With excitement and reluctance, the last day of the Rio Olympics ended.The Chinese Legion finally won 26 gold and 18 silver and 26 copper, with a total of 70 medals, and ranked third in the gold medal list.
In this competition, the total number of gold medals in the Chinese legion is the lowest since the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. It has ushered in a breakthrough in Taekwondo, bicycles and other projects. The six major dream teams have fallen.The project also encountered Waterloo, and the badminton team exposed rumors of civil strife.
Gold medals and cold, tearing and tearing, excitement and tears, the Rio Olympics brings people an unforgettable summer.We summarize the Rio Olympics through several keywords.
Gold medal: Half of the six "Dream Teams" declined
The Chinese Legion has six "Dream Teams" at the Olympic Games, namely table tennis, badminton, gymnastics, shooting, diving and weightlifting.
At this Rio Olympic Games, the Chinese team's advantages in table tennis and diving projects still cannot shake. Among them, table tennis has won 4 gold medals again, and the Chinese team has won 7 gold medals in 8 projects.
In the weightlifting project, the Chinese team won 5 gold and 2 silver, topped the list on the project medal list.These three projects have dedicated 16 gold medals to the Chinese team, more than half of the total number of gold medals in the Chinese team.
The other three "Dream Teams" landslide is very obvious. The Chinese shooting team with Du Li, Yi Siling, Zhu Qinan and other famous generals will eventually only fight the next gold medal by the teenager Zhang Mengxue.
The badminton project has only completed the men's singles and men's doubles gold medals.Not only that, the badminton team continued to expose negative news outside the field, which was surprising.
The most obvious decline is the gymnastics. The Beijing Olympics won 11 gold. There were also 5 gold medals in the last London Olympics. At this Olympic Games, the Chinese gymnastics team that has experienced a big change has no gold medal.
Surprise: the biggest surprise of women's volleyball manufacturing
The biggest surprise of the Chinese delegation in this Olympic Games undoubtedly comes from the women's volleyball girl.
Before the Olympic Games, the Chinese women's volleyball team was not a popular winning championship.The team led by Lang Ping "counterattacked" without being optimistic, and continued to cut Brazil, the Netherlands, and Serbia in a row, and finally stood on the highest podium in the Olympic Games again after 12 years.
The Chinese delegation ushered in a breakthrough on the bicycle and men's Taekwondo project at this Olympic Games, and won the Olympic gold medal for the first time.
On the bicycle women's group racing track, the Olympic gold medal of the Chinese team's bicycle project is a zero breakthrough; in the men's Taekwondo 58 kg competition, 21 -year -old Zhao Shuai won the gold medal in his first Olympic Games and became the Chinese delegation.The biggest dark horse.
In addition, the Chinese team also has good news on the track and field. The gold medals that men and women's 20 kilometers have been taken away by Chinese players; the men's 4 × 100m relay team won the fourth place, although failed to stand on the lead to lead the lead to lead the leader to lead the leader.The podium, but won the fourth place in the Olympic Games, refreshed the best record of the project.
The swimming project is one of the major items for the Olympic Games, but this year the Chinese swimming team did not make much surprise, and only achieved 1 gold, 2 silver and 3 copper results.The only gold medal in China comes from the men's 200 -meter free swimming project, which is won by Sun Yang.Ning Zetao, a male god, suffered from various off -site events before the Olympic Games began. The results of this Olympic Games plummeted.In terms of women's team, the Chinese team was only won two bronze medals in 100 meters of backstroke and 200m breaststroke by Fu Yuanhui and Shi Jinglin. Ye Shiwen found nothing.
Fresh meat: Geng Zhi Boy Ning Zetao 记 Reporter
Although your husband Ning Zetao returns empty -handed in this Olympic Games, his popularity has not been affected by it.
In addition to the face value and body, Ning Zetao's upright character made fans crazy.Ning Zetao ranked 12th in the men's 100 -meter freestyle semi -finals. After the game, the reporter asked: "Isn't it good?"
Ning Zetao replied: "Isn't it, just this level."
The reporter also desperately found the reason for him: "Before the stomach pain, is it uncomfortable?"
I did not expect Geng Boy Boy to answer: "No, the state is good."
The power of Honghuang: Fu Yuanhui "Walking Emoticon Pack"
To say who is the hottest of this Olympic Games?I am afraid that athletes are not as good as "flood girls" Fu Yuanhui.
The girl born in 1996 almost became the "screen tyrant" of social media, known as the "walking emoji".
The reason why Fu Yuanhui became popular was a video of an interview. In the interview, she said that she had made "the power of floods". When asked if she was full of expectations for the finals, Fu Yuanhui admitted: "No wow, I am already satisfied with."What else do you have?Baidu knows it.
Sadness: Lin Dan and Li Zongwei interpret "the enemy of a lifetime"
In this Olympic Games, Lin Dan, who has won the Olympic badminton men's singles championship twice in the Olympic Games, defeated the championship of the men's singles championship and lost the medal.
The outside world believes that this may be the last time that the 32 -year -old Super Dan appeared in the Olympic Games.Ending his fourth Olympic journey with his fourth place, Lin Dan admits: "There will still be a little regret."
Lin Dan's old opponent Li Zongwei became a sad person in this Olympic Games. Although he eliminated Lin Dan in the semi -finals, he faced the young and vibrant Chinese team player Chen Long in the final.EssenceThree Olympic finals, four World Championship finals, he lost all.
1、中国:中国读音为zhōng guó,是指①古时“中国”含义不一。或指京师为“中国”。《诗.大雅.民劳》:“惠此中国,以绥四方。”毛传:“中国,京师也”。《史记.五帝本纪》:“夫而后中国,践天子位焉。” 裴驷集解:“刘熙曰:‘帝王所都为中,故曰中国。”或指华夏族,汉族地区为中国(以其在四夷之中)。《诗.小雅.六月序》:“《小雅》尽废,则四夷交侵,中国微矣。”又《礼记.中庸》:“是以声名洋溢乎中国,施及蛮貊。”而华夏族,汉族多建都于黄河南,北,因称其地为“中国”,与“中土”,“中原”,“中州”,“中夏”,“中华”含义相同。初时本指河南省极其附近地区中国 zhōng guó词典解释:①古时“中国”含义不一。或指京师为“中国”。《诗.大雅.民劳》:“惠此中国,以绥四方。”毛传:“中国,京师也”。《史记.五帝本纪》:“夫而后中国,践天子位焉。” 裴驷集解:“刘熙曰:‘帝王所都为中,故曰中国。”或指华夏族,汉族地区为中国(以其在四夷之中)。《诗.小雅.六月序》:“《小雅》尽废,则四夷交侵,中国微矣。”又《礼记.中庸》:“是以声名洋溢乎中国,施及蛮貊。”而华夏族,汉族多建都于黄河南,北,因称其地为“中国”,与“中土”,“中原”,“中州”,“中夏”,“中华”含义相同。初时本指河南省极其附近地区,后来华夏族,汉族活动范围扩大,黄河中下游一带,也被称为“中国”。《晋书.宣帝纪》:“孟达于是连吴固蜀,潜图中国。”(“中国”指立国于黄河中下游的魏国),甚至把所统辖的地区,包括不属于黄河流域的地方, 也全部称为“中国”。《史书.天官书》:“其后秦遂以兵灭六国,并中国。”19世纪中叶以来,“中国”始专指我国家全部领土,不作他用。 ②“中华人民共和国”的简称。 ③中国(Madhya-desa)。古地名。即恒河中下游一带的中印度,佛教徒译称“中国”。见《法显传》。[China] 古代华夏族建国于黄河流域一带,以为居天下之中,故称中国。后成为我国的专称。全称中华人民共和国。面积9600000平方公里,人口12亿(1994),首都北京中国应当对人类有较大的贡献分词解释:佛教:世界上主要宗教之一,相传为公元前六至五世纪古印度的迦毗罗卫国(今尼泊尔 境内)王子释迦牟尼所创,广泛流传于亚洲的许多国家。西汉末年传入我国。帝王:①君主制国家的最高统治者。②帝和王。即君主国的最高统治者和最高封爵:帝王将相。...中国怎么造句,用中国造句»
2、收获:收获读音为shōu huò,是指①割取农作物:开镰收获|农家喜收获。
②获得的成果:这次学习,收获颇多|出外讨帐,收获不多。收获 shōu huò(1) [harvest;crop]∶收取成熟的农产品
(2) [results;gains]∶比喻获得成果或得到的战果
学习收获收获 shōu huò(1).收割农作物;收取。 汉 荀悦 《汉纪·文帝纪八》:“力耕数芸,收获如寇盗之至。” 清 沉复 《浮生六记·闺房记乐》:“我闻山果收获,必借猴力,果然。” 茅盾 《林家铺子》二:“一个多月前乡下人收获的晚稻,也早已被地主们和高利贷的债主们如数逼光。”
(2).指收割到的农作物。 柳青 《创业史》第一部题叙:“住在那些草棚和瓦房里的庄稼人,从北原上的旱地里,也没捞到什么收获。”
(3).取得的成果。 浩然 《艳阳天》第二七章:“今天晚上,这个年轻的支部书记最大的收获是思想认识提高了一步。”
(1).收割农作物。《后汉书·章帝纪》:“车驾行秋稼,观收穫。”《资治通鉴·汉章帝章和元年》:“此年水旱,民不收穫。” 闻一多 《红烛》诗:“莫问收获,但问耕耘。”
(2).指收割到的农作物。 汉 桓宽 《盐铁论·相刺》:“非良农不得食於收穫。” 清 孙枝蔚 《田家杂兴次储光羲韵》之五:“笑谓田家儿,止知夸收穫。”
(3).指取得的成果。 魏巍 《谁是最可爱的人·冬天和春天》:“你问我部队在冬季作战的收获吗?”
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