
时间:2022-08-04 13:24:57 | 来源:语文通



Dear teacher, dear classmates:

Dear teacher, dear classmates:

Dear teacher, dear classmates:

Dear classmates:


Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!今天,我很荣幸能站在这里发言。首先,很感谢老师能给我这次机会,让我们来重新竞选班干部。我这次要竞选的职位是学习委员。


I am full of confidence in this campaign.Although I dare not say that I am the best candidate for this position, but I think I can go all out to take on this responsibility! This is not my blind judgment.They are all the top five in the class, and they have won the first place many times.Of course, there are only one aspect of excellent results, and I still have good self -control.I have made a plan for everything, so that I will organize it when studying.I am also a girl who is seriously doing things. I can complete any tasks assigned by the teacher for me.

I am full of confidence in this campaign.Although I dare not say that I am the best candidate for this position, but I think I can go all out to take on this responsibility! This is not my blind judgment.They are all the top five in the class, and they have won the first place many times.Of course, there are only one aspect of excellent results, and I still have good self -control.I have made a plan for everything, so that I will organize it when studying.I am also a girl who is seriously doing things. I can complete any tasks assigned by the teacher for me.


If you choose me as a study member, I will do my work wholeheartedly.Under the premise of ensuring excellent academic performance, the class work is completed high -quality and efficiently.In the class, I will help my classmates talk about their questions, improve their grades, and timely let the students preview and review ... In short, I can bear it about learning about learning, and it will also be done well.

If you choose me as a study member, I will do my work wholeheartedly.Under the premise of ensuring excellent academic performance, the class work is completed high -quality and efficiently.In the class, I will help my classmates talk about their questions, improve their grades, and timely let the students preview and review ... In short, I can bear it about learning about learning, and it will also be done well.


Of course, no one is perfect, and I will have some shortcomings.Then I believe that with the support of my classmates, I will definitely work hard to correct my shortcomings and constantly improve myself.

Of course, no one is perfect, and I will have some shortcomings.Then I believe that with the support of my classmates, I will definitely work hard to correct my shortcomings and constantly improve myself.


Classmates support me, trust me, and vote for me!

Classmates support me, trust me, and vote for me!


thank you all!

My speech is over, thank you all!

My speech is over, thank you all!



Dear teacher, dear classmates:

Dear teacher, dear classmates:

Dear teacher, dear classmates:

Dear classmates:


Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!今天,我很荣幸能站在这里发言。首先,很感谢老师能给我这次机会,让我们来重新竞选班干部。我这次要竞选的职位是学习委员。


I am full of confidence in this campaign.Although I dare not say that I am the best candidate for this position, but I think I can go all out to take on this responsibility! This is not my blind judgment.They are all the top five in the class, and they have won the first place many times.Of course, there are only one aspect of excellent results, and I still have good self -control.I have made a plan for everything, so that I will organize it when studying.I am also a girl who is seriously doing things. I can complete any tasks assigned by the teacher for me.

I am full of confidence in this campaign.Although I dare not say that I am the best candidate for this position, but I think I can go all out to take on this responsibility! This is not my blind judgment.They are all the top five in the class, and they have won the first place many times.Of course, there are only one aspect of excellent results, and I still have good self -control.I have made a plan for everything, so that I will organize it when studying.I am also a girl who is seriously doing things. I can complete any tasks assigned by the teacher for me.


If you choose me as a study member, I will do my work wholeheartedly.Under the premise of ensuring excellent academic performance, the class work is completed high -quality and efficiently.In the class, I will help my classmates talk about their questions, improve their grades, and timely let the students preview and review ... In short, I can bear it about learning about learning, and it will also be done well.

If you choose me as a study member, I will do my work wholeheartedly.Under the premise of ensuring excellent academic performance, the class work is completed high -quality and efficiently.In the class, I will help my classmates talk about their questions, improve their grades, and timely let the students preview and review ... In short, I can bear it about learning about learning, and it will also be done well.


Of course, no one is perfect, and I will have some shortcomings.Then I believe that with the support of my classmates, I will definitely work hard to correct my shortcomings and constantly improve myself.

Of course, no one is perfect, and I will have some shortcomings.Then I believe that with the support of my classmates, I will definitely work hard to correct my shortcomings and constantly improve myself.


Classmates support me, trust me, and vote for me!

Classmates support me, trust me, and vote for me!


thank you all!

My speech is over, thank you all!

My speech is over, thank you all!



Dear classmates:


Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!


I am Fu Xinran from Class 5 (6) Class, and I am honored to be a candidate for class cadres. I will run for the class leader at the cadre meeting of this campaign.


I like the position of Captain Captain very much. I think it can exercise my organizational management ability.


I am a good student with excellent gradients and has been rated as "three good students" many times.I am proficient in "Qinqi, calligraphy and painting", especially dancing. After six years of professional training, I also received the sixth grade certificate of the "Beijing Dance Academy" last year.I am very loving and see the wandering kittens and puppies to give them food.I love to fight, and see who bullies who bullies, I will meet the righteousness and help.


If my campaign is successful, I will serve everyone from the following aspects:


1. Make the class more civilized.I saw many classmates fighting and making trouble during the class and saying swear words.If I am the monitor, I will come forward to stop this phenomenon, and I will find a way to make the relationship between students more harmonious.


2. Enrich the students' extra -curricular life.I will teach you all the dance I have learned in my spare time, and will organize recitation competitions, dance competitions ... to make the students' extra -curricular life richer.


3. Be a teacher's assistant.The teacher is very hard. I have to take a class during the day and take the test paper home for correction at night. If I become a monitor, I will worry about the teacher, make the teacher teach easier, and make us learn happily.


This campaign class leader, if I can choose, I will do my best to serve everyone.


Please support me, vote for me, thank you!



Dear teacher and classmates:


Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!


Today, the position I want to run for is a living member.The reason why I choose this position is because I want to exercise myself and serve everyone.Although I have never won any awards, I unite my classmates, love collectives, and are willing to give helping students who have difficulty in having difficulties ... In the past, I always watched others as working cadres. They were so good.No chance.But I know: to do two results: failure and success.The chances of the two results are 50 %. If you do n’t do it, it is zero. Let ’s try it boldly.


If I become a living member, I want to create a "light group".You might ask: "Why call the light emitting group?" Let me explain it to you. The first meaning is: gold always glows, this team can show its own talent team; the second meaning is: light light: lightIt can bring warmth, and this team can also bring warmth; the third meaning is: I can't find home on the road without lights?How to do?Don't be afraid, as long as there is light, you can solve it!The glowing group will guide you the right direction!


Our team also has tasks, such as the task of "helping others", helping ten students, and getting verified, your personal honor will improve and win glory to the team.Of course, if a member does the wrong thing, the level of honor will decline. It is necessary to "change the evil to the right" to restore your reputation and honor.The members of the glowing group will definitely "smile service" and never use violence!If there is no classmates, the members of the glowing group will patiently explain to the students until the students fully understand.The glowing group will be divided into several groups, and the observation of things around me will be compiled into news to make students grow knowledge ...


If I was selected, I would not be discouraged.To set up a "glowing group", send warmth, wisdom, happiness, and better!I will continue to work hard with the goal of life committee members.


Wide sea diving, sky high the birds to fly.If my classmates can support me, I will give you a warm, hope and happiness.Please vote for the most sacred vote!thank you all.



Dear teacher, dear classmates:

Dear classmates:


Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!


French commander Napoleon once said such a sentence: "Soldiers who don't want to be the marshal are not good soldiers." With this encouragement.Today, I came to campaign the class leader.


The squad leader, as the name suggests, is the length of the class.The squad leader is the leader of a class. The squad leader does well, and the flock will be neatly neat; the squad leader does not do well, and the flock will make a pot of porridge.Therefore, I hope I can be a good squad leader.


I am a boy, so some classmates may think: What can boys do the class leader? But don't underestimate the boy.Although our boys are not careful about girls, we also have their own advantages.In the school, everyone is equal, and our boys have the power to run for the class leader.I have no experience, so some classmates may say, "If you do n’t do this head commander, you can run directly for the squad leader. It must not do it well!" However, can you do nothing if you have no experience? Of course not! "Everything is difficult to start."As the saying goes: "The newborn calves are not afraid of tigers." Because of the novice as the monitor, everything is new, and I will have more creative class work, and my squad leader role will not be vulgar!


This campaign, if I can be recommended as the monitor, then I will give you a new class life.Please support me, vote on a valuable vote!


thank you all!



Dear classmates:


Hello everyone, I am Huo Yulin in Class 512. My position in my post last semester is a sports member.People are memorized on the book.And what I do is: When leading the classmates to do warm -up exercises, there are no obedient students who have no obedient management, such as: individual students in the back row, I do n’t notice it.


The post I campaigned this semester is also a sports member. Because I was a sports member last semester and last semester, but I did not do the best for sports members. I must do the best for sports members in this semester.


I also have many advantages and shortcomings when sports members.My advantage is: my football is very good. I have taken the second place in the South China Sea District Cup. I can take a role model for my classmates, or to teach my classmates to play football.For the task, I must do my best to complete this task.Another advantage I have is that the above mentioned is the well -organized well managed by my team.My deficiency is a fatal weakness: is careless! Make some disobedient students from turmoil.


If I really go to a sports member, I will change my carelessness in the future and become a better sports member.



Dear classmates:


Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!我是石门实验小学512班的麦晖田。


My position was the team leader last semester, and this semester was still the team leader.Because I am a bit familiar with this team leader, and I have been the team leader for 3 years.So why should it be done? The reason is that I want to make an example for the team members, but also to contribute to the class.


My advantage is that the class is serious, and the get out of class will make my classmates pay homework and sit up in class.My disadvantage is that sometimes I will make a small difference in my homework for a while, and I have a little speech during class. I have to change all of these.


If I become the team leader, I will ask the team members to assign homework and give it to the delegates. If anyone does not finish writing, I will let the person who has not finished writing continues to write.After writing, he can get him out of class. If anyone does not listen to me, I will tell the teacher or department representative.Other people have a small movement, talking to others, or distracted by others during class, and I will let him focus on listening.If I do n’t do it, I wo n’t be dead, and I will continue to work hard in the future!


thank you all!

I have finished sharing, please vote for me, thank you!



Dear teacher and classmates:


We have ushered in a new semester, and the fourth grade has quietly passed.After a holiday, we are already students in the fifth grade, and the cadres in the new semester have begun ...


I want to be a study member, because I want to make our class's achievements "go to the next level". At the same time, this job allows me to remind others while doing myself.Come on together to make me confident.


The job of the study committee can often help others, which gives me confident to run for this position.Although this is the first time I have tried to run for this position, but I will say to myself, "Do it well!" Although my grades are not particularly good, in the new school year, I will work hard to improve meCome on, come on!


As a helper of the teacher, the classmates of the students are responsible, so if I choose it, I will constantly improve myself.If I chose it, the classmates can come to me if I find that I need to improve, and I will correct it and remind myself not to commit it again; in each class, I will carefully remind everyone in the classroom.Speak when you read, do your best to do this job ...


Of course, if I was not selected, I would not be sad.Failure is the mother of success, and there is no success without failure.Because Macutu (destined to be destined), each of us will fail, but I believe that as long as we do not give up, we will succeed!


Thank you, please vote for me.



Dear teacher and classmates:


In a blink of an eye, Qiufeng came to the fifth grade. At the same time, our class also ushered in two new classmates. Now we are going to campaign cadres to take responsibility for each position.


Last semester, I served as the deputy squad leader of our class. I did the position of the deputy squad leader in the semester last semester, managed the class, and implemented the work of each class cadre in the class.There is no place for me: sometimes I can't control myself, sometimes they talk to the teacher, and sometimes they are extreme.


This semester I want to run for the representatives of scientific courses, because I love science very much, and I also participated in our school's astronomical training. The science lights up people's lives, making people's lives more and more comfortable, and it can make the earth better and better., Also gradually reduce natural disasters.If I become a representative of a scientific course, I will let everyone read the content I want to read loudly before the class, and also lead by example. Each classmate is not obedient in the scientific class. I assist the teacher to manage the class and the test papers after the test.I will also send it to you and comment.


If I do n’t go to the scientific courses, I will not give up, I will go to other positions and work hard to correct my mistakes.In the next semester, continue to work for this position and continue to move towards your goals.


thank you all!

Ask the teacher to give me a little trust, please vote for my classmates, thank you!



Dear classmates:


Hello everyone, last semester, I was campaign of calligraphy members. Where I did well, there were: after a class before the calligraphy get out of class, I will take the calligraphy paper in time and call Huang Weixiang to send a paper paper together to post paper. , Pour ink to the classmates.Every Friday, we will rush to the classroom to send each classmate in time. If there is a wind, we will immediately take out the things on the seat and press the paper to prevent the paper from falling to the ground.The bad thing is that I did n’t bring a good team to the calligraphy room to class in the calligraphy room. I did n’t let the classmates be quiet, and I also let the teacher worry about it, so this semester I want to run for the call of the calligraphy committee, because I want to correct things that I did n’t do well beforeLet's get a five -star civilized class.

Hello everyone, last semester, I was campaign of calligraphy members. Where I did well, there were: after a class before the calligraphy get out of class, I will take the calligraphy paper in time and call Huang Weixiang to send a paper paper together to post paper. , Pour ink to the classmates.Every Friday, we will rush to the classroom to send each classmate in time. If there is a wind, we will immediately take out the things on the seat and press the paper to prevent the paper from falling to the ground.The bad thing is that I did n’t bring a good team to the calligraphy room to class in the calligraphy room. I did n’t let the classmates be quiet, and I also let the teacher worry about it, so this semester I want to run for the call of the calligraphy committee, because I want to correct things that I did n’t do well beforeLet's get a five -star civilized class.


thank you all!

In class, do not let the classmates start a small difference, and the sitting position is right, so that the teacher does not worry about the sitting posture of the students, but let the teacher teach with confidence.If I chose a calligraphy member, I will do my work with my all my strength. After class, I will call my classmates to line up, and then go to the calligraphy room neatly, and then quickly post paper and pour in ink.The teacher's speech was interrupted because there was no paper ink, and it wasted a lot of time.So I want to be a calligraphy member.If I do n’t be discouraged, I will work hard and strive to be a calligraphy member in the next semester. I hope to get your support, just vote for me! Thank you!

In class, do not let the classmates start a small difference, and the sitting position is right, so that the teacher does not worry about the sitting posture of the students, but let the teacher teach with confidence.If I chose a calligraphy member, I will do my work with my all my strength. After class, I will call my classmates to line up, and then go to the calligraphy room neatly, and then quickly post paper and pour in ink.The teacher's speech was interrupted because there was no paper ink, and it wasted a lot of time.So I want to be a calligraphy member.If I do n’t be discouraged, I will work hard and strive to be a calligraphy member in the next semester. I hope to get your support, just vote for me! Thank you!



Dear teacher and classmates:


Today, the sun is bright, cloudless, and we have ushered in our class cadre for a semester.


Last semester, I campaigned the administrator during the class. I did not do well, and sometimes I was playing. I was irresponsible.


I want to run for the deduction administrator this semester, because I have studied the beads and calculations when I was young, so I can count it quickly and accurately.Make up.


My advantage is: first, my calculations are fast; second, my calculations are very accurate; third, I have a sense of responsibility; fourth, I can complete my homework.


Place of bad habits: first, poor writing; second, easy to open a small difference in class; third, do not take the homework seriously; fourth, the questions that do not understand do not ask the teacher to understand;Essence


If I campaign the deduction administrator, I will definitely record the scores together every night, and I will do it when I do n’t have time.If you do n’t do it, I will definitely insist on it, and make up for the administrators during the class. If you support me, please ask you to vote for a valuable vote.



Dear classmates:


Hello everyone, I am Class 512 Xu Xiangling. My position last semester is a study member. This year, I want to be a representative of the English department. I am a representative of the first grade to the fourth grade. This year I want to return to our class in English.Demonstrate.


Why should I be a representative of the English subject? Because the discipline of the students in the English class of last semester is not very good, so this semester wants to become the representative of the English department again, driving the students' love of English.


There are many advantages, and I have won many prizes and medals in English.Mom at home will buy some English stories and topics. Before that, Mr. Yang sent me some Cambridge grammatical books to me alone, and I often did it.


I not only have advantages but also disadvantages.


My disadvantage is that the knowledge that the teacher has finished reading is not often repeated, and sometimes it is often necessary to look at it.I will definitely correct my shortcomings.


This is why I want to be a representative of English. I will definitely lead my classmates to like English and English.Let the English learning of the whole class be improved.And I also like English very much.


I will definitely cheer in the new semester! Please vote for me! Thank you!



Dear classmates:


By the new semester, I became a fifth -grade sister in a blink of an eye.Liangfeng Xi Xi and Qiu Gao Qi, we all returned to the 512 -class family, and the time for cadres to run for campaign.


The post I was running for last semester was the post of learning members.First of all, I have to reflect on myself first. My study member of my last semester was not good enough. Reading in class was that I sometimes did not read with my classmates.As a teacher's left arm and right arm, as a good assistant to the squad leader, how can you do not serve as a bridge between classmates? So, in order to make up for my fault, I will continue to run for the post of learning members this semester.I will definitely do my own work this semester, prevent the teacher from worrying, and not let my classmates anxious. I also have to study with my classmates and struggle with my classmates.


I work hard in my studies and I will strictly ask myself; I am also very serious in life and will not be careless.I will do my best to help him who needs help.You can also ask me if you encounter questions that you do n’t understand.My counseling classmates do not use violence, but to counsel.So I am also a helping classmate! Happiness comes from helping others, not ignoring.If you help someone, if you need help in the future, he will help you!


However, I also have my own deficiencies, such as: writing is not good enough, sometimes not serious enough in class, and not confident in myself ... but I will do my best to improve these shortcomings.I will also do a good job of studying members, be a better myself, and be more confident.


Classmates, please vote for a valuable vote, thank you!

thank you all!



Dear classmates:


The new semester came, and it opened the curtain of the cadre cadres, and I was going to run for the science representatives.I like science very much, and I like physics, chemistry and astronomy very much.The general theory of relativity in physics was born, which made the gravity of gravity unstable. I was familiar and unfamiliar with chemical reactions.The universe is endless, and the solar system and even the Milky Way are the small dust in the universe. If the words are compared to the cover of a book, the galaxy is not as good as a nanometer.The universe has a lot of knowledge to explore and I am also willing to explore.Who can know whether Einsbug's wide, narrow theory, and Newton's gravity is correct.


If I have become a representative of science classes, I will take everyone to read a good book before class, listen carefully in the class, and remember the name, I will not punish my classmates too seriously.The corresponding punishment is given after the error.After class, I will take the initiative to help teachers move things to collect their homework books.In addition, I will do myself and make myself better.


My speech is over, I hope the teacher can give me a chance, and I hope my classmates believe in me.



Dear teacher, dear classmates:

Dear teacher, dear classmates:

Dear teacher, dear classmates:

Dear classmates:


Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!


Today is a sunny and springy day, which is also the best time for cadres to campaign class.I am honored to stand on this podium and tell the teachers and students about the small world in their hearts, so I feel extremely excited and proud.Here, the position of my campaign is -I know that the learning committee is a major position that the students are worthy of competing. The saying goes in China: "As long as the kung fu is deep, the iron pestle is grinded into a needle."I will take out my true ability and never show mercy to other candidates.


Secondly, I have always been responsible for this position, so I have enough experience and sufficient experience, and even have enough confidence to run for the position with everyone.First, I can use this class cadre to exercise my guts; the other is that I have a certain ability to manage the entire class; the third is that I will actively participate in school competitions or activities to make my class more united and friendly.


If I am a study member, I will do my best to face every sudden difficulty, no matter how huge setbacks I encounter, I will face it bravely, overcome, and set a good example for my classmates. I believeWith the joint efforts of everyone, we can turn our class into a group, wit and brave collective.I think: Ma Xing knows whether it is a good horse, and people know whether it is a beam.I will prove my ability with my actual actions.Since it is a flower, I will be open; since it is a tree, I will grow into a pillar; since it is a stone, I will go out of the road; since it is a class cadre, I will become an excellent leader!The glory of the meteor comes from the friction of the celestial body, the brightness of the pearl comes from the tears of the shell, and the excellent work of a class comes from the leaders of the class cadres and the joint efforts of all students.


Ask teachers and classmates to believe me and trust me!Vote for a valuable vote for me, thank you!



Dear classmates:


Hello everyone, last semester, I was campaign of calligraphy members. Where I did well, there were: after a class before the calligraphy get out of class, I will take the calligraphy paper in time and call Huang Weixiang to send a paper paper together to post paper. , Pour ink to the classmates.Every Friday, we will rush to the classroom to send each classmate in time. If there is a wind, we will immediately take out the things on the seat and press the paper to prevent the paper from falling to the ground.The bad thing is that I did n’t bring a good team to the calligraphy room to class in the calligraphy room. I did n’t let the classmates be quiet, and I also let the teacher worry about it, so this semester I want to run for the call of the calligraphy committee, because I want to correct things that I did n’t do well beforeLet's get a five -star civilized class.

Hello everyone, last semester, I was campaign of calligraphy members. Where I did well, there were: after a class before the calligraphy get out of class, I will take the calligraphy paper in time and call Huang Weixiang to send a paper paper together to post paper. , Pour ink to the classmates.Every Friday, we will rush to the classroom to send each classmate in time. If there is a wind, we will immediately take out the things on the seat and press the paper to prevent the paper from falling to the ground.The bad thing is that I did n’t bring a good team to the calligraphy room to class in the calligraphy room. I did n’t let the classmates be quiet, and I also let the teacher worry about it, so this semester I want to run for the call of the calligraphy committee, because I want to correct things that I did n’t do well beforeLet's get a five -star civilized class.


thank you all!

In class, do not let the classmates start a small difference, and the sitting position is right, so that the teacher does not worry about the sitting posture of the students, but let the teacher teach with confidence.If I chose a calligraphy member, I will do my work with my all my strength. After class, I will call my classmates to line up, and then go to the calligraphy room neatly, and then quickly post paper and pour in ink.The teacher's speech was interrupted because there was no paper ink, and it wasted a lot of time.So I want to be a calligraphy member.If I do n’t be discouraged, I will work hard and strive to be a calligraphy member in the next semester. I hope to get your support, just vote for me! Thank you!

In class, do not let the classmates start a small difference, and the sitting position is right, so that the teacher does not worry about the sitting posture of the students, but let the teacher teach with confidence.If I chose a calligraphy member, I will do my work with my all my strength. After class, I will call my classmates to line up, and then go to the calligraphy room neatly, and then quickly post paper and pour in ink.The teacher's speech was interrupted because there was no paper ink, and it wasted a lot of time.So I want to be a calligraphy member.If I do n’t be discouraged, I will work hard and strive to be a calligraphy member in the next semester. I hope to get your support, just vote for me! Thank you!



Dear classmates:


Hello everyone, I am Zhan Lijia. In the last semester, I was running for eye exercises. At that time, because I started some positions at the beginning, but unfortunately I was not selected, so I lost my confidence.I chose this position. In last semester, I did a good place and a bad place.The good thing is that I have the eyes of my classmates to do eye exercises to prevent them from opening their eyes to speak.There is a bad place, saying that I did not check the garbage on the ground, and I was criticized once, so I want to continue cheering!


In the new semester, the post I want to run is a study member. The reason why I want to run is: I have chosen a small post before, because there are many classmates and a large job.If you choose it, it will be embarrassing, so this semester I want to break myself.


My advantage is that doing things are very serious, careful, and very diligent in work. Although I learn average, I will continue to refuel. My disadvantage is that it is very courageous and always bold.of.


If I become a study member, I will look at those students who do not study before class, and the questions of the five -star civilized class will flutter at our door. I have finished speaking. Please vote for me. Thank you!



Dear classmates:


Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!五年级了,大家都升级了,而我上一学期做的课间小督察也有了很多的收获。比如很多同学不再像以前一样横冲直撞,不再像脱疆的野马天天奔跑,也不再像百万军中的赵子龙左冲右突了。更多的是安分守纪,并且整体班风校风更加优秀了,更重要的一点是当上了这个班干部也让我学到了很多安全知识,提升自我约束自我的能力。


I still want to continue to protect everyone's safety this semester, so I hope to continue to be "small inspectors during class."First urge yourself, take care of yourself; then urge others to protect everyone's safety.Why do you want to continue to act as a "small inspector during the class"? Because this class of cadres can make me more peaceful, and let students stop running between the classroom corridors, everyone is the best.So I also want to be the identity of this "small inspector during class".


I know I have a lot of deficiencies.Let me talk about my advantages first. First of all, the observation power must be particularly strong.Among the 49 people, I saw someone running the eyes; then the interpersonal relationship, like some naughty students may not listen to persuasion, I will lead them to play other games without running.Isn't this protection of the safety of students? I also have inadequate, such as sometimes "absenteeism" is not worth the work, but this semester I will further correct it.


If I become a "small inspector during the class", I will definitely let my classmates not run, and it will be safer.I have the advantages and insufficiency, but I will definitely do better after this, "How can I see the rainbow without experienced wind and rain."


Please vote for me, thank you.



Dear classmates:


Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!


Today, I want to run for the position of campaign: sports member,


Why should I run for sports members? Because I love sports, especially football, sports make me happy, because sports can make me healthier and make me stronger.


So why do I have the advantages? In which one of the advantages? I have mentioned the above why I campered sports members? The reason is that I love sports.It is also my most common and prominent feature.


There are no perfect people in the world, and I have a sudden advantage and obvious disadvantages.Among them, my biggest and most obvious shortcomings are carelessness.Frequent "bugs" such as omissions, calculating errors, although these are problems in learning, I will definitely correct it.In addition to this disadvantage, I have a more realistic question, which is a bit proud and arrogant. It is serious from an overall perspective, but you can rest assured that I will work hard to correct it!


Then if I become a sports member, what would I do? If I become a sports member, I will definitely lead by example, be loyal to my duties, and ask myself: strictly abide by discipline!


thank you all!在此我还请大家支持我,请投我一票。

That's the end of my speech, thank you! I also invite everyone to support me, please vote for me.



Dear classmates:


Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!我是来自512班的陆芷晴同学。


Last semester, I ran for the post of propaganda members.This is a talented work.I love painting, and the talent of painting is also very good.This position makes me confident and can show my paintings every week.Of course, this is also the position of teamwork.


In a blink of an eye, it rose to the fifth grade, and the new positions were waiting for the classmates to run.


This semester, I still want to run for the propaganda committee.Because I like painting so much, it is like my shadow, and I do n’t leave me.In this semester, I thought of the shortcomings of last semester: 1. The imagination is not rich enough; 2. The speed is too slow; 3. There are too many sounds during painting.I will definitely correct these this semester!


My grades in the class are good, and the words are written neatly and clean.A good place will be praised by the teacher.


I am a little careless, and I will make a small difference in class. I hope that my classmates will remind me to help me correct their shortcomings.


If I campaign, I will imagine what to draw in my mind before drawing the blackboard, and communicate with my classmates, put forward some suggestions to modify it, and work hard to show the classmate.


If I didn't choose, I would not give up, and I would think the purpose of the class service.Please also vote for me, thank you.



1、发言:发言读音为fā yán,是指发表意见(多指在会议上):积极 发言ㄧ发言权ㄧ他已经发过言了。发言 fā yán词语解释:发表意见(多指在会议上):积极 发言ㄧ发言权ㄧ他已经发过言了。分词解释:过言:1.错误的言论。 2.过分夸大﹑过于激切的言论。发言权:说话或发表意见的权利。已经:1.业已经过;业已经历。 2.副词。表示事情完成或时间过去。积极:①肯定的;正面的(跟‘消极 ’相对,多用于抽象事物):起积极作用ㄧ从积极方面想办法。②进取的;热心的(跟‘消极 ’相对):积极分子ㄧ他对于社会工作一向很积极。...发言怎么造句,用发言造句»

2、干部:干部读音为gàn bù,是指①国家机关、军队、人民团体中的公职人员(士兵、勤杂人员除外)。
②指担任一定的领导工作或管理工作的人员:工会~ㄧ区乡~。干部 gàn bù(1) [functionary;cadre] (2) 国家机关、军队、人民团体中的公职人员 (3) 担任一定的领导工作或管理工作的人员干部 gàn bù(1).党派社团工作机构的本部或总部。 孙中山 《革命原起》:“遂开乾亨行于 香港 为干部,设农学会于 羊城 为机关。” 邹鲁 《中国同盟会》:“散会前,众议会员盟书于干部未成立前,暂託总理保管。” (2).担任一定领导工作或管理工作的人员。亦泛指国家机关、军队、人民团体中的公职人员(士兵、勤杂人员除外)。 孙中山 《古应芬纪录之大元帅东征日记跋》:“然皆以转战经年,未得苟息,其干部死亡过半,不耐於作战,理有固然。” 毛泽东 《在中国共-产-党全国代表会议上的讲话》:“干部与群众的正确关系是,没有干部也不行,但是,事情是广大群众做的,干部起一种领导作用,不要夸大干部的这种作用。” 赵树理 《三里湾》十七:“这一家男女都在外边当干部,通年不回家,只有一个六十多岁的妈妈留在家里。” ...干部怎么造句,用干部造句»

3、竞选:竞选读音为jìng xuǎn,是指候选人在选举前进行种种活动争取当选:参加总统竞选ㄧ发表竞选演说。竞选 jìng xuǎn词语解释:候选人在选举前进行种种活动争取当选:参加总统竞选ㄧ发表竞选演说。分词解释:发表:①向集体或社会表达(意见);宣布:发表谈话 ㄧ发表声明 ㄧ代表团成员已经确定,名单尚未正式发表。②在刊物上登载(文章、绘画、歌曲等):发表论文。争取:力求得到或做到;想要什么都得努力去争取|争取超额完成指标。种种:1.犹言各种各样;一切。 2.头发短少貌。形容老迈。 3.淳厚朴实貌。候选:清制,京官自郎中以下,地方官自道员以下,凡初由考试或捐纳入仕,以及原官因故开缺依例起复,皆须赴吏部报到,听候依法选用,称为候选。参加:1.交加。 2.加入某种组织或某种活动。 3.犹提出,表示。...竞选怎么造句,用竞选造句»