During this holiday, I went to Harbin, a big city in northern my country.
When I arrived at Harbin, there was no doubt that I would go to skate first!Everyone came to the well -known Yabuli ski resort.My mother helped me ask for a ski coach.To understand, I was skiing for the first time!The coach took me to go uphill to go downhill and run away in flat training.The wind shaved from the ears and whispered, and it felt great!Quickly, I also grasped the skiing skills: When going downhill, the feet should be made into V -shaped, and the human body gradually lean forward.
After skating at the Yabuli ski resort, everyone came to the world's first dry slide.This drought slide slipped up the hillside at an altitude of 999.88 meters, and there were more than forty turns.My mother and I were fast and slow, I was afraid to hit the front when I was too fast, and I was afraid to catch up after slowing down.When I manipulated the speed, my mother said, "Ouch, is it faster, it's far away!" After a while, he said, "Slowly, I will hit it!" I heard it, a little bored: "Talk about itSay, you know, you can manipulate it yourself! "Mom can only close her mouth.
The next day, everyone drove to Xuexiang, China.The snow over there is so deep, basically one meter!I stepped on my feet. At that time, my mother shouted, "Be careful, do n’t have to swallow it in the past!" After a while, I moved to a lot of snow and put it on the side.Play the snowman! "At this time, the tour guide said," Don't play, we have to think about it! "Everyone sat down to Lallands and came to the top of the mountain.My friends and I Jinxuan and Xue Miao piled up a snow doll together, and they also met!When everyone comes back, it coincides with the snowfall stage.That goat -like snow, fluttering to my face!In this kind of season, the face of the face is very cold.I was sitting in front of me, basically the whole body was snowing!Back to the small hotel, I lay down on the fire.The fire was warm, and I fell asleep soon.
It was very enjoyable before, but on the third day, everyone returned to the city and finished eating hot pot restaurants.What happened in this is the only imperfect.That day, we went to eat hot and spicy.My hand was scalded into a small blisters. My mother looked at it and said, "This is a look at the board, do you want to be careful, you see!" I vomited his tongue and said, "It's okay, just apply a plaster, just wipe some plaster justOkay! "Mom said," Why do you say it for a long time! "In the end, I wiped the medicine in my hand, went to the airport, and went home with injuries.
2、 小学六年级作文:哈尔滨的收获
2. Primary School Sixth Grade Composition: Harbin Harvest
This winter vacation, I went to Harbin to play in the north of China.
When you arrive at Harbin, you must go to ski first! We came to the famous Yabuli ski resort. My mother asked me a ski coach. You know, I'm the first time I ski! The coach took me to slide from the uphill to the downhill, and practiced gliding on the flat ground. The wind scratched from the ears, and it felt great! Soon, I mastered the skiing skills: when going downhill, my feet should be made into V -shaped, and my body slowly lean forward.
After the snowy ski resort was slippery, we came to the world's No. 1 dry slide. This drought slide is from altitude. 999.88 meters Sliding down on the hillside of chimetcnv, there are more than forty curves. The speed of my mother and I was slow and slow, I was afraid that I would hit the front too fast, and I was afraid of slowing down. When I control the speed, my mother said, "Oh, is it faster, it's a long way to go!" After a while, he said, "Slowly, I will hit it!" I heard it, a little impatient: "Talk about it Say, you know, you can control it yourself! "Mom had to shut up.
The next day, we drove to Xuexiang, China. The snow there is so deep, almost all of them have
It was very cool before, but on the third day, we returned to the city and ate a hot pot. What happened in this is the only beauty. That day, we went to eat hot pot. My hand was scalded with a blisters. My mother looked at it and said, "You are dead -minded, do you want you to be careful, see!" I spit out my tongue and said, "It's okay, just apply some ointment and just put some ointment just Okay! "Mom said," Who said it, it takes a long time! "Finally, I wiped the medicine on my hand, got on the plane, and returned home with injuries.
1、哈尔滨:哈尔滨读音为hā ěr bīn,是指黑龙江省省会。位于黑龙江省南部,临松花江,人口251.9万(1982)。东北第二大城市,以机械、动力为主的新兴综合工业城市。东北北部重要的交通枢纽。 黑龙江省省会。位于黑龙江省南部,临松花江,人口251.9万哈尔滨 hā ěr bīn词语解释:黑龙江省省会。位于黑龙江省南部,临松花江,人口251.9万(1982)。东北第二大城市,以机械、动力为主的新兴综合工业城市。东北北部重要的交通枢纽。[Harbin] 黑龙江省省会。位于黑龙江省南部,临松花江,人口251.9万(1982)。东北第二大城市,以机械、动力为主的新兴综合工业城市。东北北部重要的交通枢纽分词解释:大城市:中国指人口在50万至100万的城市。大城市一般具有多方面的职能,既是综合性的工业城市,又是国家或地区的交通枢纽,政治、经济、文化中心。省会:省行政领导机关所在的城市。一般是全省的政治、经济、文化、交通中心。如南京是江苏省的省会。机械:①利用力学原理组成的各种装置。杠杆、滑轮、机器以及枪炮等都是机械。②比喻方式拘泥死板,没有变化;不是辩证的:工作方法太机械。综合:①不同类别的事物组合在一起:综合治理|综合大学|综合艺术。②见“分析与综合”。...哈尔滨怎么造句,用哈尔滨造句»
2、收获:收获读音为shōu huò,是指①割取农作物:开镰收获|农家喜收获。
②获得的成果:这次学习,收获颇多|出外讨帐,收获不多。收获 shōu huò(1) [harvest;crop]∶收取成熟的农产品
(2) [results;gains]∶比喻获得成果或得到的战果
学习收获收获 shōu huò(1).收割农作物;收取。 汉 荀悦 《汉纪·文帝纪八》:“力耕数芸,收获如寇盗之至。” 清 沉复 《浮生六记·闺房记乐》:“我闻山果收获,必借猴力,果然。” 茅盾 《林家铺子》二:“一个多月前乡下人收获的晚稻,也早已被地主们和高利贷的债主们如数逼光。”
(2).指收割到的农作物。 柳青 《创业史》第一部题叙:“住在那些草棚和瓦房里的庄稼人,从北原上的旱地里,也没捞到什么收获。”
(3).取得的成果。 浩然 《艳阳天》第二七章:“今天晚上,这个年轻的支部书记最大的收获是思想认识提高了一步。”
(1).收割农作物。《后汉书·章帝纪》:“车驾行秋稼,观收穫。”《资治通鉴·汉章帝章和元年》:“此年水旱,民不收穫。” 闻一多 《红烛》诗:“莫问收获,但问耕耘。”
(2).指收割到的农作物。 汉 桓宽 《盐铁论·相刺》:“非良农不得食於收穫。” 清 孙枝蔚 《田家杂兴次储光羲韵》之五:“笑谓田家儿,止知夸收穫。”
(3).指取得的成果。 魏巍 《谁是最可爱的人·冬天和春天》:“你问我部队在冬季作战的收获吗?”
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