When we see the pot of beautiful fake flowers on the window, my mood seems to be glowing and floats into the distance ...
she is my best friend.From the beginning of my life, when I shouted "学 学", we both played together.Due to fate, when everyone arrived in the third grade of elementary school, they were still in class together.
Until one day, she rushed over to tell me that she was going to Australia."What?" I almost shouted at that time, "Why?" "I don't know ..." She said aggrieved, "Mother said that we want to move to Australia, and the elders are there." Everyone was silent.Everyone is so quiet on the surface, but it must be stirred in the sea in my heart, this horrible silence!
How much I look forward to this dream of just a false report. When she wakes up, she is still by my side.But in the end, it is unprecedented. It separates a pair of best friends who can't wear the same pants.
China is far away from Australia, so when she said goodbye that day, it seemed to be a part of life and death. She also gave me a pot of fake flowers. She said, "When this pot of fake flowers faded, would everyone separate it?"
How much I look forward to, when you meet again, as childhood, we play in the garden and pick a wild flower for the other side.Now, the fake flowers you give me are especially like the first wild flower I gave you at the beginning.
I also look forward to the secret base of everyone, and then go to read books, eat snacks, and play.I still remember that day, under their respective circumstances, the two of us were interested in piled a pile of leaves at the door of the secret base, and then put a bunch of weeds on it.Due to the smooth words, we are not easy to meet again, and it will be the "tomb" of everyone's friendship.
How much I look forward to, when you go again, everyone can play and flew as before!However, everyone is basically unlikely to meet again. Even if they meet, will everyone continue to play as unrestrained and happy as before?Even I am worried that you will forget Chinese language expression?
In a blink of an eye, three years have passed, and everyone has not contacted anymore, and it needs to be rusty than passers -by.I have preserved the flowers that she given to me so far, and I am afraid to destroy it, because that is the confirmation of everyone's friendship.
On this day, I gently scrubbed the flowers, and I silently did a promise in my heart: When the fake flowers fade, can everyone complete this friendship again?
1、待到:待到读音为dài dào,是指等到。 等到待到山花烂漫时,她在丛中笑。——毛泽东《卜算子.咏梅》待到 dài dào词语解释:等到。[await] 等到待到山花烂漫时,她在丛中笑。——毛泽东《卜算子.咏梅》分词解释:等到:连词。表示时间条件。● 到 dào ㄉㄠˋ◎ 从别处来:到达。到站。到来。到场。到任。到职。到案。签到。恰到好处。◎ 往:到群众中去。◎ 周全,全顾得着:周到。面面俱到。◎ 成功:得到。办到。◎ 姓。● 待 dài ㄉㄞˋ◎ 等,等候:待到。待旦。拭目以待。◎ 以某种态度或行为加之于人或事物:对待。招待。待遇。待人接物。◎ 将,要(古典戏曲小说和现代某些方言的用法):正待出门,有人来了。● 待 dāi ㄉㄞˉ◎ 停留,逗留,迟延:你待一会儿再走。...待到怎么造句,用待到造句»
2、零时:零时读音为líng shí,是指半夜十二点。 半夜十二点零时 líng shí词语意思:半夜十二点。[twelve o'clock midnight] 半夜十二点分词解释:半夜:①一夜的一半:前半夜ㄧ后半夜ㄧ上半夜ㄧ下半夜。②夜里十二点钟前后,也泛指深夜:深更半夜ㄧ哥儿俩谈到半夜。● 时(時) shí ㄕˊ◎ 一切事物不断发展变化所经历的过程:时间。时不我与。◎ 较长的时间:时代。古时。◎ 泛指一段时间:时光。时令。时分。◎ 现在的,当前的:当时。时下。时务。时宜。◎ 常常:时常。学而时习之。◎ 一年中的一季:时序。四时如春。◎ 旧时的记时单位,一昼夜十二分之一为一“时辰”,深夜十一点至次日凌晨一点为“子时”,中午十一点至一点为“午时”。◎ 现在的记时单位,一昼夜的二十四分之一:时钟。时差(chā)。◎ 某一时刻:按时上班。◎ 不定时,有时候:时而。时阴时晴。◎ 机会:时机。待时而动。◎ 姓。● 零 líng ㄌㄧㄥˊ◎ 液体降落:感激涕零。◎ 植物凋谢:零落。凋零。零散(sàn )。◎ 整数以外的尾数:零数儿。◎ 部分的,细碎的,与“整”相对:零碎。零卖。零钱。零售。零乱。零工。零打碎敲。◎ 整数系统中一个重要的数,小于一切自然数,是介于正数和负数之间唯一的数,记作“0”。有时用来表示某种量的基准,如摄氏温度计上的冰点,记作“0℃”。...零时的近义词,零时的同义词是什么»
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