"Xiangyuan Yiqing, the pavilion net planting, can be viewed from a distance and cannot be played," I recommend a good place to everyone, that is, the lotus lake opposite my family.
The summer of Lotus Lake is the most charming. The water there is clear, and the fish swims happily in the water. Its little mouth is one by one, as if saying, "Hello!"It's like a mirror.The scenery by the lake is reflected in the water, a breeze blows, and the lake surface rises layers of ripples.
The lotus in the lake is more beautiful!Seeing the lotus leaves squeezed, the lotus came out of this, and some of them started two or three petals, and some of them started., Like a cooked peach, showing red tips, green lotus leaves "reminds me of a poem," Little lotus is only exposed to sharp corners, and dragonflies have standing up."
The trees on the shore of the lake are also very beautiful!Lay down the green silk. "The breeze blows, and the wicker floats in the air, like
I love Lotus Lake, the beauty of Lotus Lake, and the lotus of Lotus Lake!
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