
时间:2022-09-10 13:24:06 | 来源:语文通



海底两万里读书笔记 篇1《海底两万里》读书笔记 篇2《海底两万里》读书笔记 篇3《海底两万里》读书笔记 篇4

海底两万里读书笔记 篇1


Confucianism.Verne's novel "20,000 Miles of the Sea", the author wrote the character of "20,000 Miles of the Underwater", the plot was thrilling, the layout was clever ... I let me know many culture, geology, etc. after reading!


This book tells the story of French biologist Aaronas traveled in the depths of the ocean.This incident occurred in 1866. At that time, a sea monster that was determined by unicorn was found at the sea. He accepted invitations to participate in killing. During the hunting process, he unfortunately fell into the water and climbed to the back of the monster's spine ...Mowing


In fact, this monster is not a unicorn, but a wonderful and exquisite submarine in structure.The submarine was secretly built on a deserted island of Captain Nemo in the Ocean. The hull is very strong. It is used as marine power generation.Arol was invited by Captain Nimo to travel.Starting from the Pacific Ocean, they passed the coral islands, the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, the Mediterranean, the North and South Pole, and entered the Atlantic Ocean. They saw many rare sea vivid plants and the strange scenes in the water, and they experienced some difficulties and dangers.There are many dangers and crises such as sharks, iceberg roads, and octopus attacks.In the end, the Submarine Nautilus was stunned by the Arctic Ocean, and Arlonas was rescued by the fishermen of the side of the island ...


"20,000 miles under the sea" is a strong readability, reliability.Let the descendants see the wisdom and civilization of the ancients.Introduce a lot of scientific knowledge such as sea flow, fish, shellfish, corals, underwater plants, seaweed, pearls, and other scientific knowledge, and has become a well -known scientific enlightenment novel.It is worth studying carefully.

《海底两万里》读书笔记 篇2


In the past two days, I read the book "20,000 Miles of the Sea", which tells the story of the author, as well as the underwater adventure story of the author, and Captain Kedsell, and Captain Nemo.


At first, I thought that thing was a big monster, and after I read it, I found that it was a submarine.One after another after the thrilling and exciting story, fighting sharks, as well as octopus monsters.


Nide wanted to escape again and again, but he did not succeed. He asked for help from Lincoln, but he was sinking by Captain Nimor. The submarine opened the Antarctic Magnetic field, but the vortex fought the author and his friends.After that, they returned to the shore and ended the journey of 20,000 miles under the sea.


I like this book very much. I am very happy that everyone can escape. I am thinking about it. I do n’t know what the Captain Nimor is or the crew.In order to be safe, I especially hope that one day I can also sit on the submarine and go to the beautiful sea to explore.

《海底两万里》读书笔记 篇3


Hello everyone!I read a book called "20,000 Miles under the Sea" in the winter vacation. It was written by Frenchman Verne. It was said that many ships were attacked by unknown monsters in 1866. One day, the modified "Lincoln Lincoln"" Decided to hunt the monster, and invited Professor Aronnas, a biologist, and his servant Consee and Yu fork king Ni Lan.Shen, Aaronas fell into the sea and was rescued by "monsters". After that, it turned out that it was not a monster and was a submarine named "Nautilus".


Its captain Nemo is a mysterious character of unknown nationality. Many parts of the submarine are very precise. The supplies are made of ocean algae and animals.Along Nas had no choice but to follow the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Mediterranean, and Red Sea with the Nautilus. He also encountered horrible large octopus, defensive Papua indigenous people, revenge on the bottom of the sea, Antarctic adventure ...


After reading this book, I think this book has both rich geographical knowledge and many biological knowledge. It is both a science fiction novel and a very beautiful encyclopedia.We can take a look at this good and wonderful book.

《海底两万里》读书笔记 篇4


"20,000 miles under the sea is one of the masterpieces of French writer Reller Verne, and the second part of the" Versaila Trilogy ".The book Fox Demon describes Aaronas in an accident and encountered the mysterious character of the Daka Prince of India, and then followed his yacht to pass through the bottom of the sea to see the various novel things and beautiful scenery in the bottom of the sea.At the same time, it also encountered many dangers such as stranding the sea, siege of natives, fighting with sharks, iceberg roads, and octopus attacks.


After reading this book again, there is still this wish in my heart, that is, I hope to explore all the secrets of the sea floor with Captain Nimor, but hate no good luck of Professor Arol.


The story starts from a strange thing in the city in 1866. Many ships discovered the sea monster at sea. Professor Aronnas, French biologist, was invited to chase the monsters.The dullness of the bottom of the sea, trying to return to the land.


I couldn't help but think of "Harry Potter", and the value of this book is far better than the former (as far as me), after all, it can be written in 1870 to write such fantasy novels and it is very precious to this day. of. In 135, the test of tens of millions of readers still had the test of time that did not reduce its sharp gas, but it was more affirmed its value. I think it stands in the history of literature because it stands because it runs through the two from beginning to end. The word "fantasy". Fantasy has been a source of power to promote social development since ancient times. To this day, it turns out that the author Rules. All fantasies or reasoning of Vernes are based on reality, such as: Underwater Forest, crossing the underwater tunnel (an authentic Underwater, a tunnel to the Mediterranean below), a sinking land (Atlantic), in the sinking land (Atlantic), in it In the future world, all fantasies become a reality. In "Twenty Miles of the Sea", Nemo said a word: "Human progress is too slow." Fantasy is actually the wings of progress. More than 100 years ago, the fantasies of people became reality after more than 100 years, and exploration was endless!


"Twenty -thousand Miles of the Sea" praised the deep blue kingdom, an epic ocean, a carefree, unprecedented place, there were countless corals, algae, fish, and minerals.The magnificent brocade, I can't praise or describe it in words.No matter which era is "Norius" is an immortal myth.It is everything that reveals the infinite mystery in the ocean. For the captain Nemo, it is a spiritual home.


Finally talking about Captain Nimo, this mysterious character like this has a lot of color. He can repay tens of billions of national debt for France. When you see that friends die, they will cry silently.People who will accept all the disgusting land will give the pocket pearls to poor beaders, and they will escape human beings and implement terrible revenge.I have always sincerely like this kind of person. I always want to explore how to explore the endless pain of Captain Nimo. I don't understand what kind of experience and origin such as such people have.But I believe he is a kind person.


"Twenty Miles of the Sea" is really a classic masterpiece, but in modern times, it is rare to see such classic masterpieces. There are many glittering things. It is a pity!