
时间:2022-10-19 13:20:12 | 来源:语文通



暑假里的趣事作文 篇1暑假生活趣事作文 篇2暑假趣事初中作文 篇3暑假趣事优秀作文 篇4暑假趣事的作文400字 篇5暑假趣事初中作文 篇6暑假趣事作文 篇7暑假趣事优秀作文 篇8暑假趣事优秀作文 篇9暑假趣事作文400字 篇10

暑假里的趣事作文 篇1


Summer vacation is a holiday that every primary and secondary school student likes. Many interesting things will happen during the long holiday. Today, I will share with you an interesting event that happened in my summer vacation.


Because I like dogs very much, my family welcomed a little guest this summer vacation - a little pug. Because its hair is as white as snow, as if it was carved from white marble, I named it Xiaobai.


Let's put Xiaobaigei into a shoe box first. While catching insects for Xiaobaigei, my father was experimenting with a hairdresser. When we put the shoe box with Xiaobai in front of my father, my father began to "cut hair". This was the first time he had "cut hair" for animals in his life. Of course, he had never cut hair for people. In the process of "haircutting" Xiaobai, Xiaobai sat there obediently and did not move, just as he knew that we were doing it for its good. As time went by, Xiaobai's hair was also decreasing little by little.


When my father put down the tools in his hands, took Xiaobai out of the shoe box and put them in front of us, we all laughed - there was only a little hair left on Xiaobai's back, exposing the skin on his back; On Xiaobai's feet, however, nothing has changed. How can Xiaobai meet his relatives and friends in the future! Now Xiaobai is like a dog with boots on. And poor Xiaobai didn't know that he had become like this, and he looked at us curiously with his head tilted!


Lovely Xiaobai, you wrote an interesting stroke in our mind with your loveliness!

暑假生活趣事作文 篇2


After seeing off a busy semester, we ushered in a leisurely summer vacation. It should have been easy for a few days, but daily cram lessons and homework make people have no mood and time to travel! Alas!


In the evening, I went downstairs for a walk with nothing to do. Suddenly, I saw a light and found a plump bird lying under the light nearby! I ran to it three steps at a time, and when I looked carefully, it turned out to be a little sparrow! His small eyes kept turning, his tawny mouth opened and closed, and a few drops of bright red blood flowed from his legs! I quickly picked it up and ran home! As soon as I got home, I took out gauze and Yunnan Baiyao. With the help of my mother, I bandaged the little sparrow's wound, then found the cage where the rabbit was raised, put the little sparrow in, and then hurriedly brought water and millet to feed it! But the little sparrow said nothing! I was angry and thought, "If you want to eat, you will eat naturally if you are very hungry!" Thinking of this, I just went to bed!

可是,事情并不像我想的那样!第二天早上,我一起床就去看小麻雀。发现它的腿上的伤好像好了一些,能慢慢的一条腿站起来了!可是一点东西都没吃!这可急坏了我!到了晚上,小麻雀在笼子里蹦来蹦去,不停拍打着翅膀! 这下我可急坏了:再不吃东西可是会饿死的呀!与其这样,不如把它放了,我可不愿意看着它死!说不定放了它,它还能活呢!想到这儿,我就将它放了出来,没想到他刚一出来,就又蹦又跳,不一会儿就把地上的米粒吃了个精光!然后一蹦一跳地消失了!

However, things are not as I thought! The next morning, I got up and went to see the sparrows. It seems that the wound on its leg is better, and it can slowly stand up on one leg! But I didn't eat anything! This is really annoying me! At night, the little sparrow bounced around in the cage, flapping its wings! I'm so worried: I'll starve to death if I don't eat any more! Rather than do this, let it go. I don't want to see it die! Maybe it can live without it! When I thought of this, I released it. Unexpectedly, as soon as he came out, he jumped again and again, and soon ate all the rice on the ground! And then disappeared with a bound!


Only then did I know that it would rather die than live in this world without freedom!

暑假趣事初中作文 篇3


Summer vacation, this word is for students to get rid of the trouble of learning, completely relax, can also be simply said to play! But it was the beginning of a devil training for me.


On the first day of summer vacation, I was tortured by my mother half dead! In order to let you see more clearly, I will return to the morning of July 5.


Lens 1:


In the morning, the sun shines warm in the room. I am vaguely dating Duke Zhou. At the wonderful moment, my mother came here uninvited. She shouted with thunderous bombing sound: Get up quickly, get up quickly and have breakfast! As for me, I don't want to do this. No matter how my mother yells, I still go my own way and continue to date the Duke of Zhou. However, if one plan fails, the mother who holds this idea will not stop. Alas, I can only play with her once more. Although I am invulnerable, I can't stand the torture of my mother. Finally, I surrendered obediently.


Do you want to know why my mother tortured me like this? That's not my relative's stomach disease! Mom said: "This summer vacation, don't feed your stomach well. Don't think about peace“


However, I also know that my mother is also painstaking! So I want to say to my mother: Mom, you have worked hard!

暑假趣事优秀作文 篇4


On Saturday, I went to Chongqing Caribbean with my parents and sisters.


As soon as I entered the water world, I found that there were so many people in it. I couldn't wait to go in and change my bathing suit. My sister and I walked to the pool hand in hand and ran up the slide. Only when the person in front of me slid down, did I dare to slide down. I found this slide was not very interesting. My sister pointed to another slide and said, "Let's try that one. Maybe it will be more interesting.". So we ran up another slide. There was no one in front of us. I slipped down first, and then my sister slipped down. I found this slide very interesting. We played it several times and then went to another pool to play.


We found that there were many high slides in the pool, but we couldn't find the place to go up. We had to drench some water below. Because there is a big bucket on the slide with water in it. There is something on the slide that keeps filling the bucket with water. Once the bucket is full, the water will fall down. We have been watered down several times. We found a boating slide nearby. We asked our parents to play together. For the first time, my father and I took a yellow purple slide. The first section of the slide went down directly, and then went up to the pool. I felt very excited, just like taking a roller coaster. The second time my sister and I were in a boat, we rowed a green and red slide. At first, we went down vertically, and then slid into a ball. There was a place on the ball where we sprayed water. Once we got there, our boat jumped up a bit, and then went down to the pool... It was really fun here!


I felt very happy that day. I hope I can come again next time.

暑假趣事的作文400字 篇5


It was a summer vacation day. My father bought a big watermelon. The green skin was covered with black and green patterns. The tail of the watermelon also had a vine like a pig's tail. It was very cute!


The younger brother saw it and shouted, "Eat watermelon, eat watermelon!" Mother took the watermelon from her father. First, she washed away the soil in a basin full of water, and then picked up a sharp kitchen knife to cut the watermelon. Ah! What a good melon! The bright red melon is embedded with black seeds, and the juice flows all over the table. I cut the watermelon into ten pieces and divided them into two pieces for each person. I took two pieces and sat aside to eat them. After taking a bite, the juice seemed to flow into my heart and I felt very comfortable.


One piece was finished, and I was about to eat the second piece when suddenly a pair of eager eyes looked at me. "Sister, I still want to eat." My brother said to me with a wink. I hurriedly said: "You greedy cat, I will not give you anything if you eat my own food." Mother heard and said, "My brother is still young. You should respect the old and love the young." I immediately handed the watermelon to my brother. The younger brother took the watermelon and said, "Thank you, sister." His mouth is still full of watermelon.


Today, although I ate less than one piece of watermelon, my heart is sweeter than ten pieces of watermelon (WWW.. CN). The most important thing is that I have learned another truth: respect the old and love the young, and be willing to share. A small watermelon is worth a big deal.


This is something that happened to me in the summer vacation, and I also want to plant watermelon seeds in the soil, waiting for it to blossom and bear fruit

暑假趣事初中作文 篇6


In this happy summer vacation, the most unforgettable 'was that day, because I was a little Lei Feng


On a sunny day, I will go to Guangzhou with my father and brother. When we got on the bus, it was already crowded with people. We had to stand. When the car was just leaving, I saw a man staring at an aunt's wallet with a thievish look. He must be a thief. He wanted to fish in troubled waters and steal the aunt's wallet while there were many people! I thought: If A was not exposed to this hateful thief, then aunt's money would be stolen by him. So I slowly approached my aunt and pretended to fall down. She was about to help me up, so I took this good opportunity to quietly say to her, "Auntie, I saw a thief trying to steal your wallet just now. Be careful!" After listening to this, the aunt frowned, and then hurriedly felt her bag. The purse was really stolen by the thief. When the thief was about to hide the wallet he had stolen, I shouted loudly, "Catch the thief!" At this time, the thief was scared out of his wits. The passengers stared at the thief with angry eyes. "What a heinous thief! He stole in public!" "I should have sent him to the police station!" The passengers were talking. The driver agreed with everyone and drove directly to the police station. Finally, the thief was sent to the police station. The aunt's wallet has also been recovered. Although it is very hot in this bus, I feel cool in my heart! Because I did a good deed

暑假趣事作文 篇7


Accompanied by "the bright moon leaves a startled magpie, and the breeze makes cicadas sing in the half moon." Summer comes as scheduled and summer vacation comes as scheduled.


In the long summer vacation, it is natural that there will be a period of time spent back home. An interesting thing happened when I lived in my hometown.


That day, it was raining outside. Grandpa went to another house alone; Grandma and Mom are sitting in the house talking with neighbors; My sister is doing her homework in the room. Only my brother and I were left to sit on the table and look at the vast white world.


At this time, I suddenly came up with an idea. I told my elder brother that I was idle anyway, and he agreed at once. We sneaked out of the house secretly, rushed to the snack bar with lightning speed, took out change, and hurriedly bought four boxes of cannons. He hurried back to the house and prepared to carry out the plan. My brother blocked the door with a broom, and I stood on the stool to check the room. When everything was ready, my brother came to the window and everything was ready except for the east wind. My brother and I took four cannons in each hand and threw them into the room three seconds later. Eight cannons crackled in the room. The unprepared sister jumped up from the chair. My brother and I laughed. Sister is furious and wants to teach us a lesson. When she blocked the door, she found that it could not be opened, and we kept making faces at her. To our surprise, the door opened and she came out. We turned around and ran away, but we were caught.


I urge you not to cherish the golden thread clothes, and to cherish your youth. The summer of "melting moon in pear garden, light wind in willow catkin pond" is leaving us, and the autumn of "sunset and lone ducks fly together, and the autumn water is the same color as the sky" is waving to us. Let's cherish the rest of the summer vacation together!

暑假趣事优秀作文 篇8


One day in the summer vacation, my mother and I went to the countryside to see my grandmother. At Grandma's house, a very interesting thing happened, which made me unforgettable.

那天一到外婆家,我就看见了一大群小鸡,一个个毛茸茸的,像个小绒球,它们颜色各异,有几只是黄的;有几只是蓝绿相间的;还有几只竟然是橙红黄三种颜色全有。其中有一只小鸡是我最喜欢的,我给它取了个名字叫:圆球 。因为我刚一到外婆家,它就将头埋到翅膀下,蜷缩成一团,像个圆球。

When I arrived at Grandma's house that day, I saw a large group of chickens, one by one fluffy, like a small pompon, with different colors, some of them yellow; Some are blue and green; Some of them are orange, red and yellow. One of the chickens is my favorite. I named it Ball. As soon as I arrived at Grandma's house, she buried her head under her wings and curled up into a ball.


When I saw the ball, I had a whim and wanted to take some eggs to hatch. This idea originates from a TV program I watched before, which is called "Challenge Impossible". In the program, we talked about an experiment called "hatching chicks without shells". I thought to myself: an egg can hatch a chicken without a shell, let alone a shell. Just do what I say. First, I put the eggs on the bed and cover them tightly with a quilt. Then I lay on the quilt with the eggs on it, not daring to move, not daring to breathe. I worked hard for a long time. When my mother finished taking a bath, I called her to see the miracle with confidence. As soon as my mother came over, she smelled a smell of eggs. She ran to Grandma and asked her what was wrong. Grandma looked dazed. She came to the room with her mother. She opened the quilt and saw that the eggs were broken. At this moment, I heard the sound of "twitter". After a closer look, it turned out to be my friend "Ball". Mom looked, angry and funny. Grandma laughed beside her. I couldn't help laughing.


This farce of "hatching chickens" is the most interesting thing in my summer vacation. Although I failed to hatch chickens, I improved my awareness of scientific exploration.

暑假趣事优秀作文 篇9


Books are our silent teachers.


When we encounter difficulties in learning, we can "ask for advice" over time.


As the saying goes, "If you read a hundred times, you will see the meaning".


But I used to think reading was boring, I didn't like it, and I needed my mother's reminding and urging.


I don't know when I made friends with books.


During the summer vacation, my mother bought me a bunch of new books, but she had to finish her assigned tasks before reading them.


If I don't want to see it, it's like a cat seeing a fish when I see a new book, so I secretly read it.


When I was doing my homework, I hid the book under the desk. As soon as my mother left, I took out my new book and read it with interest. When I heard the footsteps, I quickly put on the posture of doing my homework.


I also took the book to the toilet. Because it took too long, my mother noticed that I was criticized.




I put the book under my pillow. After my mother closed the door, I turned on the night light and read it.


But because people are too involved, they can't help laughing.


No, there is noise! I quickly hid the book and lay down to sleep without being found.


Later, I finished the task and lifted the ban. Finally, I can read openly and honestly! Books bring me endless fun, let me learn a lot of useful knowledge, but also help me improve my writing level... Students, do you also become good friends with books?

暑假趣事作文400字 篇10


An interesting thing happened during the summer vacation.


On the morning of July 13, the weather was sunny and sunny. My mother took me to visit my grandmother in Lijia Village. It happened that my second aunt and second cousin were also at my grandmother's house. I was very happy. The other day, I played with my second cousin. We had a good time. Then I went to the river with my second cousin to pick up pebbles, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva who saves the suffering. We played in the temple for a while, and then we went back to Grandma's house. At night, my sister and I were chasing and fighting. My sister suddenly stepped on a stone, fell down, and broke her foot. I laughed a lot and teased her to say, "You big fool." She said angrily, "You are a bad guy. I will kill you!" Then he ran after me... The next morning, we were going home, and my sister was going with us. We played games on the road and had a great time.


My friends, is your summer vacation interesting? Tell us quickly!