章的目的、内容、结构层次以及语言的运用,都要围绕主题进行。

1. Carefully review the topic and determine the theme. The purpose, content, structure and language of the article should be around the theme.

  2. 根据情景提示和主题,安排文章的结构层次,用每段的首句即主题句来指明段落的中心思想。安 排好关键的主题句,就会使中心更加突出,眉目清楚。

2. Arrange the structure level of the article according to the situation prompts and topics, and use the first sentence of each paragraph, that is, the topic sentence, to indicate the central idea of the paragraph. Arrange the key topic sentences, which will make the center more prominent and clear.

  3. 要进行审题,初写时,多模仿句型写简单句,循序渐进,逐步深化。

3. It is necessary to review the topic. At the beginning of writing, write simple sentences by imitating sentence patterns, step by step, and gradually deepen.

  4.写作前最好有个简明扼要的提纲,使自己的写作有章可循。审题后要先写出草稿,经过修改之后, 再正式成文。

4. It is better to have a concise outline before writing so that your writing can follow rules. After reviewing the topic, a draft should be written first, and then formally written after revision.



Narration, description, discussion, explanation, lyricism.



1. Metaphor

  根据事物的相似点,用具体的、浅显、熟知的事物来说明抽象的、深奥的、生疏的事物,即打比方。作用:能将表达的内容说得生动具体形象,给人以鲜明深刻的印象,用浅显常见的事物对深奥生疏事物解说、帮助人深入理解。比喻的三种类型:明喻、暗喻和借喻。 明喻 甲像乙 出现 像、似的、好像、如、宛如、好比、犹如 如: 那小姑娘好像一朵花一样 暗喻 甲是乙 出现 是、成为 如:那又浓又翠的景色,简直就是一幅青山绿水画 借喻 甲代乙 不出现 无 如:地上射起无数的箭头,房顶上落下万千条瀑布。

According to the similarities of things, we can use concrete, simple and familiar things to describe abstract, profound and unfamiliar things, that is, analogy. Function: It can vividly and concretely express the content, give a clear and profound impression, explain the profound and unfamiliar things with simple and common things, and help people understand them deeply. There are three types of metaphor: simile, metaphor and metonymy. The simile A appears like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like: the little girl is like a flower, which implies that A is B appears like, is like, is like: the thick and green scenery is simply a picture of green mountains and green waters, which means that A does not appear on behalf of B: countless arrows shoot from the ground, and thousands of waterfalls fall on the roof.


2. Personification

  把物当做人写,赋予物以人的言行或思想感情,用描写人的词来描写物。 作用:把禽兽鸟虫花草树木或其他无生命的事物当成人写,使具体事物人格化,语言生动形象。 如:桃树、杏树、梨树、你不让我,我不让你,都开满了花赶趟儿。

Write things as human beings, endow things with human words and deeds or thoughts and feelings, and describe things with human words. Function: Write animals, birds, insects, flowers, trees or other inanimate things as human beings to personify specific things and make the language vivid. For example, peach trees, apricot trees, pear trees, you won't let me, I won't let you, they are all full of flowers to travel.

  3.夸张对事物的性质,特征等故意地夸张或缩小。 作用:提示事物本质,烘托气氛,加强渲染力,引起联想效果。 类别 特点 例句 扩大夸张 对事物形状、性质、特征、作用、程度等加以夸大 柏油路晒化了,甚至铺户门前的铜牌好像也要晒化 缩小夸张 对事物形象、性质、特征、作用、程度等加以缩小 只能看到巴掌大的一块天地 超前夸张 把后出现的说成先出现,把先出现的说成后出现 她还没有端酒杯,就醉了。

3. Exaggerate or reduce the nature and characteristics of things intentionally. Function: Remind the essence of things, set off the atmosphere, strengthen the rendering power, and cause the associative effect. Exaggeration and exaggeration exaggerate the shape, nature, feature, function, degree, etc. of things, and even the bronze plate in front of the shop door seems to be sunned and reduced. Exaggeration and exaggeration reduce the image, nature, feature, function, degree, etc. of things, only to see a world of palm size. Exaggerate ahead of time to say that the things that appear later appear first, and say that the things that appear first appear later. She was drunk before she brought her glass.

  4.排比 把结构相同或相似、语气一致,意思相关联的句子或成分排列在一起。 作用:增强语言气势,增强表达效果。 如:他们的品质是那样的纯洁和高尚,他们的意志是那样的坚韧和刚强,他们的气质是那样的淳朴和谦逊,他们的胸怀是那样的美丽和宽广。

4. Parallelism arranges sentences or components with the same or similar structure, the same tone, and related meanings. Function: enhance language momentum and expression effect. For example, their quality is so pure and noble, their will is so tough and strong, their temperament is so simple and modest, and their mind is so beautiful and broad.

  5.对偶 字数相等,结构形式相同,意义对称的一对短语或句子,表达两个相对或相近的意思。 作用:整齐匀称,节奏感强,高度概括,易于记忆,有音乐美感。 如:横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛。

5. A pair of phrases or sentences with the same number of dual words, the same structural form and symmetrical meaning, expressing two opposite or similar meanings. Function: neat and symmetrical, strong sense of rhythm, highly generalized, easy to remember, and musical beauty. For example, if you look at a thousand people coldly, bow down and be willing to be a willing ox.

  6.反复 为了强调某个意思,表达某种感情,有意重复某个词语句子。 反复的种类:连续反复和间隔反复,连续反复中间无其他词语间隔。间隔反复中间有其他的词语。 如:山谷回音,他刚离去,他刚离去。(连续反复) 好像失了三省,党国倒愈像一个国,失了东三省谁也不响,党国倒愈像一个国。(间隔反复)

6. Repeat a word sentence intentionally to emphasize a meaning and express a feeling. Type of repetition: continuous repetition and interval repetition, with no other word interval between them. There are other words in the interval. For example, echo from the valley, he has just left, he has just left. (Repeatedly) It seems that without the three provinces, the Party and the country become more and more like a country. Without the three Eastern provinces, no one will make a noise, and the Party and the country become more and more like a country. (Repeated intervals)

  7.设问 为了引起别人的注意,故意先提出问题,然后自己回答。 作用:提醒人们思考,有的为了突出某些内容。 如:花儿为什么这样红?首先有它的物质基础。

7. In order to attract others' attention, ask questions first and then answer them yourself. Function: Remind people to think, and some are to highlight certain content. For example, why are flowers so red? First, it has its material basis.

  8.反问 无疑无问,用疑问形式表达确定的意思,用肯定形式反问表否定,用否定形式反问表肯定。 如:我呢,我难道没有应该责备的地方吗?

8. There is no doubt that the rhetorical question is not a question. The interrogative form is used to express the definite meaning, the affirmative form is used to express negation, and the negative form is used to express affirmation. For example, as for me, do I have nothing to blame?

  9.引用 引用现成的话来提高语言表达效果,分直接引用和间接引用两种。 如:"虚心使人进步,骄傲使落后",我们应该记住这一真理。

9. Quote ready-made words to improve the effect of language expression, including direct reference and indirect reference. For example, "modesty makes people progress, and conceit makes them lag behind". We should remember this truth.

  10.借代 用相关的事物代替所要表达的事物。 借代种类:特征代事物、具体代抽象、部分代全体、整体代部分。 如:不拿群众一针一线。 先生,给现钱,袁世凯,不行么?

10. Substitute relevant things for the things to be expressed. Metonymy types: features replace things, concrete replace abstract, part replace whole, and whole replace part. Such as: do not take the masses a stitch. Sir, give me cash, Yuan Shikai, can't you?

  11.反语 用与本意相反的词语或句子表达本意,以说反话的方式加强表达效果。有的讽刺揭露,有的表示亲密友好的感情。 如:(清国留学生)也有解散辫子,盘得平的,除下帽来,油光可鉴,宛如小姑娘的发髻一般,还要将脖子扭几扭,实在标致极了。

11. Irony uses words or sentences that are contrary to the original meaning to express the original meaning, and enhances the expression effect by saying irony. Some satirize and expose, and some express intimate and friendly feelings. For example, (overseas students from the Qing Dynasty) also had their hair braided and flattened. They took off their hats and looked like little girls' hair buns. They also twisted their necks, which was very beautiful.

  12. 对比 对比是把两种不同事物或者同一事物的两个方面,放在一起相互比较的一种辞格。 例如: 有的人活着,他已经死了;有的人死了,他还活着。(臧克家《有的人》)

12. Contrast is a figure of speech that compares two different things or two aspects of the same thing together. For example, some people are alive and dead; Some people died, but he is still alive. (Some People by Zang Kejia)


The use of contrast requires a deep understanding of the contradictory nature of the things to be expressed. The two things to be contrasted or the two aspects of the same thing should have mutually opposite relations, otherwise they cannot form a contrast.



However, it should be noted that in a narrative, the writing of people, scenery and events are often intertwined, which cannot be completely separated, and each should have its own emphasis.