
时间:2022-11-18 12:56:58 | 来源:语文通


在希望的田野上作文 篇1在希望的田野上作文 篇2在希望的田野上作文 篇3《在希望的田野上》读后感 篇4在希望的田野上作文 篇5《在希望的田野上》读后感 篇6

在希望的田野上作文 篇1


I am in the countryside. It has a fresh air and a group of lovely creatures; It has no crowded houses in the city, but an empty field.


Spring is warm and flowers are blooming, birds are singing and frogs are singing. From time to time, I searched on the electric pole in the field. Swallows came from the south, worn-out, like small and exquisite notes on the staff, singing the first movement of spring with chirp.


The spring wind is blowing, and the spring rain is blowing with the wind. In the fields, the water rose, the soil moistened, the sun blushed, and everything woke up happily with open eyes. Grass sneaks out of the soil. It is tender and green. The little partners sit and lie down, roll twice, kick a few balls, and play hide and seek several times. On the ridge of the field, the working farmers began to farm and plant trees, sowing hope. The field was like a mother, caring for her baby. Countless lives were born, and everywhere was full of vitality.


The countryside is the hope of farmers.

在希望的田野上作文 篇2


Autumn is coming, and the food in the fields, orchards and many places is ripe, so I came to the fields to see the scenery.


There are rectangular shapes in the fields, on which many crops grow. Rape flowers, rice, corn, soybeans... The fields are full of vitality everywhere.


The first lattice is covered with rape flowers. The petals of rape flowers are golden. Looking from a distance, large areas of golden flowers extend to the distance, which is as vast as the ocean, and they are still growing and flowing. The golden rape flowers are holding up their little golden horns and playing the songs of autumn! Bees and butterflies also came to join in the excitement, adding some vitality to this beautiful picture.


The second and third grids are rice. When the rice is ripe, it looks as if someone is spreading a thick layer of gold on the ground. The autumn waves shake the rice, making the heavy ears of rice fluctuate rhythmically, as if Jinshan is sliding. The sound of wind and waves is like a moving movement. The grains of rice looked like golden gemstones. "Who knows, every meal is hard," I finally understood the meaning of this poem.


There is a small pond in the field. The wind blows and wrinkles the clear water of the lotus pond. The water is sparkling. The water is fragrant and the floating lotus is swaying. The lotus leaves curl with the wind, and the lotus flowers dance lightly. There is also a small well for watering. At first glance, you thought that the well was very deep, but when you walked in, you knew that even a 7-year-old, 8-year-old or 10-year-old child could touch the edge when standing under it.


Fields of autumn, fields of harvest, fields full of hope, I praise you and sing praises of you.

在希望的田野上作文 篇3


Listen, look, smell! That is the breath of spring; That is the step of spring; That is the light and soft figure of Spring Girl! Melting snow gurgles, new buds burst out of the ground, and sleeping frogs jump happily... In the season of recovery, everything is so vibrant! How can we miss this good time to visit our hometown in spring?


My hometown is in Zhangjiadu, where peach blossoms are in full bloom. From a distance, clusters of white and red peach flowers, white and flawless pear flowers and golden rape flowers complement each other, like multicolored gemstones embedded in the dark and shiny land. It can be imagined that in a period of time, there will be many fruits here, big and sweet fruits hanging all over the branches, emitting an attractive fragrance. In the autumn when the sky is high and the air is crisp, the golden wheat waves are surging here again, gently swaying with the wind, and the joy of harvest is everywhere. In the cold winter months, snowflakes are flying. The milk colored trees and silver gray houses indicate that the harvest will be better and better as "auspicious snow augurs good years". In the past, the barren land has been planted with all kinds of food: sweet fruits, fresh vegetables, healthy crops... Farewell to poverty and desolation. This is my hometown, a place more like "Xanadu"!


I walked on the path in the field. The spring breeze brings the fragrance of soil and the fragrance of vegetables and fruits... I ran up excitedly, chasing the busy figure in the field, and loudly asked: "Uncle farmer, I want to ask..." "Oh?" A gentle face emerged from behind the field. "Oh, it's a young 'farmer uncle' with glasses!" I was embarrassed to scratch the back of my head and said, "Uncle, you look like a garden here!" The uncle smiled heartily and said, "Welcome to visit, little friend. This area was originally a wasteland. After multi-level planning, we can grow food here!" "That's the vegetable shed!" I asked curiously. "Yes! In the greenhouse, we grow cantaloupes in spring and red peppers in summer. Because we use chicken manure from our own chicken farm, these off-season vegetables are green and strong, which are popular with city people! Look, there are gene plants in them!" Genetic plants? Eh? The appearance is nothing special! Several big question marks came up in my heart. My uncle seemed to find my question and explained: "Ha ha, gene is to connect the good genes of one organism to another. It can better prevent pests and diseases. With improved plant varieties, increased yield, and more delicious taste!" Outside the shed, the sound of the vigorous machine is heard all over the sky, which seems to be composing the music of spring. I understand that a new generation of young farmers learn knowledge and technology outside, return to their ancestral farming places, and introduce science and technology into the countryside. In the past, the farmer uncle's "face to the loess and back to the sky" is no longer the same. Hoes and shovels have been withdrawn from people's sight, and high-tech modern machines such as harvesters and dryers will continue to play on the historical stage. These are the farmers in my hometown, who are younger, more energetic and more intelligent in the new era!


I walk on the street in the village. Exquisite buildings stand in the shade, which is the fashionable "well-off building" and "affluent building", comparable to the villas in the city! The "old four pieces" in the room have been transformed into the "new four pieces" - air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines and televisions, which are really well equipped. Remember the muddy path in the past? I still remember my mother said to me that it used to be "if you step on the watermelon skin, you can slip where you go." Once you fall, you will be a little mud monkey. Nowadays, straight roads run through the whole country, from north to south and from village to village, making the old "mouth gnawing mud" phenomenon gone forever. People travel more conveniently and communicate more frequently. This is my hometown, a new rich countryside!


"Our hometown is in the field of hope. Machines harvest in golden wheat fields, and cars drive on straight roads..." In the broader field of our hometown, we will continue to sow hope, cultivate hope, and harvest better fruits

《在希望的田野上》读后感 篇4


If a person wants to live a happy life, he must expect something, and look forward to the vision in the future. This is the source of a happy life. Similarly, how can a teacher make extraordinary achievements in an ordinary position? I think it is never complacent in the face of achievements, and I hope I can make greater achievements. This is hope, and this hope is the motivation for continuous improvement.


If you look at teaching from different angles, you will get different results. If you program your teaching work to impart knowledge and simplify it to lecturing on the platform, your work will become boring and your teaching career will become plain. At best, you will be a "qualified" teacher. If you are engaged in education all your life, you will have endless waiting in your life, waiting for class, waiting for holidays, waiting for retirement. The color of your life is destined to be gray. At this time, you will compare power with officials, money with businessmen, and freedom with farmers. In the end, the conclusion of the whole life is: never be a teacher in the next life.


Let's look at the teaching work from another angle. The essence of teaching work is the communication between people, and it is the most creative work in the world. If you constantly summarize experience in your work, teaching is a process of constantly improving your self-cultivation. And put these experiences into words, then you will find that teaching is full of fun. Especially when you receive greetings from your current students and past students on Teacher's Day. Imagine that many years later, when you are all over the world, when you are successful, your conclusion is that I will be a teacher in the next life.

在希望的田野上作文 篇5


Our small village was born in this field of hope.

当 软糯微潮带着泥土芬芳的风把冰面吹出些俏皮的小麻子坑时,当荠菜在细雨后绽出几朵睡眼稀松的小白花时,当杨花柳絮如琼花溅玉般漫天飞舞时,在我们的小村 庄,有果园里迫不及待早放的桃花,有返青的麦苗,有一窝昨天刚破壳的鸡雏亲昵地依偎于母鸡翅下。当瓦蓝色的炊烟与淡金色的霞光缠绕在天际时,屋内亮起的灯 光照在墙角的野蒿嫩绿的羽状叶片与浅黄色的花瓣上。锄头在磨刀石上擦出一片火星。

When the soft waxy tide and the fragrant wind blow the ice out of some cute pockmarks, when shepherd's purse blooms several small white flowers with sleepy eyes after a light rain, when willow catkins are flying all over the sky like jade flowers, in our small village, there are peach blossoms in the orchard that can't wait to be released early, green wheat seedlings, and a nest of chicks that just broke their shells yesterday snuggled under the wings of the hen. When the tile blue smoke and the pale golden glow twined in the sky, the light from the house shone on the green feathery leaves and light yellow petals of Artemisia ordosica in the corner. The hoe scraped a spark on the grindstone.

似 乎是在一场暴雨之后,田边地头上爆发出了一片片带有怒意的绿,茅盾的哨兵伸直了墨绿的臂膀,把根扎得深些,再深些,它凝视着远方,在远方一片片倒下的麦浪 之下,新的萌发已经开始酝酿。在蝉噪中送走了太阳,蛙鸣声迎来了月亮。小园里的开始饱满的小葡萄串被月光挂上了一层轻粉,老一辈人说七月七耳朵尖的人躲在 葡萄架下能听见牛郎织女的悄悄话,小时候曾信以为真,在小园守了一夜,只可惜那晚云遮月,没听见悄悄话只淋了一身织女的眼泪。

It seems that after a rainstorm, angry greens erupted on the land near the field. Mao Dun's sentry stretched out his dark green arms and rooted the roots deeper, deeper. It stared at the distance. Under the falling wheat waves in the distance, new germination had begun to brew. The sun was sent away in the noise of cicadas, and the moon was welcomed by the sound of frogs. The small vines in the small garden, which began to be full, were coated with light powder by the moonlight. The older generation said that people with sharp ears could hear the whispers of the Cowherd and the Weaver Maid when hiding under the grape trellis on July 7. They believed it when they were young and stayed in the small garden all night, but it was a pity that the moon was covered by clouds that night. They didn't hear the whispers and only shed tears to the Weaver Maid.

农 家一年四季都少有挂锄闲时,丰饶的秋季更是忙中之忙,在河流沉积形成的肥沃平原上,有通红的辣椒,碧绿的白菜,粗壮的萝卜,秀气的豆荚。外婆家门前有两棵 树,一棵是枣树,另一棵也是枣树,七月十五枣红圈,喜鹊登枝吃头口,八月十五枣落杆,更少不了顽童们竹竿砖头的照顾,外婆只是坐在家门口,含笑望着哄抢枣 子的顽童,收枣之后,四邻八坊总会互相赠送自家的红枣或用来待客,你可以尽情大吃这甜丝丝的红枣,你吃得越多,主人就越是高兴,无怀氏之民欤?葛天氏之民 欤?

Farmers seldom hang hoes all the year round, especially in the rich autumn. On the fertile plains formed by river deposits, there are red peppers, green cabbages, robust radishes, and delicate pods. There are two trees in front of Grandma's house. One is an jujube tree, and the other is also an jujube tree. On the 15th day of July, the magpies climb the branches and eat the first bite. On the 15th day of August, the dates fall off the poles, not to mention the care of the naughty boys. Grandma just sits at the door and looks at the naughty boys who plunder the dates with a smile. After collecting the dates, the eight neighboring houses will always give each other their own red dates or use them to entertain guests. You can eat the sweet red dates as much as you like. The more you eat, The more happy the master is, how about the people of Wuwei? What about the people of Ge Tian?

冬 就像一只野兽,它蛰伏在天光地影之间,用冰冷专注的眼神注视着它的猎物。虽然无法看到它的形状,但你能感觉到它日渐逼近,裹挟着冰冷干硬的气息向你袭来, 它掠过每一寸收割过的田地,在清晨和黄昏摇晃着如铁线般镶在霞光里的树梢,老屋的木门关得严严的,把冬锁在了外面,土炕散发出暖洋洋的懒意,从未抓过老鼠 的老猫照例盘踞在炕头最好的位置上咕噜咕噜地念着经,透过白蒙蒙的蒸汽,又一笼枣窝窝出锅了,新麦特有的谷物清香与枣的甜甘让人莫名地感到愉快,年关将至 了。

Winter is like a wild animal. It lies between the sky and the earth, watching its prey with cold and focused eyes. Although you can't see its shape, you can feel that it is getting closer and closer. It is attacking you with a cold, dry and hard breath. It sweeps over every inch of the harvested fields. In the morning and evening, it shakes the tops of trees like iron wires embedded in the sunlight. The wooden doors of the old house are tightly closed, locking the winter outside, and the adobe bed emits a warm lazy feeling, The old cat, who had never caught a mouse, sat on the best position of the kang as usual and read sutras. Through the white steam, another basket of dates came out of the pot. The unique grain fragrance of new wheat and the sweetness of dates made people feel happy inexplicably, and the New Year was coming.


Spring ploughing, summer ploughing, autumn harvest, and winter Tibet, generations of people have grown up here. In this field of hope, new brilliance will be born.

《在希望的田野上》读后感 篇6


Education is a career that discards evil and promotes good, and enables students to pursue truth, goodness, beauty, and truth, rather than allowing students to grow up at will, or strictly demanding and strictly controlling for outstanding teaching results. In fact, most of the students are pure and simple, showing their unique trust and respect for teachers. Effective, sensitive and interactive teacher-student relationship is always the core of high-quality teaching, solid learning and intimate teaching. If teachers lack common sense, they will put forward too high and strict requirements for students, and they may lose patience, carefulness, calmness and reason.


Teachers should learn to love their students and become a ray of sunshine in their hearts. As a teacher, you should pay attention to details and take every opportunity to treat students kindly, such as during break time, in the corridor, in practical activities, etc., especially those students who have been warned because of their poor performance recently. In particular, some underachievers and marginal students often have unfortunate life experiences, and fragile but eager hearts gradually freeze themselves. Therefore, teachers should make torches, melt the frost with wisdom and care, and let them feel warm and bright. This is the responsibility and mission of teachers, but also the significance and value of teachers.


Teachers must have an eternal heart to face beauty. In the face of objectively existing problems, we should not just be depressed and complain, but should accept the reality. If I could have a calm mind at that time and not be impatient, I would educate students on the basis of respecting students' personality. In the face of students' dull atmosphere, failure to hand in homework, class speech and other situations, I would calmly and objectively treat students, rationally analyze the causes of problems and make appropriate decisions. I should actively reflect and adjust, and actively create a happy and charming classroom.

教师只有在与学生深入交往与互动的过程中,才更可能在师生情谊的自然加深中体味到教师职业的幸福感,更能感觉到自身的价值和人生的意义。 “教师,谆谆善诱,守望的是讲台,放飞的是希望,播种的是知识,收获的是未来。”

Only in the process of in-depth communication and interaction with students can teachers more likely experience the happiness of their profession in the natural deepening of the friendship between teachers and students, and feel their own value and meaning of life. "Teachers, earnestly and earnestly, are watching the platform, flying is hope, sowing is knowledge, and harvesting is the future."


Teachers should have a heart full of love for students and work hard. They hope that parents can cooperate with the school and teachers and work together to educate children. However, goodwill does not necessarily lead to good results and feedback. In the family school communication, many problems involving students, schools and families are very complex. Teachers need to have a certain amount of wisdom to solve them, rather than a simple blood and sincerity to achieve the desired effect.


The basic premise of home school communication is to assess the situation, grasp the opportunity, and make rational analysis. The wisdom of communication is reflected in teachers' speech and behavior, in teachers' wisdom in dealing with problems between home and school, and in protecting the body and mind of students, themselves, and parents. The purpose of improving teachers' wisdom is to make life more meaningful, make people live more easily, make trivial matters more meaningful, and let teachers live a happy life more leisurely and contentedly, and achieve professional ideals and career goals.