
时间:2022-11-14 13:06:17 | 来源:语文通



国庆节作文 篇1国庆节作文 篇2普通的国庆节作文 篇3国庆节作文 篇4国庆节作文 篇5国庆节的作文 篇6国庆节作文 篇7国庆节作文 篇8国庆节的作文 篇9关于国庆节作文 篇10

国庆节作文 篇1


Today is October 1st, the 61st birthday of the motherland. This morning my mother took me to the city for shopping. I saw beautiful flowers on the doorways of many places, and beautiful flowers on the doorways of public places in the city. My parents took me to the supermarket again. There were people coming and going in the supermarket, some buying meat, some buying vegetables, and some buying fruits. The waitress and aunt held a small red flag in their hands and shouted: "The price has been greatly reduced for the celebration of the National Day of the motherland." People were shopping happily.


In the afternoon, my parents took me to Qingdao to see the sea again. I saw many people playing at the seaside. I walked on the trestle in a continuous stream of people, including foreigners, ethnic minorities, the elderly and children. Everyone was happy; Look: some people play fast boats, some take motorboats, some take steamships, some play volleyball on the beach, some take a bath in the sea, some... At this time, I also made a big tank on the beach. My father went swimming, and my mother watched me and my father. I made a big castle again, and my father disappeared. He was playing hide and seek with us. After a while, Dad stood in front of us and said, "Today our family has a lot to gain. Should we go home and catch the train?" I reluctantly left Qingdao and the sea. I wish our motherland, I love our home, and I wish our motherland more and more powerful. In this way, my parents and I had a happy National Day.

国庆节作文 篇2


October 1 is the National Day. In order to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, my mother and I made a red flag early in the morning. At 8 o'clock, a family of three stood on the balcony and sang, "The five-star red flag flutters in the wind, how loud the victory song is..." After singing the song, I also drew a picture, which is a small gift for the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, hoping that the motherland will become more prosperous and prosperous.

普通的国庆节作文 篇3


It is mother's 73rd birthday. The National Day is a seven day holiday. I could have gone out to play, but because the epidemic is not over yet, I can only play at home, without disturbing the epidemic prevention.


Today, my mother called me up very early to watch the live broadcast of the flag raising in Tiananmen Square. I put on my clothes and red scarf and watched the live broadcast of raising the national flag with my mother. When the flag bearers walked with sonorous steps, I immediately stood up and watched them step by step towards the National Flag Platform. I was very excited. When the flag bearer shouted, "Hail to the flag!" When. I also followed the team salute, singing the national anthem and watching the five-star red flag rising. After the flag raising, I went to bed again. I don't know how long later, my mother called me up again and said that I would record a blessing video and send it to the group. I think all the students in the group said very well! I don't know what to say. I had to learn one of the videos that the teacher sent to the group: I wish China, prosperity and strength, follow the party and listen to the party talk. The teacher also praised me.


In the afternoon, after dinner, the brothers and sisters said that they were bored and could not go out to play. At this time, my mother came and said, "You can play with building blocks. I bought them a few days ago and asked Tian Gengqin's mother to bring them back in the morning." The brothers and sisters picked up the box and rushed to my room. Open the box, which is full of two large bags of small building blocks and a large manual. The elder sister said, "Let's open a bag first, or we'll be in a mess soon." Open a bag, pour it all into the box, look at the dense small blocks, and don't know where to start. After more than three hours of unremitting efforts by several of us, we finally put it together. A green bear stood in front of us. The instruction manual says that the bear is violent and has a drawer on its belly, which can just hold coins for me. Look at the success of the assembled bear. It's also a fun day to stay at home and play the puzzle game with your family on National Day.


Today, the whole country is celebrating in China. The mountains and rivers are magnificent. The country is not old, and the motherland is evergreen. I want to wish my mother a happy 72nd birthday again! thriving and prosperous!

国庆节作文 篇4


National Day is coming! National Day is coming! We followed the laughter, the family came to the crowded Youngor Zoo.


What a big zoo! You can't see the edge at a glance. First, we visited the Northeast Tiger. The Northeast tiger wears striped clothes. It seems that it is thinking of human beings when it comes to this side and which side it will go to.


After watching the tiger, it's time to see the fierce king of the grassland - the lion.


The hair on the lion's neck is really beautiful! I really cut it off and used it as my lion skin coat.


A day has passed in a twinkling of an eye, and I'm going home.

国庆节作文 篇5


The National Day is coming, so you can have a holiday again! This is an exciting news for us students. In this happy seven day holiday, we are just birds flying in the sky, enjoying happiness freely.


One of the most important requirements in the Chinese homework during the holiday is: "Read a popular science book, choose from 56 pages, and make reading notes." This can make me worried, because there are no books required in the book at home. On the first day of National Day, I hurried to Xinhua Bookstore to buy it. After searching in the bookstore for a long time, I got nothing. After asking, I knew that the version was too old! From an economic perspective, children's science popularization is not popular.


So I asked my mother if she wanted to buy it in Hangzhou, but she refused without hesitation. She said it can be downloaded from the online electronic library! Why go so far? I'm half convinced. There is no such easy thing.


As I expected, a computer expert like my mother couldn't help it. The reason is that the version is old. In the Xinhua Bookstore, my classmates met me and said, "Why are those books not available?" It turns out that the students are just like me! For several days in a row, I searched almost every corner of the bookstore, still disappointed. Alas... If only the bookstore could pay more attention to these old versions and more popular science books for primary school students, then I wouldn't waste so much time looking for books, and I might be happier this holiday!

国庆节的作文 篇6


On October 1st, the whole country was jubilant.


_ Chinese people sing and dance with fervent passion to celebrate the motherland_ The birthday of.


Ah, we will strive all the way in X, seek all the way in X, conquer all the way in X, and develop all the way in X! The great motherland and lovely home, you have experienced 60 years of war and hardship, and you have gone through X years of ups and downs. You forged a firm belief in blood and fire, and you forged the character of green pine and red plum in the wind and snow of difficult years. Climbing over the snow mountain and trekking across the grassland, you forged your perseverance in pursuing truth; X "Three mountains", you forge the fearless courage to turn the tide.


Innovation is the soul of thought, and innovation is the driving force of development. With innovation as the core, several generations of leading collectives of the Party have continued the glorious history of China. Theoretical innovation enables us to break the shackles that fetter our thoughts, and mechanism innovation activates the stagnant systems, institutions and markets. The competitive situation of giving full play to the talents and survival of the fittest has brought the domestic market into line with international standards, and closed and conservative can no longer survive. Faced with the severe challenges of global trends and risks, the increasingly strong motherland will not shrink back.


China moves towards the world, and the world is optimistic about China. China's accession to the WTO, the APEC Conference held in Shanghai, and the successful bid for the 20X Olympic Games... China has become the world stage. On the platform of the United Nations, China's voice of justice has been increasingly echoed by most countries. In the international sports arena, Chinese athletes strive to win the championship; With the stirring and majestic March of the Volunteers, the five-star red flag rose slowly. On the summit of science and technology, every major breakthrough of the Chinese nation has amazed the world. The successful explosion of the X hydrogen bomb and the flying of artificial satellites in space broke the myth of the West for nearly a century; The successful test of the Shenzhou V manned spaceship has made the Chinese nation take a big step towards the distant space.


The sea is full of vicissitudes, showing the true character of heroes; Only when the country is rejuvenated through difficulties can we know how to make the country prosperous and make people harmonious. We survived the "Asian Financial Storm", overcame the devastating floods, and fought against the rampant SARS and bird flu


6X growth rings have undergone tremendous changes, and X degrees have yielded fruitful results in spring and autumn. Weaving highways, butterfly like overpasses, numerous derricks and plump villages continue the history of the Republic. Ah, mother of the motherland, the Yangtze River and the Yellow River are your running blood, and the Great Wall and Kunlun are your ageless body. Ah, Motherland, your rise covers the passion of 56 nationalities, and your rejuvenation is full of the long cherished wishes of 1.3 billion Chinese people!


In X years, we will strive for self-improvement and forge ahead. Ah, the great motherland, the Chinese people have endless words, sing endless hymns! Let's raise our glasses high, climb the Kunlun Mountains, climb the Great Wall, and shout again and again: "Long live our motherland!"

国庆节作文 篇7


On National Day, my father took my family and Huang Cancan's family to the Qingliu Songkou "Tianfang Yuetan" Hot Spring. On the way, we took a car to the destination, talking and laughing. I happily got out of the car and ran into the spa. Wow! What surprised me most was that the inside was so beautiful. We went into the locker room to change our bathing suits. At the exit, the water began to soak.


I just put my foot in the water, ah! The water is really hot! I'm going to turn into a barbecue, and then I bravely walked down. Unexpectedly, the lower the bottom is, the hotter it is. But I still bravely walked down until the water is not so hot without stairs. I swam in the water as happily as a small fish. Soon my father took me to the fish kissing therapy place to play for a while. There were many small fish there. I put my foot out and the small fish bit me. I don't know what to do, They are so cute! I'll play next time I come. After a while, it was dark, and I couldn't bear to go back.


Hot spring is really interesting. I heard that there are many hot springs in China, and hot springs are good for health. I must go to more places to soak in hot springs. I like hot springs.


This trip is really enjoyable!

国庆节作文 篇8


National Day is coming, my mother took me to Zhongshan Park.

我们玩了碰碰车,我要求让我开车,妈妈坐在我旁边,刚开始车子怎么也发动不起来, 然后我按了一个按扭,猛的一脚踩下去,车子快速地向前冲去,狠很地跟人家的车撞在了一起,好刺激呀! 然后我们又玩了旋转木马,旋转木马一上一下地,来来回回转个不停,我感觉自己好象真的骑了一匹马在草原上奔驰呢。

We played the bumper car, and I asked to let me drive. My mother sat beside me. At first, the car could not be started. Then I pressed a button and stepped on it with a strong foot. The car rushed forward quickly and collided with other people's car. It was exciting! Then we played the merry go round again. The merry go round and round. I felt like I really rode a horse on the grassland.


Happy National Day!

国庆节的作文 篇9


Finally, the long-awaited National Day came. This year, the motherland has_ At the age of_ On the National Day in, I returned to Nanyin, my hometown with beautiful scenery.


Nan Yin, my favorite is the small animals here.






















In Nanyin, I linger and forget to leave, not for beautiful scenery, nor for leisure. I just like this lively animal. This time I went back to Nanyin. Although I walked a lot, I was very tired! Very tired! But I think it's meaningful! I feel happy and happy!

关于国庆节作文 篇10


Time flies like an arrow, and the days and months fly like a shuttle. It is also the National Day holiday that I look forward to and am excited about. How to enter the new era and new ideas of children's National Day holiday?


This year's National Day was celebrated in Grandma's hometown. The day before returning to Grandma's hometown, I visited the Whampoa Military Academy, where I found an interesting and interesting Bozi gun. On the way back to Grandma's home, I still loved that Bozi gun.


My uncle saw that I liked the Bozi gun so much, so he cut a tree fork, removed the redundant branches, and cut off the bark. Then he bought a rubber rope from the small shop and tied it to both ends of the tree fork. Finally, we took the old leather shoes that my uncle wore, and cut off the skin to use as rubber. My uncle made a wave gun and drove us to the reservoir to practice the power of the wave gun. My uncle taught us how to draw bow, aim and shoot. My uncle is so powerful. How skillful!


I heard my mother tell me that when she was young, she was very careful to play with the Bozi Gun. If adults find the Bozi gun, they will be furious, severely criticized, and immediately destroy the beloved toy. With the change of the new era, the ideas of adults have also changed greatly. Children's interests in the new era are always cared for and accompanied by adults. Children in the new era live more happily than those in the old era.


This time is the most happy and satisfied National Day holiday of the new era for me. I hope our motherland will develop better and more prosperous, and people's ideas will also progress with the new era!