
时间:2022-10-21 13:05:13 | 来源:语文通



春节见闻的作文 篇1春节见闻作文 篇2春节见闻作文 篇3作文:春节见闻 篇4春节见闻作文 篇5春节见闻作文 篇6作文:春节见闻 篇7春节见闻作文 篇8

春节见闻的作文 篇1


On December 27, my mother took me to the street to buy firecrackers and couplets.


When we came to the street, my mother pulled me along. I saw many neat firecrackers and couplets. Turning around, I saw several couplets I bought last year. I pulled my mother's hand and said, "Mom bought them." My mother took me to the shop. I picked several and said, "Mom, buy one box each of these." My mother said to me kindly, "Good!" Then we paid the money. We took things and went to buy cabbage, cauliflower, cabbage, chicken, duck, fish, meat and other staple foods. We went several times and finally bought all the New Year's goods.


On the afternoon of the New Year's Eve, my father was ready to paste the couplets. My father and I went to the door with the couplets. My father put the paste on the door wall, and we quickly pasted the couplets.


On New Year's Eve, every family will have reunion dinner, and we are no exception. Our family will get together at the table, eat reunion dinner and drink reunion soup together. When the new year comes, my mother tells me to eat and say, "You can't break things or say bad things."!


On the first day of the lunar new year, I ate a bowl of hot noodle paste and sweet eggs in the morning. My parents and I came to visit my parents, aunts and uncles, and grandparents. Everyone said that I was "taller, wiser, and better at school."


Everyone gave me red envelopes. I said to them, "Congratulations on getting rich and happy New Year."


On the 15th day of the first lunar month, we were not so busy here as in the north. We just ate the "Number One Scholar's Circle". However, I heard that Century Park and Quanzhou Park were brightly lit at night. At a glance, we could see hundreds of lights. If I could see them with my own eyes, it would be great.


In the new year, every family is pasting Spring Festival couplets to welcome the New Year. Some interesting things about the New Year are always unavoidable, and some children are even more busy, that is, collecting lucky money. In the collection of lucky money, many jokes were made! Let the family laugh! I also made fun, let me share with you! On the first day of the first month, I came to my wife's house early.


On New Year's Eve, I'll give you a big meal. Steal rice with blessings, stir fry dishes with peace, stew a pot of auspicious dishes, and add a pot of delicious soup that you want to achieve, and drink the good luck of the Year of the Monkey! Although only a few short greetings: Happy Spring Festival! It is my most sincere blessing! In the new year, I hope you will work harder and make progress! The Spring Festival is here, wish you.


Spring Festival Custom Composition 1 Composition on Spring Festival Custom: Spring Festival Custom in Old Beijing 2 Composition on Spring Festival Custom: Paste Spring Festival couplets 3 Composition on Spring Festival Custom: Paste Door God 4 Composition on Spring Festival Custom: Close the Heaven and Earth Table 5 Composition on Spring Festival Custom: Watch the Year 6 Composition on Spring Festival Custom:.


When New Year's Day comes, worries disappear and happiness rises; Sorrow has disappeared, and happiness has spread; The mildew has gone away, and the auspicious clouds have arrived; Disease has dissipated, and health has been possessed; The cause is wonderful and the financial fortune is soaring; Love is sweet, and life is prosperous; The mood is cool and crooked, and the blessing is issued: Happy New Year's Day, longevity and health! 2. On New Year's Day, I want to send you my best wishes.


In the cold winter months, there are still traces of snow in the town. The cold sun in the morning has turned into an ice rink. Occasionally, passers-by walk carefully, like stepping on a cliff. Now it is 29, New Year's Eve. The east sun showed a small corner, which made people blush.


The Spring Festival is the beginning of a new year and a traditional Chinese festival. As long as it arrives, everything will become a sea of joy. On New Year's Eve, every family is busy. My family is also in a hurry. My mother washes clothes, my father pastes Spring Festival couplets and makes New Year's Eve dinner, and I hang red lanterns.


New Year's Day is coming. I wish you happiness all the time, every moment, every minute, every second, every day, every week, every month, every month, every season, every year, every year, and every year! New Year's Day is coming, let's smash the eggs together: let your troubles die, let your worries go, let your bitter eggs hit the stone, and let your sour chickens fly.


Miss Dong has arrived, smiling and waving to us! In the coming year, we have had laughter and sunshine, but these will become memories! Everything presented to us will be brand new! The New Year brings me many hopes: I hope the world will not be war, full of peace.

春节见闻作文 篇2


Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China, which has a long history. On this day, no matter who they are, they have to go home and have a reunion dinner together. On the New Year's Eve this year, I thought: I would welcome the Spring Festival with a new face. The sound of firecrackers broke my train of thought. After a while, there was still a faint smell of fireworks in the air. I guess this is the time for families to get together and have New Year's Eve dinner together!


"Dinner is ready." With my mother's cry, my father and I came to the table. "Wow! There are so many delicious dishes on the table! Squid, chicken, duck, fish, meat... Why are they all my favorites?" I said in surprise. The fragrance of the delicacies attacked my nose and made me hang three feet. I couldn't stand it. I quickly picked up a chicken leg and ate it "voraciously". Mom and Dad laughed... After a long time, we finished the New Year's Eve dinner and went to set off fireworks!


On the second day of the New Year, my mother and father took me to Grandma's house to pay New Year's greetings. On the way, I thought: it's great to say a few blessings and get hundreds of dollars! As soon as I got to Grandma's house, I and my sister fought for New Year's greetings. The parents had no choice but to let us celebrate the New Year together. After discussion with my sister, we said together:


"I wish Grandma good health! All the best! Long life!"


"I wish grandpa happy every day! Congratulations on getting rich! Long life!"


After that, Grandma and Grandpa gave us red envelopes one after another. My sister and I couldn't wait to open it. Once we opened it, so much money was beyond my sister's expectation.


Time flies. The annual Spring Festival has passed. Although everything that happened in XX years has become a beautiful memory, I believe that in this new year, we will have some harvest!

春节见闻作文 篇3


On the New Year's Day, Xiaozhen and Xiaoying in our village were chatting at the entrance of the alley. I happened to pass by and heard:


Xiaozhen said, "Look, the hairpin on my head is so beautiful. This is my mother's special flight from Nanjing. It costs more than 100 yuan! My mother loves me enough!"


Xiaoying pointed to the jade bracelet on her hand and said, "This is a real jade bracelet. My mother brought it to me. It's said that it will cost more than 150 yuan! How much my mother loves me!"


Xiaozhen said unconvinced, "My New Year's money this year is more than 450 miles!"


Xiaoying smiled and said, "It's really not worth mentioning. I have more than 1000 yuan! Let's compare them. Who has more?"


Xiaozhen and Xiaoyingbi fought with each other and broke up in discord. I silently thought of them in order to explain the wealth of my family. However, wealth is created by my parents. How much does it have to do with me? First, they are very luxurious; Second; They do so only to satisfy their vanity.


Comparisons sometimes lead to waste and bad effects. Sometimes they lead children astray. I hope parents can face up to the harm of this problem and don't turn their love for children into doting!

作文:春节见闻 篇4


The Spring Festival is coming. After some discussion, our family decided to celebrate the Spring Festival at Grandma's house.


On the way back to Grandma's house, the scenery outside the car window is still so beautiful. There are mountains, streams and villages. Sometimes, you can see a high-speed train flying past.

过春节的前一天,村里的家家户户都贴上了对联:竹报平安步步高,花开富贵年年好,横批,万象更新。旧岁又添几个喜 下联:新年更上一层楼 横批:辞旧迎新……看着这些对联,就让人感觉到喜气洋洋。

On the day before the Spring Festival, every family in the village had pasted couplets: "The bamboo newspaper is safe, the flowers are prosperous, and everything looks new.". There are several new couplets added to the old year: the new year is even better. The horizontal inscription: "Say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new year"... Looking at these couplets, people feel jubilant.


On the morning of New Year's Day, my sweet dream was awakened by a burst of firecrackers. After getting up and washing, after eating the traditional Chinese New Year meal, we will pay New Year's greetings to the adults. Red envelopes are our children's favorite. They are sweet and come one after another. Adults receive blessings.


At noon, my father told me that there would be an annual stilt competition in the village. Every family would participate in the competition, including dancing, gongs and drums, and children's cheers. as one falls. The festival atmosphere was pushed to a climax.


The village also held a basketball game. The referee blew his whistle, and the cheerleaders of both players would cheer for their favorite team. The fierce competition was even more exciting. Although not so professional, it also added a happy atmosphere to spring.


The Spring Festival activities in my hometown are colorful, and the Spring Festival in my hometown is full and happy!

春节见闻作文 篇5


I had a very interesting Spring Festival this year.


In the morning, our family was busy. Mother pasted Spring Festival couplets on the gate. What caught my eye was that "the sun and spring are always here, and people and blessings are always here". It means family happiness. For my part, I helped my mother paste the word "Fu" on the door. My mother quickly stopped me and said, "The word 'fu' should be posted upside down, which is the homonym of 'fu'. Fu has come to our home. The Spring Festival couplets are meant to be festive, wealthy and auspicious." I quickly pasted the word "Fu" upside down. My father was also carefully preparing and hung up red lanterns. I think: doesn't this red lantern represent that the face of our motherland is changing day by day?


In the evening, it's time to have New Year's Eve dinner. The kitchen is filled with fragrance; There was a sumptuous dinner on the table, which made people drool. There is a fish in the middle of the table, which means there is more than enough every year. The guests also arrived and sat happily at the table, enjoying the New Year's Eve dinner. Father and mother greeted the guests with smiles on their faces. The whole family enjoyed themselves and the room was full of happiness.


After dinner, Grandma comes to share the bonus! Our family has a small agreement. The younger generation received a certificate of award, which not only includes red envelopes, but also other awards. This year, I was awarded the "Three Good Students". Grandma gave me a red envelope and a beautiful stationery box. I am encouraged to improve my academic performance in the new year. The children received red envelopes and smiled brightly.


At eight o'clock in the evening, our family turned on the TV on time to watch the "Spring Festival Gala". The melodious singing makes people intoxicated; The beautiful dance moves make people praise endlessly; That funny joke makes people laugh; That wonderful comic sketch makes people laugh... bursts of laughter rippled over the living room.


I had a very meaningful Spring Festival this year. I hope I can have a better time next Spring Festival!

春节见闻作文 篇6


Looking at the flying snow in the sky all the way, it looks like willow catkins fluttering, which brings spring to this cold winter. Along with the gentle willow catkins along the way, we returned to Grandma's home, a simple and warm home.


Early in the morning, the sun rose slowly from the east, and the flowers in the yard were still stained with yesterday's dew, which brought vitality to this tranquil countryside. "PiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPiPi.


Dad also got up and we went running together. Along the way, we had a panoramic view of the countryside: the lake was steaming to be frozen, reflecting the small bridge on the lake and the blue sky, and there was smoke from the chimney in the distance. It's really a small bridge and a flowing water family!


When I got home, I smelled the faint aroma of glutinous rice. Grandma was frying Ciba. Grandma's craftsmanship was very good. Ciba was burnt outside and soft inside. Different from those in cities, those in rural areas have their own rural flavor.


Now it's time to start cooking New Year's Eve dinner, which is the most important part of New Year's Eve. It's easy to say, but difficult to say, because it takes too much time. Let's divide our work and start to work. My job is to help burn firewood. So I started to help my parents and grandparents prepare food materials. I was preparing the ingredients, but I forgot about the firewood. The food my mother cooked suddenly ran out of fire. I hurried to add firewood, but I didn't want to upset the ingredients in my hands. I was busy until the end! So I devoted myself to burning firewood. The fire in the pot was even, and the fried food was naturally delicious!


After working all afternoon, I finally prepared the New Year's Eve dinner before dusk. The New Year's Eve dinner is also called reunion dinner, which means family reunion. A table full of New Year's Eve dinner is fragrant. Eating the New Year's Eve dinner that has its own merits is also a unique experience!


The Spring Festival in my hometown is very plain, but it is colorful, prosperous and warm. Where there are good wishes from relatives, where there are our deep concern and nostalgia!

作文:春节见闻 篇7


When the Spring Festival came, my parents took me back to my hometown to celebrate the New Year with my grandma. They decorated the lanterns and decorated the decorations everywhere, beaming with joy, and my mother's home was also pasted with red Spring Festival couplets.


On the afternoon of New Year's Eve, everyone is busy cooking the New Year's Eve dinner. You see, they are all very busy. I've come to join in the fun and help Grandma cook. Grandma said that she would make a big meatball tonight, and her hometown would do it every year. Grandma first brought a pot of steamed rice and stirred it. It will be used later. Then she took out a green radish and a chopping board. I helped Grandma wash the green radish and peel it off. Then I put the chopping board at an angle of 45 degrees. I picked up the green radish and rubbed it up. It was fun to cook. After a few "clicks", a large radish was gone. I also rubbed and sang: I am a great cook, and I am good at cooking, La La La. Then my grandma mixed the shredded radish, rice and meat together, put the seasoning, and then she squeezed them with her hands. One by one, lovely round radish meat balls were put into the oil pan. Soon, the white radish balls were wrapped in a layer of golden coat, and the smell came out, not to mention how fragrant. Grandma also made potatoes and lotus roots. I originally made meatballs for Grandma, But in the end, she became a helper. Grandma fried me and ate at the same time. Ha ha, the food was delicious.

每年过年的时候,家人就团聚在一起,一起做饭,一起说笑,一起玩,一起吃饭,互相祝福,还有压岁钱呢,到处充满了浓浓的亲情和节日 .cn 的欢乐气氛,过年真开心!

Every year during the Spring Festival, families get together, cook together, laugh together, play together, eat together, bless each other, and have lucky money. There is a strong family affection and festive atmosphere everywhere. It's so happy!

春节见闻作文 篇8


During the Spring Festival, you must be very happy! There are countless unforgettable things in the Spring Festival, such as stars in the sky: eating the money wrapped in dumplings; I met friends I hadn't seen for years; I bought many extracurricular books with lucky money; Go to the community to participate in activities and so on. And in my family, it's also interesting.


On the fifth day of the New Year, three of us came to my uncle's house. We get together and eat hot pot at home. My aunt is responsible for mixing the pot bottom materials, I set the dishes and cups, my mother is busy washing the dishes, and my uncle is responsible for setting up the induction cooker. Soon, all kinds of small dishes are on the table.


We can't wait to put our favorite dishes in the pot. Soon the soup pot starts to boil. Just listen to the sound of "poop poop", and some soup "stands up" and explodes on the table. "The food is ripe"! The younger brother and sister cried happily. At this time, I saw a prawn "roaming" in the pot. I quickly grabbed the prawn into my bowl with "Invincible Two Finger Zen"; The younger brother held the bowl with many dishes in his hands for fear that someone would rob him of his food. Our greediness made the whole family laugh, and we even forgot about our manners for delicious food.


I look forward to the early arrival of the Spring Festival next year. I like Spring Festival.