Healthy synonyms are strong, strong, healthy, healthy, strong, healthy, strong, etc.
2. The meaning of health
Health refers to a good state in the body, spirit, and society.Health includes two aspects: First, the main organs have no disease, the body shape is well developed, the body is uniform, and the human body system has good physiological functions, strong physical activity and labor ability. This is the most basic for health.The requirements; the second is the ability to resist the disease, can adapt to environmental changes, various physiological stimuli, and pathogenic factors on the body.The traditional outlook on health is "disease -free is health". The health concept of modern people is the overall health. The World Health Organization proposes that "health is not only a body without disease, but also psychological health, good social adaptation, and adaptationVirtuous".Therefore, the health content of modern people includes: physical health, mental health, mental health, social health, intellectual health, moral health, environmental health, etc.Health is the basic right of people.Health is the first wealth of life.
1. Basic explanation:
① (human body) physiological function is normal, without defects and diseases: recovery ~ ㄧ Make children ~ land grow.
② (things) are normal and there are no defects: various extracurricular activities ~ development to promote the standardization of Chinese, and fight for the purity of the language of the ancestor.
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