
时间:2022-08-05 13:30:01 | 来源:语文通



My summer is here, the hot sun is hung in the air, people sweat, and bitter and salty sweat flows into my eyes, making people unable to open my eyes, and my arms are tanned. This is my first hug with summer.Holding to the swimming pool and jumping into the pool, the cool water is really comfortable, red, green, and flowers on the clear water surface, like watermelon, after a while, those watermelons have passed, those watermelons have passed, those watermelons have passed, and those watermelons have passed.It emerged from the water, oh, it turned out to be a swimming hat worn by people. People laughing in the pool is like paradise on earth.

My summer is here, the hot sun is hung in the air, people sweat, and bitter and salty sweat flows into my eyes, making people unable to open my eyes, and my arms are tanned. This is my first hug with summer.Holding to the swimming pool and jumping into the pool, the cool water is really comfortable, red, green, and flowers on the clear water surface, like watermelon, after a while, those watermelons have passed, those watermelons have passed, those watermelons have passed, and those watermelons have passed.It emerged from the water, oh, it turned out to be a swimming hat worn by people. People laughing in the pool is like paradise on earth.


In the orchard, the mature fruits in the summer are green watermelon, a string of grapes, red apples, yellow pear, pink peaches, cut the big watermelon, the red melon, and the black babiesEat, eat a sip of red melon, cool and sweet, and the red juice flows out of the mouth. It is really delicious. The red and large peaches bite down.Forgotten, I and the fruit came with a big hug,

In the orchard, the mature fruits in the summer are green watermelon, a string of grapes, red apples, yellow pear, pink peaches, cut the big watermelon, the red melon, and the black babiesEat, eat a sip of red melon, cool and sweet, and the red juice flows out of the mouth. It is really delicious. The red and large peaches bite down.Forgotten, I and the fruit came with a big hug,


Although the flood in summer has brought us disasters, it has promoted the growth of all things and brought us the fruit of a bumper harvest. It can swim in the water.Growth.

Although the flood in summer has brought us disasters, it has promoted the growth of all things and brought us the fruit of a bumper harvest. It can swim in the water.Growth.



My summer is here, the hot sun is hung in the air, people sweat, and bitter and salty sweat flows into my eyes, making people unable to open my eyes, and my arms are tanned. This is my first hug with summer.Holding to the swimming pool and jumping into the pool, the cool water is really comfortable, red, green, and flowers on the clear water surface, like watermelon, after a while, those watermelons have passed, those watermelons have passed, those watermelons have passed, and those watermelons have passed.It emerged from the water, oh, it turned out to be a swimming hat worn by people. People laughing in the pool is like paradise on earth.

My summer is here, the hot sun is hung in the air, people sweat, and bitter and salty sweat flows into my eyes, making people unable to open my eyes, and my arms are tanned. This is my first hug with summer.Holding to the swimming pool and jumping into the pool, the cool water is really comfortable, red, green, and flowers on the clear water surface, like watermelon, after a while, those watermelons have passed, those watermelons have passed, those watermelons have passed, and those watermelons have passed.It emerged from the water, oh, it turned out to be a swimming hat worn by people. People laughing in the pool is like paradise on earth.


In the orchard, the mature fruits in the summer are green watermelon, a string of grapes, red apples, yellow pear, pink peaches, cut the big watermelon, the red melon, and the black babiesEat, eat a sip of red melon, cool and sweet, and the red juice flows out of the mouth. It is really delicious. The red and large peaches bite down.Forgotten, I and the fruit came with a big hug,

In the orchard, the mature fruits in the summer are green watermelon, a string of grapes, red apples, yellow pear, pink peaches, cut the big watermelon, the red melon, and the black babiesEat, eat a sip of red melon, cool and sweet, and the red juice flows out of the mouth. It is really delicious. The red and large peaches bite down.Forgotten, I and the fruit came with a big hug,


Although the flood in summer has brought us disasters, it has promoted the growth of all things and brought us the fruit of a bumper harvest. It can swim in the water.Growth.

Although the flood in summer has brought us disasters, it has promoted the growth of all things and brought us the fruit of a bumper harvest. It can swim in the water.Growth.



Summer is finally here. The hot sun is hung in the air. People sweat, and bitter and salty sweats flow into their eyes, making people unable to open their eyes, and my arms are tanned. This is my first hug with summer.Holding to the swimming pool and jumping into the pool, the cool water is really comfortable, red, green, and flowers on the clear water surface, like watermelon, after a while, those watermelons have passed, those watermelons have passed, those watermelons have passed, those watermelons have passed, and those watermelons are from those watermelons.It emerged from the water, oh, it turned out to be a swimming hat worn by people. People laughing in the pool is like paradise on earth.


In the orchard, the mature fruits in the summer are green watermelon, a string of grapes, red apples, yellow pears, pink peaches, cut the big watermelon, inside is red melon, and blackEat the seeds, eat a sip of red melon, cool and sweet, and the red juice flows out of the mouth. It is really delicious. The red and large peaches bite down.People stayed up, and I had a big hug with the fruit.


Although the floods are flooding in summer, it is really a bad thing to bring us disasters, but it can promote the growth of all things and bring us the fruit of a bumper harvest. It can swim in the water and bring coolness. I like it.In summer, like the heat of summer, it can promote the growth of all things.



1、夏天:夏天读音为xià tiān,是指夏季。 同“夏 2 ”夏天 xià tiān词语解释:夏季。[summer] 同“夏 2 ”分词解释:夏季:1.见“夏天”。2.埃及古历一年三季之一,每季四个月,其他两季为冬季和洪水季。● 夏 xià ㄒㄧㄚˋ◎ 一年的第二季:夏季。夏天。夏令。夏播。夏熟。夏粮。◎ 中国朝代名:夏代。夏历。◎ 指中国:华夏。◎ 姓。● 天 tiān ㄊㄧㄢˉ◎ 在地面以上的高空:天空。天际。天罡(北斗星)。天渊(上天和深渊,喻差别大)。天马行空(喻气势豪放,不受拘束)。◎ 在上面:天头(书页上面的空白)。◎ 气候:天气。天冷。◎ 季节,时节:冬天。◎ 日,一昼夜,或专指昼间:今天。◎ 指神仙或他们所住的地方:天上。天宫。◎ 自然界:天堑。天时。天籁(自然界的声音,如风声、鸟声、流水声)。◎ 〔天干(ɡān)〕古代用来记日或年的字,有“天干”和“地支”两类,天干共十字:甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸,亦称“十干”。◎ 自然的、生成的:天然。天性。天职(应尽的职责)。天才(a.卓绝的创造力、想象力,突出的聪明智慧;b.有这种才能的人)。天伦之乐。...夏天怎么造句,用夏天造句»

2、拥抱:拥抱读音为yōng bào,是指抱持。 搂抱,表示亲爱拥抱 yōng bào词语解释:抱持。[throw one's arms around sb.,hold in one's arms;hug;embrace] 搂抱,表示亲爱分词解释:抱持:抱着;抱住。● 拥(擁) yōng ㄩㄥˉ◎ 抱:拥抱。◎ 围着:前呼后拥。◎ 推举,爱护:拥戴。拥护。◎ 聚到一块:拥挤。簇拥。◎ 具有:拥有。◎ 遮蔽:拥蔽(亦作“壅蔽”)。拥塞(sè)。● 抱 bào ㄅㄠˋ◎ 用手臂围住:拥抱。抱小孩儿。合抱。抱残守缺(形容保守,不知进取)。◎ 围绕,环绕:山环水抱。抱厦(房屋前面加出来的门廊,亦指后面毗连的小房子)。◎ 胸怀愿望,志向:抱负。◎ 心里存着,怀有:抱怨。抱恨。抱歉。抱憾。抱病。◎ 密合:衣服抱身儿。◎ 把他人的子女收养为自己的子女:抱养。◎ 量词:表示两臂合围的量:一抱草。◎ 孵:抱窝。抱小鸡。...拥抱怎么造句,用拥抱造句»