
时间:2022-08-23 13:17:12 | 来源:语文通



Speaking of the vulnerability of life, people have to emise the various oppression of society. This oppression makes people compete for one hour or even half an hour after working for 24 hours a day to relax the nerves and keep their eyes closed and keep their eyes.This is undoubtedly the result of the capitalist's use of people's own labor to exchange for personal interests, but I do n’t know that this will destroy young lives in the invisibly, one by one with flesh and blood, and loves life.


The essence of society is nothing more than the harmony between people from all walks of life, creating a better future for the country.


However, with the passage of time, the essence becomes rotten and unpopular. Some capitalists will be within the scope of their own financial resources and do not violate the law.He is a dark behavior that he does not choose to obtain certain interests.For this behavior, I do n’t know how many young flowers to destroy, and I do n’t know how many families will be fragmented in the future.Even if it was condemned by the society, I still stood up to cover up the facts shamelessly. I felt that what they did was in the final analysis or the social problem. I felt that the people at the bottom people paid for the life of the youth.After all, I just don't want to admit their mistakes and dare not face public opinion.


The Eastern Han Dynasty politician Cao Cao wrote at the end of the turtle poem: "The blessing of Yiyi can get the forever."It shows that as long as you can raise your body and mind, you can also extend your life.This not only requires people to adjust their mentality psychologically, but also need to be maintained physiological.


When a flower is blooming beautifully, if it is devastated, it will not be long before it will wither, and the same is true of life. A life, starting from birth to this world, from the first walk to running in school, from the first time I called my parents to speak on the stage, I don’t know how much wind and rain and how much suffering to eat to enter the society. An'an's steady work and making money. Their wishes are simple, make some money, repay their parents, talk about love, and become a home well, but these wishes have no hope when they extend their exploited magic claws to them, let alone, let alone, no, no, no, no, no, no, not to see them. There may be the day of realization. Over time, the exploitation of the capitalist's exploitation claws is already reasonable to them, and they are already unable to resist, but they do not know that long -term habitual oppression will encourage the degree of oppression of capitalists' oppression, , But they know that they have no room for refutation. They can only bite their teeth and persistently work, as if capitalists have not regarded them as people at all, they just use them as tools for benefits.


What's more sad is that after knowing what they do, the capitalists have no clarification of facts and the meaning of apology.Calculate this storm, but how long can it be covered? Even if this incident cannot be a mainstream topic in the future, when people think of the dedicated young people in the future, they have to think of the disgusting face of the capitalist.Even if I cover up today, I do n’t know how many young people have been persecuted in the claws by capitalists tomorrow, and do not know how many parents have to bear the pain between themselves from the yin and yang of their children. Who can predict these?


We should improve from all aspects, start from small things, resolutely curb the exploitation and destruction of capitalists, awaken the hearts of the working people at the bottom, and strive for sweat from the bottom of the working people.The nerves can be relaxed, and they can eat enough, so that they can hold their long -term life expectancy to serve the parents, and run around day and night for the future of the motherland.