
时间:2022-11-21 13:03:26 | 来源:语文通



我心爱的玩具作文 篇1我心爱的玩具作文 篇2我心爱的玩具作文 篇3

我心爱的玩具作文 篇1


Dad is going on a business trip again. Mom is busy rummaging through the boxes and cabinets to find clothes for Dad


Suddenly, I found the plush teddy bear that accompanied me through my childhood. I said loudly to my mother: "Take it down quickly, let me play with the bear for a while..." My mother threw it down, and I held it in my arms. I loved it very much. Then, I put it gently on my well-off. (The description of the characters' language and actions reflects the author's love for teddy bears.)


My little bear town is in high spirits. Its round head has two semicircular ears, which droop softly, as if greeting me. There is a pair of eyes like black dates on the small and exquisite eyelet, and the nose and mouth are small triangles. You see, it also made an angry expression! It has green sleeves on its arms, orange and green short clothes on its body, and its belly is still exposed. I can't help taking pictures of it. (Write it first and then describe it separately. The combination of reality and fiction will properly blend into the imagination to make the shape of the teddy bear more lovely.)


When I was young, when I slept alone, I would put it in the quilt, so that I would not be afraid. It was it that accompanied me through one beautiful night after another. Now, although I have grown up, I am reluctant to discard it. This is not, it has returned to my side. Since then, I feel that my cabin is much warmer. I always remind myself not to lose it. It is my best partner.

我心爱的玩具作文 篇2


I have a beloved car, the balance car, but it is locked in the storage room by my mother every day.


One day, I said to my mother, "Mom, I got 100 points in today's math exam, and I bought a balance car for me. If I got zero in the exam, I would give me a slap, OK?" My mother said, "Oh, yes!" As a result, I got 100 points, and my mother kept her promise and bought me a new balance car. I was so happy.


One day, my teacher asked me to go back to copy the text. My mother punished me and put my balance car in the storage room. I'm very sad.


One day, my mother said to me, "Son, your balance car can be 'saved' if you get 95 points or more in math and English tests in school today."


After school, I swaggered to my mother and generously took out two test papers. "Shall I take them?" I said proudly that my mother really gave me the balance car.


The balance car has become my best friend since then.

我心爱的玩具作文 篇3


My favorite toy is a helicopter, which is a gift from my father on Singles Day. Its red body, white wings, black and black stabilizer bar and silver frame look very delicate, like all kinds of powerful sharks, such as grey whale shark, great white shark, great tail tiger shark, etc. There are many pairs of large white propellers on the tail, which can keep the balance of the aircraft. I call it "mighty shark". Hee hee, it's so interesting!


I fully charged the helicopter, and then turned on the switch on the fuselage. The lights flashed, just like the stars in the sky at night. It was very beautiful. Put the helicopter on the ground, pull off the antenna on the remote control, and then slowly turn the two buttons on it. The propeller will rotate rapidly, making a "whirring" sound, like a strong wind. The plane rises steadily, stops and flies in the air. It's fun!


I like my plane very much, because it brings me a lot of happiness!