
时间:2022-07-21 13:40:49 | 来源:语文通



Alan Dolphin group is a huge dolphin family, living in a beautiful and mysterious Arando sea area.


Little Dolphin Qianqian is a member of the Alan Dolphin group. She is 2 years old.The 2 -year -old dolphin is like human beings to go to school and yearn for the outside world.Qian Qian made a request to go out to play countless times, but parents always say that what is too dangerous outside, there are horrible humans or something, they just disagree.Hmm, don't let me go, I just want to go! Qianqian thought.


Finally one night, Qian Qian slipped out quietly while his parents fell asleep.When the first ray of sunshine was on the sea, the ancestors survived for generations to survive."I'm free!" Qian Qian screamed.


Just when she was excited, a large net rushed to her! Qianqian was scared and swimming quickly, and she escaped.She saw a clown fish swimming towards her, and hurriedly greeted "Clown Fish, what is that net?" "That is used by humans to catch your dolphins." The clown fish explained to her why humans wanted to fish for them.EssenceTalking and talking, they became good friends.


Qianqian suddenly smelled a fragrance, so he swam towards the aroma."Yeah, isn't that my favorite shrimp?" Said, he opened his mouth and wanted to eat."Don't eat-" The clown fish yelled."That's the trap of human beings. If you eat your mouth, you will be hooked!" However, it is too late! Qian Qian's mouth is hooked!


"Qian Qian-" The mother's anxiety came from the distance! Qianqian was excited and jumped up.Suddenly, the fish hook fell out of Qianqian's mouth!


"Mom-" "Qian Qian--" The mother and daughter hugged with tears. Seeing this scene, the clown fish watched also shed tears.


Since then, Qianqian has never left the sea in the Arando alone.


Seeing this, should you stop the people around you, don't hunt the beautiful and precious marine animals, and return them a freedom?



1、倩倩:倩倩读音为qiàn qiàn,是指笑容。倩倩 qiàn qiàn词语解释:笑容。分词解释:笑容:指笑时面部呈现的神情状态。● 倩 qiàn ㄑㄧㄢˋ◎ 美好:倩装。倩景。◎ 请,央求:倩人代笔。...

2、海豚:海豚读音为hǎi tún,是指哺乳动物,身体长达一丈,鼻孔长在头顶上,背部青黑色,有背鳍,腹部白色,前肢变为鳍。生活在海洋中,吃鱼、乌贼、虾等。通称海猪。 海豚科(Delphinidae)的某些小齿鲸类,其鼻吻多少延长成为喙形,颈椎部分地融合海豚 hǎi tún分词解释:哺乳动物,身体长达一丈,鼻孔长在头顶上,背部青黑色,有背鳍,腹部白色,前肢变为鳍。生活在海洋中,吃鱼、乌贼、虾等。通称海猪。[dolphin] 海豚科(Delphinidae)的某些小齿鲸类,其鼻吻多少延长成为喙形,颈椎部分地融合分词解释:鼻孔:鼻腔跟外面相通的孔道。背部:由两肩和背上部共同形成的人的骨架的部分,这个部位最宜负重。如:随着年龄增长,他的上背部弯屈了。前肢:昆虫或有四肢的脊推动物身体前面靠近头部的两条腿。通称:1.通常的称呼。 2.一般的说法。...海豚怎么造句,用海豚造句»

3、逃生:逃生读音为táo shēng,是指逃出危险境地,以保全生命。 逃出险境,以求生存霍克伯里河及其支流全部泛滥,灾情那么严重,农民们不得不赶快逃生死里逃生逃生 táo shēng词语解释:逃出危险境地,以保全生命。[flee for one's life;escape with one's life;fly] 逃出险境,以求生存霍克伯里河及其支流全部泛滥,灾情那么严重,农民们不得不赶快逃生死里逃生分词解释:保全:①保住使不受损失:保全性命ㄧ保全名誉。②保护、维修机器设备,使正常使用:保全工。境地:①生活上或工作上遇到的情况:处于孤立的境地。②境界②。危险:1.亦作“危崄”。艰危险恶,不安全。谓有可能导致灾难或失败。 2.指险恶﹑险要之地。生命:由高分子的核酸蛋白体和其他物质组成的生物体所具有的特有现象。与非生物不同,生物能利用外界的物质形成自己的身体和繁殖后代,按照遗传的特点生长、发育运动,在环境变化时常表现出适应环境的能力。...逃生怎么造句,用逃生造句»