
时间:2022-06-09 13:39:00 | 来源:语文通



Chapter 1: One thing that happens at home


Recently, my home was full of laughter.Especially the "Chef Elite" trial.My ridiculous brother performed the "magic weapon" and made us laugh.


It was an afternoon of wind and sun, and the scenery outside could not be described in language.But my family had a war without smoke.Let my little owner introduce you to the "battle situation" at that time!


It turned out that under the arrangement of the family, the mother and aunt had to conduct a cooking masterpiece and selected who the name took.But because of my brother's words, the family had no appetite.Dad made a question and asked the mother to fry a plate of blood.After my mother fired, let us try it on the end.My brother came to Yaxing and gave Blood Wang a "nice" name- "Thousands of corpses".Originally red blood, green and white onions, seductive fragrance disappeared instantly.One hour later, no one dared to eat.As soon as I patted my head, I quickly said to my aunt, "Make a bowl of fish soup for us to drink!" Then I said to my sister, "When my brother gave the dishes for a while, you blocked his mouth!"The fresh and delicious fish soup appeared in front of us, and my brother suddenly said: "Blood flows into a river!" The people present couldn't help it. This dish's conference had to be dismissed because of his brother.


well!Brother, brother, what sin should you do!However, although I did not taste delicious food this time, I was very happy.Because I have a naughty ghost brother who brings joy to our family!



Chapter 2: One thing that happens at home


Our family is a happy family because we care and love each other.


Moms and dads are usually busy at work, so housework is basically clear.Dad is mainly cooking and controlling the belly of the family.What about mom?Of course, our housekeeper is responsible for laundry, cleaning, buying vegetables and my learning.As for me, the main task is of course learning!


On one occasion, my father and mother got off work late. My stomach "grunt, grunt" was so hungry that I ran to the kitchen to urge my father to make a good meal. I went to the kitchen to see, ah! Dad was sweating with sweat, and her mother bent her waist and washed the vegetables by the pool. The two always talked about what happened on the day after get off work after work. I want to make the food quickly, I'm afraid I am hungry. I felt hot in my heart and said to my parents, "I'm here to help." Mom said, "Okay! People are more powerful, you go to choose a few garlic." I quickly ran to the vegetable rack to choose chili, and then peeled a few garlic. Although I was a little slow, my mother praised it. I do well. After a while, Dad made the meals. ah! It's so rich, there are "chili fried meat", "fish ball mushroom soup", "fungus fried chicken", I said to my dad, "Dad, you are really good, you make meals at once, and it must be delicious." Dad smiled and said, "This is not my credit alone. How can it be so fast without your help."


This dinner is so delicious, not only the dishes I like to eat, but also the happiness and warmth of our family!



Chapter 3: One thing that happens at home


Many things happen around us every day, and helping parents do things very happy.


My mother is a doctor and is very busy at work. Once, when I was eating at night, I found that my mother didn't talk to me very much, and the face seemed a little tired. Let ’s take a break. Let’ s help you wash the chopsticks! "Mom said," Okay, I'm tired today, I hope you can clean the bowl! "So the mother went to the bedroom. I finished eating, and carefully brought the chopsticks into the kitchen. I first squeezed some washing spirits on the Baijie cloth, added some water, and then wiped it out of the bowls one by one. Many foams, then wash the bowl with water, just wash the bowls like this, and then wash the plates and chopsticks before putting it in the cupboard. I finished washing. But I was also very happy. I walked to my mother and said to my mother, "Mom, I will wash all the chopsticks, so you don’t have to be so tired!" Mom got up and walked to the kitchen. I washed the chopsticks. It ’s okay, my mother smiled and said to me," You grow up, you will help your mother work! "I thought to help my mother wash the dishes every day because I want to reduce some housework burden and let her No longer so hard.


Now that I have time to help my family wash and sweep the floor, everyone says that I have grown up and sensible.I think the ability to exercise myself can exercise my ability, and I feel happy in labor.



Chapter 4: One thing that happens at home


There is a "state official" in my family. Guess who she is?She is my mother.Children must be weird. Isn't it that the state officials in ancient times only allowed to set fire by themselves, and did they not allow the people to light up?Why do I say that my mother is a state official?Please listen to me carefully and understand.


My dad and I are TV fans. Whenever we watch the TV, my mother will stop. She will say to me, "Son, go to play the piano, watch more when watching more TV!"Husband, you have to do a good job for your son, don't always watch TV, he will learn you. "However, when we walked away, I found that she was hiding in the living room to watch TV series with taste!


My "state official" mother has a trick to count. Whenever she calls me and my father to study or do things, if we move slowly, she will say, "I will start counting, five, four, three, three, three, three, Second, one ... "We have to act obediently, otherwise, the mother's nagging will be like countless little bees buzzing and screaming into your ears.But sometimes my mother was reading, and I shouted that she didn't hear it.If we also learn her count, counting to a hundred may not be effective, and she will be anxious. She will roar with a lion: "Do your own things!"EssenceWe had to surrender.


Do you say that my "state official" mother is really famous?But it ’s strange to say that my father and I really love this“ unreasonable ”“ state officer ”mother!



Chapter 5: One thing that happens at home


In the early morning, the home sounded as usual as usual.


Suddenly, a small note disrupted the music.It turned out that my grandmother accidentally overturned the milk bottle, the bottle fell on the ground and fell, and the milk spilled.My mother came to the sound and looked at the fragments on the ground, and immediately understood, and quickly pulled me and said, "Hurry up to the sofa and sit on the sofa." I quickly ran over and helped my mother -in -law sitting down.


Grandma sighed and said, "It's a pity, a bottle of milk wasted in vain. Hey, old, it's not used!"


The mother wiped the milk on the ground silently holding the rag.This is, Dad bought back early, and found that the atmosphere at home was a bit wrong.


Mom quietly told her father about the cause and effect of the matter.After listening to his father, he hurried to his grandmother and said kindly, "Mom, don't unfortunately the bottle of milk, see if the hand is broken by the glass?" Grandma hid behind her back and shook her head gently.


I shown my grandmother's hand and saw it, and I saw a small mouth on the little thumb, and the edge of the wound was red.I quickly learned what my grandmother had coaxed me before, blowing my grandmother's hand, rubbing again, and said with a smile, "Blow, rub it, don't hurt!" After that, I made a ghost.Grandma looked at my clown -like face and smiled happily.


After a while, there was a burst of laughter at home.What a happy family!



Chapter 6: One thing that happened at home


Since childhood, there have been many interesting things in the family. This interesting thing has made me feel the warmth of the family and the warmth of affection.At that time, I felt the fun of the family.


My family is very warm. I live in my family, my father, mother, and me. We live happily every day. Dad will go home every day, and there will be fun things that happen.


On this day, Dad returned home early, so we also ate early.After dinner, we watched TV.We are watching a variety show of guessing songs. It is very interesting. It is based on the rhythm of music. There are eight songs in total. Each song has a corresponding dream fund obtained. At least the four songs can be obtained.Essence


I think it's fun, so I proposed that we also came to play this game, but guess the least dishes, the song is on TV.Mom started to guess first. The first song was not difficult, and the mother quickly guessed with the melody.The second song was a bit difficult. My mother thought for a long time, and finally said an answer. I didn't expect it to be right. It's really shocking!In the third song, my mother couldn't guess, and ended it in two results.


I guess it right away, but I did not expect that I couldn't guess the first song. I failed directly. I was very frustrated. It seemed to be washing the dishes.Dad also guessed, but he guessed the five songs in one breath, which was better than the person in the TV.I think the overall situation has been set, so I had to run to wash the dishes ...


How about it?Is there a lot of fun in our family? Do you want to play too?



Chapter 7: One thing that happened at home


In the morning, the sky was gray, cold and cold, and it was about to rain.In this weather, my mood is always unhappy.After all, it was so noon that I shot into the kitchen like the arrow of Li Xian.As soon as I entered the door, I shouted, "Mom, is the meal ready? I am starved to death!" But after a long time, no one responded.I "scanned" the family once, except for me, there was no personal shadow.I opened the computer and manipulated the mouse randomly, and even the most popular game of usually felt boring.


As soon as I played for a while, my mother was exhausted: "Come and help me mention things." I hurried out of the room, carried a bag of rice home, and continued to play. I don't know how long it took, my mother's voice came from the kitchen: "Go to prepare the chopsticks, the rice is cooked." I responded mechanically: "It's annoying!" After a while, my mother saw me still motionless, I don't hit a place, stare at a pair of big eyes, and reprimand: "Why not go to get it? My little ancestor, I still go to a tuition class after eating!" When I walked into the kitchen and smelled the scent of the meals, I felt more hungry. I grabbed a piece of bread and stunned it with interest. My mother was busy for a while. Seeing that I was not ready, the fire suddenly fired, shouting at me: "How many times to tell you, always in the left ear, come out of the right ear, go, go!" I too! "I too! Unconscious, deliberately said: "You are not prepared yourself, why do you always ask me to do this bitter thing?" Mom was tired of it, plus the fuel on my fire. At that moment, I saw my mother's tears flashed. I quickly lifted the rice bowl and walked to the living room. Coincidentally, my brother came back, and we both hit with each other. With a "wow", all the four bowls in my hand fell to the ground and sprinkled the pieces. I was dumbfounded, and I felt that a big disaster was about to come, and I quickly hid in the bedroom. My mother rushed to the sound, looking at everything in front of her, and was so angry that she couldn't speak. Immediately, a slap was thrown on my face heavy ...


In the evening, Dad came back.I cried aggrieved and told my father after the matter.Dad turned around and said to his mother, "The child is still young, and it is not intentional to break the bowl. Don't compete with him." Then he said to me gently, "Don't mess with your mother too angry, you think about it, your mother is forYou have paid so much, you should thank you! "I thought about it: Yes, it is a mother who cooks, washing, and finishing the house every day; it is a fan to sleep with me in a hot day.It was mother who gave me an umbrella.How care about me!How hard is it to work hard every day ... I feel ashamed of thinking about it here.


The night is very deep. I think about everything that happened during the day and understand a lot: We should thin the love of parents and understand their hard work. In the future, I will never make my mother angry.I have to do my best to make my mother happy.



eight: one thing that happened at home


Everyone's family will happen many things, either happy, sad, or interesting ... They play a wonderful and beautiful family harmonious song like a happy note, and like a variety of flavors of candy.EssenceOne of the interesting things made me laugh.


One morning, in my sleep, I heard my father and mother chatting. Mom said, "The weather must be good today, as if it is brighter than every day. The alarm clock hasn't sounded yet?" "Yes, let me see." Dad Seeing the alarm clock, he said in surprise: "Oh! Six:40. Get up quickly." Hearing this amazing news, the mother immediately got up like touching the electric button. He shouted me loud: "Qiqi, the alarm clock strikes today, I'm late, and get up soon." I was also anxious and got up quickly. Dad ran to my room without taking care of his own clothes. He picked up the autumn clothes and put it on my head. I quickly stretched my arms. I didn't wear my sleeves yet, and I started wearing pants and socks. Before I finished me, my father had pulled me out of bed. I saw that he walked into the bathroom to prepare water and toothpaste for me. When I finished washing, the fast mother brought the fragrant breakfast in front of me. I ate it. My mother used my time to eat a jacket and wearing shoes. I ate it on it. Alas, this is the result of the alarm strike. Seeing that I had eaten, my mother and I hurried out of the house to wait for the car. It was very coincident that day, I just got off the car. As a result, we got into the car at 6:55.


When I got home at night, my father asked us, "Are you late in the morning?" "No, we arrived at school at 7:10." Mom said proudly.Dad said with a smile: "This guy, you got in the car in fifteen minutes, your mother is really god enough." He also scratched my little nose."That is, my mother is amazing." I said.Thinking of the embarrassment in the morning, the whole family laughed.


Later, my little alarm clock no longer strike again. I really realized the meaning of "one inch of time and one inch of gold, and the inch of gold is difficult to buy inch." It will make myself doing things in a few minutes in the morning and a few minutes in the morning.Noise.My family's interesting things will continue, they will be picked up like pearls, and they will be picked up in my memory.



1、作文:作文读音为zuò wén,是指1.撰写文章。 2.指学生的写作练习。作文 zuò wén词语解释:1.撰写文章。 2.指学生的写作练习。(1) [write a composition]∶撰写文章(2) [composition]∶学生的写作练习分词解释:学生:①在学校肄业或在其他教育、研究机构学习的人。②向老师或前辈学习的人。也用于弟子对老师或前辈的自称。写作:1.犹写成。指作诗文﹑绘画等。 2.书法和文章。 3.写文章;创作。文章:①单独成篇的文字作品:写文章。②文辞:文章尔雅,训辞深厚。③礼乐制度:考文章,改正朔。④花纹色彩:五色文章。⑤比喻隐含的意思:话中另有文章。⑥比喻可做的事;可用的办法:还有文章可做|抓住一点大做文章。练习:①反复学习,以求熟练:练习心算 ㄧ练习写文章。②为巩固学习效果而安排的作业等:练习题ㄧ练习本ㄧ做练习ㄧ交练习。...作文的近义词,作文的同义词是什么»

2、发生:发生读音为fā shēng,是指①原来没有的事出现了;产生:发生变化ㄧ发生事故 ㄧ发生关系。②卵子受精后逐渐生长的过程。发生 fā shēng词语解释:①原来没有的事出现了;产生:发生变化ㄧ发生事故 ㄧ发生关系。②卵子受精后逐渐生长的过程。分词解释:原来:1.当初;未经改变的。 2.时间副词。表示发现从前不知道的情况。出现:1.显露出来;呈现。 2.产生出来。过程:事情进行或事物发展所经过的程序:认识过程丨生产过程丨到了新地方要有一个适应的过程。逐渐:副词。渐渐:葡萄逐渐成熟了|病情正在逐渐好转。生长:1.出生成长;长大。 2.生活。 3.养育;生育。 4.滋长。 5.犹产生。 6.犹言有生以来。...发生怎么造句,用发生造句»

3、家里的:家里的读音为jiā lǐ de,是指1.对妻的俗称。 2.对人称说自己的丈夫。家里的 jiā lǐ de词语解释:1.对妻的俗称。 2.对人称说自己的丈夫。分词解释:自己:1.代词。自身﹐本身。 2.自己人。 3.知己亲近;关系密切。俗称:通俗的或非正式的称呼。丈夫:1.男子。指成年男子。 2.男子。指男孩子。 3.妻称夫为丈夫。 4.犹言大丈夫。指有所作为的人。...家里的怎么造句,用家里的造句»