What is the effect of a blank paper?Write writing brush characters, painting, hand -made origami ... Do you only think of the effect of one digit, if that's that way, then you are very wrong, don't believe you.
In the summer, when I arrived in the composition class, I smelled a happy taste, which permeated the energy of literature.The classmates who walked into the class were sitting on their own sitting position and took out the book and read it.
"Today, everyone came to play with the paper group!" A familiar voice broke into my ears, and it turned out to be Teacher Qingmei who taught everyone to write.After listening, today I remembered the steps of this class.
I also took out a piece of grass with a style in the backpack. The teacher ordered to rub the printing paper into a ball. After a while, you can see that the paper group is flying in the class.
The student laughed at the back of the students, and then took out a box and put it in the front of the class. "Now anyone throws the paper group in it.After the face. When the classmates behind came, they were very frowning, but now they are frowning. I ca n’t, everyone can only throw a brain forward, and there are more and more paper groups on the ground.. The teacher posted the paper group that was cast in, all of which were in front of them. Some students said, "Unreasonable!"But the classmates said a word, so they made them dumbly:" Whoever lets you come back, the teacher can't! ""
The teacher made us mess up again. Most people sat forward. The teacher should not eat their tricks, replace the box with the water cup, and put it forward. I did not grab the front part before.Pick up the cost -effective.
Teacher said: "This mobile game is like a test of life. If you are close to your overall goal, the greater the probability of success, but the prerequisite is to study hard, and then only to learn.You can have your own selection opportunities. "
1、作战:作战读音为zuò zhàn,是指1.军队之间的敌对和互相残杀。 2.打仗。作战 zuò zhàn词语解释:1.军队之间的敌对和互相残杀。 2.打仗。(1) [operation;combat]∶军队之间的敌对和互相残杀我们在拂晓开始作战(2) [fight;conduct operation;do battle;war]∶打仗英勇作战分词解释:敌对:①当作仇敌看待:敌对势力。②对抗:你用什么本事敌对坏人?打仗:进行战争;进行战斗。军队:为政治目的服务的武装组织。互相残杀:残:毁坏,伤害。彼此之间相互残害,各不相容。...作战怎么造句,用作战造句»
2、大作:大作读音为dà zuò,是指1.犹大事。 2.创办大事;大办。 3.大兴土木。 4.大起。 5.显着表现。 6.称人作品的敬词。大作 dà zuò词语解释:1.犹大事。 2.创办大事;大办。 3.大兴土木。 4.大起。 5.显着表现。 6.称人作品的敬词。(1) [your work;your script]∶对人著作的尊称(2) [sudden burst of wind,etc.]∶大规模发作雷声大作分词解释:表现:显露出来:表现得很勇敢|良好表现|故意表现。大兴土木:兴:创办;土木:指建筑工程。大规模地盖房子。作品:指文学艺术创作的成品。大事:1.重大的事情。指祭祀或征伐。 2.重大的事情。指丧事。 3.重大的事情。指夺取政权。 4.重大的事情。指重要的政事﹐国家大计。 5.重大的事情。指男女婚事。 6.重大的事情。泛指其他各种大的事情。...大作怎么造句,用大作造句»
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