元宵节作文 篇1元宵节作文 篇2元宵节作文 篇3中国传统节日元宵节作文 篇4元宵节作文 篇5元宵节作文 篇1
On the evening of the Lantern Festival, our family finished eating. My father took my brother and I to buy a lot of fireworks, and then took them to our downstairs and started to set off fireworks. The first firecracker was lit. It shot colorful light. It was beautiful and we were so happy. After the fireworks, we went upstairs to wash our hands. After watching TV for a while, we had an early rest.
I can enjoy the Lantern Festival!
元宵节作文 篇2
I have a very happy Lantern Festival in my hometown every year, and this year is no exception. My parents and I went to the sunflower square to watch the flowers and the moon, but the flowers are fireworks.
The moon is round, like a big jade plate, hanging brightly in the sky, and the pure white moonlight sprinkles all over the earth. When I was not there, there were already a lot of people. People's faces were filled with festival celebrations, saying, laughing and watching.
First, we released a Kongming lantern, which flew to the sky with our hope, and finally turned into a small red star.
The fireworks started. The sky was colorful. Some of them were like seven color flowers blooming countless layers of petals. Some of them were like small snakes winding into the night sky. The whole sky was like a beautiful big flower bed, which was very beautiful.
I hope all the children can have a happy Lantern Festival like me, and I hope our hometown will be more beautiful in the future.
元宵节作文 篇3
Today is the traditional festival of our country - the Lantern Festival. Early in the morning, Grandpa took me to the street to watch the excitement.
我们从家出发,先来到东西大街,这里人山人海,把道路都围的水泄不通。锣鼓声震耳欲聋,走近看,有打鼓的、敲锣的、跳扇子舞的、最搞笑的是“大头回回”。表演的人大头面具,他们随着锣鼓声 跳着舞,非常滑稽。围观的人越鼓掌,他们跳的越有劲。这里结束了,我们又来到休闲广场,这里有舞狮子、踩高跷也都非常好看。看着看着就快到中午了,所有的节目都没了,我和爷爷开心得走了。
Starting from home, we first came to the East West Street, which was crowded with people and surrounded the roads. The sound of gongs and drums is deafening. When you look closer, there are people playing drums, gongs, and dancing fans. The most funny thing is "Big Head Huihui". The performers wore big head masks. They danced to the sound of gongs and drums, which was very funny. The more the crowd applauded, the more vigorously they jumped. This is the end. We come to the Leisure Plaza again. There are lion dances and stilts. It's almost noon. All the programs are gone. Grandpa and I are happy to go.
中国传统节日元宵节作文 篇4
Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. In cities, colorful lanterns are hung on this day. In the countryside, there are not so many lights. What can we do? Smart people have come up with a good way to watch the fire. Such a fire is much brighter than a lantern! Lanterns have the style of lanterns, and whistling fire has the taste of whistling fire. What a scene it is! Let me take you into that busy night!
When night fell, the city was already a village with bright lights and quiet sounds. People started to rush to the haystack in twos and threes. When everyone came, they lit the haystack. The fire was small at first, flying in the grass like a fairy; Suddenly, the little elves spread quickly, and the flames burst out in the air. The red light shone on everyone's face. It was warm and red. Everyone talked and laughed beside the fire; Gradually, the fire was all burning up. Although it was not as beautiful as the lantern, was it not a bigger lamp?
At the middle of the moon, there are several more lights in the distance. I wonder if people in the distance can see these lights? Will astronauts see it? Will the Jade Emperor and Chang'e see it? The fire lit up the sky like a burning cloud in the evening.
Watching the burning fire, I couldn't help thinking of a story: during the anti Japanese period, Japanese pirates often attacked at night. Qi Jiguang, a famous anti Japanese general, asked people to set fire at night. Those Japanese pirates who saw the fire never dared to attack again. This is probably the source of sentry fire!
It was late at night, the fire was out, and people had gone to sleep. Only I could not sleep. I opened the window and looked at the ashes that were still smoking. The lively scenes appeared in front of me, right next to the fire lamp
元宵节作文 篇5
In a year, there are many happy festivals, such as Spring Festival, Army Day, National Day... But I like the Lantern Festival best.
On the day of the Lantern Festival, every family decorated their lanterns, also known as the "Lantern Festival". You will also find dragon and lion dancers performing in the street.
At night, my parents took me to the square to see fireworks. A popular thing flew into the sky and then formed different shapes: iron ring, galaxy, mushroom. It was wonderful. The crowd cheered. I was very happy!
As we walked forward, we suddenly saw lanterns, which moved slowly, adding some interest to the Lantern Festival. My mother and I ran to the lantern and took some pictures.
The Lantern Festival is really lively today. I love the Lantern Festival.
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