
时间:2022-11-05 12:47:54 | 来源:语文通


道德模范个人事迹范文 篇1道德模范人物事迹材料 篇2道德模范个人事迹范文 篇3道德模范人物事迹材料 篇4道德模范人物事迹材料 篇5诚实守信道德模范人物事迹材料 篇6诚实守信道德模范人物事迹材料 篇7道德模范人物事迹材料 篇8诚实守信道德模范人物事迹材料 篇9诚实守信道德模范人物事迹材料 篇10

道德模范个人事迹范文 篇1


In 2000, Yin Heying married her husband Lu Haibo. At that time, her husband worked in Huaquan Credit Union in the mountainous area of Guiyang County, and she worked in the construction bank in the county. Living apart, the young couple had visions and dreams, passion and love, and lived a simple and happy life. Those two years were the most sweet, carefree and unforgettable for Yin Heying.


However, in 2003, Yin Heying's husband suddenly fainted and was sent to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with uremia.


This bad news is like a bolt from the blue! For the first time in her life, Yin Heying felt that the sky was falling, and just the heavy medical bills every day made her breathless.


However, Yin Heying tried not to cry in front of her husband. In order to cooperate with the doctor's treatment and expect her husband to recover earlier, Yin Heying forced herself to wear a smiling face and run around every day.


During the period of hospital treatment, whenever Yin Heying went to the canteen alone to eat, she could not help crying for a long time on the road. After crying, she forced a smile and walked into the ward, constantly encouraging her husband: "It's OK, everything will be fine!"


At that time, their daughter was just two years old. As a mother, Yin Heying was worried about her daughter. On her daughter's birthday, Yin Heying's sister called to tell her that she bought her daughter red clothes and took her to the park to play. The sister also said that her daughter, who had just learned how to speak, shouted "Daddy! Mommy!"


Yin Heying's heart is breaking. She told herself that she must give her daughter a complete family. No matter how hard it is, she must also accompany her husband to actively treat her.


A woman is weak, but a mother is strong. Life is difficult. This young woman, who has just become a mother and wife, has become extremely strong. She never believed that such a young husband would fall down like this, and she firmly believed that he would be better. Their happiness has just begun!


So she took her husband on a long road to seek medical treatment. Beijing Union Medical College Hospital, Shandong Weifang Hospital, and Guangdong Zhongshan Hospital have all been around, and the diagnosis results are the same: uremia can not be cured.


In the winter of 2009, Yin Heying's husband suddenly became critically ill. His body was so painful that he shrank into a mass and went into a high fever coma. She rushed her husband to the hospital. The doctor diagnosed that the hemangioma was ruptured and immediately sent him to the ICU for emergency rescue.


In the ICU ward, family members are only allowed to visit for one hour every day, and Yin Heying especially cherishes this one hour time.


She put her caressing eyes on her husband's face, took his hand and slowly rubbed it, gently and gently said to his ear: "Husband, you have to stand up! You are my favorite, you are the only father of my daughter, we need you, you must be strong and strong, you must live!" She came to her husband every day to call, call, and fight against death for her husband's life, with a desire never to give up, Expect miracles and good luck.


Heaven does not disappoint those who have a heart. Finally, on the seventh day, Yin Heying's husband woke up!


Yin Heying's husband was transferred to the general ward again. He told her that although he was in a coma, he was still conscious.


He really felt the coming of death, and felt that the hope of living was fading little by little. At the moment of desperation, he clearly felt that his wife had come to him, he clearly heard her around him, and he heard her warm words. He immediately told himself that he could not go, that he must live, that he must watch his daughter grow up happily, and that he must watch her go to college. His tenacious willpower made him walk out of the ICU ward.


The husband said to Yin Heying, "Wife, every morning when I open my eyes, see the world and know that I am still alive, I feel that I am the happiest person in the world!"


In the past 16 years, Yin Heying, with her diligence and efforts, has created a world of her own in her career. She used all her savings to cure her husband's illness, and encouraged him to fight against the disease with perseverance and careful care.


Now, Yin Heying's husband has to do peritoneal dialysis four times a day. Yin Heying accompanies him around, takes blood pressure, massages, and gives medicine regularly. The husband's functions have become normal.


Even though we fight against the disease with fear every day, life is always full of hope. Happy every day is the essence of life. Yin Heying is not only loyal to her husband, but also to her parents in law.


Yin Heying, who is busy with her work, often pushes aside her social activities outside to stay with her family, help her mother-in-law with housework, and chat with her father-in-law. The family always gets along well.


Yin Heying's father-in-law said, "She is a good daughter-in-law! She takes good care of us all the year round. We are also very grateful to her. If every family is like her, I believe the whole society will become a harmonious society."


A tactless husband is full of thanks to his wife. He wrote letters to his wife from time to time to convey his feelings and love: he would buy gifts and flowers for his wife on New Year's Day and use some small romances to embellish the ordinary life.


May 15, 2015 is World Family Day. That morning, when Yin Heying got up, she found a handwritten letter beside her pillow. She opened it and found that it was written to her by her husband. The title was "Wife, you are tired", The letter read: "Wife, you have worked hard. In 15 years, you have changed from a girl to a child's his mother; in 15 years, your hair has turned grey; in 15 years, you have accompanied me through ups and downs; in 15 years, you have never left; in 15 years, countless deaths have passed me, all because of you and your great love. Wife, you have worked hard, too hard!"


Reading her husband's letter, Yin Heying burst into tears. With tears, her heart at the same time burst out with hot words: "In this life, I will marry this man, not in vain! I will hold the hand of my son, grow old with my son, and be a good wife who will take care of you and accompany you to grow old slowly..."


The two songs that Yin Heying and her husband like best are "The Best Lover" and "The Most Romantic Thing". On this day, hand in hand, they sang more affectionately, cheerfully and warmly than ever before. Needless to say, this is the most beautiful song of love and marriage in the world.


"I have been married to him for nearly 20 years, and it is not easy to go through the ups and downs. Let alone take care of him for more than ten years, I will accompany him to the end of my life." Yin Heying said affectionately, "because I think the most romantic thing is to take care of him all my life!"

道德模范人物事迹材料 篇2


At about 8:00 a.m. on April 15, 2021, Pan Pingyang was helping his neighbor in Xiashi Village, Leidashi Town, Tianyuan District, Zhuzhou City. Suddenly, the neighbor's phone rang, and an anxious voice came, "The car is in the fishpond, come and help!" When Pan Pingyang heard this, he immediately put down his work and drove to the side of the fishpond.


At this time, people gathered around the pond and searched for tools to help. However, the van had slipped into the middle of the pond and was not underwater. The situation of the pond was unknown, so we did not dare to jump into it. Pan Pingyang, who arrived, confirmed that there was a driver in the car, took the hammer with his right hand and swam over.


Taking a deep breath, Pan Pingyang dived into the water. The water in the pond was muddy, and he could not see the inside of the car. Pan Pingyang smashed the door glass on the driver's side twice with a hammer, but failed to break the window. He rose to the surface for a change of breath, went down to smash it again, and the glass broke. Pan Pingyang put his right hand in the driver's seat and fumbled, but he did not find the driver.


Out of his familiarity with the conditions of chartered cars, Pan Pingyang thought that "the rear of the car is a gusset plate glass, and the driver may climb to the rear of the car to help himself". After resurfacing again for air exchange, Pan Pingyang dived to the rear of the car and felt that "there is a gap in the gusset plate glass, and the internal lock has been opened". Pan Pingyang stepped on the car body and removed the gusset glass with his right hand. Pan Pingyang, feeling exhausted, grabbed the roof rack with his right hand and put one leg into the car to test. Suddenly, he felt that he had touched something, and then his hands tightly hugged his leg. He pulled the driver out of the car with all his strength. With the help of other rescuers, Pan Pingyang and the drowning driver went ashore.


It was chilly in spring. After saving people, Pan Pingyang picked up his clothes and went home. When she saw Pan Pingyang covered in water, her mother scolded, "In what month is this, you should go swimming." Pan Pingyang replied, "Mom, I'm going to save people." Hearing this, the daughter on the side stopped Pan Pingyang, who had nearly known the year of his destiny, and said, "Dad, have you ever thought about what we will do if there is an accident?" Pan Pingyang looked at his daughter lovingly and said, "The matter is over. Dad is confident. Don't worry."


When Pan Pingyang's story spread, he went out to buy food and eat breakfast. Someone always said to him, "It's you who saved people, isn't it amazing?". Pan Pingyang always smiled and said "nothing", then turned to other topics.


"One hand is really inconvenient, but I wanted to save people at that time. Besides, I grew up by the Xiangjiang River and my water quality is good, right?" Pan Pingyang smiled and said in a calm and confident tone.


The family of the rescued drowning person came to the door to thank them after their work. Pan Pingyang was heartily gratified to see the other party's complete family. "It doesn't matter whether you thank me or not. It's worth it if my action makes their family complete." Pan Pingyang said that the society is a big family, and mutual help will make the "home" warmer, better and happier.

道德模范个人事迹范文 篇3


30. Male, born on December 2, 1982, a member of the Communist Party of China, took part in public security traffic management in March 2005. He is now the squadron leader of the riding police squadron of the traffic police detachment of XX Municipal Public Security Bureau, and a member of the Standing Committee of the Ninth Youth Federation of the Communist Youth League.


He never forgets his original intention and mission. He is a good soldier and a strong general in the traffic police team. He is merciless in fighting against violations of the law; He is a leading professional, and he has bravely won the first place in the city's public security "big competition"; He is a chivalrous and kind-hearted man, who helps the needy and always fights in the front line of serving the people. He is a good young man who loves his post and is dedicated to his work, and a good cadre who is loyal and alert. He has written the new style of the new era and new youth with his firm and persistent responsibility and the unique courage and drive of young people! Along the way, he worked hard and gained along the way. He has won the third class personal merit twice, been awarded four times by the Municipal Public Security Bureau, been awarded four times as an excellent civil servant, was awarded the "May Day" Labor Medal by the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions in 2015, and was awarded the "Civilized City, I Speak for XX" Best Popularity Spokesperson by the Handheld Spring City in 2017.


The wind and rain are rubbing your body


In March 2005, XXX became a XX traffic policeman. After 12 years on the police road, he had stood at the North Station in the city center, guarded the Aziying Squadron in the remote mountain area, managed the Changhong Road and the Xiaobanqiao area where there are many markets. Different posts taught him to love his post, be loyal to his job, not forget his original intention, and be responsible for his hometown. In October 2016, the Spring City Mounted Police was officially established. Facing a new working mode, XXX volunteered and won the trust and recognition of the brigade. He led such a young team to successfully complete the tasks assigned by the detachment and the brigade, collect police strength scientifically and deploy efficiently.


Now, the cavalry police squadron led by him has become the "sharp knife" of the brigade, where it is needed, it will appear. In the process of building a national civilized city and improving the traffic order, the task of banning the "Black Three Rounds" in the area under the command of the brigade fell on them. At the beginning, the owners of the "black tricycle" came out to solicit customers and fought a "guerrilla war" with the cavalry police. XXX took a special approach. They resolutely investigated and dealt with the owners of "Black Three Wheels", traffic violations and illegal drivers according to law. Over a long period of time, the phenomenon of "three rounds of blackness" in the area has gradually decreased. In the investigation and punishment of "three rounds of blackness" by the brigade, the punishment amount of the cavalry police squadron accounts for about 70%, becoming a deserved "sharp knife".


Refined Soldiers


As the squadron leader, XXX calls his cavalry police squadron "Iron Horse Brothers Company".


There is no precedent to learn from the work of mounted police. Through actual combat, XXX has accumulated rich experience in emergency handling through long-term law enforcement management on the front line. In terms of business, XXX has put forward "three meetings and one lesson" according to the actual work, that is, he can master motorcycle driving skills, standardize law enforcement, and meet fixed evidence of accident handling, and can independently teach traffic safety lessons. Reasonably allocate the specific work of the police and the assistant police, mobilize the enthusiasm of the police and the assistant police to the greatest extent, carry out targeted training, implement the war training mode of weekly meeting, three-day training, daily review, training while fighting, and promoting training by fighting, which has improved the overall combat effectiveness of the squadron.


XXX is also a police combat instructor of the Public Security Bureau of XX City, and has trained more than a dozen policemen and service personnel to participate in the training. In the Spring City Mounted Police Practical Skills Competition held in September 2017, XXX participated in the competition on behalf of the traffic police detachment, and won the second place in the 650 model individual of the civilian police group, leading the traffic police detachment to win the first place in the group.


Serve the masses and show the truth


Spring City Mounted Police is not only a professional elite, but also a considerate person serving the masses. They shuttle in every corner of the city with the characteristics of quickness and flexibility, and serve every people attentively.


On the night of July 19, 2017, a heavy rain turned Spring City into a "water city". In the early morning, XXX had a hard time coming from his home in the northern urban area to the brigade at Guanshang to start a day's work. He patrolled the waterlogged sections, where the water was too deep to pass, where the sewer pipe was opened... He arranged personnel to watch every dangerous location in the area, found the trapped vehicles immediately, and helped to ensure the safety of the masses. It was not until 3:00 p.m. that the water on the road began to subside, and XXX had time to eat the first meal of steamed bread and water. After five minutes, he returned to work. At 6:00 p.m., the accumulated water in the area was almost gone. XXX was finally able to sit down and have a rest. He took off his riding boots filled with water, and his riding clothes were already wet to his armpits. His feet were already swollen and white with water. Tired or bitter, the answer is yes, but XXX, with his love for his post and respect for his career, clenches his teeth and is not afraid of the wind and rain, just to protect the safety of the road.


In the prominent position of the squadron, a red banner added honor to the young team. XXX and the squadron police met a middle-aged woman who rushed out of the community to ask him for help during their daily patrol: "Police comrades, no good, there is an old man with a drooping head under my balcony. I don't know what's wrong. Go and have a look." Hearing the crowd asking for help, XXX and his teammates followed without saying a word. Sure enough, under the balcony on the first floor of the community, an old man over 80 years old sat on the ground, his head drooping, and he looked very depressed. Without much thought, XXX immediately went forward and supported the old man's head and waist with his teammates. At this time, a man hurried to look for the old man, "Thank you so much." The man found his old man and thanked the police again and again. Later, the man gave the banner with the words "Thank the people for their kindness to the traffic police and the new fashion of helping others" to XXX and his comrades in arms.


There are still many such cases. In April 2017, XXX led his comrades in the squadron to patrol on Jinyuan Avenue, and a car spontaneously combusted. Without much thought, XXX quickly went forward to fight with a fire extinguisher. A few minutes later, the fire department arrived to completely control the fire again, and the danger was finally resolved. Later, the comrades in arms laughed and said, "Team Zhou is brave, the fire has wrapped the whole car, and he rushed forward without thinking". XXX is just like this, where there are difficulties, there is his figure. As he said, speed and efficiency are responsible for order management and respect for life.


As time goes by, each of us policemen is a rock in the river of time. We firmly guard our dreams, our roots, the safety and order of the city, and the lights of every family. XXX said that I am honored to be one of the thousands of reefs, fearing the wind and rain, and singing. How sad I was, watching the rainbow with all the wind and rain. In this way, XXX has always adhered to the original intention since the police in the ordinary traffic management work day after day, and written the loyalty to the party and the people with his love, dedication, persistence and service.

道德模范人物事迹材料 篇4


Li Bin, male, Han nationality, member of the Communist Party of China, was born in January 1978, enlisted in December 1995, and retired in December 1998. Before his discharge, he was the leader of the mobile brigade of Taiyuan Detachment of the Shanxi Provincial Armed Police Corps, and currently works in the armed forces department of Xiqing District. On May 12, 2020, regardless of personal safety, he tried his best to rescue the drowning teenagers, and finally three teenagers were saved. He saved young and fresh lives with great love, gave the rescued a new chance, and wrote a beautiful hymn of the Communist veterans in the new era with his own practical actions.


At the end of 1995, Li Bin joined the army. During his time in the army, Li Bin's fine style of obeying the command, bearing hardships and standing hard, training hard, and being down-to-earth and hardworking has won unanimous praise from leaders and comrades. In the past three years in the army, he has twice been rated as an excellent soldier, and has been awarded many times by squadrons and brigades. He has successively served as deputy squad leader and squad leader.


Li Bin recalled that his troops were mobile troops, mainly dealing with emergencies. One day in 1997, when he was resting, he suddenly heard the whistle of an emergency assembly ring. His superiors informed a prison that several prisoners had escaped, and asked them to go to an intersection with full arms to cooperate with the public security organ to set up a checkpoint. Li Bin then led two soldiers to the designated place to cooperate with the public security for investigation. Finally, he successfully captured a criminal WWW.. CN who was hiding in the van at more than two o'clock in the morning.


When Li Bin was on duty, he saw the commotion of the people under the Drum Tower overpass. He quickly led the staff to the scene and found a middle-aged man threatening the people with a kitchen knife. When he arrived, he couldn't think much about it. Without waiting for the criminal to react, he grabbed the kitchen knife, threw the criminal to the ground, and turned him over to the public security organ. The action was well received by the masses, who later thanked him and his patrol team for sending the banner.


To this day, although Li Bin has taken off his military uniform for many years, his military spirit and responsibility that have gone deep into his bones still remain.


In the afternoon of May 12, 2020, several teenagers were playing by the canal in Zhongbei Town. One teenager fell into the water accidentally. The other three companions saw this situation and tried to save people while calling for help. However, the three rescue companions also fell into the water, so they had to call for help together. At this time, Li Bin, who happened to be fishing by the river, heard the call for help and ran at a speed of 100 meters. He saw several teenagers fall into the water. Without much time to think about it, he jumped into the cold water to save people and swam towards a person who was already exhausted. He tried his best to pull the person to the water and to pull the person to the bank, Before we got to the bank, we heard the people on the bank shouting, "Sink down!" Li Bin looked back and saw that the other drowning man was completely covered by the water. He quickly lifted him with his other arm and pulled the two drowning men to the shore as much as he could. Finally, Li Bin almost tried his best to push the three teenagers onto the shore together with the people on the bank and carried out timely rescue.


In his eagerness to do justice and stand up, Comrade Li Bin not only gave the young people a second life, but also fully demonstrated the heroic nature of the Communist Party members who saved people in times of danger, as well as the unfading heroic nature of veterans who retired from the military. After that, the parents of the rescued children took the banner and a letter of thanks to Comrade Li Bin's unit to express their gratitude and gratitude for his heroic rescue. Later, Comrade Li Bin's advanced deeds were fully reported and publicized, and they were successively rated as "Tianjin Good Man" and "West Youth Good Man".

道德模范人物事迹材料 篇5


"There are several fruit trees in the house where the old lady likes to eat sweet..." Zhou Hanlong always has endless words when he mentions his adoptive mother Huang Yalan. He lives in Sheyang County, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province. He is a real farmer. Fifty nine years ago, he was eight months old and adopted by Zhou Boyu and Huang Yalan. He was named "Han Long". The couple, like their own parents, took good care of his growth.


Whenever he recalls his childhood, Zhou Hanlong is always grateful. "In my eyes, they are my biological parents, whether they are biological or not."


In the Spring Festival of 1985, adoptive parents held a wedding ceremony for Zhou Hanlong. The next year, adoptive father Zhou Boyu died of a sudden illness. "After my wife died, my health became worse and worse. Hanlong couple took care of me and my family while planting vegetable greenhouses."


Huang Yalan, 92, can't stop talking about her son and daughter-in-law. However, the peaceful and beautiful life changed in 2005. Huang Yalan accidentally broke her femur when she went out, resulting in hemiplegia and paralysis in bed. At that time, Zhou Hanlong planted vegetable greenhouses, but his son had not yet graduated and married. He not only took care of the shed, but also sought medical advice. The burden of taking care of his mother's daily life completely fell on the shoulders of the couple. Zhou Hanlong was persuaded to send his adoptive mother to the nursing home, but he never thought of it.


Get up at 5 o'clock every morning to cook, feed for half an hour, chat with the foster mother, and push her out for a walk. In addition, you also need to cut your nails, wipe your body and change your clothes regularly. Time is like flowing water, which does not turn back in a hurry. The wind and frost of the years covered Zhou Hanlong's forehead. Taking care of his foster mother also changed from "responsibility" to "habit".


Education is imperceptible, and Zhou Hanlong's filial piety to the elders has also had an impact on his son Zhou Zhixiang. In the first year of the old man's paralysis, Zhou Zhixiang took the responsibility of taking care of his grandmother. Nowadays, we are familiar with the dishes and bedpans.


Zhou Hanlong said: "No matter whether the child can become a leader in the future, filial piety is the most important thing for the elders."


It is such an ordinary and ordinary person who takes care of the elderly meticulously with family affection and filial piety, and sets an example for his children with practical actions. The neighbors spoke highly of him. In the face of the praise from others, Zhou Hanlong seemed calm: "Filial piety is the first priority, and supporting parents is the minimum responsibility of children. In the past, my parents raised me hard, but now it is time for me to repay."

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道德模范人物事迹材料 篇8


"The furthest distance in the world is not that I can't say I love you, but that I miss you deeply, but only deeply."


On the afternoon of June 12, 2019, in the ICU ward of the Intensive Care Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Youth University, Li Linna looked at her son Hehe, who had fallen into a deep coma, and kept wiping his cheeks. She murmured in her mouth alone, and from time to time she bowed her head and kissed, but when she looked up, her eyes were full of tears. At this time, she is about to say goodbye to her 7-year-old son, while five families will welcome a new life.


The son is seriously ill and grieves. The mother wants to donate


In January 2019, Li Linna accidentally found that Hehe's right eye was a little slanted and her neck was a little crooked. She thought it was a bad habit and wanted to correct it, but gradually, Hehe's eyesight also had problems. Li Linna, who was worried, took Hehe to the hospital for examination, but the examination result was like a bolt from the blue. Hehe had a brain stem glioma, and the lesion at this location could not be cured.


This bad news made Li Linna collapse instantly. For a moment, the whole family could not accept this fact, and they prayed that this was a misdiagnosis. Time and time again, I went to the hospital to check, inquired about the treatment methods, and joined the patient group to visit experts... However, the fire of hope was extinguished again and again in exchange for many efforts. The child's life is not long, and doctors suggest spending the last few months with the child. From incoordination in walking to difficulty in walking, standing, sitting, and speaking, Li Linna felt that if she could, she would sacrifice her life for peace and health.


Li Linna's family was deeply touched by the story of the island city donating organs in Xiaojiu. With the aggravation of Hehe's illness, she began to think of donating organs for her son. One day, Li Linna saw a lovely little girl in the hospital. Looking back at the girl's eyes, she became more determined. If Hehe leaves one day and leaves his eyes to others, can he stay and continue to see the world?


Later, Li Linna established contact with Zhang Yanyan, the organ donation coordinator of the Affiliated Hospital of Youth University. Through Zhang Yanyan's patient explanation, the family learned about organ donation knowledge and dispelled all kinds of concerns. Li Linna felt that many families of patients with liver, kidney and other organ failure were as desperate as them, but they still had hope and a chance of rebirth. It was better to help everyone.


Do a good deed. 5 families are reborn


"Hehe, are you willing to help others?" "Mom, I will!" Touching her son's childish face and looking at her son's firm eyes, Li Linna finally made up her mind to help her son do the last good thing if she couldn't get it back. Later, Li Linna and her lover filled out the Organ Donation Application Registration Form.


On June 12, the family reunited for the last time in the ICU ward of the Department of Critical Care Medicine of the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University. Li Linna carefully wiped the corners of Hehe's eyes and mouth, and gently rubbed her son's face. Grandma was also whispering some words with her grandson. Dad and Grandpa stood aside quietly wiping away their tears, but Hehe was asleep and did not open his eyes again. Finally, Hehe left the world. After evaluation, his liver, two kidneys and a pair of corneas met the donation standard. Later, he was allocated through the Chinese human organ distribution and sharing computer system and found the right recipient.


Tearful mother son touching stories spread all over the country


With the reports of many mainstream media, the story of Hehe has been known by more and more people, which has attracted countless netizens' tears. Facing the camera, Li Linna said the most two words are "thank you". She thanked those who helped her son. It was their love that made her son happy for the rest of his life.


He is an angel who came to the world to save people; Li Linna is the guardian of angels, helping them accomplish their mission in the world. "The life of peace is short, and we hope that his life will be wide, and he will not come to this world in vain." Li Linna said that she hoped that when we talked about peace in the future, we would not regret the short life of the child, but praise the fact that the child saved several people with his short life.

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