
时间:2022-11-28 12:44:41 | 来源:语文通



  议论是作者对客观事物进行分析、评论、说服,以表明自己的见解、主张、态度的表达方式,通常由论点 、论据、论证三部分构成。议论文题目分为论题,论点,寓意型。论题型为作者观点但以简洁为主,所以中心论点一般不能直接抄论题,论题型,论题型一般没有观点倾向性,例如:君子之交淡如水。寓意型一般与论题论点并存且不能直接作为中心论点要还原本意。


















  1、论点(证明什么) 论点应该是作者看法的完整表述,在形式上是个完整的简洁明确的句子。从全文看,它必能统摄全文。表述形式往往是个表示肯定或否定的判断句,是明确的表态性的句子。

1. Argument (what to prove) An argument should be a complete statement of the author's views, which is a complete, concise and clear sentence in form. From the full text, it must be able to dominate the full text. The form of expression is often a positive or negative sentence, which is a clear statement.

  A.把握文章的论点。 中心论点只有一个(统率分论点) ⑴明确: 分论点可有N个(补充和证明中心论点)

A. Grasp the argument of the article. There is only one central argument (commanding sub arguments) ⑴ Clear: there can be N sub arguments (supplementing and proving the central argument)

  ⑵方法 ①从位置上找:如标题、开篇、中间、结尾。②分析文章的论据。(可用于检验预想的论点是否恰当) ③摘录法(只有分论点,而无中心论点)

⑵ Method ① Look for the position, such as title, opening, middle and ending. ② Analyze the argument of the article. (It can be used to test whether the expected argument is appropriate) ③ Extract method (only sub argument, but no central argument)

  B.分析论点是怎样提出的:①摆事实讲道理后归结论点; ②开门见山,提出中心论点;③针对生活中存在的现象,提出论题,通过分析论述,归结出中心论点; ④叙述作者的一段经历湖,归结出中心论点; ⑤作者从故事中提出问题,然后一步步分析推论,最后得出结论,提出中心论点。

B. Analyze how the argument is put forward: ① put facts and reason and then conclude the argument; ② Put forward the central argument to the point; ③ In view of the phenomenon existing in life, put forward the topic, and sum up the central argument through analysis and discussion; ④ Narrate the author's experience and sum up the central argument; ⑤ The author raises questions from the story, analyzes and infers step by step, and finally draws a conclusion and puts forward the central argument.

  2、论据(用什么证明) ⑴论据的类型:①事实论据(举例后要总结,概述论据要紧扣论点);②道理论据(引用名言要分析)。

2. Arguments (with what to prove) ⑴ Types of arguments: ① Factual arguments (summarized after giving examples, and summarized arguments should be closely related to arguments); ② Rationale (Quote a famous saying and analyze it).

  ⑵论据要真实、可靠,典型(学科、国别、古今等)。 ⑶次序安排(照应论点);⑷判断论据能否证明论点; ⑸补充论据(要能证明论点)。

⑵ Arguments should be true, reliable and typical (disciplines, countries, ancient and modern times, etc.). (3) Order arrangement (refer to arguments); ⑷ Judge whether the argument can prove the argument; (5) Supplement arguments (to be able to prove arguments).


3. Argument (how to prove)

  ⑴论证方法 (须为四个字) ①举例论证(例证法) 事实论据 记叙 ②道理论证(引证法和说理) 道理论据 议论

(1) Argumentation method (four words) ① Demonstration with examples (example method) Factual argument narration ② Reasoning (quotation method and reasoning) Reasoning

  ③对比论证(其本身也可以是举例论证和道理论证) ④比喻论证 比喻 在说明文中为打比方,散文中为比喻。

③ Comparative argumentation (it can also be exemplified and reasoned) ④ Metaphorical argumentation is a metaphor in expository texts and a metaphor in prose.

  ⑵分析论证过程: ① 论点是怎样提出的; ②论点是怎样被证明的(用了哪些道理和事实,是否有正反两面的分析说理); ③联系全文的结构,是否有总结。

⑵ Analysis and demonstration process: ① how to put forward the argument; ② How the argument is proved (what principles and facts are used, and whether there are positive and negative analysis and reasoning); ③ Contact the structure of the full text and whether there is a summary.


(3) Integrity of the argument (Answer: make the argument more comprehensive and complete to avoid misunderstanding)


⑷ The role of analysis and demonstration: to prove the argument of this paragraph.

  4、 议论文的结构 ⑴一般形式:①引论(提出问题)―――②本论(分析问题)―――③结论(解决问题)。

4. The structure of argumentative papers ⑴ General form: ① Introduction (raising questions) - ② This theory (analyzing problems) - ③ Conclusion (solving problems).

  ⑵类型: ①并列式 ②总分总式 ③总分式 ④分总式 ⑤递进式。

⑵ Type: ① Parallel type ② Total sub total type ③ Total sub total type ④ Sub total type ⑤ Progressive type.


6. Reading refuted papers

  ⑴作者要批驳的错误观点是什么? ⑵作者是怎样进行批驳的,用了哪些道理和论据; ⑶由此,作者树立的正确的观点是什么?

⑴ What is the author's wrong opinion to refute? ⑵ How did the author refute, and what reasons and arguments were used; ⑶ What is the correct point of view established by the author?


7. Common examination sites

  ①、议论文的论点考点:第一,分清所议论的问题及针对这个问题作者所持的看法(即分清论题和论点)。 第二,注意论点在文中的位置:

① Argument points of argumentative paper: First, distinguish the issue being discussed and the author's views on this issue (i.e., distinguish the topic from the argument). Second, pay attention to the position of the argument in the text:


(1) At the beginning of the article, this is the so-called straightforward writing.


(2) At the end of the article, it is called summing up the full text, making a point at the end of the article, and revealing the writing method of the center. This kind of writing is mostly used when explicitly expressing arguments. So, in a word, therefore, in a word, in the final analysis, and other summary words.

  第三、分清中心论点和分论点: 分论一般位于段首或有标志性词语:首先、其次、第三等

Third, distinguish between the central argument and the sub argument: the sub argument is generally located at the beginning of the paragraph or has symbolic words: first, second, third, etc


Fourth, pay attention to the expression form of the argument: sometimes the topic is the central argument. An argumentative paper has only one central point.

  第五、通过论据来反推论点: 论据是为证明论点服务的,分析论据可以看出它证明什么,肯定什么,支持什么,这就是论点。

Fifth, we can infer from the argument: the argument serves to prove the argument. Analyzing the argument can see what it proves, what it affirms, and what it supports. This is the argument.

  ②、议论文的论据考点:论据是论点立足的根据,一般全为事实论据和道理论据。1、用事实作论据。事例必须真实可靠,有典型意义,能揭示事物本质并与论点有一定的逻辑联系。议论文中,对所举事例的叙述要简明扼要,突出与论点有直接关系的部分。明确论据时,不仅要知道文中哪些地方用了事实论据,还要会概括事实论据。概括时,要做到准确,必须依据论点将论据本质特点把握住,然后用确切的语言进行表述。 2、用作论据的言论,应有一定的权威性,直接引用时要原文照录,以真核对,不能断章取义;间接引用时不能曲解原意。

② Arguments of argumentation: Arguments are the basis for an argument to stand on. Generally, they are all facts and reasons. 1. Use facts as evidence. Examples must be true, reliable, typical, able to reveal the essence of things and have a certain logical connection with the argument. In argumentative papers, the description of the cited examples should be concise and to the point, highlighting the parts directly related to the argument. When clarifying the arguments, we should not only know where the factual arguments are used in the text, but also summarize the factual arguments. When summarizing, to be accurate, we must grasp the essential characteristics of the argument according to the argument, and then express it in exact language. 2. The speech used as the argument should be authoritative to a certain extent. When directly quoting, the original text should be recorded to check with the truth, and the words should not be taken out of context; The original meaning cannot be misinterpreted in indirect reference.

  ③、议论文的结构、层次考点: 结构有:并列式结构、对照式结构、层进式结构、总分式结构。

③ The structure of argumentative papers and the examination points at different levels: the structure includes: juxtaposing structure, contrasting structure, hierarchical structure and total fractional structure.


The basic form of this examination point: How does the author prove the argument?



There are three elements in argumentation: argument, argument and argumentation.


Write a point of view according to the topic, and then explain it. The important thing is to have the ability to persuade. One of the three elements is indispensable. Look carefully at the following specific introduction, and then you can try to write more, so that the composition can make progress. In addition, we should also remember some famous aphorisms and celebrity examples in order to better apply them in our compositions.


(1) Argument


(1) Meaning of argument: An argument is the point of view to be discussed and elaborated in an article, and is the author's opinion and proposition to be expressed. When reading argumentative papers, the first thing is to find, extract and understand the argument of the article.


(2) There are several arguments: the arguments of an article can be one or more. If there is more than one argument, it is necessary to clarify the central argument. These arguments (except for the central argument) can be parallel or progressive, but they should be subject to the central argument of the full text.


(3) Position of argument: The argument of the article can be arranged at the beginning, middle or end of the article, and sometimes the title. That is, it can be arranged anywhere in the article. But most of the time it is at the beginning of the article, so is the argument in the paragraph. When similar sentences appear at the beginning and end, the beginning is the argument, and the end is the corresponding argument.


(4) Presentation of arguments: some argumentative arguments are expressed in clear sentences in the article, and we just need to find them; Others are not directly expressed in clear sentences, and need to be extracted and summarized by the readers themselves.


(5) Attention shall be paid to the proposition and establishment of the argument:


① Correctness: The persuasiveness of an argument is rooted in the correct reflection of objective things, which in turn depends on whether the author's position, viewpoint, attitude and method are correct. If the argument itself is incorrect, or even absurd, no argument can convince people. Therefore, correct argument is the minimum requirement of argumentation.


② Distinctness: What is in favor of and against should be very clear, not ambiguous.


③ Novelty: The argument should be as novel and profound as possible, which can exceed others' opinions. It is not a repetition of others' platitudes, nor a trivial and general talk. It should be as unique and novel as possible.


(2) Argument


(1) What is an argument? An argument is the material and basis for proving an argument.


(2) Types of arguments:

  ①事实的材料作为论据的事实材料,可以是a. 具体的事例,b.概括的事实,c. 统计数字,

① Factual materials can be A Specific examples, B. General facts, C Statistics,

  ②理论的材料作为论据的理论材料,可以是a.前人的经典著作、至理名言,b. 民间的谚语和俗语,C.科学上的公理、规律等等。

② The theoretical materials as the theoretical materials of argument can be A. the classics and wisdom of predecessors, B Folk proverbs and sayings, C. Scientific axioms, laws, etc.


(3) Requirements for using arguments: ① certainty. We must choose the concrete and typical facts. When quoting theoretical materials that have been tested by practice as arguments, we must pay attention to the precise meaning of the cited theory itself. ② Typicality. The cited examples should be broadly representative, representing the general characteristics and general nature of such things. ③ The unity of argument and argument. The argument is to prove the argument, so the two should be closely linked.


(3) Argument


(1) What is argumentation: argumentation is the process of proving an argument with arguments. The argument of argumentation is to solve the problem of "what to prove", the argument is to solve the problem of "how to prove", and the argument is to solve the problem of "how to prove". The purpose of argumentation is to reveal the internal logical relationship between arguments and arguments.


(2) Types of argumentation: argumentation is generally divided into argumentation and refutation.


① Argumentation is a way to prove the correctness of the author's argument with sufficient evidence; ② A refutation is an argument that refutes the wrong arguments of others with powerful arguments. Argumentation and refutation are both proof. One is to prove its correctness from the front, and the other is to prove its error from the back. They can use basically the same reasoning method.


(3) Basic argumentation methods: including three categories and five kinds: induction, illustration, deduction, analogy and comparison.


① Induction. Inductive argumentation is a method of argumentation from individual to general. It draws a general conclusion through many individual examples or sub arguments, and then sums up their common characteristics. The inductive method can give examples first and then summarize conclusions, or put forward conclusions first and then give examples to prove them. The former is what we usually call induction, and the latter is what we call exemplification. The method of exemplification is a demonstration method that uses individual and typical concrete examples to prove an argument.


② Deductive method. Deductive argumentation is a method of argumentation from general to individual. It deduces the conclusion about individual cases from the general principle, and the connection between the premise and the conclusion is necessary. There are many forms of syllogism, hypothetical reasoning, disjunctive reasoning and so on, but the most important is syllogism. Syllogism consists of three parts: major premise, minor premise and conclusion. For example, the major premise "all metals can conduct electricity", the minor premise "iron is metal", and the conclusion "so iron can conduct electricity".


③ Comparison method. Comparative argumentation is a method of argumentation from individual to individual. It is usually divided into two categories, one is analogy, the other is contrast. Analogy is a method to compare different things with the same or similar properties and characteristics in some aspects, so as to draw conclusions. The contrast method is a method to prove an argument by comparing different things whose properties and characteristics are opposite or opposite in some aspects.


(4) Argumentation methods are also called example argumentation, comparative argumentation, quotation argumentation and metaphor argumentation.

  (5) 驳论方法:驳论有三种方法,即①反驳论点、②反驳论据、③反驳论证。由于议论文是由论点、论据、论证三部分有机构成的,因此驳倒了论据或论证,也就否定了论点,与直接反驳论点具有同样效果。一篇驳论文可以几种反驳方式结合起来使用,以加强反驳的力量和说服力。

(5) Method of refutation: There are three methods of refutation, namely ① refuting argument, ② refuting argument, and ③ refuting argument. Since argumentation is organically composed of argument, argument and argument, refuting argument or argument also negates argument, which has the same effect as directly refuting argument. A refutation paper can be combined with several refutation methods to strengthen the power and persuasion of refutation.


① To refute an argument is to directly refute the one-sided, false or fallacious argument of the other party, which is the most commonly used method in refutation. ② To refute an argument is to reveal the error of the argument of the other party in order to overthrow the argument of the other party; Because wrong arguments are bound to lead to wrong arguments. ③ To refute an argument is to expose the other party's logical errors in the argument process, such as the contradiction between the major premise, minor premise and conclusion, the contradiction between the other party's arguments, and the contradiction between arguments and arguments.



Learn how to operate these argumentative papers,

  可以从模仿开始。以一篇文章为例。最典型的是吴晗的《谈骨气》 :

You can start with imitation. Take an article as an example. The most typical is Wu Han's Talk about Bones:

  1.引论部分:开篇提出论点:我们中国 人是有骨气的。

1. Introduction: The opening part puts forward the argument that we Chinese have backbone.


Then, in Mencius' words, he explained the argument that "wealth cannot be obscene, poverty cannot be moved, and power cannot be subdued."

  2.本论部分 :用三个事例分别证明论点:文天祥 的富贵不能淫;穷人不食嗟来之食的贫贱不能移,闻一多的威武不能屈。

2. This part: prove the argument with three examples: Wen Tianxiang's wealth cannot be obscene; The indigence of the poor who do not eat what they have earned cannot be removed, and Wen Yiduo's majesty cannot be subdued.


3. Conclusion: Explain the backbone of the proletariat today and issue a call.

  三个部分之间都有过渡:在引论和本论之间有“我们祖 先的许多有骨气的动人 事迹,还有他积极的教育意义。”引出下面三个事例的叙述。本论和结论之间有“孟子的这些话,虽然在两千多年以前说的,但直到现在,还有他积极的意义。”进行过渡。

There is a transition between the three parts: between the introduction and this theory, there are "many touching deeds of our ancestors with backbone, as well as his positive educational significance." The following three examples are introduced. Between this theory and the conclusion, "Although these words of Mencius were said more than 2000 years ago, they still have a positive significance until now." Make the transition.


Between the first and second examples, there is a transition between "another story" and "another example". These transitional sentences make the article an integral whole.

  三个部分分别回答了三个问题:引论部分解答 “是什么”的问题;本论部分解答“为什么(有骨气)”的问题;结论部分回答“我们怎么办”的问 题。

The three parts respectively answer three questions: the introduction part answers the question of "what is"; This theory partly answers the question of "why (have backbone)"; The conclusion part answers the question of "how do we do?".

  三个事例都是概括叙述的,每个事例的后面都有几句简短的议论。这些议论阐明了事件所包含的意义,把事 例紧 紧地扣在论点上,是论点和论据联系的纽带,否则就就事论事,论点和论据脱节了。

The three cases are all summarized, and each case is followed by a few brief comments. These arguments illustrate the significance of the event, and tightly tie the case to the argument, which is the link between the argument and the argument. Otherwise, the argument will be the case, and the argument and the argument will be disconnected.


Argumentation is a kind of style which takes argumentation as the main expression. It illustrates the understanding and understanding of things by enumerating factual materials and using logical reasoning to show the views and attitudes towards problems. In order to accept or express ideas, people from all walks of life need to read and write this style frequently.


An argumentative paper usually contains three elements: argument, argument and argument. Argument is the ideological point of view expounded in argumentation; Argument is the basis used to prove the argument in the text; Argument is the revelation of the logical relationship between arguments and arguments. The close relationship between the three constitutes the main body of an argumentative paper.



1. Write well


An article with good internal quality is abominable, and its score is often not ideal. Why? First, the word and the paper are poor, so the score should be deducted according to the scoring requirements. Second, the "face" of the test paper controls the mood of the reviewer to a certain extent. Beautiful and neat writing is the best "coat" of an article. It is directly effective in forming the impression of the reviewer's score: first, the strokes should be clear. The clear strokes and correct fonts can leave a good impression on the reviewers. On the contrary, dragons are flying and phoenix are dancing all the way, but it is difficult to recognize. Even if the article is well written, it is hard to appreciate. Second, the font should be moderate. The font is too large, and the volume feels crowded and messy. The font is too small, and it is very laborious to read like ants. Third, try to avoid alteration. If you want to alter it, you must also alter it in a standardized way. Do not scribble, leaving eye-catching ink dots on the surface of the volume, causing a sense of disorder.


2. Draw up questions


The title is the eye of the article and an important part of the article to convey important information. As it ranks first in the article structure, the quality of the article title will also directly affect the first impression of the reviewer. The basic requirements of argumentative paper topic drafting are: to be eye-catching and comfortable on the basis of accuracy. Specifically, it can be distinctive, vivid, concise, chic, and neat. In a word, it is best to stimulate readers' reading interest or make them feel fresh.


The title of an argumentative paper should conform to the stylistic features and be clear, so that people can see its title and know its purpose. The article with distinctive views is most popular with the reviewers, because it has a sense of clarity and transparency, can convey the general content of the article, so that the reviewers can accurately and quickly grasp the basic content of the whole article.


3. Start well


Gorky said, "(at the beginning) it's like the tune in music. It gives the tone of the whole song, which is where the author spends his time." The beginning of argumentation should be short, fast and beautiful. Short, that is to say, it is better to introduce this theory in three or two sentences. Short beginning can avoid verbosity, and short sentences are in paragraphs, highlighting the importance of their content in space. Fast, that is, quick entry into the topic. It's better to point out the basic points or topics of the article in a few words. Because there is a detailed rule of "clear center" in the scoring standard. Determining the center at the beginning of the article is conducive to grading by grade, and it is also conducive to the author's discussion, so that there will be no major taboos in composition, such as unclear theme and midway topic change. Beautiful means wonderful. This is also called "phoenix head" in traditional literary theory. The most outstanding effect of a wonderful beginning is to attract and leave a good impression on the readers. The beginning of the article should be wonderful. Use metaphor, analogy, parallelism and other rhetoric to introduce the argument. You can also quote famous quotes and tell fables to introduce the topic.


4. Write the first sentence and the last sentence in the middle


Whether the structure of argumentation is rigorous, whether the organization is clear, whether the argument is rigorous, and whether the argument is typical, the key lies in the writing of the middle paragraph. While structure, organization, argumentation and argument are important rules for argumentation scoring, therefore, argumentation writing should try to meet these standards.


The common argumentation mode is: the first sentence is a small argument or a transitional sentence connecting the preceding and the following; Centering on small arguments, use appropriate facts and theoretical arguments, or analyze and reason for some phenomena in real life; Finally, I will write one or two sentences in summary based on the discussion content. The writing of the first sentence and the last sentence is the most important, which can directly outline the context of the article and show the discussion ideas of the full text. In addition, the overall argument structure of the article is often positive and negative. As long as we talk about many principles from both sides, we can basically be rigorous. Using this composition mode skillfully in the examination room can quickly start writing, reduce mistakes and save time. At the same time, it can enable the reviewer to conveniently score items above the middle level according to the scoring standard, and avoid personal scoring factors that are not conducive to the examinee.


5. Typical and vivid arguments


Argument is the soul of argumentation, sub argument is the skeleton that supports this soul, and argument is the flesh and blood of argumentation. A person should be full and colorful. It is unimaginable to have soul and skeleton without flesh and blood. The same argumentation can not be called an article only if it has a central argument and a sub argument. It must also have typical and fresh arguments.


Typical arguments refer to representative examples and quotes that can fully reflect the essence of things. First of all, it needs to be true and relevant to the subject. Secondly, we should discard the old arguments and replace them with new ones. Some students remember several classic arguments in their compositions, such as Sima Qian, Madame Curie, and Zhang Haidi, and use them from different angles, treating them as kaleidoscopic oil. In fact, even if these arguments are typical, they cannot be noticeable. On the contrary, it will be better to choose new arguments to argue that no one has his own, and everyone has his own. In addition, some students are used to using ancient examples to explain things. The whole article fails to connect with reality, and there is no living water of the times, so it cannot achieve the goal of full reasoning. It is better to quote fashionable remarks and examples that are widely concerned by the current media to assist in reasoning, strengthen the pertinence and sense of the times of reasoning, and make the article more persuasive.


6. Tie the tail


The end is the inevitable result of the development of the full text content and an important part of the article structure. Shi Tuo, a famous modern writer, once said, "No matter how long or short an article is, you should first consider the end. With an end, how to begin, and how to arrange the middle, you can easily solve the problem." A good ending should be like a leopard's tail, loud and powerful, alarming and inspiring. For example, Lu Xun's "On the Fall of Leifeng Pagoda" ends with only two words: "You deserve it!" Just two words, it can be said that it is very simple and powerful.


In fact, the end of an article is sometimes more important than the beginning. As the reviewer starts scoring after reading the end, its quality also directly affects the scoring psychology of the reviewer. Li Yu once said, "At the end of the article, we should use flattering words to absorb our souls and make them linger on. If it is difficult to leave suddenly," If the ending has such effect, the whole article will be enhanced. The writing of the end of argumentative paper should focus on the full text and highlight the central argument; It should reflect the compact and complete structure of the full text. It should not be hastily drawn in, nor should it gild the lily; The language should be simple and powerful, clear, inspiring and inspiring.


7. Fluent language image


Language item is an important criterion for composition grading. The language of argumentation should be accurate, vivid and vivid. Some students, when writing argumentative papers, often put forward the form of saying big truths, and copied the terms of philosophical principles and dialectics all at once, in order to argue fully and thoroughly, but the effect was counterproductive.


There are 1000 kinds of explanations for a truth, so try to choose vivid ones. In order to show the vivid effect, in addition to using metaphor, analogy, examples and other demonstration methods, vivid and even beautiful language is essential Modify the language of argumentation, pay attention to the use of figures of speech such as metaphor, parallelism, antithesis and repetition, so as to make the article beautiful and fluent; Pay attention to the use of hypothetical sentences, rhetorical questions or whole sentences to make the article more irrefutable. Although the work of modifying language can not be accomplished overnight, it will certainly make progress as long as it is practiced over time


  尤其是议论文,是奖善惩恶的,是对 人们进行规劝疏导的,是对人们引导作用的,因此必须有说服力,并要有正确 的价值取向。

In particular, argumentative essays reward good and punish evil, exhort and guide people, so they must be persuasive and have a correct value orientation.

  认真上政治课,经 常的看看说理性的文章、名言警句等,将提高我们的思想素质,提高我 们认识能力,对我们写作,尤其是议论文 的写作大有好处。它会起到丰富文章内容,深化文章思想,提高说服力的 作用。

Taking political lessons seriously and reading rational articles, famous sayings and aphorisms regularly will improve our ideological quality and cognitive ability, which is of great benefit to our writing, especially argumentative writing. It will enrich the content of the article, deepen the idea of the article and improve the persuasiveness.


  1.论点:是一篇文章的灵魂、统帅,任何一 篇文章只有一个中心论点 ,一般可以有分论点。论点应该正确、鲜明、概括,是一个完整的判断句。绝不可模棱两可。







  用来证明论 点的材料,有事实论据和理论论据两种。

  选用事实论据 要注意:

  ①必须具有典型性。古今中外的都可以。是 大多数人所知道的,最起码是登过报纸上过电视的。


  ③论据的表述要准确、叙述要概括 ,能证明论点即可。



  ②要精 确,不能 篡改、歪曲。


  3.论证:论证时使用论据证明论点 的过程。

  ①论证的基本类型:立论、驳论。立论从正面论述,驳论从反面论述。我们写议论文一般以立 论为主。


  提出问题(是什么)→分析问题(为什 么)→解决问题(怎么办)

  也即:引论 本论 结论


  a、总分式结构 b、对照式结构 c、层进式结构 d、并列式结构


  a、例证法(也叫举例论证):用典型事例 作论据来证明论点,俗话说事实胜于 雄辩。

  b、引证法(也叫道理论证)除引用上述介绍的理论论据以外,还 可以引用一些古 典诗词中的名句,它一方面能加强论证的力量,另一方面,它还可以丰富文章的内容,增强议论 文的文学性。





  议论文三要素:1、论点 2、论据 3、论证

Three elements of argumentation: 1. Argument 2. Argument 3. Argument


1. Article Examples


Persistence is Victory

  人们都想在事业或学业上取得成功,爱迪生发明了蓄电池, 被人们授予“发明大王”的美称。

People all want to succeed in their careers or studies. Edison invented the battery and was awarded the reputation of "king of invention".


Dickens and Edison won the final victory by perseverance. Persistence has made Dickens leave many excellent works for people and added many fine works to the treasure house of world literature; Adherence enabled Edison to overcome many difficulties and make indelible contributions to human progress. It can be seen that persistence can make people succeed in their careers and studies.


Those who fail often fail to stick to it at the last moment and give up their efforts to miss success. I remember that a German chemist seemed to find a new element when he extracted iodine from seawater, but he retreated in the face of this tedious refining and experiment. When another chemist spent a year, after countless experiments, and finally became famous for adding a new member of the element family - "bromine", the German chemist could only watch the other side silently immersed in the joy of victory. One of the two chemists persevered and won; The other did not persevere and failed to succeed. It can be seen that perseverance is the last obstacle to victory. In the darkest moment, that is, the moment when light is coming, the more such a moment, the more we need to adhere to it. Because perseverance is victory. (Chang Tianqi)

  (在浸液中通入Cl而错失发现溴的机会的科学家是德国化学家李比希,发现溴的是法国科学家巴拉尔)1、论点 论点是作者在文章中提出的对某一个问题或某一类事件的看法、观点、主张,它要求要正确 、鲜明、有针对性,一般表现在文章题目,或第一句话,或结尾。如《坚持就是胜利》一文的论点就是一个人要想取得学业上或事业上的成功,坚持是一个重要条件。

(The scientist who lost the opportunity to find bromine by introducing CL into the immersion solution was German chemist Li Bixi, and the scientist who found bromine was French scientist Balar.) 1. Arguments are the opinions, views and propositions put forward by the author on a certain problem or a certain kind of event in the article, which require to be correct, clear and targeted, usually expressed in the title, or the first sentence, or the end of the article. For example, the argument in the article "Persistence is victory" is that persistence is an important condition for a person to succeed in his studies or career.


2. Argument


An argument is proof that an argument is correct. In order to prove the correctness of the argument, first of all, the argument must make people feel authentic, credible and able to fully prove the argument. Secondly, the arguments should be typical and can achieve the effect of "one for ten". Third, the arguments should be novel. Try to find some fresh arguments that can give people new feelings and inspiration.


For example, the positive and negative examples of Dickens, Edison and German chemists in the article "Persistence is victory" are used to prove the argument, which is both typical and authentic.


3. Demonstration process


Argument is the process of proving an argument with arguments. The purpose of argument is to reveal the internal logical relationship between arguments and arguments.



The basic requirements of the argument are: the author's opinion and viewpoint; The basic requirements of arguments are: factual arguments (celebrity examples) and rational arguments (authoritative famous quotes, maxims, poetic lines and popular sentences); The basic requirements of argumentation are: comparative reasoning, figurative reasoning and quotation.


To write an argumentative paper, you should consider the argument, what to use as evidence to prove it, how to demonstrate it, and then draw a conclusion. It can be to put forward a general argument first, then discuss it separately, analyze each sub argument, and finally draw a conclusion; You can also quote a story, a dialogue, or describe a scene, analyze the truth from the facts layer by layer, and generalize a new conclusion. This writing method is called total fraction, which is a composition method often used by middle school students. You can also put forward a question that people care about at the beginning of the article, and then answer it one by one, step by step. This is a difficult way to write. In addition, the author intentionally compares and contrasts two different things in the opposite way, and then draws a conclusion. This is a comparative writing method.



① Accuracy and strictness ② Generality and conciseness. ③ Use rhetoric to show its vivid, vivid and emotional use of words.



The language of argumentation must be accurate, clear, rigorous and targeted.

  段落与段落之间 要有非常清楚的逻辑关系 ,如总分 、对照 、层进 、并列等。借助起过渡性作用的语句来突出这种关系。如:“有”、“还有”“虽 然、但是”“固然”“诚然”“由此”是等。

There should be a very clear logical relationship between paragraphs, such as total score, cross reference, level progression, juxtaposition, etc. Use the transitional sentences to highlight this relationship. For example, "there are", "there are", "although", "certainly", "certainly", "thus", etc.



(1) Think hard


1. Look far: stand high and see far, don't talk about things. Sometimes it seems nothing, but a careful analysis can still find problems. It is foresight to find problems in seemingly no problems.


2. Seeing small things: that is to say, we should see a trend of development and a big thing from small things.


3. From the outside to the inside: analyze from the surface to the essence of things.


4. From here to there: Sometimes two things seem to have no connection, but actually they have a certain internal connection. You should be able to hook them up.


(2) Pay attention to materials


1. Possession of materials


2. Inventory materials: Today's society is an information society. Information is very important for everything, and information should also be used to promote teaching quality. Information is a warehouse. Some students just say a few words, because the amount of information they take in is small, so they should be good at capturing information and occupying inventory materials.


3. Use materials: When writing, you should screen the stored material library and extract the materials you need.


(3) Language expression


After the analysis and extraction of ideas and screening of materials, the next step is language expression. The language is not gorgeous, but the key is accuracy and conciseness. The works of great writers all the time do not look very gorgeous, but they are catchy, chewable, and can withstand the test of the times. Just like Lu Xun's works, we can feel the language is beautiful. In fact, most of the students can't express themselves in language. The main problem is that there are few materials and their ideas are not high. [1]



1. Definition: a genre of articles that directly express their own views and propositions by taking argumentation as the main form of expression, and by telling facts and putting reasons in order.


2. Requirements: ① Have a correct view on the issues discussed ② Use sufficient and convincing arguments ③ Be reasonable and logical



Definition: First point out the essence of the other party's mistake, then refute the pointed wrong argument, and at the same time or after the refutation, put forward your own correct point of view for demonstration.



Explain in detail the three elements of argumentation: argument, argument and demonstration




Definition: the author's views and propositions on the discussed issues (events, phenomena, characters, concepts, etc.)


Form: a complete sentence with a clear statement on the topic


1. The argumentation generally has only one central argument. Some argumentations also put forward several sub arguments around the central argument. The sub arguments are used to supplement or prove the central argument. As long as the relationship between these arguments is studied, the principal and subordinate can be separated.


2. How to find the central argument. An argument should be a clear judgment, a complete statement of the author's views, and a complete sentence in form. The position can be divided into: article title, article beginning, article end, article middle, and some need to be summarized by the reader. The general format is (...) is (


Note: rhetorical questions and figurative sentences cannot be used as arguments




It is the material supporting the argument and the reason and basis used by the author to prove the argument


1. Factual argument: Facts play an obvious role in argumentation. Analyze facts, find out the truth, and check whether they are logically consistent with the points of the article. (Representative examples, conclusive data, reliable historical facts, etc.). Factual arguments include examples and data.


2. Rationale: Theories as arguments are always familiar to readers or generally recognized by society. They are abstract and generalized results of a large number of facts. Theoretical arguments include famous aphorisms, proverbs and the author's reasoning analysis.




The process and method of using arguments to prove arguments




Arguments and arguments in argumentation are organized through argumentation. Argument is the process and method of using arguments to prove arguments, and is the logical link between arguments and arguments. The argument is to solve "what needs to be proved", the argument is to solve "what to prove", and the argument is to solve "how to prove".



1. Demonstration by examples (factual demonstration): list solid, sufficient and representative examples to prove the argument; (Function: demonstrate the point of view (main argument or sub argument) concretely and forcefully to enhance the persuasiveness of the article)


2. Rationale demonstration: prove the argument with the incisive insights in the classic works of Marxism Leninism, the famous aphorisms of celebrities at all times and in all over the world, and the universally recognized theorem formulas; (Function: powerfully demonstrate the point of view (main argument or sub argument), and enhance the authority and persuasiveness of the article)


3. Comparative argument: compare the positive and negative arguments or arguments, and prove the arguments in the comparison; (Function: highlight the overall argument (main argument or sub argument), which is impressive)


4. Metaphorical argument: use the familiar things as a metaphor to prove the argument. (Function: vividly demonstrate the point of view (main argument or sub argument), so that the article is easy to understand, understand and accept.) In addition, in the refutation, the refutation method of "using the spear of a child to attack the shield of a child" and the "reduction to absurdity" are often used. In most argumentative papers, it is often used comprehensively.


5. Citation and argumentation: Citation and argumentation are relatively complex, which is related to specific citation materials, including quotes from celebrities, aphorisms, authoritative data, celebrities' anecdotes, jokes and anecdotes, etc. (Function: [Specific analysis] If you quote famous quotes, aphorisms and authoritative data, you can enhance the persuasiveness and authority of the argument; if you quote anecdotes and anecdotes of celebrities, you can enhance the interest of the argument and attract readers to read.)



1. Definition: Debate is to refute the other's point of view, and explain your own point of view while refuting


2. Method: ① put forward argument ② prove argument ③ summarize argument



From the perspective of argumentation, argumentation is generally divided into argumentation and refutation.


(1) Argumentation: Argumentation is a method of demonstrating the author's opinions and propositions on certain events or problems.


(2) Refutation: refutation is to make comments on certain events and problems, expose and refute wrong and reactionary opinions


1. Argumentation: Argumentation is a method of demonstrating the author's opinions and propositions on certain events or problems from a positive perspective. When expressing your attitude, you should pay attention to the following three points:


(1) These views and propositions must be carefully considered or put into practice, and they are really their own unique correct understanding and opinions, or propositions that can actually solve practical problems. Readers should feel new, increase their knowledge and improve their understanding of things.


(2) It must be demonstrated around the issues and central arguments discussed. What kind of question is put forward at the beginning of the article, and it should be summed up in the end. In the process of argumentation, we should not deviate from the topic, give free play to it, or change the topic at will. If there are several sub arguments, each sub argument should be related to and subordinate to the central argument. All arguments should revolve around the central argument. In this way, the reader can clearly understand the sub argument and the central argument. Arguments are very logical. Arguments must be closely centered and consistent from beginning to end.


(3) "Standing" is often based on "breaking". In the process of argumentation, it is necessary to mention some wrong opinions and propositions, deny and refute them, so as to enhance the persuasiveness and make readers not misunderstand their own views.


2. Bargaining: Bargaining is to make comments on certain events and problems, expose and refute wrong and reactionary opinions or propositions.


(1) Refute an argument. The main purpose of refutation is to refute arguments, because the fundamental purpose of argumentation is to expound opinions and express opinions. If we cannot agree with the other party's views and opinions, we should use various methods to refute and deny such views and opinions, and point out their absurdity or falsehood. To refute an argument is to directly refute the argument of the other party.


One of the ways to refute an argument is to point out the error of an argument directly, refute it directly with conclusive and irrefutable facts, or analyze and dissect it thoroughly in theory, and point out the error directly.


Another way to refute an argument is to reduce it to absurdity. The reduction to absurdity is a reasonable extension based on a certain argument and logical rules, but the conclusion drawn is absurd. Since the extended conclusion cannot be established, the argument that extends this conclusion cannot be established. In writing, we can get a good effect of clarifying the understanding of some specious vague knowledge by using fallacy proof to reveal its "non".


The refutation argument can also be refuted by the method of counterevidence, that is, the author does not directly point out the fallacy of the other party's argument, but establishes a new point of view that is in direct opposition to the other party's argument, and sets up this new argument through full demonstration, so that the opposite argument will not refute itself.


When using the method of contradiction, we should pay attention to that the argument we refute and the argument we prove should be opposite and incompatible. Only in this way can we meet the requirements of the law of contradiction in logic and achieve the goal of affirming this and denying the other.


(2) Rebuttal arguments. It is a way to refute the arguments of the other party. In the process of argument, the argument is the support of the argument. If the argument cannot be established, the argument will lose its support and collapse without attack.


(3) Rebuttal argument. To refute argument is to deny the argument put forward by the other party by exposing the loopholes that do not conform to the logical relationship between arguments and arguments in the process of argument. To carry out such an argument, it is necessary to make a sober analysis of the other party's remarks, find out the logical contradictions in them, and then forcefully expose them.

  (4)分 道理论证、比喻论证和事实论证。

(4) It is divided into rational argument, figurative argument and factual argument.