
时间:2022-06-30 13:03:01 | 来源:语文通



When the vehicle slowly enters the Yellowstone Park, I am not interested in the garden landscape of nature. I even prefer the bustling and graceful luxury of the intelligent city.As everyone knows, it is unexpected that everything in Huangshi Park brings me so unforgettable experience.


The mountains and forests on both sides of the car are as vast as the vast sea.It looks like a secret palace of God, hazy; like a calm and calm man, tranquility and cleverness.


A corner, the secret, quiet mountain forest was thrown behind his head, and now there was a brilliant: a trickle stream was in the same industry beside him, and the river was cleaned like crystal stones, which was very flattering.The sight is getting wider and wider, and the green mountains and grass on both sides are quite textured.The ancients said: "Bashan is suspicious at night, and Liu Da Hua Ming is another village." Is the inconvenience to this kind of style?


The car stopped by the forest.I walked in slowly because of being rusty and afraid of getting rid of this silence.The sun shines on the ground through the technique obliquely obliquely on the side.I basically held inhalation -how strange and solemn it was, for the first time I thought from such a perspective.Some people have to better praise the peony flower to better praise the weeping willow; some people use their brain holes to outline their wonderfulness, but I prefer to leave all the selfish thoughts and embrace each other.People originally belonged to of course, deserved the way of nature, and felt nature.Nature is unpredictable and cannot be estimated.


I stepped into the journey again, and I met many pots along the way, there were silent bulls, the thick and honest little bear baby, and the smart and fascinating yellow duckling.They seem to be highlights, adding infinite vitality to this colorful world.


Getting rid of the car door again, I was surprised that I couldn't speak — all the surroundings were all mountains, and there was a field in the middle.Standing at high altitude, looking at the scenery that had never been seen before, I was full of movement.How trivial I am in front of this magnificent, of course!


I stood quietly and felt that there were only myself and this emerald green in the world.I found that I haven't listened to my heart for a long time.I live in a large city of car water, and I am interacting with all kinds of people every day. I often change the status quo in order to better agree with others, look at myself, and forget my original intention.In this calm, I talk to myself for a long time.Regardless of friendship and social development, please don't suspect yourself because of the thoughts of others, and do not blame yourself because of failure.Do not live up to yesterday, do not have to let your own heart chill.


I looked back at the mountain road, so beautiful, so quiet.Super natural forces are incredible.



Huangshi Park is a large area in the world with a large area and its initial parks. It is also the best geological forest park stored in the world.


In the summer of last year, I was very happy to travel to Huangshi with my parents.Everyone took a plane from New York City to Danfu, where they rented a car. They drove to Huangshi Park that night. In the morning, everyone was in the car and gradually entered the Yellowstone Park along the road of "Xianwu".Look at the window, there is a mountain lake outside.


The father said that this mountain lake is called Huangshi Lake, which is a dead volcano.Yellowstone Lake is clear and translucent, blue and blue, endlessly, the shore is covered with green flowers and trees, and it looks very quiet. I ran towards Huangshi Lake with excitement. I touched the lake and the water was cold.I saw two old people with white hair beside the lake to prepare a kayak in advance. They were really amazing, I think.But in a while, the two old people slipped away. Seeing their leaving, I think they like sports!Everyone got into the car and drove again.


In the afternoon, everyone arrived at the tourist service center. Everyone checked the schedule and learned that the most well -known loyalty spring was erupting. Everyone ran in the past.There are many people who erupted by Zhong Laoquan. They found out three parts of the three parts. As soon as everyone sat, Zhong Laoquan needed to gradually erupt, but after a while, it was destroyed.It continued to be several times, and the time exceeded the estimation, and everyone waited patiently.After a few times, there are more and more smoke appearing in small holes, and suddenly, suddenly, call!Zhong Laoquan sprayed the hot and hot water flow, which was very magnificent.


There are also many intermittent springs in Yellowstone Park. At noon, we went to the larger and most noticeable intermittent springs at noon.The yellow and colorful lakes are beautiful.My mother told me that the chemicals in these water are a germs that can survive at high temperatures.Everyone took a lot of photos as a consideration.At dusk, when we returned to the hotel and restaurant, the car in front of them gradually stopped. The car got rid of many people. Adults took children and took cameras.Some people in the group pointed at the gorgeous grass in the distance: "There are bears!" Everyone quickly got out of the car and had to look at it from a distance. The three bears played on the grass.Baby bear finish.Fang Xiong's mother was looking for trouble. The two bears were playing next to them, but I didn't know where the whistle came from scared them away.


Yellowstone Park is really beautiful. The initial terrain of Huangshi Park is really amazing, and there is a chance to want to come again.



Huangshi National Park is mainly located in Wyoming, the United States, and is one of the largest crater in the world.This national park is called "the most unique magical paradise on the earth."Last summer, my mother and I came here to visit here.


First of all, we came to Lao Zhong Shiquan.Lao Zhongshiquan is really "honest", erupting every two hours, and seems to strictly hold the stopwatch.When we arrived, Lao Zhong Shiquan had been surrounded by the crowd for three laps and three laps.We waited anxiously for a while, and Lao Zhong Shiquan finally erupted. The white water column was like a huge white dragon, straight into Yun Tian.The crowd was exclaimed, and everyone was shocked by this strange natural landscape, and I couldn't help cheering.A few minutes later, the "performance" of Lao Zhong Shiquan was over, and my mother and I went to the next place -hot spring.


These hot springs are not ordinary hot springs.They are natural and contain a large amount of sulfur.Don't want to jump into a beautiful bath. You see, these hot springs are still hot, the temperature is high, and it is also very corrosive.We came to the hot spring along the trail, and many hot springs of different sizes were immediately presented in front of us.The big foot is the size of a basketball court, and the small ones are only the size of the dining table.Drunk.The disadvantage of the beauty is the smell of stinky eggs in the air. I quickly covered my nose. My mother told me that it was the taste of sulfur.


After admiring the hot springs, our pace went to the next attraction again.My mother and I walked for a while, and then climbed up a hill and came to a small viewing platform.Looking at below, I was surprised to see-a huge and spectacular hot spring-famous prism color spring.The big prism is about two football fields, but it is not famous because it is large, but because of its natural and beautiful colors.Big prism colorful spring shows concentric circles, from the inside to the outside, which are blue, green, yellow, orange, red, like a big eye! I asked my mother curiously: "Why do it have so many colors?"My mother told me that it was because different colors of water temperatures lived in different colors of microorganisms in each area, so different colors were presented.Big prism is really "the most beautiful surface on the earth"!


Huangshi National Park not only has a beautiful natural scenery, but also has many wild animals.We saw a group of elk and yaks on the road, and we met a black bear crossing the road slowly in front of the car.This is a trip that made me unforgettable for life!



1、游记:游记读音为yóu jì,是指文学体裁名。记述游览经历的文章。 对游历进行记录的文体游记 yóu jì词语解释:文学体裁名。记述游览经历的文章。[travel notes] 对游历进行记录的文体分词解释:记述:用文字叙述;记载:记述往事ㄧ那篇文章对此事有翔实的记述。经历:①亲身见过、做过或遭受过:他一生经历过两次世界大战。②亲身见过、做过或遭受过的事:生活经历。游览:漫步观赏:游览故宫|游览黄山。...游记怎么造句,用游记造句»