
时间:2022-06-18 13:29:44 | 来源:语文通



The beginning of the start of , we are children; in the end, we look forward to becoming angels; ballads of ballads, singing fairy tales; children's children still need to fly.


——The composition title


At that time, the weird naughty bag of the elves had just entered the school door of the middle school. In a blink of an eye, it was about to encounter a puppy with a small hand in the first key test in life.I feel that I just entered this group yesterday, but tomorrow is going to leave.Everyone who just entered the third day of the third day, there was no pressure, and it was delicious and lazy every day. Now, the front of the classroom has been posted on the middle school entrance examination.


Do you still remember that there were 96 days at the time of posting, but only 61 days were left in a blink of an eye. This means that the junior high school promotes to everyone step by step.Poke straight on my chest.Many people say that the life of the third grade is very boring and painful. I think it is true. Everyone runs with time and fights with time. During the granting lesson, it is to write homework and jog.When you live this week, live the same life every day, you feel that it is a smart robot that has been adjusted. Don't say that it is a real experience. It is likely that people who see it on the side will feel boring!But boring is boring, but in the long run, you can also find out from this that is different from usual life. Since then, everyone will become more and more complete and more or more orientated.For example, when you think of only one more good attentive or more work, ask one more problem to make everyone a step closer to the overall goal, so that there will be a sense of satisfaction, and then full of learning training.Energy.


Naturally, teachers often "embarrassed" in everyone's ears: studying for themselves.Sometimes I even suspect that the teacher is embarrassed, but I listen too much, and it seems that I can really listen to my heart.


The time to give it to everyone is very small, and the countdown of the wall seems to be torn off by others overnight for a long time.In a few moments, even "dreams" often feel like "dreaming"!There is a test paper in the drawer cabinet. Everyone running around the playground, the chalk of the classroom blackboard teacher wiped it over and over again ...


The temperature is getting hot, and the eyes are already full of green eyes.



1、倒计时:倒计时读音为dào jì shí,是指从未来的某一时点往现在计算时间(多含有时间越来越少,越来越紧迫的意思):倒计时牌|工程已进入倒计时阶段。倒计时 dào jì shí词语解释:从未来的某一时点往现在计算时间(多含有时间越来越少,越来越紧迫的意思):倒计时牌|工程已进入倒计时阶段。分词解释:进入:进到某个范围或某个时期里:进入学校ㄧ进入新阶段 ◇进入角色。紧迫:没有缓冲的余地;急迫:紧迫感ㄧ任务紧迫ㄧ形势十分紧迫。现在:1.存在。 2.指目前活着。 3.现世,今生。 4.眼前一刹那。与过去﹑未来相区别。后泛指此时﹑目前。时点:时间上的某一瞬时。如某日零点正。计算人口﹑物资储备等,都是就一个时点而言的。计算:①根据已知数通过数学方法求得未知数:计算人数 ㄧ计算产值。②考虑;筹划:做事没个计算,干到哪儿算哪儿。③暗中谋划损害别人:当心被小人计算。...