
时间:2022-11-01 12:49:52 | 来源:语文通



快乐的五一劳动节作文400字 篇1快乐的五一劳动节作文500字 篇2快乐的五一劳动节作文400字 篇3五一劳动节快乐小作文 篇4

快乐的五一劳动节作文400字 篇1


On May Day, I was very happy. Because we went to the Dongying Children's Palace and enjoyed ourselves.


Our family came to the Children's Palace. I chose my favorite place - the lakeside and participated in the most exciting project - water shooting.


We got on the boat. My father was the helmsman, controlling the direction. My mother watched the battle, and I was a sniper. My father drove the boat to the center of the lake. I aimed at the red mark on a ship in front of me and fired at its bottom. All I heard was "Pa pa!" and "Ouch!" I shouted. No hits. It turned out that my father drove the boat and approached the target. The lake water rushed into the boat, and my shoes were all wet. I didn't lose heart. I took aim at the target on the stern of another ship again and shot. Alas! He missed again. Then I shot again, yeah! Got it! The water poured into the cabin of the family, and the family became a drowned rat. I danced happily. He said loudly to his father, "Look, my shooting skills are not bad!" As soon as my voice fell, he turned around to fight back. I think people will be more angry when they see my complacency. The water war between our two ships started again


Later, we played many games, such as racing cars


We had a good time that day!

快乐的五一劳动节作文500字 篇2


The May Day International Labor Day is coming. There is a three-day short and long holiday. Many families go out for sightseeing together. While we are enjoying ourselves, don't forget that there are many uncles and aunts who still stick to their jobs and can't go home to reunite with their relatives.


On May Day, the traffic police stood at the intersection as usual, regardless of the harm to human body caused by the horns and exhaust gas of cars, and still carefully and responsibly commanded pedestrians and vehicles to maintain traffic order and ensure traffic safety. They are very responsible for their work, no matter how hard or tired they are, they have no regrets. It is their wish to ensure the safety during the festival.


On May Day, doctors and nurses in the hospital continued to fight on their posts. The doctor in the outpatient department asks the patient gently about the situation, and then prescribes drugs or test sheets, B ultrasound sheets, etc. for the patient; The "angel in white" nurses were busy taking blood pressure, delivering medicine, injection and infusion for the patients enthusiastically... They did their best to relieve the patients' pain. With their careful treatment and warm care, they cured one patient after another and saved one life after another.


On the "May Day", the tour guides should organize everyone to travel together. They are very serious and must not let anyone fall behind. We will also explain the knowledge about tourist attractions, historical stories, or fairy tales. If someone doesn't understand, they will explain to them separately so that they can understand.


I admire those people who are caring and dedicated and stick to their jobs regardless of holidays for the sake of people's safety, harmony and health.

快乐的五一劳动节作文400字 篇3


Every time the long holiday comes, I will go to the countryside with my parents to visit my grandpa, because I usually have no time. I can only go to my grandpa's home during the holiday.


Grandpa's family lives in a beautiful place in the countryside. There was a small pond in front of Grandpa's house, beside which there were weeds and unknown wild flowers, which made the pond full of vitality. When the breeze blew, the flowers and grass waved to us as if they were welcoming us.


In the small pond, a group of ducklings raised by my grandfather were swaying leisurely, swimming in line and stopping to comb their feathers. They looked stupid and cute.


At this time, I found that my grandfather's family had another nest of chickens. The fluffy chickens chirped as if to say, "I'm hungry, I'm hungry!" I asked grandpa for some rice and then sprinkled it on them. They fought for food together, but nobody would let anyone. Don't think you can successfully touch the chick, because there is a "ferocious" hen mother beside the chick. She looks at the chick and pays careful attention to the surrounding environment. Once she finds that anyone wants to touch the chick, it will beat its wings and peck you fiercely, just like Mom and Dad are guarding us.


In the afternoon, I found an egg in the grass again. I immediately held the warm egg and gave it to Grandpa happily!


Life in the countryside is so interesting. I had a really happy day! I wish I could stay with my grandpa all the time.

五一劳动节快乐小作文 篇4

五月,是一场雷鸣后大雨来临,南飞的大雁跋山涉水归家的日子;是杏花开遍山野;她在丛中笑的烂漫 https://www.shubaoc.com/ 季节;是冬麦扬穗农民挥汗荷锄,辛勤耕耘的好光景。

May is the day when the rain comes after a thunderstorm, and the geese flying south come home from mountains and rivers; Apricot blossom all over the mountains; She smiled brilliantly in the bush HTTPS://WWW.SHUBAOC COM/season; It is a good scene for winter wheat farmers to work hard with sweat and hoe.


Frogs chirp and insects chirp, fish leap and birds scatter, and the wilderness in early spring is full of noise. The flying kites crowded into the embrace of the blue sky, and the people on the ground stretched their muscles and bones. Unconsciously, spring is coming to us quietly with light steps, in the spring of May.


May is a paradise for children. Throw away the heavy cotton padded clothes and hats, run to the fields to enjoy the fun, and sing a spring song with the willow flute; May is a day for young people. In the spring tide, hold your hand and walk with your son. Pick up the roses in spring to decorate the sky of love; May is a festival for the elderly. You can go fishing on the newly thawed lake with the spring scenery and bird songs all the way; May is the day of all the people; A festival for working people all over the world.


On May 1, 18 years ago, in order to safeguard the rights and interests of the working people, the brave workers in the United States raised the banner of the uprising, opposed the capitalists who bullied them, and won their due rights for the working people. It is the day that flows away like water. The memory is increasingly mottled by time, but people have not forgotten this scene. The May Day International Labor Day has become a special commemoration of their heroic deeds.


In May full of true feelings, hold your hand full of cocoons due to labor, send my most sincere blessing, and listen to the praises of your labor. Outside the long pavilion, beside the ancient road, the green grass stretches to the sky; It is a kind of life; When leaning against the railing, the drizzle will stop; It is a kind of life; To the middle stream to hit the water, the waves stop the flying boat; It is a kind of life; Unknown and selfless; It is also a kind of life. All kinds of life, labor, like sugar in coffee, make our life interesting; Labor is like a landscape beside the road, which makes our life beautiful and colorful.


May is the month of truth. In the tall building outside the building and in the Changting Pavilion outside the pavilion, let's join hands, shoulder to shoulder, and sing a song of great passion, to send the aspirations of workers all over the world to the distant place and tomorrow. Let's cheer for tomorrow, sing for May, and applaud the workers!