
时间:2022-08-04 13:24:58 | 来源:语文通



In the past, in a forest, there was a towering tree, the trunk of the big tree was thick and strong, and the branches and leaves were lush.There is a bird's nest on the big tree, and the bird's father and one of it are in the bird's nest.Every morning, the sun rises, and the bird's father sings the song cheerfully to wake up the birds, and take the birds to chase each other in the woods, fly around, and cheer.


On this day, a bird -catching hunter brought his son to the forest. The hunter fired a shot on the bird's father and hit the bird father who was looking for the birds for the bird.Bird's father fell off the tree, his son ran to the Bird's father, and saw the dying bird father, picked it up, and put it in the basket.At this time, a group of birds shouted on the tree above Mingming's head.It seems to be saying, "Return my father to me, it's okay to take Dad, our dad is not a bad guy, but great! He helps Bai Shu to cure and spread flowers, why do you want to hurt our dad? ..."Obviously stayed, and looked at the bird's father in the basket, from joy to sorrow.Running in front of the hunter sadly, saying: Dad, we don't want to kill birds again. Birds are human friends, and humans without friends will be lonely ... "After listening to his son, the hunter thought for a long time and watched it again.Seeing the bird's father, I wanted to speak, nodded, and agreed to the son's request.


Since then, the hunter put down the shotgun and began to protect the forest and protect the birds.



1、小鸟:小鸟读音为xiǎo niǎo,是指小鸟是由北京天寰新宇国际传媒有限公司于2010年4月30日发行在《朴文哲》专辑的歌曲。...小鸟怎么造句,用小鸟造句»

2、猎人:猎人读音为liè rén,是指打猎者;以打猎为业的人。 从事打猎职业的人或指打猎有专长的人猎人 liè rén词语解释:打猎者;以打猎为业的人。[hunter] 从事打猎职业的人或指打猎有专长的人分词解释:打猎:在野外捕杀鸟兽。猎者:打猎的人。● 人 rén ㄖㄣˊ◎ 由类人猿进化而成的能制造和使用工具进行劳动、并能运用语言进行交际的动物:人类。◎ 别人,他人:“人为刀俎,我为鱼肉”。待人热诚。◎ 人的品质、性情、名誉:丢人,文如其人。● 猎(獵) liè ㄌㄧㄝˋ◎ 捕捉禽兽:猎捕。猎获。猎逐。猎取。猎奇。狩猎。田猎。渔猎。围猎。◎ 打猎的:猎人。猎户。猎狗。猎枪。...猎人怎么造句,用猎人造句»