
时间:2022-09-21 13:41:04 | 来源:语文通



幼儿园元旦发言稿800字 篇1幼儿园小朋友元旦发言稿串词 篇2幼儿园小朋友元旦发言稿串词 篇3幼儿园小朋友元旦发言稿串词 篇4幼儿园小朋友元旦发言稿串词 篇5幼儿园元旦发言稿800字 篇6

幼儿园元旦发言稿800字 篇1


Dear parents, dear children:


good afternoon everyone!First of all, thank you very much for taking the time to take the time to participate in the "New Year's Day, welcome the New Year" party held in our freshman class.Here, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you on behalf of the three teachers of our class, and worship everyone in their early years. I wish you all a happy New Year and a well -being family!


As the leader of early childhood education in Jiyuan Experimental Kindergarten, the business has always led the development of the city's preschool education. The quality of education and social reputation have greatly improved. Education advanced work units have successively won more than 30 honors including Henan Province Demonstration Kindergarten and advanced units of early childhood education in Henan Province. In order to allow more children to enjoy high -quality education, experimental kindergartens opened the second teaching department in Xiyangyang Community in the spring of 20__. Since the launch of the Xixi Ocean Park of the experimental kindergarten, under the correct leadership of the headmaster Cheng Yunqing and the leadership team, all faculty and staff are based on the purpose of "making children happily, reassuring parents, and satisfying the society". , To advocate the development of parks that develop personality development and achieve sustainable development ", focusing on the goal of" leading preschool education in Jiyuan City and establishing provincial first -class kindergartens ", pay close attention to teaching, improve food, attach importance to the appearance of gardens, pay attention to civilized etiquette, and etiquette. Keep in mind the safety and make the kindergarten have a qualitative leap. In the new year, we will work hard to make work better!


This semester, the children have developed a good life, hygiene, and behavioral habits under the hard work of the teacher. They are happy to come to the garden every day, take the initiative to ask, eat, and sleep.After learning the teacher's dragging, he said, "The teacher is working hard!" When he learned the sang meals, he said, "Please give me some food."


Of course, we also sincerely thank your friends for their support and cooperation with our work, and thank you for your initiative when making teaching aids; your active participation in parent -child games; thanksonThere are Ping An fruit sent by Sun Tonghui, Cheng Jiale, Pan Mengyao, and Liu Youjia. We remember everything in our hearts.Here, we once again thank you for your support and help to our work, and also ask friends to understand the place where our work is not satisfied.I believe that in the new year, through our joint efforts, communicating, supporting each other, and understanding each other, our children will definitely thrive!

幼儿园小朋友元旦发言稿串词 篇2


Dear teacher, dear classmates:


Since ancient times, plum blossoms have been opened on the occasion of the Chinese New Year.Bai Xue was flying, and the plum blossom began her shameful face.No matter how ugly it used to be, but the Spring Festival is here, and it will bloom with unrestrained smiles.That way, it is still beautiful, it is still fragrant.


We are like flowers.The New Year's Day is a new starting point and an end to abandon.New laughter, new summons, and new inspiration will set new wings for us.At a new beginning, we have to show new ourselves and let others see our most beautiful smile.Let's applaud ourselves with our own hands, to be down -to -earth, and strive to climb the peak of victory.Glory belongs to success, success is hard work, and hard work belongs to hard work ...


We want to learn the Snow of Plum Blossom Snow alone, let us bloom bright smiles in the flowering season, let the white wings bring us to a wider paradise, and be a good student with Aoxue alone!


My speech is over, thank you all!

幼儿园小朋友元旦发言稿串词 篇3


Dear teachers and children:


good morning everyone!The title of Chinese speech today is "New New Year's New Progress in the New Year."


The cold wind is stubborn and the winter is strong.Santa has not had time to put away his socks, and the footsteps of New Year's Day came from our ears.Facing the glory of Chaoyang, we once again stared at the rising national flag; taking the footsteps of the years, we ushered in the brightness of 20__ New Year.On this month's calendar, there is a glorious day -January 1, which marks another annual wheel that Chinese Shenzhou, marks the wind and waves of the times, and the great motherland has ushered in a hopeful year.


The laughter and laughter resigned, and Ying Geyan dance welcomed the new year.Here I tell all the teachers and children the blessings of the New Year!May you set sail with the bell of the New Year in happiness.20__ The most beautiful blessing for you ——— the baby of the Tang Dynasty Experimental Kindergarten, Happy New Year!


In the 365 days we spent together, we experienced the warmth of spring, the hot summer, the richness of the autumn and the beauty of the winter; this year, the children, we have been happy together, we look forward to it;Move, laugh together, grow together!I also worked hard together to be happy for us to grow up healthy in this year!


The children grew up healthy and happy. In the happy smiles of the children, we found the source of happiness and saw the direction of struggle.Here, say "thank you" to our cute children.In the new year, the teacher hopes that children will be a civilized and etiquette child, a healthy and happy child, and a diligent brain and cooperative child.let's move!


In the new year, our children are all one year old. Teacher Ye believes that our children will do better in the new year.In the new year, a new starting point, and breeding new hope, we should have new gains!New growth!Children actively work hard!At the end of the semester, we will evaluate more special babies, such as "the Star of the All -ity, the Star of Progress, and the Sunshine Baby". Children let us actively strive to be on duty and strive to be a small flag bearer!

回望20__,我们深情满怀!迈进20__,我们更加精神豪迈!新年,新起点新进步! 祝宝贝们身体壮壮,学习棒棒!健康成长!开心快乐每一天!20__梦想不变、目标不变、信念不变、使命再次背起双肩,盛唐实幼的全体老师用拼搏和汗水,用智慧和奉献,谱写盛唐实幼美好明天!

Looking back at 20__, we are full of affection!Go into 20__, we are more energetic!New year, new starting point and new progress!I wish the baby a strong body and a great learning!grow healthy!Happy everyday!20__ Dreams remain unchanged, the goals are unchanged, the beliefs are unchanged, and the faith is unchanged, and the mission is back on both shoulders. All the teachers who are young in the Tang Dynasty use their hard work and sweat, use wisdom and dedication, and compose the beautiful tomorrow of the Tang Dynasty!

幼儿园小朋友元旦发言稿串词 篇4


Love teachers, uncle aunts, dear children:


good morning everyone!

时光老人的脚步悄悄挪移,悄悄地我们又将迎来新的。一年———— 20__年。在这新年将至的时刻,在这特别的日子里,献上我对你们最真诚的祝福,祝愿你们在新的一年里,万事如意,身体健康!

The footsteps of the old man moved quietly, and we will usher in a new one.One year -20__ Years.At this new year, in this special day, I offer my most sincere blessing for you, and wish you all the best and healthy in the new year!


The new year has also meant that our children have grown up one year old.I remember when I first entered the kindergarten three years ago, I was still a girl who learned and toddled. Now I have learned to do a lot of things.Story.But I know that behind us, teachers and parents have paid a lot for us.Mom often said: Zhi En Tu Bao is a fine tradition of our Chinese nation. We have to learn to be grateful since we were young.


Children, let us thank our parents, thank them for giving us life; let us thank the teachers, thank them for imparting knowledge for us, let us have wisdom; let us thank the kindergarten, build a stage for us to grow up happily; let us thank us for growing up in our growthThe elders who follow the road on the road, thank the children who accompany us to grow up.


At the same time, let us turn gratitude into a trip to gratitude!Let us return to our parents: strive to be good children of parents, work hard to do something that can be done; let us return to the teacher: listen to lectures, study carefully, and swim in the ocean of knowledge; let us return to kindergarten:Dandruff, allowing kindergartens to have a clean environment. Do not make noise in lunch break. Give everyone a quiet rest environment.


Thanksgiving is not only a etiquette, but also a healthy mentality. Everyone in each of us has a gratitude, and the most brilliant smile will always bloom.

幼儿园小朋友元旦发言稿串词 篇5


Dear teacher, dear classmates:


Hello everyone!


The cold wind is steep and the winter meaning is strong. In a blink of an eye, we have farewell to the unforgettable 20__ years, and the 20__ Years that make us look forward to and look forward to it.Facing the first ray of dawn of dawn, we gathered under the national underworld and organized 20__ we just walked, looking forward to the new year.Here, I expressed the blessings of the New Year to all my loved teachers and dear classmates!May you set sail with the bell of the New Year in happiness.


Looking back at 20__ years, each of us can't help but feel surging and emotion.During this semester, the teachers worked hard, and the students studied hard.We have all been happy, and we have gained achievements, tasted success, and joy; we have also lost, and we are sad for our efforts and returns.In fact, this is life. There is a lack of yin and clear, people with sadness and joy, success or failure, and humiliation, sweet and sour, and have a taste and taste of our lives.


The Spring Festival is approaching, and the year has passed unknowingly.The time we spent with our classmates decreased day by day.Perhaps, we are busy dealing with our many problems on weekdays and ignore the communication with the people around you, but this will not affect our gathering with friends. The school is a big family and a big stage. We provide us with a one.The opportunity to communicate and communicate well has also created a platform for us to show ourselves.On this stage, we will gain a lot of surprises, there will be a joyful laughter, and there will be a touch of flashing, because each of us is a member of this family.


"Xiongguan Man Dao is really like iron, and now walking from the beginning", dear classmates, 20__, is a new beginning, a new future.Let's keep pursuing excellence and surpassing ourselves together; let each of us live more meaningful today than yesterday; let us make a happy progress every day is not just a little bit!


Let us face the glory and dreams that belong to our glory and dream!


That's the end of my speech, thank you all.

幼儿园元旦发言稿800字 篇6


Dear leaders and teachers, dear children, hello everyone!


The cold winter quit the old age, Rui Xue welcomed the new year.At this moment, the ___ kindergarten is full of harvest, and it is about to be sent away for 20__ years, ushered in a brand new year with a full spirit.Time is like flowing water, and Didi answered with the footsteps of every child in the kindergarten hurriedly.Today, I was happy to meet my father, mother, grandpa, grandma, grandpa, grandpa, and the kindergarten principals and teachers, and welcomed the arrival of the New Year in this big family!


Here, first of all, please allow me to represent all faculty and staff in kindergarten, and the parents who come to participate in the event of our garden will express their welcome and sincere gratitude!Today, we hold a gala to give children a chance to show growth, allowing children to spend a happy holiday, and at the same time, we also create an opportunity for us to communicate with each other. I hope that we will support the child a blue sky together.


In one family, the education of kindergartens is inseparable from family education. Thanks to parents for their trust and support to our teachers' work in the past time.At the same time, I also used this opportunity to make a simple summary and report on the work of kindergarten over the past year: In this semester, we can cultivate children's hands -on operation ability, social, health, science, language, art and other fields.Brain thinking ability and language expression ability and so on.... In addition, we also organize rich extra -curricular activities and competitions in our garden. In our finger and etiquette exhibition, we have achieved remarkable results.


Children are constantly growing and progressing, and parents have also made great contributions.When we do all work and activities, parents have given us great support and enable our work to complete it smoothly. Here, on behalf of all teachers in the kindergarten, all teachers in the kindergarten express their sincere gratitude to your parents!Due to the many children in the class, we may have some omissions in teaching and management. If there are not comprehensive and incomplete places, parents are requested to understand and welcome you to make valuable opinions and suggestions.


Gets can only belong to the past. When 20__ years are coming, our park will further update the concept of running the park, improve the level of running the park, and create a good education environment for the growth of children, so that parents can rest assured, make children happy, and strive to do it for their hardships.Children weaving happiness.Parents and friends, we believe that your baby, in your love to bathe, will definitely achieve a qualitative leap!


Finally, Happy New Year, I wish you all a happy New Year!Healthy body!Happy family!At the beginning of the New Year, I hope that we all take the gentle spring breeze and towards the bright prospects, non -stop, running forward!


thank you all!