
时间:2022-07-26 13:28:22 | 来源:语文通



The feet are growing every year, and the shoes are changed every year. Think about it so much money! So I want to invent a pair of "smart shoes".


This smart shoes is made of nano -material, which is very strong and lightweight. The focus is on waterproof waterproof.This smart shoes does not need to be charged. As long as you take a few steps, smart shoes will be charged with a grid. If you want to be full of grids, you just need to take hundreds of steps.


Smart shoes will also automatically adjust the temperature with the weather.In winter, smart shoes will automatically warmer; in the summer, smart shoes will automatically cool down.If your little feet are stinky, smart shoes will automatically deodorize, sterilize, and disinfect.Smart shoes will also collect data such as weight, blood pressure, and judge your physical health based on data changes.Once it is found that it is abnormal, it will automatically call you 120 emergency calls! If some of your shoes are dropped or damaged, smart shoes will remind you to take good care of it and help you repair it.


If you can really use nano -material, make the smart shoes I said! However, now with the changes in science, I believe that the future will definitely.



1、智慧:智慧读音为zhì huì,是指指人辨析判断和发明创造的能力:人民的智慧|这要靠大家的智慧。智慧 zhì huì词语意思:指人辨析判断和发明创造的能力:人民的智慧|这要靠大家的智慧。分词解释:辨析:辨别分析:词义辨析ㄧ辨析容易写错的字形。...智慧怎么造句,用智慧造句»

2、鞋子:鞋子读音为xié zi,是指鞋的通称。 〈方〉∶以皮、布、木、草、丝等为材料制作的穿在脚上、走路时着地的东西鞋子 xié zǐ词语意思:鞋的通称。[shoe] 〈方〉∶以皮、布、木、草、丝等为材料制作的穿在脚上、走路时着地的东西分词解释:通称:1.通常的称呼。 2.一般的说法。● 鞋 xié ㄒㄧㄝˊ◎ 穿在脚上便于走路的东西:皮鞋。鞋袜。鞋帮。鞋面。鞋底。鞋油。鞋匠。● 子 zǐ ㄗˇ◎ 古代指儿女,现专指儿子:子女。子孙。子嗣。子弟(后辈人,年轻人)。◎ 植物的果实、种子:菜子。瓜子儿。子实。◎ 动物的卵:鱼子。蚕子。◎ 幼小的,小的:子鸡。子畜。子城。◎ 小而硬的颗粒状的东西:子弹(dàn )。棋子儿。◎ 与“母”相对:子金(利息)。子母扣。子音(辅音)。◎ 对人的称呼:男子。妻子。士子(读书人)。舟子(船夫)。才子。◎ 古代对人的尊称;称老师或称有道德、有学问的人:孔子。先秦诸子。◎ 地支的第一位,属鼠:子丑寅卯(喻有条不紊的层次或事物的条理)。◎ 用于计时:子时(夜十一点至一点)。子夜(深夜)。◎ 封建制度五等爵位的第四等:子爵。◎ 附加在名词、动词、形容词后,具有名词性(读轻声):旗子。乱子。胖子。◎ 个别量词后缀(读轻声):敲了两下子门。◎ 姓。...鞋子怎么造句,用鞋子造句»