
时间:2022-11-08 13:00:58 | 来源:语文通



假期见闻作文 篇1假期见闻作文 篇2假期见闻 篇3假期见闻作文 篇4我的假期见闻 篇5假期见闻作文 篇6

假期见闻作文 篇1


One day during the winter vacation, I was surfing the Internet and saw a log with the title "I hope you can talk about your feelings after watching it". I thought it was just an inconspicuous article, but after reading it, I was deeply moved.


There are several pictures in it, one of which is a picture of some poor children wearing patched clothes and barefoot without shoes. They have a basket on their back, and the youngest seems to be 4 or 5 years old. Not only did I shed tears when I saw them here, but they took on the responsibilities of their families at such a young age. How hard life is! Compared with our current life, they are all little princesses, little emperors, and they stretch out their hands to eat. We don't even want to do what we can. Compared with them, how can we talk about hard work?


Another picture also touched me. It was an old uncle, who looked more than 60 years old. He was wearing a gray coat, a pair of reading glasses, and a sign in his hand. It said: "No school can make money from students.". No country extracts students as commodities and financial resources. When I saw this, I thought of some words that adults said when they talked about it. Now the state stipulates that primary school students will no longer take the final exam, but if they do not take the exam, the Education Bureau will not make money. The final exam not only makes students nervous, but also makes parents worried. Isn't it a pretext to make money?

最让我不忘的就是那张照片——那是一个10来岁的小姑娘背着一个还不回走路的小娃娃在给一个富人家的小孩擦鞋子,更让我吃惊的是,仔细一看,居然是4个差不多的孩子和那个小姑娘一样,在给别人擦鞋子。作者的感想是这样的:在网上广泛流传,引起无数争议的照片。我 ,这张照片最大的现实意义不在于它揭示了 社会巨大的贫富反差,更让人 揪心的还在于--当这两个孩子长大之后, 我们又该用什么来保证他们所代表 的两个阶层的和睦相处?作者的感想怎能代表不了我们这些读者的感想呢?

The most unforgettable thing is the photo of a 10-year-old girl who was cleaning shoes for a child from a rich family with a little doll on her back. What surprised me more was that, after a closer look, four similar children were cleaning shoes for others just like that girl. The author's feelings are as follows: photos that are widely circulated on the Internet and cause numerous disputes. Me, the biggest practical significance of this picture is not that it reveals the huge contrast between the rich and the poor in society, but what is more worrying is that when these two children grow up, what should we use to ensure the harmonious coexistence of the two classes they represent? How can the author's feelings not represent those of our readers?


There are also photos that reflect the life of a generation of poor people! They just want to survive and survive. Now let's give our love to help them, even a little bit of love and help, but for them, there are indeed countless lights and hopes!

假期见闻作文 篇2


On the morning of the sixth day of the first month, I was playing with Yuanyuan, the puppy of my grandmother's house just now, when I heard "cluck, cluck, cluck!" The cry of. Grandma told me that this was the good news after the hen laid eggs. I asked Grandma, who was busy washing vegetables and killing fish at the well, "Do you still raise chickens?" Grandma pointed with her hand: "Well, there is a chicken shed over there." I ran over and saw that the chicken shed enclosed by a bamboo fence was very spacious. There was a pile of straw in the corner, on which lay four yellow shell eggs. There are ten chickens in the chicken shed, six of which are hens. The hen's hair is brown yellow, the comb is bright red, the claws are golden, and only the hen is fat and strong. They are walking leisurely inside like six pudgy ladies. They used their paws to dig here and there, and from time to time they lowered their heads and pecked. What a lovely chicken!


I was so happy that my uncle opened the door of the chicken house and got in. The hens immediately flapped their wings and fled around. My uncle took great pains to catch a big and fat hen, smiled and said to me, "Jingjing, go to the backyard to play for a while, and then kill chickens to entertain your little guest." I quickly stopped my uncle: "Don't kill! Don't kill! How can you bear to kill such a lovely chicken? Besides, it lays eggs!" My uncle killed the chicken in spite of my bitter pleadings. Sadly, I almost cried out and went back to my room to turn on the TV.


"Dinner!" My uncle said hello and everyone sat around the table. In the center of the table was a large pot of white boiled chicken. The chicken soup was covered with a layer of golden oil flakes, emitting bursts of fragrance. Grandma picked up a big chicken leg and put it in my bowl. I picked it up and ate it without taking a few bites. Then I drank a big bowl of chicken soup. Grandma reminded me: "Eat slowly, eat slowly, don't choke, no one is competing with you!" My mother put out her hand and scraped my nose: "Just now, I was sad about killing chickens, but now I eat more delicious than anyone else. You are really crying for mercy - fake mercy."


My face turned red.

假期见闻 篇3








假期见闻作文 篇4


Yesterday, our family went to the Yellow River to play. There is a lot of water in the Yellow River. The trees on the bank are lush, the lawn is green, and the environment is beautiful. There are many tourists. Some of them are playing cards, some are playing chess, some are having a barbecue, some are playing ball... They have a good time. We left late. I saw garbage everywhere on the green grass: pieces of paper, fruit peels, paper towels... making a mess of the surrounding environment. I felt very sad. In the future, I hope that each of us will improve our awareness of environmental protection, love our earth and protect our mother river.

我的假期见闻 篇5


Bamboo Slips of Class 4, Grade 1


This week I went to Chengde, Hebei, and visited the local Chengde Summer Resort.


The Summer Resort was built in 1703 and took 89 years to complete after the Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong dynasties of the Qing Dynasty. The Summer Resort takes the simple and elegant countryside as its style, takes the natural landscape as its essence, absorbs the scenery of the south and north of the Yangtze River, and becomes the largest ancient imperial palace in China. With an area of about 5.64 million square meters, it is one of the largest ancient gardens in China.


During this visit, we first took a bus to the mountains in the northwest. But the most exciting thing is not the picturesque scenery, but the excitement of taking a bus.


The roads in mountainous areas are very winding and steep, which is very dangerous for pedestrians. If you slip your foot, you may fall into the abyss. However, it's not good for us to ride here. Driving in this place is very dangerous, and the driver is driving very fast, which makes people very uneasy. On the way, the mountain road was rugged and winding, with many dead turns. However, the driver was not afraid, and even slowed down. He rushed straight down. There are many scenic spots on the way. I got off many times and changed many drivers. Although the drivers changed, their driving skills did not change. It is estimated that more than half of the most powerful drivers in China are here.


Later, we visited the Little Potala Palace and the Potala Palace, and gained a deeper understanding of Buddhism. This trip to Chengde is very meaningful, but not all we see. I hope we can watch them all next time.

假期见闻作文 篇6


Today, my father, mother and my good friend Qin Yan drove a car to the nearby river to play.


The river is not too high, just past the calf, we walked back and forth in the river, looking for fish and crabs from time to time. Before, my parents and I agreed that whoever catches more fish and crabs today can play games online. Father's team, mother's team, and our team. After the division, we started the "fishing war". We adopted the "hunting around" method. Mom used the "waiting for the hare" method, that is, fishing. Dad focused on crabs and used the "rock turning method".


We came to a shoal with dense water and grass, so we carefully opened it with a stick, looking for "fish!", We shouted loudly and jumped at the fish at the same time, only to hear a "bang". The two heads hit each other, and then they fell into the water. "Bad start, bad start!", Qin Yan said reluctantly as she shook the weeds off her head and hands. "Two beauties, have you caught any fish?" Dad gloated and said that I angrily grabbed the water plants and threw them at him. He dodged and said, "Catch the fish first!" So we started catching fish again, "Here, there are fish!" I carefully drew the bucket closer to the fish and suddenly shot, "Wow, I caught it!" We caught five small fish this time. "It's too slow, otherwise, follow your father to catch crabs!" "Good!" We were looking for crabs in the same way as my father. When we opened the twelfth stone, my father finally couldn't help but "introduce experience" to us. "Will crabs live in such shallow water without fish?" So we went to the deeper water again and said, "Here we are. Catch it!" Qin Yan shouted excitedly, "Ah!" With an earth shaking cry, I was "honored" to be gripped by a big black shell crab. I kept shaking my hand in pain and finally threw the crab out. But -- "Ah!", I saw that the crab caught the father's hair, and the father "gloriously" hung the color. When he angrily dragged the "murderer" down, it still protested to his father, "Don't move, I will make you into braised crab meat again." The father shouted angrily, and the words immediately took effect, and it immediately stopped moving. Since then, we have been more careful in catching crabs.


When the results came out, we caught 5 fish, 10 crabs, 19 crabs for Dad and 0 for Mom. When we asked why, he said, "I fell asleep when I was fishing. Besides, I forgot to load the bait." "Flutter!" Qin Yan and my father collapsed on the ground together, "unconscious".


This is the fun of my happy summer vacation.