
时间:2022-06-23 13:24:52 | 来源:语文通


亲爱的刘浩哥哥 :

Dear Brother Liu Hao:

最近还好吗 ?

How are you okay recently?

我发自内心地对你说,你不能再胖了,如果再胖的话,你就可能会得很多种病,比如糖尿病,高血压 ……不知您听说过一句话“肥胖不是病,但是会取了你的性命!”

I said to you from the heart, you can't get fat anymore. If you are fat, you may get a lot of diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension ... I don’t know if you have heard a sentence, "Obesity is not a disease, but it will be a disease, but it will be a disease, but it will be a disease, but it will be a disease, but it will be a disease, but it will be a disease, but it will be a disease, but it will be a disease, but it will be a disease, but it will be a disease, but it will be a disease, but it will be a disease, but it will be a disease, but it will be a disease, but it will be a disease, but it will be a disease, but you will be a disease, but you will be a disease, but you will be a disease, but you will be a disease, but you will be a disease, but you will be a disease, but you will be a disease, but you will be a disease, but you will be a disease, but you will be a disease, but you will be a disease, but you will be a disease, but you will be a disease, but you will be a disease, but you will be a disease, but you will be a disease, but you will.Take your life! "


And you have to play less mobile phones and games! Watch less TV to protect your eyes.No one in your eyes will be clearer than you. You have wearing glasses, and the degree is particularly high. It may also cause retina to fall off, so you accidentally are a consequences. It may be a very serious consequence!

见字如面,我的心中禁不住涌起了上次那件事情,上次你是多么热情。 还记得那一次,你就因为我们家给你们喝水,你就让我们吃早、中、晚餐,我说:“只用随便吃那么一点点就够了。”可是你们一直要好饭好菜的招待,把我们当成了自己的家人,用心招待,除此之外,还有很多次您都很好,对我特别热情。

Seeing the words, I couldn't help but rush last time, how enthusiastic you were.Remember that time, because of our family drinking water, you let us eat early, medium, and dinner. I said, "Just eat it just a little bit." But you have always wanted good food and good dishEnrollment, treat us as our own family, and entertain it with heart. In addition, you are very good at many times and are very enthusiastic about me.

还有一次,我生了一点小病, 我爸妈不在家,你刚好在这散步,你用“千里耳”听到了我的咳嗽声,你毫不犹豫地跑来了,但那一次,你完全就是我的希望,直接飞奔到自己家中, 直接开车把我送到了医院,而且最后你还帮我付了医药费 ,我真是感动不已。

Another time, I gave birth to a little illness. My parents were not at home. You happened to be here. You heard my cough sound with "Thousands of Ear", and you ran without hesitation, but at that time, you, youIt was my hope, flying directly to my own home, driving directly to the hospital, and in the end you also helped me pay for medical expenses. I was really moved.

你就是我的希望,在危机关头救了我,不然我的感冒会更加严重 。

You are my hope, saving me in the crisis, otherwise my cold will be more serious.




May all go well with you!


Your friend: Qi Qi


November 10, 2020



Dear brother:

Dear brother:


Are you OK?


Is there a person who makes you stomachache? Is there anyone who makes you sleep all night? Even if the people around you have a lot of concern to me, but my thoughts are still difficult to solve.


We are not brothers and sisters. I am just your sister. We haven't said too much, but we seem to cherish each other and have a spirit of heart.Sometimes we speak the same words, write the same sentences, draw the same paintings, and listen carefully to the same music ... We have too many places, but there are many differences.I often talk; you love to play basketball but I don't like sports ... We often quarrel for some trivial matter. I will be scolded by you because of picky food, and I will tell my mother because I don't study hard.


Remember when I was 6 years old, I was greedy, and I had the big apple on the tree. I kept crying and rode on your shoulder in a hurry. As a result, the Apple did not pick it up.A Malaysian pier was injured. After returning home, my mother let us not eat.You take out your usual snacks, but I feed you, but you say you are not hungry.From time to time, the scene where you and I get along are in front of my eyes, and we seem to return to the past.


I often complain that you do n’t go home often without anyone to play with me, but I do n’t know your hard work at all.Now that I know that you go out and break through for me better, but you don’t know, what I need is not money, I need your company more, if it is not to save me, you will not be in the weak crown year.Just leave, so young, it is a good years.For this reason, I often blame myself and even think of self -harm.At that time, I felt that I did n’t have you, and I was meaningless to live. It should be me who felt injured. It should be me who went to heaven.It seems that I have taken away all my hope. You used to be my only reliance. You are heaven and mountains, but now my sky has collapsed, this mountain has fallen, I, what should I do.


I dreamed of you with tears, and I dreamed of you. You said that let me live well. Don't be blinded by hatred. It was just an accident.I woke up from my dream and quickly remembered what you said in the notebook.Yeah, maybe I misunderstood that the accident was really an accident. I thought too much.


That is, I often dream of you, and I will carefully remember every word you said on the small book. Seeing it, I seem to see you. I am full of hope and optimism with life.I may not live because of myself, but I can live stronger for you. When I grow up, I will take you to a lot of places to play. I will go to Tibet with you, go to see itThe magnificent Potala Palace; go to Qinghai to understand the purity of Qinghai Lake ... Anyway, I will do my best to take you to fulfill your unfinished wish and do what you want to do most.


I will work hard to make yourself better, so that you are not worried and disappointed in heaven.I will always remember that I have a brother who loves my brother very much.Of course, I will forget your birthday. I will see you every week, give you the most popular braised pork trotters, and sing it for you.Go to everything you love, I will always remember you, and you must remember that there is a sister who loves you very much and loves you.


May my brother over there will be good, I hope I will be fine.



Dear brother:


This year, you are going to be a soldier. I am both sad and proud. I have made a lot of tears in my heart. I do n’t know how to say.


There are many people in the world, there are many people who pass by you, and there are countless people you know.Only a few relatives with blood relationships are a few of them. In addition to their loved ones, there are another kind of person. Although there is no blood relationship, such a person cares about you, loves you, helps you, cares about you, cares about you, cares about you, and cares about you.You, such a person is you.


At that time, you told me that you want to be my elder brother. I tell you that I don't like people who want to be naughty to be a big brother, and I have a big brother who hurts me. I don't need you. You say you are not afraid, as long as I don't ignore you, one day you will become my elder brother. I laugh at your stupidity and feel impossible. Later, you have always been good to me. I think you are the only person who has not had a blood relationship with me but is not afraid of giving me. I am a little relieved. Later, you are right, meticulous care, although I think you hate and don't like talking to you at the beginning, you have never given up on me. So I tried to communicate with you and found that you didn't hate it so much, so I started trying to accept you. After you become my elder brother, I always get angry inexplicably. I always dislike many aspects of you and hate many behaviors of you. I also told you a lot of things I have never said to others. But you never get angry with me, and never ignore me. If you do something wrong, you will apologize immediately. I do something wrong. You are angry with me. I heard what you said. You start to apologize again. Obviously my fault, the compromise of the apology is always you. I said you have no bone you, but you say, do n’t have so many bones in front of me. If you want to bone, I will be angry, and I can not become your elder brother in my life. It's right. I noisy with you, scolding you did not really want to be my elder brother, and said, I don't want you as a big brother anymore. No matter what you are doing, you will immediately let go of what you have in your hands and run to me. When you see me, you say that I scare you. You said, when you receive the information that I send to you, you The whole person was panicked. You said, if I really can't accompany you as your elder brother, you are bullied. Who wants to get angry for you, you are in a bad mood. Who sings and play the piano for you. You also think your life is meaningless.







If there is a life, you need to make a tree, stand for eternal, and have no sad posture: half in the dust is peaceful, half of the air flying in the air; half of the shade, half a bathing sun, very silent and proud, never relying on never looking for.If there is a next life.I am your elder brother, change me to protect you.Brother, I am proud of you in this life!




Bon Voyage


Healthy body


Your little brother: Xiaoxue


2019 · 04 · 21



Dear brother:

Dear brother:


Time passed so fast that it was a year after the eyes.This year's family is in the Spring Festival of the countryside, but I am happy, but I have a regret in my heart, that is, in this important day, my side has not sounded your hearty and unruly laughter, in front of my eyes, my eyes, I could no longer appear to come up with a bouncing and jumping fitness shadow.I know that at this moment, you should still be treated in the hospital and endure the torture that is more uncomfortable than the silver needle.


Brother, I'm sorry, at that moment, I couldn't accompany you, and I couldn't even say a greeting to you through the phone.Because, I know you don't want to see anyone at that time.


I don't understand why life can be so cruel and ruthless.The legs of a vibrant person were cut coldly, and then he could only lie in a wheelchair for a long time in the future, and he couldn't even go downstairs to bask in the sun.I know that you must be a big blow to you who love life and run out.


But brother, do you know?In these days, I miss you very much, and I think about it. Even if we are not a brothers and sisters in the real sense, I still can't help but miss your condition when sleeping at night.Brother, do you know?I have always been grateful for your care for me over the years.


We are cousins. Although you are only three months older than me, we have the generosity and tolerance that I can't surpass.


Every time, Grandpa bought a lot of delicious cakes from the market, and I would rush to move these things into my room in the past, eat alone, grandma brings us back some interesting gadgets, and I always always always give us.Crying and making troubles to snatch those things that should have belonged to you.Every time, I thought you would fight with me, grab me, and may even hit me, but you didn't, there was no once.Every time, in the face of my unreasonable unreasonable, you just laughed indifferently, patting me white and fat to me, and said, "It's okay, my brother doesn't need these, let my sister!"In retrospect, my brother, you really have always guarded my big sun silently.


I remember a year of midsummer, because I ran to the village to touch the fish and shrimp because I ran to the village.As a result, I was almost drowned. At that moment, when I slipped into the water, you saw it, without panic, I jumped down without saying a word, grabbed my little hand tightly with my thin arms, and tried my best.I took it on the shore.At that time, I thought you must have a good swimming skills.But later, you told me: "Actually, I couldn't swim at that time. When I saw you falling, I was frightened and frightened.But in my heart, a circle of ripples.



Ah, how wonderful our brothers and sisters were together. Brother, I miss you very much, so you must get better early, and I am still waiting for you to come back alive.

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In the 110 -meter column of the 28th Olympic Games, you not only won the world championship with a score of 12 seconds 91, but also set the world record.Some African and European athletes are strong, but the Chinese are very short.Brother Liu Xiang, how easy it is to run out of this result.I know how much sweat and hardship you have paid behind this honor!You are the pride of our Chinese and even Asians, I am proud of you!


Whenever I see you crossing a railing on TV on TV and surpassing a master of the master. Finally, when you hold the gold medal on the podium and look at the five -star red flag slowly, I am excited.Love is unbearable.Brother Liu Xiang, your patriotism is dedicated, and the undefeated spirit has always encouraged me.


Time passed so fast, in a blink of an eye, it was 2008.I can see your brilliant appearance on the Olympic Games and a strong posture.I know that you must hone yourself in wind and frost, rain and snow, and lay a solid foundation for the Beijing Olympics.


I am determined to learn from you. Although it is not a column, I have to put you on the sports field. The spirit of hard work is on learning, studying well, knowing difficulties, and laying a good foundation for the future. I hope that one day I will have one day.Being a good athlete like you, winning glory for the motherland.






In the next life, let me be your parents_ a letter to my family 1500 words, one


My dearest Mom and Dad:









Dad and mother, today, the son suddenly has an idea, that is the third thinking.You, don't laugh, don't be angry, I really think so, I am sincere.That is: If there is a life, you will be your siblings, change me to be your father and mother, I think, how interesting this will be, so that I can answer this life in this life.I taught me the great virtue.However, I have to be a father and a mother. It is really difficult.


If all of this is true, I think there are too many things I have to do. I think when you come to the world, I will greet you: Children, the world will ask you well. Children, the sun rises for you every day, the beautiful flowers are open for you, just laugh, you just open up! Second, I will take care of your diet every day to make blue and childhood for you. Buys for you, accompany you to recognize words, graffiti, watch animation, and play games. When you start reading, every morning, I will get up early, give you a glass of milk, one egg with one egg. On a sunny day, one person and one cool hat; rainy days, one person and a small umbrella. Mom, then, you will be my daughter. For your beauty, I will be carefully dressed for you, I must buy the most beautiful skirt for you, I must compile the best -looking discrimination for you, and I also need to insert a few more branches. Good -looking little flowers. Dad, then you will be my son. For your health and strength, for your handsomeness and confidence, I must accompany you to run, take you to swim and cycling, as well as wild tour and mountain climbing, fly together, together, together laugh. At that time, my father and mother, no, my good son genius baby and baby daughter sunshine sister, when you encounter problems and difficulties in your study, let us face it together. You find the root cause and method of solving the problem. In this way, every time you determine the test of your life, the only thing I can do is to wait for your good news at home. When you encounter trouble and misfortune, I am willing to be your friends, you will listen to your voice, and you will share and resolve you. When you make mistakes, I will never just blame you, because I know that making mistakes is the intersection that must pass through a person's growth experience. The necessary links, we always grow up in constant mistakes. On the contrary, I will encourage you not to be afraid of falling and stand up bravely. I will teach you the reason why you make mistakes, and learn how to avoid making the same mistakes again. Teach you not to fall again in the same place, teach you how to plant crops on your heart, so as not to let it grow weeds. How do you grow love without planting hate, teach you what is true, kind, beautiful, and what is false, ugly, evil, teach you what is "do not forget, to know the teacher's teacher '. When you are in love with your love, when you love Huaichun's age, I will discuss with you what love is, how to get true love, how to get the happiness of life, and how to avoid unnecessary harm. When you are sick, I can't do the doctor who gets to get sick. I also have to give you the most intimate nurse, pour water for you, feed medicine, turn over, cover, tell stories ...


Dad and mother, if there is really a afterlife, I am still willing to live in the countryside. I am still willing to be born in our hometown, but we can't be as poor as we are now. Although we are not lacking in happiness, but after all, it is not the life we want.Dad and mother, if there is a future, change me to be your father and mother, and change your son and daughter, I will definitely create the best environment and conditions for your growth, your life and learning, and create the best environment and conditions.Even if I fail to wealth, for your future and future, if necessary, I will ‘Mom Mom’ s three moves ’and‘ weaving breakfasts ’, and I will“ know the long distance ”...


Dear dad and mother, my thoughts are good? If you feel ridiculous, you will smile happily; if you feel ridiculous, let me be absurd once.


Your Mom and Dad in the Life


Write to my dear brother


Brother, you are still gone, this should be expected!


There will be such a trace of reluctance.


Brother, thank you for your affirmation, let me know that I am excellent, but maybe, maybe, if I know something late, maybe I can take this excellent to take the college entrance examination, and I can rely on this kindExcellent to realize the dream of my writer. Perhaps it is not too late. At least now I know myself, at least now I have the courage to go forward.


Brother, thank you for giving me the tenderness, and the tenderness of everyone here, let me know that there will be such a person who will care about me in the future.


Brother, thank you for playing cards with me, let me know that the world is simple.


Brother, what I want to say to you is not a few words that can be finished. Brother, thank you for teaching me to look up.


Brother, what I want to say to you is thousands of words.


That day, you said that you were the first time you asked a girl to help you wash clothes.Oh! Brother, I also helped a boy wash clothes for the first time. For the first time, I played unscrupulous with a boy. For the first time, I called a boy brother.


Brother, thousands of words are silent.


Brother, you heard me clearly, you have to give me good; maybe I am the most inconspicuous among all your sisters, but my brother, you can't forget that you have a younger sister like me; brother, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, youI will do my business, I will do it.


Brother, in fact, I hope you will accompany me to live this eighteen birthday, just.Oh! Maybe I am destined to lose something.


Brother, let us maintain this kind of brotherhood relationship until forever.


My dear brother, maybe you can never see this log, but I really thank you.


My dear brother, I want to say, I am honored to know you.


Dear brother, I can't bear you to leave, I don't want to, I miss you!



1、哥哥:哥哥读音为gē ge,是指①同父母(或只同父、只同母)而年纪比自己大的男子。②同族同辈而年纪比自己大的男子:叔伯哥哥ㄧ远房哥哥。哥哥 gē gē词语解释:①同父母(或只同父、只同母)而年纪比自己大的男子。②同族同辈而年纪比自己大的男子:叔伯哥哥ㄧ远房哥哥。分词解释:年纪:1.纪年年数。 2.年号。 3.年龄。 4.年代;时代。远房:指血统疏远的宗族人员。男子:1.犹男人。男性的成年人。 2.儿子。 3.丈夫。 4.指刚强有作为的男人。 5.古称无官爵的成年男人。 6.指嫡长子。同辈:1.犹同列,同僚。 2.犹同伴,伙伴。 3.年辈相同。...哥哥怎么造句,用哥哥造句»