
时间:2022-07-19 13:29:59 | 来源:语文通



After walking down the rainy rural trails, hugging with the breeze, sniffing the smell of the grass, unknowingly comfortable.If at this time, a bowl of hot artemisiamids, then it is delicious and appropriate!


I grew up and developed in the Liu Family Courtyard of Ganxi since I was a child, on the dense and green hills.The people in the Liu family courtyard have also been looking for the surface of the mountains and wild vegetables throughout the year. Because of leaning on the mountains and the water, the peony garden of the Liu family courtyard in the past two years has also been named.It also attracted a wave of people in the town to find the wave of mountains and wild vegetables in the town.


Mountain and wild vegetables also have more crickets -amaranth, bitter sister -in -law, chun head, begonia flower, elm money, gray gray vegetables, artemisia ... If you talk about who can mostly challenge my taste, be Artemisia!


The ladies are stacked and green.In which young leaves are lingering, there will always be a few leaves with gray and white grass, and then thousands of miles can smell a fragrant, distant and light refreshing heart.Picking the next basket of artemisia, the peaceful and peaceful half -mountain forest here is also a beautiful enjoyment!


Turn into the water and touch the diversity of the leaves, that is, it is indeed the texture of the simplicity.The fruit knife divides the arsenal into a few times, and then how to group the words "嚓", and the rhythmic impact of the knife and the woodworking board is also a sound of nature.With a small amount of noodles, pour a few drops of water, put it in artemisia, rub it in the basin inside, pull, rub and press, and sprinkle a few drops of water every three differences.After the closing shape, it is necessary to make a bump, and you must pull off a lot of paragraphs and rub it twice."It is not stipulated that the whole ball shape is like being a man, and there is no perfect beauty. Strive for your own guarantee that there is a distinctive charm!" It is often said to me.Happiness was rubbed in pain, and it was necessary to continue to see everything in the hearts of the world here and make a small pimple.I still remember a particularly clear scene.


In the "immortal" gas -lingering pot, the water boiled, and couldn't wait to stretch the whole body.Like dumplings, one by one slipped down the pot one after another, and rushed straight into the water. The drainage was noisy.Get up the bowl and enjoy the beauty of this world.With a bite, the outbreak of the lipstick was unclear, and the taste was stretched. The thick and rich artemisiar rolled all of them, reminiscent of the flowers and trees, the fragrance of the book, and the green water and the pastoral scenery of the green mountains.Slimped, intoxicated!Sprinkle with a trace of white sesame, small crispy glutinous glutinous, even more delicious!"Artemisia seedlings are the taste!" I tilted my head, swallowing the arsenal, and I couldn't help me.


Yes, this is the taste!The hostage of Liu Jiayuan is simple, diligent, and clever, and only has this bowl of artemisia!The arsenal taught the rationality of the Liu family courtyard.


Missing you, Artemisia Zizi; I miss it, Liu Family Courtyard.



1、名片:名片读音为míng piàn,是指拜访人或与人联系时所用的长方形硬纸片,上面有自己的姓名﹑职务﹑住址等。 谒见、拜访或访问时用的小卡片,上面印有个人的姓名、地址、职务、电话号码等名片 míng piàn词语解释:拜访人或与人联系时所用的长方形硬纸片,上面有自己的姓名﹑职务﹑住址等。[visiting card,calling card] 谒见、拜访或访问时用的小卡片,上面印有个人的姓名、地址、职务、电话号码等分词解释:长方形:平面上每个内角都是直角而长宽不相等的四边形。它的面积是相邻两边长的乘积。又称矩形。住址:居住的地址,指城镇﹑乡村﹑街道的名称和门牌号数。职务:职位规定应该担任的工作。上面:1.物体的表面。 2.位置较高的地方。 3.指次序在前的。 4.上首。 5.方面;里面。 6.指京师。 7.指官府,上级。 8.指家族辈分较高﹑年龄较大者。...名片怎么造句,用名片造句»