
时间:2022-09-20 13:24:43 | 来源:语文通



幸福的鸭子读后感 篇1幸福的鸭子读后感 篇2幸福的鸭子读后感 篇3幸福的鸭子读后感 篇4《幸福的鸭子》读后感 篇5幸福的鸭子读后感 篇6幸福的鸭子读后感 篇7《幸福的鸭子》读后感 篇8幸福的鸭子读后感 篇9幸福的鸭子读后感 篇10

幸福的鸭子读后感 篇1


What is happiness?Some people think that they can go to the amusement park frequently; some people think they are fun toys; some people think they can watch TV at home every day, play computer, and so on.


RecentHer heart, her heart has no marginal happiness, so that this cute duck is always immersed in the ocean of happiness. No matter how unhappy the twist's heart is, she always smiles with a smile, and her heart is always full of happiness.Intersection


It lives on a small island in the middle of the river in Zhangda's grandmother.Temanhr went to the village of Zhang Da every day, but all the villagers in the village put the jasmine ring on Temuer's neck.The villagers like Twita. They believe that if the flower ring is covered on the neck of twist, they will bring them good luck!


Twist also said a few words of interesting words!It said: "The thoughts in your heart are also a kind of happiness", "feel the magic of nature with your heart, and often make people feel happy."


I like this duck very much, because she made me understand that there are happiness around us, such as: a beautiful flower, the birds who have been singing can make us feel happiness in the air, every one in every one, in every oneIn the corner, you can touch it at any time.In the past, I always thought that my parents could satisfy my wish in my heart the happiest. Every day I said that I was not happy at all.After reading this book, I know what is happiness, making me more content.It turns out that happiness is so simple. As long as there is a touch of heart, a pair of eyes that are good at discovering, happiness is everywhere.


Happiness is to let us experience it with the heart, observe with our eyes, create with our hands, use our hands to create happiness for others, let ourselves be a happy person, and infect others at the same time, let everyone happyGet up!

幸福的鸭子读后感 篇2


In the book I read, I love Yang Hongying's "Happy Duck" most.This is a book with vivid language and unique style.


The book was mainly written: During a summer vacation, smiling cats and Ma Xiao jumped to them and came to the home of Grandma Zhang Da in the countryside.They knew a female duck named Timaer.Twita has a pair of eyes that are good at discovering and a heart that is easy to be moved.The happiness in her heart seemed to have no border.When she sees a smile on people's face, she will feel happy; when she helps others, she will feel happy; even the smiling cat will send her home, she will feel very warm and happy.Look, how distinctive ducks are this!She is easy to move, easy to miss, and easier to be happy.Happiness, cherish happiness.The famous educator Suhomlinsky said: "For people, the greatest joy, the greatest happiness is to dedicate their spiritual power to others."


I remember once, I went to a friend's house to play. When I pushed the door of her room, I was stunned: whether on the desk, bed, in the bookcase, or on the ground, it was extremely messy. And she was sitting on the bed dumbfounded, maybe she was frightened by this messy scene. I really can't stand it anymore, and I am determined to help her clean and organize the room. It took a afternoon, her room was renewed, but I was so tired. I don't know what, my heart is as sweet as eating honey. I think this should be a feeling of happiness. Another time was after going home from school. Because the small test was not ideal, as soon as I got home, I kept myself in the room. Suddenly, the door opened slowly, it was mother. She walked towards me with a smile, and stroked my back while handing me a lollipop while handing it to me, "Don't be sad, I haven't taken the test this time, and work hard next time. It's not a big deal." I listen to it. After the mother's words, nodded hard, then gently opened the sugar paper, and put sugar in her mouth. Suddenly, the sweetness of sugar filled my mouth and slowly sweetly to my heart. At that time, I had left the previous unpleasantness to the clouds.


I think this sweetness is the warm words of my mother, the love of my mother, and the happiness that my mother brings to me.Happiness is everywhere, it may be in the unintentional thing!

幸福的鸭子读后感 篇3


The book "Happy Ducks" made me from middle school to many good words, such as: thrilling and so on.Every story in this book is very exciting. As long as I look at it, it is like entering the fairy tale world, and I also understand a lot of truth, such as the strength of the team.Only in this large collective, only by unifying together can we glow for our class.


We also have a gratitude like a duck twist.

幸福的鸭子读后感 篇4


In the summer vacation, the school carried out the "Reading a Good Book of Summer vacation". I recommend several books in this event. Among them, I chose the author Yang Hongyi's Book to write about my reading.I chose this book because I want to experience how happy this happy duck is!


This story is like this: This summer, Ma Xiao jumped to them and came to Zhang Da's grandmother's house.We saw huge Akong, sausage dogs, and a female duck named Temper.Twita has a pair of eyes that are good at discovering and a heart that is easy to be moved. The happiness in her heart seems to have no margins.Listening to a happy singing like twist as full of hiccups, the happiness in each of us's hearts is in the summer of this lotus, and slowly grow up ...


In this book, my favorite is the happy duck — Twist.Because Temuer's heart will always have no marginal happiness, no matter how unhappy Twanta's heart is, but she always smiles with a smile, full of happiness in her heart!If there is any difficulty, she will always find a way to solve it, and she will also encourage others to do bravery to do one thing. This is a duck full of happiness, happiness and bravery in her heart!


· If, in life in life, I will say that: Living in this world, money is not very important. I just want to live a happy and perfect life, and I am very satisfied.If I want me to choose, there is a lot of money, but I live in a large house by myself. No one speaks a life, or live a simple life. I can talk to my family at home all day long.I am very willing to choose the second way of lifestyle.It doesn't matter if you don't have much money. As long as you eat and sleep well, you can still make a big deal.But happiness and happiness are always buying, but these are coming.How do you think you are happy and happy, just do it like this, are you willing to live a bland and boring life?


This is my feeling of reading this book. I also hope that in the future life, everyone will be full of endless happiness!

《幸福的鸭子》读后感 篇5


On this day, I watched "Happy Ducks".I felt that the duck was very optimistic and generous. All her happiness came from her wisdom and attitude towards life. I want to learn like this duck with happiness in my heart.


"Happy Duck", after Akong came out of the castle to Taoyuan, he was no longer alone or sad. He helped Zhang Da's grandmother and grandmother to manage Tao Lin, and lived a busy life every day. There were also drags who followed the giant Akong to Zhang Da's grandmother's house. The dragging waist was tied with a two -wheeled car made by Mr. Ma Tianxiao for him, and he could run like a healthy dog. This summer vacation, laughing cats, Tang Fei, Ma Xiaoyan, Zhang Da, Mao Chao came to the grandmother's house of Zhang Da in the countryside. They met the giant Akong, the sausage dog dragged, and a female duck named Timaer. Regardless of the wind, no matter whether it rained, it had to go to Zhang Da's grandfather every day to play with Zhang Da's grandfather. Jasmine ring, Akong asked them to go to Taoyuan to pick peaches together, and then gently put in the basket after picking, and then put it into the car with another basket. The cat leaned on the kung fu on the paw, and the peach was put in the plastic bag next to the dragging wheel. Also, in the end Du Zhenzi also came. She would idiom to pick up the dragon, play Princess White Snow, and make potato salads. She can turn the boys all the commands and let the boys worship her. She and her cousin Ma Xiao jump to quarrel and miss it separately. Still smiling cat's favorite person. In the end, the turtle camel is four boys, and twist is dragging back, and the smile cat breaks the realm of "the world cat jumping lotus leaves". Anyway, it is not afraid of falling into the water. The time passed was really fast, and unknowingly, Malaysia jumped back to the house by the little king's car together. .. .. Essence


Aunt Yang Hongying, the reason why your work was sold in school a few years ago, the most important thing is that your work has entered the depths of the hearts that inspire our children.Text to teach us.

幸福的鸭子读后感 篇6


Recently I read a book called "Happy Ducks".


In the book "Happy Duck", the protagonist Mahuaer is a cute female duck full of happiness in her heart. She lives happily and satisfied every day.In the words of the sausage dog, it is: "She is cute and beautiful." In her eyes, everything is happy.She was so tired that although the black ducks she loved did not love her, she just looked at the black duck, and she could sleep satisfied.When the smiling cat tries to jump the lotus leaf successfully, she is happier than her own ...


I think we should be cheerful and happy like twist.Since Twita can think of bad things, we can also.In life, we often only complain, and we won't find it. It turns out that this is not good.Edison inventing an electric light, he failed more than 1,000 times, and said cheerfully: I know more than 1,000 insulators.We should also be cheerful in our lives.

幸福的鸭子读后感 篇7


After I read the laughing cat diary series, I think the happy duck is the best.


The book of happy ducks says that Ma Xiao jumps with a few of their boys and picks peaches in Zhang Da's grandmother's house. When picking peaches, he brought the smiling cat.Her name is twist, and a sausage dog dragged.


One day, the smiling cat fell into the ancient well, and the twist jumped in regardless of her body, warmly smiling cats with her body temperature, dragged it, and immediately asked people to save her.


After reading this story, I know that I got happiness, and I gave happiness, just like our duck twist.


Duck twist is so happy!

《幸福的鸭子》读后感 篇8


This summer, I read a good book called "Happy Ducks".


The main content of this book is: In a summer vacation, smiling cats and Ma Xiao jumped to the rural grandmother's house.I met a female duck called "Twist", and I also saw the good friends giant Akong and the sausage dog who had already met before.


Laughing cat and Ma Xiaoyu took a few days in a happy manner at Zhang Da's grandmother's house. A few days later, Ma Xiaoying's cousin Du Zhenzi also came.One day, the smiling cat accidentally fell into the ancient deep well, and twist immediately jumped off the well to save the smiling cat. Twist warmly smiled cat's body and mood with body temperature ...


After reading this book, I can see that the female duck twist is a duck that is easy to produce happiness. Her happiness has almost no border. In her heart, she always hides sweet movements and endless thoughts.Once the smile cat fell into a well, twist can save friends regardless of himself.In order to make Zhang Da happy, whether she was windy or rainy, she could accompany her grandfather to play the "Jasmine Ring" game.


Tomaner is worth learning from our behavior to save friends, which makes me excited ...

幸福的鸭子读后感 篇9


"Smile Cat Diary" is Yang Hongying's series of novels, and they have always been my favorite book.Among them, what makes me most memorable is "Happy Duck".


"Happy Ducks" tells the rural journey of smiling cats with a cat's tone.In the countryside, the smile cat met a duck -twist.Twist is not good -looking.But she never inferiority, but faced life optimistically and enjoyed life.She was kind, hospitable, enthusiastic, actively making friends with smiling cats, and smiling cats were deeply moved by her.


Twist is a happy duck.Why is she happy?Because she can look at everything around, because she can have a positive attitude towards life.That's why she won't be sad for being too ugly, she can live happily, live a fulfilling, and live wonderful.


In our lives, there will be more or less flaws, some unsatisfactory places.However, we cannot inferior to this.For a while, I did n’t learn English well, and I often misunderstood words during the exam.After several exams, my ranking returned a lot.I was a little discouraged, thinking: Anyway, I am always wrong, or I still don't have English, and I don't care anymore.But do you give up like this?I remembered twist.Positive, optimistic, don't feel that you are a bit bad, you give up, you are not worse than others!You can catch up!I am determined to catch up with others and start studying English words seriously. After a month, my score has increased a lot.


Scores can be changed, but some things can never be changed.If you can't change it, go actively and accept it.Just like twist, changes can be changed, and those who accept cannot be changed will be happier.


I like twist.I also hope that I can become a "twist", an optimistic, upward, and happy person.

幸福的鸭子读后感 篇10


I am a fan who loves storytelling. No matter where, there is always a book in my hand, so I was called a "little story book fan" by my classmates.In the past few days, I liked a book. Its name is "Complete Works of Smile Cat Diary>. There is a happy and warm story deeply attracted me. This story is .This story mainly talks about modern things. Laughing cats, Ma Xiaoyu, Tang Fei, Mao Chao, and Zhang Da are good friends who are inseparable from Xingying.One summer vacation, smiling cats and Ma Xiao jumped to a few of them and came to Zhang Da's grandmother's house.In a small village with jasmine fragrance, they met the female duck twist.The happiness of twist seems to have no boundaries.His face always has sweet happiness ...This story allows us to understand that we must be happy and happy every day, and only in this way can we be happy a day.


Tang Fei's father frowned and said, "I didn't say that picking peaches is fun, and it is not fun to pick peaches. I mean that the countryside is a vast world, a real nature, and the child in your city is the most.A good classroom, so you have to cherish this opportunity. "When I read the vast world, it was a real nature} I thought of the rural mountains and rivers and the fragrant air.


My favorite character in this story is female duck twist.Because this is a female duck with happiness every day in my heart, all its happiness comes from its attitude towards life.


If you think about it if you don't open a new morning, you will not open a day, so we must deal with life every day with happy emotions.