
时间:2022-08-03 13:38:30 | 来源:语文通



When I came home from school in the afternoon, I opened the door, put down my schoolbag, and prepared to eat cakes.When I looked up, I suddenly saw a large green flies on the window of the kitchen.I think: No, don't let it stain our food.


I hurried forward and shot hard."Oh, it's painful!" This "bad guy" did not hit, but hurt himself.I looked around, and the fly hovered above my head, as if mocking me, making a "buzz" sound from time to time.Flying a few times and falling on a plate.


I think: Now I want to "catch the cricket", I caught you alive!So, I stomped to the side of the plate, and as soon as I reached out, it was alert. I did my hands hard, and I didn't expect that the fly fled!


It flew to find the right place again. I stared at it and calculated: Find it slowly, you won't live long, see how I clean up you!


I never expected that the flies fell on my beloved cake.I scolded: "Damn, you hate the flies, I'm fighting with you!" I picked up the insecticidal brake in the corner and aimed at it.Although the flies died, but unfortunately my cake!


I shook my head.



1、大战:大战读音为dà zhàn,是指1.指战争规模巨大。 2.剧烈的战斗。大战 dà zhàn词语解释:1.指战争规模巨大。 2.剧烈的战斗。(1) [large-scale war]∶指战争规模巨大大战爆发之后,他一家流离失所(2) [fight a large-scale or severe war]∶剧烈的战斗大战势在必发分词解释:规模:(事业、机构、工程、运动等)所具有的格局、形式或范围:粗具规模丨规模宏大。战斗:①敌对双方兵团、部队、分队、飞机、舰艇间进行的武装冲突。是实现战争目的的主要手段。是战役的组成部分。有进攻和防御两种基本类型。②泛指斗争。巨大:(规模、数量等)很大:耗资巨大ㄧ巨大的工程 ㄧ巨大的成就。剧烈:猛烈:饭后不宜做剧烈运动。...大战怎么造句,用大战造句»

2、苍蝇:苍蝇读音为cāng ying,是指“蝇”的通称。包括家蝇、池蝇、花蝇、丽蝇、麻蝇、舌蝇和皮蝇等。 即家蝇。种类很多,能传染多种疾病苍蝇 cāng yíng词语解释:“蝇”的通称。包括家蝇、池蝇、花蝇、丽蝇、麻蝇、舌蝇和皮蝇等。[housefly] 即家蝇。种类很多,能传染多种疾病分词解释:家蝇:苍蝇的一种。身体小,灰黑色,普通所说的苍蝇多指这一种。食垃圾﹑粪便和人类的食物﹑能传播疾病。常在室内外活动,故名家蝇。通称:1.通常的称呼。 2.一般的说法。包括:包含(或列举各部分,或着重指出某一部分):语文教学应该包括听、说、读、写四项,不可偏轻偏重ㄧ我说 ‘大家’,自然包括你在内。麻蝇:苍蝇的一种,身体较大,灰色,背上有三条黑纹,腹部有黑白相间的方格花纹。也叫麻苍蝇。能传染疾病。...苍蝇怎么造句,用苍蝇造句»