In my journey in my life, there are many for the first time, let me choose one of the most memories of the memory.
In my journey in my life, there are many for the first time, let me choose one of the most memories of the memory.
It was the first grade of my elementary school. After so many years, I still remember it.
It was the first grade of my elementary school. After so many years, I still remember it.
On that day, the weather was relatively warm, and it was the day when the transcript was issued.The teachers and students of the school are concentrated on the school's playground. The school will award awards to the students who have won the ranking in the final exam. I also stood in the queue of our class at that time. At that moment, how much I hope to read my name!
On that day, the weather was relatively warm, and it was the day when the transcript was issued.The teachers and students of the school are concentrated on the school's playground. The school will award awards to the students who have won the ranking in the final exam. I also stood in the queue of our class at that time. At that moment, how much I hope to read my name!
After a while, the principal stood on the podium and said with a smile: "Today, we will meet here to hold the awards ceremony of the final exam of this semester.Get good results. Below, I announce the list of winners and awards to them. "A warm applause sounded on the playground.The list is getting more and more nervous, how much I hope to have my name!But when I remembered the mathematical exam, the answers to the uncertainty I couldn't help but shivered in my heart.When I was annoyed and frustrated, the principal suddenly read: "The first place in the first grade is Yang Rui."When I heard my name, I was happy. In the applause, I went to the podium. When I turned to face the classmates in the audience, I saw my class teacher standing in front of our class and gave a thumbs up to me.From his kind and sweet smile, I know he is proud of me.
After a while, the principal stood on the podium and said with a smile: "Today, we will meet here to hold the awards ceremony of the final exam of this semester.Get good results. Below, I announce the list of winners and awards to them. "A warm applause sounded on the playground.The list is getting more and more nervous, how much I hope to have my name!But when I remembered the mathematical exam, the answers to the uncertainty I couldn't help but shivered in my heart.When I was annoyed and frustrated, the principal suddenly read: "The first place in the first grade is Yang Rui."When I heard my name, I was happy. In the applause, I went to the podium. When I turned to face the classmates in the audience, I saw my class teacher standing in front of our class and gave a thumbs up to me.From his kind and sweet smile, I know he is proud of me.
My efforts are not in vain, let alone the teacher's expectations for me, and also let me understand the truth: as long as I work hard, I will succeed.This is inseparable from the teacher's teachings. I am very grateful to my teacher. I am happy to have such a good teacher.
My efforts are not in vain, let alone the teacher's expectations for me, and also let me understand the truth: as long as I work hard, I will succeed.This is inseparable from the teacher's teachings. I am very grateful to my teacher. I am happy to have such a good teacher.
This is the first time I have been on the stage to receive the prize, and it is also my unforgettable life.
This is the first time I have been on the stage to receive the prize, and it is also my unforgettable life.
In my journey in my life, there are many for the first time, let me choose one of the most memories of the memory.
In my journey in my life, there are many for the first time, let me choose one of the most memories of the memory.
It was the first grade of my elementary school. After so many years, I still remember it.
It was the first grade of my elementary school. After so many years, I still remember it.
On that day, the weather was relatively warm, and it was the day when the transcript was issued.The teachers and students of the school are concentrated on the school's playground. The school will award awards to the students who have won the ranking in the final exam. I also stood in the queue of our class at that time. At that moment, how much I hope to read my name!
On that day, the weather was relatively warm, and it was the day when the transcript was issued.The teachers and students of the school are concentrated on the school's playground. The school will award awards to the students who have won the ranking in the final exam. I also stood in the queue of our class at that time. At that moment, how much I hope to read my name!
After a while, the principal stood on the podium and said with a smile: "Today, we will meet here to hold the awards ceremony of the final exam of this semester.Get good results. Below, I announce the list of winners and awards to them. "A warm applause sounded on the playground.The list is getting more and more nervous, how much I hope to have my name!But when I remembered the mathematical exam, the answers to the uncertainty I couldn't help but shivered in my heart.When I was annoyed and frustrated, the principal suddenly read: "The first place in the first grade is Yang Rui."When I heard my name, I was happy. In the applause, I went to the podium. When I turned to face the classmates in the audience, I saw my class teacher standing in front of our class and gave a thumbs up to me.From his kind and sweet smile, I know he is proud of me.
After a while, the principal stood on the podium and said with a smile: "Today, we will meet here to hold the awards ceremony of the final exam of this semester.Get good results. Below, I announce the list of winners and awards to them. "A warm applause sounded on the playground.The list is getting more and more nervous, how much I hope to have my name!But when I remembered the mathematical exam, the answers to the uncertainty I couldn't help but shivered in my heart.When I was annoyed and frustrated, the principal suddenly read: "The first place in the first grade is Yang Rui."When I heard my name, I was happy. In the applause, I went to the podium. When I turned to face the classmates in the audience, I saw my class teacher standing in front of our class and gave a thumbs up to me.From his kind and sweet smile, I know he is proud of me.
My efforts are not in vain, let alone the teacher's expectations for me, and also let me understand the truth: as long as I work hard, I will succeed.This is inseparable from the teacher's teachings. I am very grateful to my teacher. I am happy to have such a good teacher.
My efforts are not in vain, let alone the teacher's expectations for me, and also let me understand the truth: as long as I work hard, I will succeed.This is inseparable from the teacher's teachings. I am very grateful to my teacher. I am happy to have such a good teacher.
This is the first time I have been on the stage to receive the prize, and it is also my unforgettable life.
This is the first time I have been on the stage to receive the prize, and it is also my unforgettable life.
1、登台:登台读音为dēng tái,是指1.登上高台;登上舞台。 2.汉称尚书﹑御史﹑谒者为三台﹐后亦称三公﹐因称登上三公之位为“登台”。亦泛指充任高级官吏。 3.比喻登上政治舞台。登台 dēng tái词语解释:1.登上高台;登上舞台。 2.汉称尚书﹑御史﹑谒者为三台﹐后亦称三公﹐因称登上三公之位为“登台”。亦泛指充任高级官吏。 3.比喻登上政治舞台。分词解释:高台:1.高建楼台。 2.高的楼台。 3.比喻京师。 4.头之别称。官吏:旧时政府工作人员的总称。高级:①(阶段、级别等)达到一定高度的:高级神经中枢丨 高级干部丨 高级人民法院。②(质量、水平等)超过一般的:高级商品丨 高级毛料。...登台怎么造句,用登台造句»
2、第一:第一读音为dì yī,是指1.等第次序居首位或首位的。 2.形容程度最深;最重要。第一 dì yī词语解释:1.等第次序居首位或首位的。 2.形容程度最深;最重要。(1) [the first (1st);firstly;primarily;at the head;in the first place]∶排在最前的 排名第一(2) [first;most important]∶首要的,最重要的质量第一分词解释:次序:1.先后顺序。 2.犹次第。常态。 3.调节;安排。重要:1.指重镇﹑要地。 2.谓重大而主要。程度:1.法度;标准。 2.程限;进度。 3.文化﹑教育﹑知识﹑能力等方面的水平。 4.事物发展达到的状况。等第:1.等级次第。 2.谓分等级。 3.唐代科举﹐由京兆府考试后选送前十名升入礼部再试﹐称为“等第”。...第一怎么造句,用第一造句»
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