
时间:2022-06-29 13:57:05 | 来源:语文通



On the way I grew up, my parents cared about me, cared about me, and taught me things, all the piles, all in my heart, which made me deepen in a trivial matter last year.


I remember one day last year, my mother came to school to pick me up from school.When she saw me, she naturally walked to my left.I was wondering in my heart, and asked my mother curiously: "Mom, why do you have to go to my left every time? I found this problem for a long time." I didn't wait for my mother to answer. At this time, a car whistled from my mother.Sitting passed, and almost touched her mother.I said angrily at the distant car and said, "Such a narrow road is still so fast." Mom said, "It's okay, child, this time I tell you why I will go to your left every time I take you out.The reason is. "My mother went on to say:" I always go to your left to protect you. The vehicles are on the right side when driving on the road. "After listening to my mother, I held my mother excitedly and said," Originally, Mom's love is on the left! Mom I love you. "Mom also said," Baby, I love you too! "


This may be the most common thing, but for me, a particularly unforgettable thing is at this time.It will always stay deep in my soul.



You are full of a large pot of clothes. In the bathroom, you are sitting with a small bench, and there are soap boxes, laundry powder, and that plastic green basin, all of which are my clothes. I found that your back is not a camel, so washing clothes must be very difficult. A book in my hand turned boringly, but I couldn't stand it. Seeing this back, I thought a lot ... "I went to school, mom!" "Wait," you suddenly shouted, "Your button" you pointed to the ground, and my buttons fell. "It's okay, don't get rid of things," I waved my hand, "Let's talk about it at noon, just a button." "It's okay, I quickly sew you!" You dragged me to a stool. You squat, I sit. You picked up the needle line, put on the needle proficiently, and pierced the needle to lead the needle between my clothes. Seeing your dazzling movements, I remembered that when I was a kid, I always took pride in the sewing clothes you would be skilled. This action always made the hours of my sacrifice. Time passed by every minute, your legs were numb. "Mom, I take off you and sit down." "No, I'm not tired, it's cold, don't be cold." You are always so stubborn. Finally, I stood up and went to school. You kept rubbing your waist, moved your feet, and said to me, "Be careful."


A gloomy afternoon, I dragged heavy legs and walked slowly to my house.Standing in front of the door, I hesitated for a long time before knocking open the door."After school, come in, drink some water!" In the face of your eyes, I don't know how to speak."Mom, we took the exam before I took 71" I said."It's okay, I can't explain anything at a time." "But I could get more than ninety, this time I played abnormally." "Mom doesn't say you, I see how you are wrong." For a long time, you said, "You are just careless, just do more questions in the future. "I know that I can't get it like this again, you are to comfort me.However, you guides me every night. The next exam, I finally get a high score with your help.


That night, the sky was very hot. When I was sleeping, my body was sweaty, and I couldn't sleep when I turned around.


You said, "Sleep, I'll give you a fan." In a cool breeze, I gradually fell asleep.I slept very fragrant, and when I got up to the toilet, I knew that the cool wind was accompanied by me in the middle of the night.You are afraid that I will blow the fan and keep it all the way.


The past reviewed like a movie. It turned out that love has been around me.With love, life has always been colorful.After thinking for a long time, I remembered you who was tired for me.When I walked to you, I found that you have a few more white hair."Mom, I'll come!" "Oh, don't use it, play!" I thought, it was your birthday soon, and I wanted to say to you that day always stunned in my heart: I love you, mother, motherEssenceThank you for your eternal love for me.



Love is an oblique guitar, the more you can dial your heartstrings in the depths of love; love is a long melon vine, no matter where you are, you can always hold you tightlyHands; love, is a key hanging in the item, opened a closed heart window of a fan ... Originally thought that love, just in the sweet words of princes and princesses in the fairy tale, only in the mother donated liver and kidneys for the childIn tears, but love is not the case.Love can also be a few times, and it can also be a subtle action ...


In the past, I always wondered why every time I went out with my grandmother to buy food, my grandma asked me to go on the right; when I went out to go shopping with my mother, my mother wanted me to go on the right; go to school with my dad, and my dad wants me to walk on the right; until that dayNative


That day, my dad and I went out to play, and the two of us rode a bicycle.Dad asked me to walk in front of him. I think, I always let me go behind my dad to let me go today. Do you want me to show him my technology?You want me to walk ahead, I am walking ahead, not polite!As the saying goes: thirty -six plans, walk as the upper plan.886!I rushed all the way in front, and I didn't care about my father's existence. He told me to walk on the right. I didn't, I walked on the left!It's strange that I didn't hear my dad's accusations, but I rushed forward more excitedly.I only heard the bicycle roar all the way, and I didn't even hear Dad's reminder.


After a while, I mixed with those cars who came and went.Oh!What I want to see is the beautiful scenery along the way, not the car that dazzles me!I was a little uneasy, so I had to slow down, slowly climbing like a snail!Suddenly, a motorcycle seemed to be drunk, galloped by me, and got into my car. I was a little confused. The bicycle was shaking. I don't know what to do.At this time, somehow, I stretched out a warm big hand and grabbed my hand firmly, and then I reacted, it was my father."Is there any injury?" Dad asked, I smiled and said, "It's okay." After that, we continued to ride a bicycle again, but this time I walked on the right side of my father honestly.


At that moment, my atrium was filled with love and was warm.I know my father, mother and grandma's love for me, it turned out to be on the left!



1、左边:左边读音为zuǒ bian,是指靠左的一边。 靠左的一边左边 zuǒ biān词语解释:靠左的一边。[left;the left side] 靠左的一边分词解释:一边:1.一侧;一面。 2.副词。表示一个动作与另一动作同时进行。● 边(邊) biān ㄅㄧㄢˉ◎ 物体的周围部分,外缘:边缘。边沿。◎ 国家或地区交界处:边疆。边界。边防。边境。边陲(边境)。◎ 几何学上指夹成角或围成多角形的直线:等边三角形。◎ 旁侧,近旁:身边。边锋。◎ 方面:边干(gàn )边学。◎ 表示方位:上边。外边。◎ 姓。● 左 zuǒ ㄗㄨㄛˇ◎ 面向南时,东的一边,与“右”相对:左手。左方。左右。左膀右臂。◎ 地理上指东方:山左。江左。◎ 指政治思想上进步或超过现实条件许可的过头思想和行动:左派。左翼。左倾。◎ 斜,偏,差错:左脾气。左嗓子。◎ 降低官职:左迁。◎ 古同“佐”,佐证。◎ 姓。...左边的近义词,左边的同义词是什么»