
时间:2022-10-26 13:09:12 | 来源:语文通



国庆节作文500字 篇1国庆节作文500字 篇2国庆节作文500字 篇3国庆节作文400字 篇4国庆节作文500字 篇5国庆节作文500字 篇6欢乐的国庆节作文500字 篇7

国庆节作文500字 篇1


The next day we first came to Hancheng, which has a long history. There are many places of interest in Hancheng. The first thing we should go to is the most famous Sima Qian Temple.


Deng Renge and I first came to the square and saw Sima Qian remember many historical records. For example, Dayu controlled the flood, the Shang Dynasty replaced the Zhou Dynasty, Qin Shihuang burned books to pit scholars... I can't help but marvel at so many historical records written by Sima Qian himself. Walking to the center of the square, Sima Qian's statue of Yushulinfeng stands, surrounded by an altar. This is a great imperial historian who lives on forever and is deeply loved by people.


After walking across the square and a bridge, you will officially enter Sima Qian Ancestral Hall. Sima Qian Ancestral Temple is built on the hillside, and the road to the mountain is all paved with stones. Half way down the mountain, you can see the vast Yellow River Plain at a glance, which looks spectacular. Soon we came to Sima Qian Memorial Hall. It tells about Sima Qian's life and his historical records.


After visiting the memorial hall, we came to the Ninth Steps. Because there are ninety-nine steps, the ninety-nine steps get their name. Another walk leads to the Memorial Hall, which is filled with many eulogy books written for him by celebrities. In order to protect the statue of Sima Qian, people can only watch it outside and cannot enter it.


Behind the ancestral hall is Sima Qian's tomb. The shape of the tomb looks like a yurt. The original tombstone of Sima Qian was destroyed. Later, the Yuan Dynasty emperor Kublai Khan wrote a Biography of the Huns for his people in the Records of the Historian, so he built a tomb for him. It looks like a yurt because Kublai Khan is a Mongolian.


In the afternoon, we also went to Dangjia Village to learn about the living environment and housing characteristics of the people in the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. This is the end of today's journey.

国庆节作文500字 篇2

国庆假期里,很多市民想的大多是去哪玩,回老家。听妈妈说,很多人都趁这个时候回老家,因为过年时假期太短,或其他原因回不去。所以赶快回家团圆团圆 www.niubb.net 。

During the National Day holiday, many citizens think about where to play and return to their hometown. According to my mother, many people go back to their hometown at this time because the holidays are too short during the Spring Festival or for other reasons. So go home and have a reunion WWW. NIUBB NET 。


I was no exception. My mother took me and my brother back to my hometown. My mother was in my hometown. My brothers and sisters and I obviously didn't play very well. When I returned to my hometown alone, my mother was not there. My brother and I played freely. After my mother returned to my hometown, I had to play play badminton with my brother. This is the only way to play football. If my mother is not in my hometown, I will play football with my brother. I remember one summer vacation, when I played football with him, my feet hurt so much that I could not walk. I had to be "waited on" when I ate. My sister was "waited on" me, and she was tired in those days. Every time I go back to my hometown to finish my grandmother's home, I go back to my sister's home to talk with her about the past. This time is no exception. After I went to Grandma's house, I went to my sister's house with my brother and sister. This time, I went to my sister's house with more brothers. It must be more fun. Although my mother came out of my grandmother on the same bus with us, he took my brother back to Hangzhou, and I went to my sister's house with my brother and sister. I went back to Hangzhou with my little uncle after playing at my sister's house for a few days.


This National Day is so cool. The summer vacation is not so cool! Maybe my family will doubt whether I have finished my homework. My answer is that I have finished it. Because there are few homework on National Day, which is not much different from ordinary homework, so there is more time to play. But the homework in the summer vacation looks small, but the amount is large, so there is not so much attention on the homework.


I enjoyed my holiday on October 1. The weather is also very beautiful, but it's a pity that "Buffett arrived" on the last day. But I'm still satisfied.

国庆节作文500字 篇3


Today is the the fourth day day of the National Day Golden Week. I am at the gate of the DO Capital in Hangzhou. Do you want to go in? If you want, go and have a look with me!


After buying tickets and wearing a yellow bracelet, I entered the DO capital.


As soon as you enter the city, you can see all kinds of rooms similar to stores. There are hospitals, kindergartens, testing stations and public security bureaus. There were too many people on the first floor. There was a long line at the entrance of each project. I rushed to the second floor immediately. It was not easy to line up at the door of an environmental inspection station. It took a long time to experience.


The teacher taught us to test the PH value of water. I carefully picked up a piece of test paper with tweezers and put it on the plate. Then I dropped a drop of water with a dropper! The test paper has changed color! The drawing I have taken for comparison is No. 7. Water with a PH value of 68 is considered drinkable. The teacher asked us to look at the shape of microorganisms with a microscope. Some microbes look like a small black spot, some are like a half torn pile, and some are like a piece of noodles, which are really strange. At the end of the experience time, I left the inspection station with the salary of half an hour's work and entered the experience of another project.


The last experience in the afternoon was the Coca Cola seasoner. The teacher asked us to make drinks with cola, tea and iced black tea. I poured a little tea and iced black tea, and then poured a lot of cola. After debugging, I tasted it. It was very sour! However, I still drank the drink prepared by myself.


How time flies! The library is closing. I rushed into DO Metropolis Department Store with my salary earned in the afternoon, bought a bottle of my favorite bubble, and reluctantly walked out of DO Metropolis.


The DO capital is really fun. We can not only get in touch with things that we can't normally touch, but also learn a lot of knowledge that we can't learn in textbooks.

国庆节作文400字 篇4


Late at night, we were still on our way to Mianshan.


When the morning sun dispelled the curtain of the night, we came to the destination - Mianshan. What impressed me most was the cool back mountain like a fairyland.


At the beginning of entering the back mountain, there was a cool air coming from the pavement, which was extremely cool; Then, what came into my eyes was the dense trees, with thick clouds of shade. The sun penetrated into the gaps of the leaves, leaving mottled light and shadow on the earth. At first sight, I liked the back mountain.


Then, following the winding stone road, I gradually heard the sound of running water, such as the wind blowing silver bells, crisp and pleasant; I couldn't wait to run. Finally, I saw the source of the sound. A stream meandered into the distance, like a floating white silk, and reached into the water with my hands. It was cool and cold. It seemed that my heart was also cold, helping me to dispel the heat of the day. Go straight ahead, there are many streams and rivers, some of which are gentle and some are turbulent; Sitting on the stone beside the water and listening with your eyes closed, it is also a kind of enjoyment and pleasure to hear the wind blowing the leaves, the singing of birds, and the sound of water ding dong!


Go on and see a huge waterfall, towering above the clouds. The clouds are thick at the upper end and green at the lower end. Walk along the iron cable bridge and come to it, and a cool airflow spreads around; The cold air invades people and penetrates the muscles and bones. My clothes seem to be wet too. This is really "dipping into the deep cloud"!


After visiting the Houshan Mountain, we took a group photo. The golden beam spread on our bodies at a perfect angle, like gold paint splashing and flowing, and an orange smile bloomed in our mouth. It's really worthwhile to visit this cool fairyland!

国庆节作文500字 篇5


In the golden autumn and the National Day holiday, my parents and I came to Shennong again.


Shennong City is very beautiful. Once you enter Shennong City, you can smell a refreshing fragrance of osmanthus. I looked closely, ah! It turned out that the osmanthus bloomed. There are colorful flowers and smiling faces beside Shennong Lake, as if they are welcoming us tourists. The beautiful posture of willows on the grass is reflected on the water surface. The willows caress, giving people a feeling that is completely unlike autumn. The Shennong Lake is calm and the water is crystal clear. Only a white boat floats on the surface of the water. From a distance, it looks like a piece of jade plate water inlaid with pearls. I really want to paint the beautiful scenery with a pen!


There are so many tourists in Shennong City that we followed them to the playground. All the amusement facilities in Shennong City are open! I played space walk, bumper cars, pirate ships. Among them, the pirate ship is my favorite.


The way pirate ships play is amazing. Its playing method is: first, press you on the iron fence, and then use the machine to make the boat swing around, so that you can experience the feeling of losing the center of gravity. The boat began to shake, and I held on to the railing to prevent myself from being thrown out. The ship shook more and more fiercely, flying up and down. Every time I shook up, my body hung in the air. A pirate stood at the bow of the ship and flew over with his teeth flailing. I began to be nervous, and I kept sweating. I haven't regained my consciousness yet. The boat suddenly dived down. I feel my heart is flying out! The boat flew up again. This time, it flew even harder. I couldn't help shouting. The boat dived down again, my body kept shaking, and my heart flew again. After a while, the boat stopped gradually, and I returned to reality. How exciting!


Shennong boat is really fun. It has beautiful scenery and many amusement facilities. I love God Farming City!

国庆节作文500字 篇6


On the third day of the National Day, our whole family went to the flower fields on the sea to play during this small long holiday.


When I came there, I was most fascinated by lavender. It's strange to hear its name. Is it flowers or grass? In fact, it is a small purple blue flower and also a spice plant.


There are a lot of lavender around the riverbank, which makes me love it. When I run in the flowers, the wind is mixed with a kind of beautiful, quiet and elegant fragrance. How pleasant!


Walking through the corridor woven by vines, you can see the Holy Land of Sunflowers. The sunflower lifted its head high, opened its petals, and showed its most beautiful smiling face to the sun. I went to the prelude of one of the most vigorous sunflowers and saw that it was fluffy black melon seeds. I picked them one by one and was ready to go home and stir fry a plate of fragrant melon seeds. In addition, there are all kinds of flowers, such as crabapple, Changchun, peony, winter jasmine, purple magnolia, etc., which are really colorful. Of course, there are many entertainment projects, such as fish catching, pottery, children's paradise, etc. What impressed me most was catching fish. Take a bag, make a few small holes, and immediately drive the fish to run. But after opening it, there is no fish. When it comes to a bag of water, there is still no fish. The father standing by said with a smile: "This requires two people to cooperate. One person drives fish, and the other person catches fish. Let the fish swim into the bag. I think this method is quite reliable, so I discussed it with my sister. well! It's really effective. When I looked close to my head, three small goldfish swam around in the bag. I was happy to take a straight picture of them, which was sweeter than honey. But I didn't know that I was wearing wet pants and shivered.


In the future, whenever I have the opportunity, I will visit the great mountains and seas of the motherland more often, get close to nature more often, and love the motherland from every drop.

欢乐的国庆节作文500字 篇7


10.1 Finally, the holiday I longed for finally arrived. Today, the weather is sunny and sunny, which makes people feel relaxed and happy. Our family came to Grandma's house happily!


When I got to Grandma's house, all my relatives came. Grandma cooked chicken porridge tonight.


I found my cousin and asked him to teach me to dribble more stably. My cousin and I came to the court and said, "Let's practice dribbling first." I hit the ball in the same way as I used to, but when people walked away, the ball couldn't keep up. So I patted and walked, patted and walked again and again. One time, I almost fell down. I patted and walked away with all my strength. The ball also walked away. I thought to myself: Why did I tell you to walk flat? Why did I tell you to walk backward? Look at your temper! When my cousin saw me like this, he knew that I must be in trouble, so he strode to me, picked up the ball and said to me: "Pay attention to the forward stroke of the dribble, so that you can walk. Come on, come on, you must do it!" As he said it, he made some moves. I tried it when I saw it. But the ball was still obedient. I practiced again. This time I grasped the essentials of the movement. Slowly, I could control the ball. It didn't take me long to learn how to dribble. No matter whether I moved forward or backward, the ball could "beat" up and down under the palm of my hand. At this moment, I was so happy that my cousin gave me a thumbs up when he saw it.

后来,表哥又教我投篮,我先尝试原地投篮。一个、二个、三个…我投啊投,就是进不了球,表哥过来帮我纠正了姿势,还教我一个方法,只要击中篮板上的黑框,球就能擦进球篮。这 一招果然厉害,我纷纷投进了好几个两分球。后来,我还投进了一个三分球呢!

Later, my cousin taught me to shoot, and I tried to shoot in situ first. One, two, three... I shot and shot, but I couldn't get in the ball. My cousin came to help me correct my posture and taught me a way. As long as I hit the black box on the backboard, the ball would wipe into the basket. This move was really powerful, and I scored several two-point goals one after another. Later, I also made a three-point shot!


In this way, I not only learned how to dribble but also how to shoot the ball. I also learned a truth, as long as I have patience to grind the iron pillar into a needle!