
时间:2022-07-01 13:26:52 | 来源:语文通



"Didi, Da Da ..." Alas, the sound of the car horn that started to fall.Perhaps everyone is looking forward to a region, there are only birds, ducks, and singing ... how happy!The Yiqin Garden Leisure Resort on Chongming Island in Shanghai has reached all my imagination of "happiness".There, a house in the wetland park was called "forest cabin".


In the morning, the screaming of the barking birds will softly evoke you from the sweet dream.The first rays of sunlight crossed the shutters, and all the rooms were brilliant, reminding you gentlely: "Tian Ming, wake up!" The reminder of the no voice seemed to have spells, guiding you to sit up and sit on the bed with lazily, wear, wearTop clothes, get rid of the bedroom, look at the window.At this time, the one who can do your eyes will be the beautiful scenery that you have never seen before -the sun puts every straight and large Mochi Word in a golden cloak cloak, put on a golden skirt for fallen leaves,Gold up the golden scarf to the lawn ... In the golden color that surprises unexpectedly, everything beside you is so dazzling.


"Guru!" A strange voice got rid of the dream mirror now, reminding you that you should have breakfast!After enjoying breakfast, you can feed the ducks by the river, ride a bicycle or take a walk between the mountains and forests.


"Guru gurgling ..." The strange voice happened again. Originally, the sun ignited in the middle of the sky in the middle of the morning.You can find the new behavior of the sun: it sprinkled the milky white to the ground, and all things were accompanied by the dissipation of gold, and gradually revealed its original tone.The temperature is getting hotter, you can hide in the room to play pong, play poker games, and add more irritating water gun games.A glance in front of the window inadvertently, you can find that the sun is unable to experience the wind to the west, and the colors on the east are volatile. The gorgeous mountain forests seem to have faded the color, and all the leisure resorts have also turned in a position.The tornado blew the spring breeze, and after a while, the night came.


After dinner, the sun was gone, and a round of white jade plate was raised slowly. The leaves shake in the moonlight, adding a "rustling" national dance to the black cricket, and performed in the forest.Entering the wooden house, the aftertaste that has an endless day, this is what the natural world looks like.



In the summer vacation, I went to a good book called "The cabin in the forest".

In the summer vacation, I went to a good book called "The cabin in the forest".


This book tells the wooden house in the Rogla family in the Great Forest. Although there are very few people living in the forest, they are not lonely at all and are neighbors with animals.In spring, flowers in the forest are blooming, and Rolla and his sister use a variety of flowers to make beautiful rings after another, put them on dolls, and those dolls seem to be like flower fairy.Summer is the favorite season of Rolla, because you can eat the ingo crops made of ice and cheese hidden underground, drink a bite, cool, it is really comfortable.In the autumn, the Rogla family picked fruit in the forest and picked mushrooms. The forest was like a natural warehouse, full of various foods to prepare for their families for winter.In the winter, "sugar Snow" father will extract tree glue with the children in the branches, and then burn it. When the gum cooled down, it became a delicious maple sugar.

This book tells the wooden house in the Rogla family in the Great Forest. Although there are very few people living in the forest, they are not lonely at all and are neighbors with animals.In spring, flowers in the forest are blooming, and Rolla and his sister use a variety of flowers to make beautiful rings after another, put them on dolls, and those dolls seem to be like flower fairy.Summer is the favorite season of Rolla, because you can eat the ingo crops made of ice and cheese hidden underground, drink a bite, cool, it is really comfortable.In the autumn, the Rogla family picked fruit in the forest and picked mushrooms. The forest was like a natural warehouse, full of various foods to prepare for their families for winter.In the winter, "sugar Snow" father will extract tree glue with the children in the branches, and then burn it. When the gum cooled down, it became a delicious maple sugar.


The Lola family's life is really colorful. I also yearn for such a life. How close they are with nature, but the place where we live in the sky is dark, artificially discharged exhaust gas everywhere, the air is not fresh and sweet.They can become neighbors with animals, but many animals are now killed by humans, animals are almost destroyed, more and more buildings built, and animal homes have been occupied by our humans. Many animals have lost their living environment.There is a small hope in my heart: I hope we can live like a family like the Rogla, happy, healthy, and peaceful, and enjoy a beautiful happy life in the embrace of nature!

The Lola family's life is really colorful. I also yearn for such a life. How close they are with nature, but the place where we live in the sky is dark, artificially discharged exhaust gas everywhere, the air is not fresh and sweet.They can become neighbors with animals, but many animals are now killed by humans, animals are almost destroyed, more and more buildings built, and animal homes have been occupied by our humans. Many animals have lost their living environment.There is a small hope in my heart: I hope we can live like a family like the Rogla, happy, healthy, and peaceful, and enjoy a beautiful happy life in the embrace of nature!



In the summer vacation, I read a very interesting book- "The cabin in the Great Forest".This book was written by Laura Iragels Huaide, a well -known American writer in the United States.Want to know the content of this book? Then listen to me slowly! There is a cabin in the forest, Laura lives in the wooden house, her sister Mary, baby Xiaoche, and their parents.Their family made butter, baked bread, dancing at Grandpa's house, eating soft maple sugar pieces ... Laura, Mary, and little friends found Santa Santa gave them in the stockings on Christmas day.Gift: A pair of red gloves and a candy, Laura also got a beautiful cloth doll.During the summer harvest season, adults were collecting oats and was laughed at Charlie, but he was also swollen by the whole body of the Hornet.


What impressed me most in this book was Dad Charles, because he was very brave, and he could go to the forest to hunt alone.If I told me to hunt, I would not even dare to get a shot.Oh, there is one more thing about timidity. I remember that time and my parents and I went to play in the Three Kingdoms City of Wuxi. There was a small "amusement park" in it., Climbing the net, another is to step on the wooden stake.I can't wait to go to the first wooden stake, don't look at it as a stake, step on it and shake it, and accidentally fall down.I, I just jumped down after playing the first pile and went to play elsewhere.


Alas, I am too timid. Many times I lose the chance of speaking because of timidity, and I am always hesitant, but I just ca n’t be bold. Friends help me think of a way!



It has no ups and downs, but it has an intriguing charm; it does not have gorgeous words, but it has a poetic and beautiful beauty.It is the feeling brought to me by the book "Little House in the Great Forest".


"Little Wood House in the Great Forest" is the Newburi Children's Literature Award winner Roland Ings.Huaide's immortal masterpiece.Gently opening this book, like a beautiful and vivid picture.It vividly reproduces the happy life of Roland in the second half of the nineteenth century.The small wooden house carried the laughter of the Roland family, and it was full of love.This is a rural pastoral shepherd full of labor and happiness, full of tranquility like paradise.A simple and beautiful life of Roland also depicts a scroll full of poetic and paintings.


The Luolan family's pioneering life in the western United States is happy and sad, but they are not afraid in the face of difficulties.In a difficult environment, their family hand hands and faced it optimistic.When the Indians invaded their homes and raised their food wanton, Roland's father Charles did not put the dogs to catch these Indians, but used clever ways to deal with them to avoid anger the Indians and became bad.Influence and consequences.When the Indians set fire, they almost burned the cabin. The neighbors of Charles were coming to fight, and the Roland family did not face conflict with Indian residents.This is not to indicate that they bow their knees and slave their bones, but it is the symbol of Charles's wisdom!


Although the life in the Great Forest is difficult, the Roland family is like a touch of color in the big forest, giving hope, joy, and bringing us an optimistic spirit.


Throughout the year, nature changes, warm and sweet in small wooden houses, accompanied by relatives, friends gathering, relatives and mutual assistance ... This is the fun life in the small wooden house in the big forest, as if the world Taoyuan is quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet and quiet in the worldChunmei.The feelings and efforts of new life between loved ones bring our inner feelings.


The words "The Little House in the Great Forest" is simple. The sentence is a poem. It is not only a symbol of bravery and wisdom, but also the source of happiness and love. It is vivid and touching.



Recently, I read a book, which is called "Little House in the Great Forest", and the author is the American Lauraingallswilder. After reading it, I feel deeply.


The protagonist in the book is Laura, and their family lives in the cabin of the Wisconsin in the United States.Laura observes every small detail in life with innocent eyes, such as sika deer, big black bear in the forest, snowy snow in winter, green sprouts on spring trees, warm fire lights in the hut, and the mouthful of mother's mouth.The sound of my father's leisurely piano is her sweetest memory.


Maybe we should say more "children's words" and observe the world with "child eyes", just like Laura.Maybe we start with these unsatisfactory and respectful hobbies and voices. We start to hide our most authentic thoughts in front of our parents, but say what adults like to hear.Can you say "children's words" for a while?It may not be long, but it allows you to find the most authentic self in your heart.Speak more "children's words", and observe the world with your most naive and pure eyes, you can find the beauty of life.



One day the little rabbit bought a colorful color balloon. When it walked back, a wind blowing was blowing, the bunny hand was slippery, the balloon was blown out without a trace, the little rabbit sat on the ground with one ass and cried loudlystand up.


A little bird saw the flying and said, "What's wrong with you?" The little rabbit cried and said, "My balloon was blown away by the wind. As soon as the bird heard it, he said," I'll help you."Said the bird, flying away. After a few minutes, the bird flew back with the balloon. The little rabbit got a balloon very happy, and then it was happy and walked home with great cheerfulness.



"Little Wood House in the Great Forest" is the first book in the series of "cabin" series. If you want to understand this set of books, you must start with the author of this book, Roland Ings Wed.


Roland was born in central the United States. Since the age of two, she has moved around with her parents and moms.Before the age of thirteen, she visited the Great Forest of Wisconsin and the prairie in Kansas ... Roland ranked second at home, with her sister Mary, and her sister Linlin, Gelis and his younger brother Fidlek.At the age of fourteen, Mary was blind due to scarlet fever, and Fidrek died nine months old.The misfortune of my sister and brother, and the hardships of the development of the home, made Roland grow up from a naive little girl into a strong and brave girl.


This series of "small wooden house" series is the autobiography of Roland, and the protagonist Roland in the book is the incarnation of the real Roland.In the book, Roland observes every bit of life with a little girl's innocent eyes.The sika deer, the big lazy bear in the big forest; the white snow in winter, the green buds on the spring tree, the warm fire light in the small wooden house, the mouthful of the mother made, and the sound of my dad's leisurely piano, all of which are the sweetest childhood memories of RolandEssence


I suddenly thought of myself from Roland, not similar, but different.Because she is the child of the Blazers' family, we were born in a peaceful age.What about Roland?Live in a humble cabin.When the cold winter comes, the corner of the cabin will enter the wind.If the winter food is eaten and the firewood is burned out, the dad can only hunt and cut firewood in the cold large forest.Moreover, wild wolves and bears threatened their safety. They only had a man in their family, so Roland became a powerful assistant for his dad.Help Dad to pile dried grass, help Dad's dry grass sticks, help mom wash vegetables, cook ... As long as Roland can help, Roland has done its best.If we are now, we can't help our parents to do that mile!


Reading "The cabin in the Great Forest", I read Roland's care for my sister and the love of my sister; I read the love between my father and the child, and the love between mother and daughter.After reading this book, move, happiness, admiration ... mixed together, people slowly remember.


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In the summer vacation, I went to a good book called "The cabin in the forest".

In the summer vacation, I went to a good book called "The cabin in the forest".


This book tells the wooden house in the Rogla family in the Great Forest. Although there are very few people living in the forest, they are not lonely at all and are neighbors with animals.In spring, flowers in the forest are blooming, and Rolla and his sister use a variety of flowers to make beautiful rings after another, put them on dolls, and those dolls seem to be like flower fairy.Summer is the favorite season of Rolla, because you can eat the ingo crops made of ice and cheese hidden underground, drink a bite, cool, it is really comfortable.In the autumn, the Rogla family picked fruit in the forest and picked mushrooms. The forest was like a natural warehouse, full of various foods to prepare for their families for winter.In the winter, "sugar Snow" father will extract tree glue with the children in the branches, and then burn it. When the gum cooled down, it became a delicious maple sugar.

This book tells the wooden house in the Rogla family in the Great Forest. Although there are very few people living in the forest, they are not lonely at all and are neighbors with animals.In spring, flowers in the forest are blooming, and Rolla and his sister use a variety of flowers to make beautiful rings after another, put them on dolls, and those dolls seem to be like flower fairy.Summer is the favorite season of Rolla, because you can eat the ingo crops made of ice and cheese hidden underground, drink a bite, cool, it is really comfortable.In the autumn, the Rogla family picked fruit in the forest and picked mushrooms. The forest was like a natural warehouse, full of various foods to prepare for their families for winter.In the winter, "sugar Snow" father will extract tree glue with the children in the branches, and then burn it. When the gum cooled down, it became a delicious maple sugar.


The Lola family's life is really colorful. I also yearn for such a life. How close they are with nature, but the place where we live in the sky is dark, artificially discharged exhaust gas everywhere, the air is not fresh and sweet.They can become neighbors with animals, but many animals are now killed by humans, animals are almost destroyed, more and more buildings built, and animal homes have been occupied by our humans. Many animals have lost their living environment.There is a small hope in my heart: I hope we can live like a family like the Rogla, happy, healthy, and peaceful, and enjoy a beautiful happy life in the embrace of nature!

The Lola family's life is really colorful. I also yearn for such a life. How close they are with nature, but the place where we live in the sky is dark, artificially discharged exhaust gas everywhere, the air is not fresh and sweet.They can become neighbors with animals, but many animals are now killed by humans, animals are almost destroyed, more and more buildings built, and animal homes have been occupied by our humans. Many animals have lost their living environment.There is a small hope in my heart: I hope we can live like a family like the Rogla, happy, healthy, and peaceful, and enjoy a beautiful happy life in the embrace of nature!