
时间:2022-08-03 13:38:33 | 来源:语文通



The last time Sun Wukong made a lot of heavenly courts, the heavenly court turned upside down, and all the people in the heavenly court were swollen by his nose.After this catastrophe, Tianting took a long time to return to the calmness of the past.


After thousands of years, the economy has developed rapidly, and people's living standards have become increasingly improved. Natural disasters such as typhoons, sandstorms, and heavy rains have occurred for many years, making the people who are not talking.


This incident was known by Sun Wukong. He stomped his feet and said angrily, "These good things must be done by the people of heaven. It seems that they have forgotten my last time I was in the heavenly court.The bones of the old guy were dismantled and let them remember. "After that, Sun Wukong stepped on his head and went straight to the heaven.


In the blink of an eye, Sun Wukong had come over the sky. He looked down and was surprised.I saw the bodies of various birds everywhere on the dark clouds. The fog was blown, and the wind blew, and an unpleasant smell came.Sun Wukong was dizzy and dizzy immediately, and he said in his mouth, "My God, so dirty, I go to the Emperor of Tiandi." He held his breath and flew into the palace with "嗖".


"Well, how could Tiangong become like this? Where did the Tianbing Tian patroll in the past go?" Sun Wukong was very strange. In the Tiangong, he only saw a few pale and thin body of Tianbing Gate.At this time, the old emperor with a thin face walked out of the crutch trembling, and the prestigious momentum was gone.Sun Wukong asked puzzled: "The emperor, how did your Tiangong become like this? Is the typhoon, rainstorm, and sandstorm you do."In the past few years, humans have regarded the sky as a natural garbage dump and discharged smoke unscrupulous to the sky. The white white clouds now become black clouds. The beautiful sky palace is now like this. Typhoon, heavy rain, sandstorms are just for us to give it.A small warning of human beings. "After listening, Sun Wukong remembered what he saw and heard along the way, and turned away without saying a word.


Since that day, Sun Wukong will never come to Temple of Heaven anymore. He has been an environmentally friendly angel in the world, separated in various places, and runs around for environmental protection.Later, due to the outstanding contribution of Sun Wukong to environmental protection, he was rated by the United Nations: "International Environmental Protection A messenger."



1、天庭:天庭读音为tiān tíng,是指①天帝的宫廷。也指皇帝的宫廷:大闹天庭|惊春入天庭。②两眉之间的部位:天庭饱满。天庭 tiān tíng词语解释:①天帝的宫廷。也指皇帝的宫廷:大闹天庭|惊春入天庭。②两眉之间的部位:天庭饱满。分词解释:惊春:谓花木于春日来临时迅速萌发。皇帝:最高封建统治者的称号。在我国皇帝的称号始于秦始皇。天帝:1.指上帝。 2.皇帝。 3.星名。又称帝星﹐北极五星之最明者。部位:1.面目或人体某部分的位置。 2.事物整体中部分的位置。 3.行列,次序。宫廷:①帝王的住所。②由帝王及其大臣构成的统治集团。...天庭的近义词,天庭的同义词是什么»