To be grateful to be a person, learn to learn well, it is good for everyone to learn.
One day we are going to move a new home. I am leaving my paradise and going to a area where no one knows. I don't want to leave, because this place gives me a lot of unforgettable memories.Here is the best partner I am. I don't want to have too far away from them. Everyone's new home is not far away from the home before, but there is a certain distance.There was no cloud in the sky at noon that day, there were only blue sky, and there were several birds in the branches. "Screaming. As if the best friend who told me everyone left, I rushed to the new home and the new home and the new home.Shopping malls are very convenient to buy items. The latter is a city square that can play on the grass.
I sorted out my bedroom and I was looking for a brother to play. I took it for 20 minutes. I shouted to play in the city square behind our house.game.It's almost time for dining. The friends went home and saw a grandma. She was inconvenient and fell. Many people saw it around. No one lifted the old grandma.In the past, the grandmother asked, "Where is your family? I sent you home."My grandmother helped me point to the road. I sent her to home. No one at home had no food yet.The old grandmother said, "There is only me in the family, my wife left, and the children did not go home to work outside." Seeing the sadness of the old grandmother, I could only say "Grandma goodbye".
When I returned home, I told my father and mother about this. The mother gave my grandmother to prepare the elder sister to ask the meals in advance, and took the medicine box with my grandma's house.Grandma has repaired clothes and pants, and the mother said to her grandmother, "The old man listened to our girl and said that you were falling, no one in the family took care of it, I brought you a copy, you eat, I will give you the creation of the wound." Grandma included. "He said with tears, "Thank you, thank you."Everyone has left after her grandmother has eaten. Since then, after the occurrence of a small story, every time I get out of school, I will go to my grandma to assist her and play with her. Grandma will help me eat and save me. With her mother, her father would assist her and pay attention to her.
I know this: more assistance to assist these people who must assist, so that everyone will feel very happy.
1、一点:一点读音为yì diǎn,是指1.汉字的一种笔画。常指书画中的点画。 2.表示甚少或不定的数量。 3.一经指点。 4.一方面;一部分。 5.一小时。一天中的第一和第十三时,也称一点。一点 yī diǎn词典解释:1.汉字的一种笔画。常指书画中的点画。 2.表示甚少或不定的数量。 3.一经指点。 4.一方面;一部分。 5.一小时。一天中的第一和第十三时,也称一点。分词解释:不定:1.不安定;不稳定。 2.没有一定。 3.不住;不止。 4.副词,表示数量大,说不清。一方面:1.指有关的几个人或几件事之一。 2.连用。连接并列的两种相互关联的事物,或一个事物的两个方面。指点:1.以手指或其他物点示。 2.评说;指责。 3.指示,点拨。数量:1.事物的多少和长短。 2.指事物的多少。...一点怎么造句,用一点造句»
2、协助:协助读音为xié zhù,是指帮助;辅助。 从旁帮助,辅助协助 xié zhù词语解释:帮助;辅助。[assist;aid;help;give assistance;lend a helping hand;provide help to] 从旁帮助,辅助 分词解释:辅助:①从旁帮助:多加辅助。②辅助性的;非主要的:辅助劳动ㄧ辅助人员。帮助:替人出力、出主意或给以物质上、精神上的支援:互相帮助ㄧ帮助灾民。● 助 zhù ㄓㄨˋ◎ 帮助协同,辅佐:辅助。帮助。助手。助人为乐。助桀为虐。拔苗助长(zhǎng )。爱莫能助。◎ 相传为殷代的租赋制度。● 助 chú ㄔㄨˊ◎ 古同“锄”,除去。● 协(協) xié ㄒㄧㄝˊ◎ 共同合作,和洽:协商。协定。协和。协调(tiáo )。协议。◎ 帮助,辅助:协助。协同。协理。...协助怎么造句,用协助造句»
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