
时间:2022-07-05 13:15:45 | 来源:语文通



If it comes to "small book worms", a person appears in my mind, she is my cousin.Although my cousin and I are not living in a city, I can always see the photos taken when my cousin is reading.


During the May Day holiday, the "small book worm" came to my house to play. As soon as I entered the door, I shouted: "Is there a book? Is there a book?When I heard my cousin, my cousin is really a veritable "small book worm"!


At this time, she ran directly into the room closest to the door to find a book.As a result, she actually ran into my room, and just my room really had a bookcase.When she saw the eyes of the bookcase, she ran away, and ran away quickly, grabbing a book to read, and the aunt shouted outside the door, "It's too bad, you love to read a book, you can't be polite!" ButThe cousin seemed to have been open to the book with a big eyes without hearing his aunt's words.After a while, my mother told me to eat the fruit to the cousin. I asked my cousin softly, but my cousin ignored me, so I put the fruit beside me. At this time, I was surprised to find that my cousin had finished reading a book.After reading the book, the corner of her mouth rose slightly, her eyes widened.If it hadn't been aunt who had said food, maybe, so far, she was still soaring in the sea of books!


This is my cousin who loves reading.



A pair of playful sheep horn braids, a smooth and pure brain with a small black mole, the cute and charming double eyelid is a pair of black and round eyes.The pear vortex added a bit of beauty to her.


She is the well -known small book worm in my class -Feifei.Feifei especially loves reading. What novels, poetry, prose, she loves it. As long as there are books in her hands, she will feel very happy and satisfied, just like the fish gets a clear pond, she will hold her baby book by leaningIn a corner meticulous, it would not blink for a long time.In her own words, she is "just for the book for a book."


I remember the first day of enrollment, we all talked in the classroom, and we were happy, and the entire classroom was about to be sky.At this time, Feifei was sitting next to me. She saw a beautiful magazine on the podium, and suddenly came with the spirit. The two eyes glowed with bright and spiritual glory.In the case, she pulled me excitedly, her voice trembled slightly, as if Columbus discovered the new continent and was excited: "Look, look at it! It is the latest version of" Youth! ""The voice did not fall, she jumped from a chair like a grasshopper. She didn't hesitate. Fifi stepped on the podium and walked down with the magazine, and immediately started her self -closed reading mode.


She was sitting on the stool, and her two fingers carefully stroked the soft paper. The two eyes were sticking to the book with a motionless look, and the red face was full of satisfaction and cheerful expression.Half a day passed, the classroom was getting more and more fierce, but Feifei seemed to not feel that she was still holding a book and laughing from time to time.The dark color was dim, his lips were dumb, and he looked very aggrieved.


Hey, you can see the book so obsessed, this little book is really well -known!


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There is a small book worm in our class.Every time he goes to get out of class, he will hold a book.


His hair was pointed, and his ears were always on the earmuffs.There is a little swollen.In the third grade last semester, because he was going to the hospital for surgery, he did not even come to the midterm exam.After the winter vacation, Xiaoshu came to the school, and he didn't change at all, and he still loved to read so.


Once, because of the community class, some students were not in the class, and the teachers did not give lectures.Everyone was boring, some cheer up, some were whispering, and some simply made trouble in the classroom, but the small book worm took out books and sat in the seat, watching quietly, as if in the classroom, as if in the classroomHis noise has nothing to do with him."Hi, book worm, play with us." "You play!" You see, his obsession.


Children, do you have such a "small book worm" around you?Let's introduce it too!



There is a live Lei Feng in our class -Ding Runxue, why do you say that?Then listen to me carefully!


Her eyes are like two black grapes with a boring nose and white face, as white as flour, the most characteristic is a ponytail on her hair.When you are happy, the ponytails always shake upwards, and you can't wait to fly to the sky.


After school, Ding Runxue and I took the bus home. As soon as I got on the bus, the two empty seats on the car seemed to keep the two of us.There was no seat after the grandfather came before. When you look at the people around, some people are sleeping, some people are playing the game, some people are pretending to watch the scenery ... Ding Runxue stood up, a handful of one, a handfulHolding Grandpa: "Grandpa, you sit here, just stand up, if you fall, it will not be good." The master quickly thanked, Ding Runxue became more embarrassed: "Don't thank you, this is meShould be done. "


This is Ding Runxue, the live Leifeng of our class.